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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
yeah. if only an autistic guy wouldnt have spent 12 hours searching my history id have got away with it
Funny how you are fine when Jambled Up Whore does this to the BP hag coven's enemies. You seem perfectly fine when these tactics are used against yours and your friends perceived enemies but not against you. You are the worst of hypocrites.
Calm down lol he's the only one here being fair with you and just asking questions. If you can't take his minimum level of scrutiny how can you een function? Oh right you don't hah
That isn't true. Her totally real boyfriend or husband tells her that she is perfectly functional as she talks to the numerous voices in her head every morning.
That isn't true. Her totally real boyfriend or husband tells her that she is perfectly functional as she talks to the numerous voices in her head every morning.
Maybe I just interpreted things wrong and the "Boyfriend" is the one side of her NEET Husbando pillow and the other is her "Husband". MEE-YOW how scandalous. Which side of the pillow is cooler if you get my drift? 😏
Calm down lol he's the only one here being fair with you and just asking questions. If you can't take his minimum level of scrutiny how can you een function? Oh right you don't hah
Took a quick peek and just realized she originally created this account begging to see the PaladinBoo thread. Then she got banned from KF and started posting again on OF (about two years later) and almost immediately starts asking about PaladinBoo again.

It's been 2 years, @Ishtar . What did PaladinBoo do to you that left such a lasting impression?
Took a quick peek and just realized she originally created this account begging to see the PaladinBoo thread. Then she got banned from KF and started posting again on OF (about two years later) and almost immediately starts asking about PaladinBoo again.

It's been 2 years, @Ishtar . What did PaladinBoo do to you that left such a lasting impression?
her simps still harass me. and no i didnt. i created this account 2 years ago before i knew who she was.
her simps still harass me. and no i didnt. i created this account 2 years ago before i knew who she was.
Hmm, well, this is as far back as I can see your post history:
But you're right. It was 2024.
@Ishtar I know you're a gypsy and because of that you are much less intelligent than most niggers, but why did you think that a null dick rider like yourself would be treated nicely here? You don't have to use multisyllabic words to explain I know it's difficult for you.
who were you on kiwifarms?