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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
daiymo your fucking retarded just read a little bit youll find shes over age and lies about it
Tbf she is intellectually and emotionally stunted and probably won't ever get past about age 14.

Daiymo correctly identifies that it would be wrong to consider her a sexual prospect. Given Daiymo's association with Axel, I think we should applaud this observation.
Daiymo correctly identifies that it would be wrong to consider her a sexual prospect
But for different reason from the rest of us. She isn't an Ogre. Just much like she isn't a fat sweaty rapey sperg.

Anyway, what she bin switting?
Why joshy didn't just call them on the phone, I'll never know... after all her dox is out there. And she's ok with people posting her dox.
Hmmmm Din(lo),,,
... Jones is cold simpin, cold simpin, c-c-c-c-cold cold simpin...
send my sub peona to bryan dunn , he can relay it to me . i cant wait to see her real name as she stated its not elaine miller :ackshually:
Before her Twitter account was suspended, I noticed that Elaine was trying to reach out to Weev, tweeting at literally anyone she thought might give her a pointer for getting in touch with him - which move I suspect was prompted by her reading one of my posts here on OF where I was talking about all the wild rumours that people are spreading about Null online, one of these rumours being that the real reason Null moved to Ukraine was supposedly to help Weev set up The Daily Stormer:
Imagine getting Shanley out of your life only to later encounter Elaine.
Hair and Vordrak start:

Did Vordrak lay pipe?

No scars on thighs or foundation:

Scar and flower inspection:

Vordak really isn't that obsessed with Kiwi compared with OnionFarms. Vordak's conquests during gamergate....

Vordrak used ejaculate and it was super effective:

Vordrak is a respectable lover:

I ran out of time to clip, but I stopped right when Elaine quit because of Godwinson's history lesson. STRONG SHOWING GODWINSON! YOU ARE LIKE THE SON I NEVER HAD! UNLIKE MY DISRESPECTFUL HARU!
Alister Mycroft, noted Piss-pants Elaine Simp, has released a 10-minute audio-only recording about his queen. I'd say he's defending the queen, but I'd rather put a ice pic in both of my ear drums than listen to this. Maybe some of you masochists are up to the task.
He sounds drunk, and hints he's quitting. Might have something to do with Plodz covering his Discord antics. Also... Plodwinson did crown her Qween of the Sektur, so there is that. Don't you think it's disrespectful of Plodwinson to not even mention the conviction? Maybe show some solidarity, there Adam, the man gave you your break.

BAck to Mycroft. He's in Elaine's replies.

But her "ex bf" who started this whole thing... nada.
Elaine has added a banner pic
You'll note I have named the file benny. Why?
This Benny from the Bong soap Crossroads. He was a tard in a hat (later to be known as a Benny hat). Benny was a term used at school to describe tards.
Isn't that right, Benny?
Null Elaine gardening now
I looked into what he was talking about ,he legit deleted that last page with all the discord faggotry on this thread.

I guess I was write better update the thread with her name

it just keeps getting better.