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I Would Like To Set Up A Movie Night

Cobra cooking marathon because he is 100% more entertaining than jack with less domestic abuse and more ridiculous food abominations.
Reason: bug bogrito
Lol where is the movie night going to be at BTW? Cytube? I used to help run shit on KF movie night til bruno started making shit up about what he asked of me one day and highjacked a sat on me. He'll say I was being a faggot / crazy I'm sure but lol that nigger was so fuckin stoned he didn't remember the conversation we had like two days before about how I was wanting to run the sat.

But I do a weekday thing on another channel, I can def help with suggestions for movies and such.
Lol where is the movie night going to be at BTW? Cytube? I used to help run shit on KF movie night til bruno started making shit up about what he asked of me one day and highjacked a sat on me. He'll say I was being a faggot / crazy I'm sure but lol that nigger was so fuckin stoned he didn't remember the conversation we had like two days before about how I was wanting to run the sat.

But I do a weekday thing on another channel, I can def help with suggestions for movies and such.
We will be doing this on Cytube at least the public ones.
Here is my channel:
I put in a few practice videos.

If you wanna use stuff on g-drive there is some stuff people have to do, there is bit of a process but it's not too complicated and most users on kf never had much issue with it. (it can be quirky though)

Jist is you need to:

1. Install TamperMonkey. (FireFox) (Chrome / Brave)
2. Then you install and turn on the following script in Tampermonkey


You also need to be logged into Google (use some type of sock account and make sure you sign into it first before any of your mains)
Also Brave Shields break it, Ublock Origin seems fine if you're running that in most cases.

Hope that helps some, anybody wanting to watch a movie on Google Drive has to do that unless you do an embedded script thing that gets kind complicated and sketches people out about as much as this.

I've got a few movies Martyrs (it's french, but very fucked up), Dead Alive (aka Braindead), Terror Firmer, The Beyond and a few others I can bring just in case nobody else has anything ready to go if you're interested.

If you have any questions, just let me know there are a lot of quirks and things you might mess up at first. (larger the file the more people bitching if it's on GDrive you wanna try to keep movies at around 2-3 GB for like 1.5-2 hr film)
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