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Public Figure - Niche Ice Poseidon / Paul Michael Joseph Denino

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community

Deleted User

An Onion Among Onions
Paul Denino better known as Ice Poseidon

American internet personality and live streamer, primarily of the video game RuneScape and the IRL genre. He is best known for his IRL streams, which he describes as "life streaming".-

Born in Stuart, Florida, on September 29, 1994, to Enza and Michael Denino. When he was twelve, a psychiatrist diagnosed that he was suffering from behavioral issues and prescribed Zoloft and A.D.H.D. medication, plus sleeping pills to counteract the side effects of the other drugs. [aspergers/autism] When he turned sixteen, he quit them all. Paul and his schoolmate would get together on Skype and perform prank calls, during one of their sessions they called their school and his friend faked a bomb threat, they quickly ended the phone call , and thought nothing of it , next morning the police were at his residence , his PC was confiscated ,he was the not one who initiated the call so he did not get in any serious trouble , and he received his PC back [dissembled]

Leanice44 was Paul's bodybuilding alias active on in spring 2014

[after an injury he had to retire from bodybuilding]
He worked for 2 years at the Chowder Heads restaurant before he got fired, on his way out, he left an oven on overnight to spite the owner , he quickly found work as a line cook at an Italian restaurant before quitting that and leaving the internship at the investment banking firm so that he could devote his time completely to streaming around 2015.

Paul first started streaming by playing Runescape.
which he had been doing for years at this point, under the username bone horror 4

He came up with the name Ice Poseidon with the help of a random name generator. He finds moderate success, due to his care-free attitude towards Text-To-Speech donations , which in turn attracted an edgy and racist community that was forming as the core of his fansbase.

2016 is when he rose to prominence , with the avenues of success came a desire to move to somewhere bigger to match his ambitions, he settled on Los Angeles, California.

2017 the Cx network is created

Scuffed Mansion

He rented the residence at 4990 Mecca Ave, Tarzana, CA 91356 for $20k a month to host other streamers
  • Blade "Brian Russo" - former call of duty player turner alcoholic degenerate streamer
  • Bjørn Lisdorf- ex danish postal service worker , gambled most of his money away
  • cassandra nizon-schindler - rich socialite, mostly eye candy
  • corrine clifford - poor socialite, more of an orbiter, former escort, cut off from the rest of her family
  • EBZ "Ebenezer Lembe"- met ice as an uber driver , now hes a meme rapper [not a good one]
  • scuffed steve jobs "Brent Kersel"- Paul's manager [gone silent since cutting ties with Paul]
  • Burger Planet Josh McCutchen- failed actor , creeps over retarded girls, is a busker now
  • demon andy - has a real job as a trucker, only comes around for special occasions
  • Voldesad Gray Shaw- long time friend and runescape player [seems to have gone inactive]
  • Mexican Andy Andy Martin- [inactive banned from twitch but can be seen in other peoples streams at random times]
  • Adam22 "No Jumper" Adam John Grandmaison- successful podcast host
  • Andy Milonakis - actor, writer, rapper, comedian, and streamer , [does mostly eating streams now]
  • Hyphonix John Shevchenko - Omegle Andy pretty safe and mainstream [compared to current network lineup]
There was more characters but they worked more as guests to the stream these
The production in LA got so big, Paul decided to get some "Butlers" to help around the mansion,
they ended up becoming minor supporting characters respectfully, until the FBI raid .

The "Scuffed Mansion" did not escape the cx effect as it was still getting trolled on even after paul moved out

digital warriors engaged in an act of online trolling that would have widespread consequences of rippling cruelty. They added the address of Denino’s Tarzana mansion to Google Maps as the “Ice Poseidon Homeless Shelter,” complete with photos of cots and fake user reviews. - Los Angeles Times

The Icy Ladies

Haley Atisuto - even though they weren't officially in a relationship they did have one . things soured around when geisha entered the picture and it was over after the event in phoenix [ blamed it mostly on his depression], she still active on twitch mostly does art
Geisha Montes de Oca [Actress, TV host and 2008 Miss World Dominican Republic. She met Ice in LA while he was still with Haley . Seen here in black face [attitudes towards race are more lax and less defined in the Dominican Republic , but most of her fan base is from the states] this caused outrage

. she not in the script for too long , she's still streams on twitch [in spanish most times] Ice didn't like Geisha, He ditched her pretty soon after they got together, she wanted to get money from him for a leg surgery she said she had a ton of cysts on her leg and might get amputated if the surgery doesn't happen,Ice says it's s scam and then they stop hanging out.

She did suffer from an inflamed leg causing multiple cysts and required surgery. [She successfully raising the money through a gofundme] they no longer speak

Caroline Burt- Paul's community didnt not approve of their relationship ,The whole debacle started after Burt's friend, Kbubblez, leaked that Denino was paying for both of their plane tickets to Texas. This caused Denino's community to flip out because they felt like they were getting lied to. It got even worse for Paul when a "fan" posted a conversation with Caroline where she admitted they were dating up until the day before and that the break-up was completely falsified. She is best remembered for the fiasco in Horseshoe bay.

Kimberlee Hillner was originally a stream sniper, it was Burger Planet that initially found her and that's where the term "Burger hit it first" came to be. Later on she stream sniped Ice and eventually got together. She's currently a Twitch streamer. She allegedly had an abortion:

MAY 4, 2019

  • 11:53 legal abortion - Google Search
  • 7:00 Abortion Service in Austin, TX Get the Pill, Facts & Cost- plannedparenthood
  • 6:59 abortion locations austin tx - Google Search
  • 6:58 abortion services near me - Google Search
  • 6:56 Texas Abortion Laws -Google Search
  • 6:42 abortion law texas - Google Search
  • 6:34 Where can I Get The Abortion Pill & How Much Will it Cost? - plannedparenthood
  • 6:34 How Does the Abortion Pill Work & What Should I Expect? - plannedparenthood

June 6 2021 Kimberlee has been offered a job in her hometown she invites paul to come with her ,
he declines. this where their relationship ends.



He developed problems interacting with people from the constant swatting and doxxing forcing him to be more secretly which in turn led to the curiosity of the trolls finding out his next move. Later, realizing it wasn't a good idea letting a toxic forum decide what to to for him. Overall he was swatted 40 times which took a mental toll on him
He turns his back on his community to "reform" in an attempt to get in the good graces of twitch again.
This fails, Twitch doesn't acknowledge his pleads for acceptance and now his banned subreddit that turned into IP2, moves over to saidit.

Pokimane asked Mizkif, ” why you don’t feel like, you can talk to him.”
Mizkif replied "they [twitch] are never going to unban Ice Poseidon. ”

RV TRIP 1 | 2018
First trip that would inspire a series and an ever growing anticipation for the next one

The trip was a success.

RV TRIP 2 | 2019 [spring]
Buying a military truck to travel cross country instead of an RV.

things went downhill as soon as they started...

Pepper's falling out with Ice Poseidon began on Monday, when Ice Poseidon and his manager Scuffed Steve Jobs drove to Oklahoma to pick up a military truck. Over the summer, Ice and his crew traveled across the country in an R/V, stopping off at random places and interacting with fans. They were hoping that this bus would be another opportunity. The five-ton vehicle cost the pair $72,000[ & an additional $30,000 in repairs/modernization]they were excited to show off their new toy to the community. Before the reveal, Sam Pepper got on his stream and spoiled the surprise.
"Sam Pepper revealed this truck that we've been planning for three months, that's fucked up," SSJ said on stream while standing on the truck in Oklahoma. On the way to their next location, Denver, the bus broke down. While waiting for a mechanic to come and fix it, Pepper starts spamming the stream with a text-to-speech robot that says "SSJ you're fucking retarded for saying I leak shit, I'm still waiting for my apology."

This angers SSJ, who wonders if he should "go off" on Pepper and share his feelings. Poseidon, sensing juicy drama, encourages SSJ to "just let loose." We then find out that Sam Pepper was the one who crashed the R/V (ending the wildly controversial cross country trip), that he called SSJ "everyday" to try and convince and bully his way into the streamer house and that he "isn't a very good streamer." While SSJ is going off, Pepper keeps calling his cellphone over and is in the chat room spamming that SSJ needs to apologize.

Shortly after, Sam Pepper's name was banned from the Ice Poseidon subreddit and any posts about him were deleted
EU RV TRIP | 2019 [fall]
Smaller more intimate affair issues quickly arose ,scripting the robbery/drama, gets banned from r/livestreamfails because of it and not even staying in the RV but instead sleeping in a hotel nearby. IP2 quickly saw through his charade

Ice Poseidon Grooms Strawberry Vision a 13 yr old

He ends up meeting with a 13 year old girl , and encourages her into a 3 way with his girlfriend Kimberlee, none of this happen but these discussions did happen and when confronted with the accusations of grooming a minor he defended his actions by stating "strawberry vision" was 19

SV attempting to backpeddle on behalf of Ice

Paul announces "" a streaming platform for "free speech". Ice explains his plan to attract investors, the plan ends up sounding like a basic Ponzi scheme.

Paul trusted some random Dutch kid to manage the dev side of his website which housed livestreams of Ice & other related streamers (cXnetwork). Well, mod/dev Andries decided he wanted to make some kind of money off of his time and effort, so he secretly made the "stocks" a CPU hogging cryptocurrency miner. Personal information and more was leaked in the process.

Paul claims that he had nothing to do with it being a moneymaking scheme. He talked to Andries yesterday on Discord asking him what the fuck was going on. In summary, Ice said, "Hey, demonetize it. I'll throw money at you to compensate you for your time. You don't need to do it like this."

Cx Coin - classic pump and dump scam coin.

Corrine comes over uninvited and causes Issues
Corinne is invited (or invites herself) to collab-stream with other irrelevant idiots. Irrelevant idiots decide to handcuff her to the only other woman in the group. Cassandra (Poseidon's/Alaska's brunette squeeze, (sharing is caring) not 47 year old Corinne) starts shouting about Corinne having PTSD. Whether consent was given or not is still in debate, but what we do know is that the entire time she was cuffed she was yelling, screaming and threatening to get a lawyer involved, boasting that her lawyer was outside the apartment.

After she was uncuffed, she goes on a rant screaming about how abusive Iced Poseidon is to women, being offered a thousand dollars to screw one of his buddies, ect. Iced Poseidon then takes her to his bedroom to lecture her about what an awful person she is, to which she responds by spraying shaving cream at him.

They shoo her off & she leaves in a rage, leaving her iPad behind by accident. On her way out, Scruff Steve Jobs tries to smooth things out with her, just when Casandra comes out and Corinne tries to convince Casandra she's being used and abused by Ice Poseidon, which may in fact be true based on evidence we've seen (straight jacket, handcuffs, accusing Casandra of being manipulative, ect.) to which Casandra just responds with "I love you~" among other delayed responses evocative of someone being chemically lobotomized with narcotics.

Cassandra brings the iPad to the other idiots (instead of just giving it to Corinne) suggesting they should give it back, Poseidon takes it out of semi-not-tard's hands and Baked Alaska chimes "Sell it on Ebay!" to which Poseidon nods "Yeah, she's not getting it back."

Enter Corinne's livestream in which she's screaming about Casandra being offered a thousand dollars to have sex with someone else, being paid a thousand dollars to don the straight jacket (which is actually not totally untrue, Ice Poseidon can be heard telling off Casandra for blaming him for getting Corinne involved in the first place by boasting he got her eight hundred dollars that night). Shortly after, she's followed outside by two idiots, Iced Poseidon and Scruff Steve Jobs, who caught wind of her keeping up her livestream where she's threatening to call the cops & soliciting her viewers to S.W.A.T. them. During this period, she openly rattles off her own phone number and her phone starts exploding with calls, followed by her doxing Iced Poseidon's home address. When Poseidon and Scruff actually get up to her, they try to force her to leave public property (she's on a sidewalk) and call the cops on her instead. She insists she doesn't know what 'swatting' is & Scruff Steve Jobs tries to manhandle the phone out of her hands, which she threatens to report as assault, to which they stop and realize they fucked up.

Her lawyer pulls up in a car beside her and yells at her to get in the car. Once she gets in, the lawyer then tells her what swatting is and her response is "Oh... yeah, do that, S.W.A.T. them!"

She then starts answering her phone to random callers. It's here that she belts out the most flea brained thing ever said by mankind, "He is using Casandra as a sex slave 'cause he knows she's a hooker, and she was in a straight jacket, and she was getting demeaned and degraded and oh my gawd I wanna get a slurpee!"

It's around this time she starts talking up going to the hospital for her Indian burns, getting a lawyer to sue Poseidon, and filing a police report. It's here that it's revealed by a streamer that Poseidon is shitting on Casandra for being nice to her, which is semi-true. At this time, Poseidon is accusing Casandra of manipulating him, taking advantage of his good will, ect.

Having watched Poseidon's stream where it's revealed he still has possession of her Ipad and has no intent on giving it back, I can vouch that he's paranoid of other people, he accuses his audience of being white knights, stating that they have no idea how surrounded he is by people trying to take advantage of him.

At this point in time, Corinne has called the cops several times already and makes a stop back at the condo to retrieve her iPad. When she pulls up to the condo, one of the myriad of nobodies at Poseidon's disposal stands outside her car, with arms crossed, staring at her, totally unresponsive to any verbal stimuli as she livestreams herself calling the cops. The cops show up, she tells them they assaulted her, they handcuffed her, they stole her iPad, they're armed with knives and are in possession of narcotics.

Cops go to Poseidon's condo, Scruff Steve Jobs makes up excuses like "She's trying to springboard her way into e-fame, this guy over here is a big deal on Youtube, therefore nothing she says can be trusted, I warned him about her!" to which the cops go "Literally who?" & "Nobody cares." The nobodies then claim they have footage of her verbally consenting, but he doesn't have the timestamp handy and begs the livestream chat to give it to him. Someone gives him the timestamp that starts the video at a point where she's screaming bloody murder "It hurts!" followed by unintelligible shouting & arguing. The police are not impressed with the video footage of the distressed flailing shouting woman screaming about the agony she's in. Poseidon makes the excuse "Context matters!" before police leave to talk to airhead Corinne.

The police say that since she fought back on film that if she pressed charges for assault that she'd have to go to jail too. She is confused by this. They offer to press two separate charges, one for assault and one for theft, she is confused by their lingo and is constantly asking about police procedures like someone who's never been involved with the cops before. She then makes the claim that she donates lots of money to cops. The cops don't have evidence of an actual theft and she can't figure out the iPad finder on her phone.

Since she can't press charges without it backfiring, everything peters out and she calls an Uber to take her to the hospital, remarking that calling an ambulance is for losers.
here's the video showing they had the iPad, they still have the iPad, they hid the iPad from the cops on purpose, they intend to give the iPad away to a bum and extra added bonus, Poseidon shitting on Casandra and accidentally exposing that he did give her close to a thousand dollars. For what, I do not know.


Brandon confronts Paul in the streets of Hollywood

[it did not end well for paul]


Paul claimed that their beef had sparked when he’d refused to stream with Brandon, who Paul felt had been upset at this rejection. He alleged that this had prompted Brandon to assault other members of his brand, the CX Network, before coming for Paul (He ultimately decides not to press charges

Mr. Metokur informs Paul baked and andy warski mentioned that they could buy drugs [cocaine] at Paul's residence.after this and the negative associating with the alt-right baked has , Paul cut ties with Timothy

Mr. Metokur informs Paul baked and andy warski mentioned that they could buy drugs [cocaine] at Paul's residence.after this and the negative associating with the alt-right baked has , Paul cut ties with Timothy

You'd think Ice would be a little less quick to jump on a the racist-demonization bandwagon, what a stupid fuck. - YouAvidRedditUserYou
Irony lies in the fact that Paul does do coke [Blade catches Ice Poseidon in the Bathroom looking suspect]

Return to Youtube
IP2 always wins

After the demise of Mixer Ice had to return to Youtube. Initially he proposed some new streaming ideas which were reminiscent of his old content from 2017-2018."

While not necessarily interesting the stream was well received by his viewers since it was a change of pace from his usual desktop streams on Mixer.

His best stream since returning on Youtube was "Traveling The Country Using Only Money I Make From Apps". This was a 4 day, 24/7 stream where the main goal was to drive from Austin, Texas to Los Angeles, California by only using the money he made from apps such as Doordash, Uber and so on. Initially the concept was to make money on foot and then get a rental car, however this failed as it took way too long to deliver the food so he had to restart the whole stream but with a car this time.
"Bro I better get 5 stars and more than 7 fucking dollars" Later on he gets a $3 delivery, takes the food and then realizes that he's driving in the ghetto. He gets spooked hard by some black people and bails out in terror.

His spicy take on the n-word/nigger (mind you, his early Twitch streams were all about baiting racist media donations while pretending that he can't hear them, people close to him also mentioned how he uses it all the time in private )

The whole 4 day stream was a huge success both financially and in terms of viewers. Ice almost managing to hit 2000 channel members. However Ice wasn't too happy with the stream, he made it very clear that the trip was exhausting him and that delivering the food was rather difficult and vowed that he'll most likely never do this type of streams again (unless he hits 2000 channel members by the time he reaches LA, which he didn't.)The next few streams we're mostly the same as the first one, become an Uber driver and come up with a plan such as "Give people money if they can answer my question", "Live Gameshow in an Uber", "Say what my viewers tell me to say with an earpiece while I Uber". Most of these were rather boring with nothing really interesting happening.

December 2020 the Alamo theater stream. Ice had the great idea of renting a whole movie theater for him and everyone that wants to come.
IP2 finds out about this and decide to do what they do best, ruin Ice's stream:

Before the stream officially started Dope District, an IP2 streamer, shows up at the event he gets recognized, this leads to to Steve G(know as Piggy G within the IP2 community) to press and attack him:


The police also show up to the scene:

The Gambler Saga

However after 2 month of doing Uber based IRL Ice return to desktop streaming but this time it's with a twist. Most of his streams from now onwards involve gambling in one from or another either by playing games in an online casino or though crypto speculation, mostly by buying obscure shitcoins. One thing to note is that the online casino that he uses does not accept US customers but Ice circumvents this by using a VPN to change his location which caused IP2 to speculate that Ice might be committing tax evasion again (as he confessed multiple times in the past).

Paul losing $600 and sperging out about it , People are worried about you ...

Now one of the biggest meme's in the IP2 forum is making fun of Paul's gambling addiction








Lamar Union Apartments
1100 S Lamar Blvd
Apartment # 2424
Austin TX 78704
So now were caught up with Paul from King of IRL to a defeated man grasping for success once again , haunted by the very group he disavows and shares nothing with but a name.
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@【Z3R0】 Yeah I figured the guy who the community / forum is named after should have his own thread since he started streaming again after taking a long break from scamming his audience from thousands on a scam crypto coin, I remade the OP from 2016 last year but null never moved it over, he never cared for ip2 anyways so meh I'll get all the media later, took me a minute to pinch what I have from the kiwi post I made.


Ice is featured heavily in this doc

surprisingly after all the shenanigans he still has loyal paypigs.


scam poseidons grand entrance for his comeback stream

this guy already roasting him
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reformed stoic is crying rn
Laura still begging for piss faggot to "put a baby in her"
Piss boi shitting bricks when he hears somebody on his roof. Claims he has PTSD
Ice flexing
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Add to the op please and thanks:
Dox here:

Paul Michael Joseph Denino​

Voter records:

Paul Michael Joseph Denino (age 27) is listed at 1981 Sw Panther Trce Stuart, Fl 34997 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. He is a white, non hispanic male registered to vote in Martin County, Florida

Name confirmed via obituary: link *

will edit more accounts here:
Nice I didn't know about the middle names but I'm pretty sure that address belongs to his parents .
Leave Enza out of this ! lol

apparently learning python was pretty much for nothing
"My fans didn't care" LMAO he scammed the very little viewers he had and apparently they didn't care

Ice Piss is part of your childhood

Fuckin ni6gers
mizkif was a fake nig just like the rest of ip2

there was ni66ers in the car btw
Years ago now on Adam22's show Ice showed up with Sam Pepper and confronted Fousey for the events at his fail-live where he did the diss track about Ricegum on top of that Uber, Fousey was supposed to contact Ice to be on the RV.

I knew it then it wouldn't happen, but I wish it would now as Fousey becomes more irrelevant and needs the hype.


Its mainly Sam but at the endish Fousey goes nutty and Ice of course helps encourage.
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I'd argue its better than the efforts from the rest of the roster ,which consists of getting fucked up in an RV baiting for donos. At least hes trying to do something different , even if it is fake , we all know hes the biggest phony of them all its why its called IP2