Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
"Short skirts, long nails, lipstick, makeup, stockings, high heels, jewelry, clitorises, juicy boobies, vulvas, vaginas…. These are all things that are generally considered “feminine”—well, in our patriarchal, socially constructed world, that is..."
Biological realism is Patriarchy, you bet yer sweet bippy, toots.
" But did you know that you can actually be attracted to the feminine, specifically?"
Wot, liek magnets or osmosis?
"Like it can be your whole sexual identity?"
Two sexual IDs, straight and bent. Look, I don't make the rules...
" But before we go any further, no, it’s not the same thing as just being attracted to women. Allow us to explain."
Us? Are you including the voices in your head?
THe author...

Think "they" might be used here, instead of she.

GIGI ENGLE | The Therapy Yard
GIGI ENGLE Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist MNCIP, ACS, CSE, GSRD (accred.) COSRT (Reg.) Online only from £80 from £90 Gigi is a London-based psychosexual therapist originally from Chicago, Illinois. She is a COSRT-registered sex and relationships therapist and certified sex...

Surprise, she's a nonce advocate.
tl/dr: Find a bit of a greek word, stick sexual on the end, hey presto, you can be Hackity Mac Hack Face "Journo"/Someone who is into meeting and instructing sex weirdos.