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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025

Kiwisphere - KF Orbiter Ethan Ralph General

Someone who is an orbiter of Kiwifarms and a central figure in the cowsphere.
Lmfao gym is alogging ralph in the pre-show chat

Pre-seething, Astounding self-own on Ralph's part. He is really sperging out. I was withholding attention but this is top tier squealing.

Ethan is trying so hard to get gym onto his show, spinning up so many arguments to bait him to get on the show (which will get him more views).

Withholding attention makes the raphamolly seethe.

great chat btw
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GIven that the gunt knows where Jim lives why doesn't he just go over to his house and confront Metokur?
  • Sherlock Homo
Reactions: Rez
GIven that the gunt knows where Jim lives why doesn't he just go over to his house and confront Metokur?
The Vickers Clan, along with the other alogs, are making it their life's mission to get Ralph in jail so he can't see his son and stop paying child support. This is also why he didn't go see that turbosimp tank cleaner aquarium guy.
As KF is NRNin', I guess I'll have to take up the slack...
My question to Mr Alexander, would you please sing The Candy Man for us? Hey, the fucker has made a deliberate attempt to look like Sammy. He deserves it.
The literary Gunt. btw, the reason she screams: To get attention. JS.