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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Can we move the Freya bashing to the Freya thread? Also, stop simping for Paladin Boo, she's lame.
Freya is terrified of going to her thread because she knows that she will just keep getting raked through the coals and her buddy Jambled will not be able to help her. She thinks she can do what she did on Kiwi Farms and derail threads and make them about her and her grudges. That may have worked on the Farms but it will not work here.
Does he? I don't recall him grilling any other female users for ammo.
In fact, nobody really needs to get ammo from you when you readily PL'd on the Kiwi Farms anyway.

This is very difficult for many females to wrap their minds around because they cannot see the world from any other viewpoint other than their own and therefore must PL in order for anything they say to have a modicum of significance (if at all).
I try to treat users on this website as I've been treated. Now I have noticed the phenomenon that a lot of female users have nothing outside of their own personal experience, so they have little else in the way of creative expression. Equally challenging is their inability to not center the conversation around themselves.
I'm sure the OF mods can restrict your posting privileges to your own thread since you can't control yourself; iirc you're the one that posted the Paladin Boo screeshots.
I'll like to point out that she did so unprompted. Which leads me to believe that she is drunk as a skunk right now. I give it another hour or two before she passes out in a alcohol fueled raged. You know Freya you shouldn't go to bed mad. It is not healthy.
I don't know if I can dull down my language enough for somebody as impaired as yourself. However, I will attempt once more to inform you that this discussion is entirely about you and your own behaviors.

I don't even know who Paladin Boo is, as I never interacted with them on the site. I have interacted with you, and each time it has been miserable. You have brought the same misery here, except that there's nobody here holding back, and you have no supporters or allies, only enemies that you helped create.
"you can't just say what you want you are my enemy. grrr"
I'm sure the OF mods can restrict your posting privileges to your own thread since you can't control yourself; iirc you're the one that posted the Paladin Boo screenshots.

Edit: @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt which mod do I have to message?
yeah, I'm posting kiwifarms screenshots i. the kiwifarm discussion thread retard. simp harder.