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Onionfarms Drama homegrown retards

Onionfarms drama
wouldn't a normal person pretending to be successful try to brag about a lamborghini?

the choice of bragging instead about farm equipment and posting video footage of some fat boomer who looks like he wouldn't understand that someone could share things he posted to a PM is an interesting combination
I'm not normal. I'm here ain't I?
You started a thread devoted me. I call that a success. You didn't just take the bait you swallowed like a load of cum.
>act like a complete and utter retard
>get called a retard
>continue acting like a retard
>thread about retards on the forum is made, and your retarded behavior is used as an example
>this is somehow a win for you
Riddle me this, Iowaman: if you were actually trolling me, why did you give up the gimmick so early? You could have kept the ruse going for even more laughs, but instead you rushed to play the "haha I was only pretending to be retarded" card. Is it possible that you weren't pretending at all?
>act like a complete and utter retard
>get called a retard
>continue acting like a retard
>thread about retards on the forum is made, and your retarded behavior is used as an example
>this is somehow a win for you
Riddle me this, Iowaman: if you were actually trolling me, why did you give up the gimmick so early? You could have kept the ruse going for even more laughs, but instead you rushed to play the "haha I was only pretending to be retarded" card. Is it possible that you weren't pretending at all?
Yeah, that's it!
I'm new to the interwebs so the first thing I do is post personal information and pics to retarded forums. ?
Some shoehead chick thread on another forum lead me to kiwifarms where I found the thread about onionfarms and I had to witness the retardation for myself because I didn't believe there were really such ignorant people. Boy was I wrong, but delightfully so! ?
Thanks for asking dancing boi! ?
Yeah, that's it!
I'm new to the interwebs so the first thing I do is post personal information and pics to retarded forums. ?
Some shoehead chick thread on another forum lead me to kiwifarms where I found the thread about onionfarms and I had to witness the retardation for myself because I didn't believe there were really such ignorant people. Boy was I wrong, but delightfully so! ?
Thanks for asking dancing boi! ?
Love you too
Some shoehead chick thread on another forum lead me to kiwifarms