Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
Rod Hull was a beloved in the 80s Bongland (ie likeable, but not very talented) Children's entertainer, most famous for his Pink Windmill (just because there is a puppet on the end of your arm... it was still touching kids) and physically assaulting Snoop Dogg on a late night telly show.
Gyles is a smug twat, famous for wearing jumpers and being an upper middle class twit, and collecting some kids stories (I had an anthology he collected when I was an nipper).
"Ms Miller said she was confused by Mr Brandreth’s claim that it was he who had been sitting with Hull in the theatre and that the comedian had complained about his TV during the performance.
She said: “I don’t recall Gyles being with us at all that night – I think I would have done. I can only think that my former husband must have told him some time later how we had urged Rod to fix his TV problem, which led to his really tragic death and, 25 years later, Gyles’s memory has appropriated our instructions to Rod to himself.”
For years I've told people that Snoop Dogg had him killed for attacking him with puppet emu. This posh bint isn't stopping me.

Pic of Rod with Emu, and Grotbags (Rod's mortal enemy). This pic is from (my guess) second half of the 80s (maybe 90s), but it looks like an Burger kids show from the 70s. The British like to lie about how good the telly is.