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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).


Remarkable Onion
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Freya was banned. This is her last post.

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Freya has been unbanned.

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Freya has been banned again, apparently for calling out Harm for being part of the KF Gestapo.

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt.

It reminds me of Maoist China, when you were encouraged to rat on your family.

William Tyndale is such a simp, he would lick null's pizza dough ass clean.

I like how he had it on hand. Does he jack off to that retard shit or just keep it to try to upset people?
Sup fags. I'm Freya. Null permabanned me for "infighting." You can go to my posting history and see my last 10 posts were just me interacting with people normally. Null let spergs come to my profile and rage at me but when I mocked them back I got banned for it. I say something back and I'm "butthurt and having a mental breakdown." He's always been a self righteous faggot, but he's been just deleting posts in the Kris Tyson thread asking people what the hell we're supposed to be mad about anyway. He tries to say it's just a fun drama site. But he's been courting the vigilante tranny/pedo witch hunters because those are the people that donate.
The more I think about it, the more I feel bad for Freya, wasn't she one of the upper tier ass lickers? Imagine washing those incel balls for almost a year only to be banned from the safe space.
Fuck you, that's bullshit. Don't lie about me like that.
I've always spoken my mind there. I got banned countless times from A&N because I called out retardation and refused to participate in the circlejerk. In the last 2 years I posted, there were people constantly trying to dox me and harass me on my profile because I made fun of them for saying everything bad in society is because of the satanic pedophiles who FEED CHILDREN TO MOLOCH. AND TRANNIES BRO.
Oh great, now Josh has another Android Raptor situation on his hand.
He would wait until he can't sweep it up any longer before perma'ing her from the farms. With AR it was her posting shota hentai. If Freya was a man she would've been gone by now. She also has a habit of sperging about abortion, check her posts on PaladinBoo's profile.
Why were we banned? What did me or AR ever do besides speak our minds? It's so fuckin sad now that making unpopular posts is a bannable offense. Josh might as well include in his rules that you can't make a post that isn't moralfagging about the molochian tranny pedos or you'll get banned.
Lol shut up you spent so much time with your tounge up Null's ass it's not funny and now that you got drummed out of the magic circle you're sad about it.
No I did not. Where are these posts of me asskissing him? I was grateful he gave us a single thread to talk freely without being shut down by right wing incels. I will support people when they're right and oppose them when they're wrong.
Sup fags. I'm Freya. Null permabanned me for "infighting." You can go to my posting history and see my last 10 posts were just me interacting with people normally. Null let spergs come to my profile and rage at me but when I mocked them back I got banned for it. I say something back and I'm "butthurt and having a mental breakdown." He's always been a self righteous faggot, but he's been just deleting posts in the Kris Tyson thread asking people what the hell we're supposed to be mad about anyway. He tries to say it's just a fun drama site. But he's been courting the vigilante tranny/pedo witch hunters because those are the people that donate.
"Infighting" seems to be a blanket term Josh applies for any excuse to ban someone he disagrees with. A lot of people involved in the back-and-forth between the silly Man-Hate/Woman Hate were constantly rebuked by Josh for the same reasons: "Stop infighting." For a platform that prides itself on freedom of speech and expression, Josh's constant sperging about how to people ought to conduct themselves in the so-called "gender war" was cringe and gay.

Why were we banned? What did me or AR ever do besides speak our minds?
AR was involved in BPGoonerGate and using the KiwiFarms DMs to share porn among herself and several other BP hags.

Josh might as well include in his rules that you can't make a post that isn't moralfagging about the molochian tranny pedos or you'll get banned.
Haha, you think Josh really cares about his rules?

No I did not. Where are these posts of me asskissing him? I was grateful he gave us a single thread to talk freely without being shut down by right wing incels. I will support people when they're right and oppose them when they're wrong.
Josh had a bad habit of siding with BP folks way too often. This included folks like Lidl Drip and Lurker. You were often right along with them and really didn't seem to have a problem with Josh's disciplinary actions on everyone else until it happened to you.
"Infighting" seems to be a blanket term Josh applies for any excuse to ban someone he disagrees with. A lot of people involved in the back-and-forth between the silly Man-Hate/Woman Hate were constantly rebuked by Josh for the same reasons: "Stop infighting." For a platform that prides itself on freedom of speech and expression, Josh's constant sperging about how to people ought to conduct themselves in the so-called "gender war" was cringe and gay.
Yep. He's mad people use his FORUM to COMMUNICATE.
AR was involved in BPGoonerGate and using the KiwiFarms DMs to share porn among themselves.
Thanks for giving a concrete answer. But I still question why that matters to him. She was sharing PORN in PRIVATE on a site that hosts gore and animals being raped to death? Who cares? Seems like he just wanted to get rid of us because we made his donors mad.
Haha, you think Josh really cares about his rules?
Of course not. I first butted heads with him a decade ago and he was as self-righteous then as now.

When he deleted my posts in the Kris Tyson thread, I made a thread in talk to staff and all he could do back was virtue signal
You directly @'d Null to tell him where your hometown was parasocial much sis?
No I fucking didn't you lying shithead. I'm going to stop responding to you now because you're making things up with no proof. go do that on kiwifarms
Why were we banned? What did me or AR ever do besides speak our minds? It's so fuckin sad now that making unpopular posts is a bannable offense. Josh might as well include in his rules that you can't make a post that isn't moralfagging about the molochian tranny pedos or you'll get banned.
The point of my post is that if you and AR are both men, then he'll perma you a lot sooner. I've seen shit stirring faggots on the farms get permabanned for less. Most of them has to do with being passive aggressive with the King Janny. He's definitely give a lot of female posters especially the ones that posted in the Man-Hate thread a lot of leeway in my opinion. *cough* Lidl Drip *cough*
But I still question why that matters to him.
Most likely there are legal issues associated with it that he doesn't want (and shouldn't be obligated) to deal with.

Seems like he just wanted to get rid of us because we made his donors mad.
A lot of folks suspect that's why he never disciplines Lidl Drip despite her own propensity to infighting.

I made a thread in talk to staff and all he could do back was virtue signal
Yup, seems like the typical Josh reaction.
The point of my post is that if you and AR are both men, then he'll perma you a lot sooner. I've seen shit stirring faggots on the farms get permabanned for less. Most of them has to do with being passive aggressive with the King Janny. He's definitely give a lot of female posters especially the ones that posted in the Man-Hate thread a lot of leeway in my opinion. *cough* Lidl Drip *cough*
me and AR were notable posters that had been there awhile and had something new to say. it took awhile for sigsegv and arm pit cream to be banned for good and they were dudes. I think that is what earns a ban tbh. He doesn't want anyone besides him to be notable poster. You have to be another shapeless blob sperging about the molochian pedo trannies or you're not worth keeping around
No I fucking didn't you lying shithead. I'm going to stop responding to you now because you're making things up with no proof. go do that on kiwifarms
Ok nigga have it your way.

"uWu just wanted to let you know where I grew up and share completely inappropriate details about myself with you n-not like I like you or anything"
He doesn't want anyone besides him to be notable poster.
I don't think that's entirely true. He certainly allows Jambled a lot of space and a few other oldfags like Hollywood Hulk Hogan. AR was, admittedly, a rare exception and he even noted that when she was banned.

I also know that Agenda Poster has gotten a warning but, for whatever reasons, Josh hasn't put the hammer on him yet. Not sure what spell was cast on Josh to withhold judgement, but there it is.

He's definitely give a lot of female posters especially the ones that posted in the Man-Hate thread a lot of leeway in my opinion. *cough* Lidl Drip *cough*
Take note of this, @Ishtar ; not sure if you're directly responsible for a lot of Josh's babysitting that went on within the Man-Hate thread, but you're probably going to get lumped in there considering your points of view very often aligned with those of Lidl Drop, Lurker, Stan, and others from BP.

To be frank, you should understand that this all looks like Josh was constantly white-knighting for his female users. I know he has said that BP is one of the only "fun" parts of the Kiwi Farms. Could be you were on Cloud 9 for a bit and then suddenly Josh clipped your wings because you flew too close to the sun. Hopefully you can sympathize with a lot of other folks you hated on in Man-Hate and elsewhere.

In reality, your being banned came as somewhat of a surprise and has lead me to believe you're probably not the asskisser some here may believe you are. You're still a radical femoid BP hag from hell, of course. But I'll be gracious and admit you're not a bootlicker.
me and AR were notable posters that had been there awhile and had something new to say. it took awhile for sigsegv and arm pit cream to be banned for good and they were dudes. I think that is what earns a ban tbh. He doesn't want anyone besides him to be notable poster. You have to be another shapeless blob sperging about the molochian pedo trannies or you're not worth keeping around
Well he did demod CatParty in the past because he was becoming more popular than Josh. So maybe ?
Sup fags. I'm Freya. Null permabanned me for "infighting." You can go to my posting history and see my last 10 posts were just me interacting with people normally. Null let spergs come to my profile and rage at me but when I mocked them back I got banned for it. I say something back and I'm "butthurt and having a mental breakdown." He's always been a self righteous faggot, but he's been just deleting posts in the Kris Tyson thread asking people what the hell we're supposed to be mad about anyway. He tries to say it's just a fun drama site. But he's been courting the vigilante tranny/pedo witch hunters because those are the people that donate.
How is your 11/10 Giga Chad body builder boyfriend who is a mega nerd who is so totally real doing you fat, abortion addicted gypsy slag?
Haha Freya wasn't cool enough to hang with the TERF inner circle so she got angry and pulled a hissy now she thinks she can come here and fool us like we haven't been archiving her posts for months. Lurk more retard.
Hopefully the entire experience leaves her humbled.

@Ishtar , you should have cast some kind of hex on Josh before you left. Put your thumb on his imaginary forehead and then said, "Thinner..."
Haha Freya wasn't cool enough to hang with the TERF inner circle so she got angry and pulled a hissy now she thinks she can come here and fool us like we haven't been archiving her posts for months. Lurk more retard.
Aww... The little baby is upset that we won't kiss her ass. I'll like to point out that her first posts here was asking for the PaladinBoo thread to come back showing that she is still butthurt over being called a fat, gypsy slag by her months ago.