Remarkable Onion
View attachment 60606
Freya was banned. This is her last post.
View attachment 60910
Freya has been unbanned.
View attachment 61657
Freya has been banned again, apparently for calling out Harm for being part of the KF Gestapo.
Sup fags. I'm Freya. Null permabanned me for "infighting." You can go to my posting history and see my last 10 posts were just me interacting with people normally. Null let spergs come to my profile and rage at me but when I mocked them back I got banned for it. I say something back and I'm "butthurt and having a mental breakdown." He's always been a self righteous faggot, but he's been just deleting posts in the Kris Tyson thread asking people what the hell we're supposed to be mad about anyway. He tries to say it's just a fun drama site. But he's been courting the vigilante tranny/pedo witch hunters because those are the people that donate.@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt.
It reminds me of Maoist China, when you were encouraged to rat on your family.
William Tyndale is such a simp, he would lick null's pizza dough ass clean.
I like how he had it on hand. Does he jack off to that retard shit or just keep it to try to upset people?