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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
seriously im so sick of her copes and lies , first it was deepfakes made with a hooker that has her body type , then it NFT CPs that were illegally distributed and when none of that stuck they became Revenge Porn if it was anyone else I would cut them some slack . but fuck you elaine just like you fucked that kiwi and then denied ever seeing him after you were done with him. We are not pawns in your game I will not allow you to dox anyone else by sweet talking them like just another ethot. that sperg that fucked you was being generous you're less than a 4/10 you're a 3/10.
seriously im so sick of her copes and lies , first it was deepfakes made with a hooker that has her body type , then it NFT CPs that were illegally distributed and when none of that stuck they became Revenge Porn if it was anyone else I would cut them some slack . but fuck you elaine just like you fucked that kiwi and then denied ever seeing him after you were done with him. We are not pawns in your game I will not allow you to dox anyone else by sweet talking them like just another ethot. that sperg that fucked you was being generous you're less than a 4/10 you're a 3/10.
I'll say this. The day the nudes were posted on lolcow.org she got blindingly drunk in Naught's discord server and admitted in front of @naught and @vnice and me and other people that she posted the shit herself.
That's the story I most believe as she was trying to get .org taken down and it's a tactic she's already used on KF. There are plenty of possibilities, she's obviously being manipulated and I think we can all guess by who, but her story while blacked out drunk seems the most plausible; she posted it herself to .org to try to get it taken down and I believe that story and that being the case it can't even be called redistributing revenge porn. She posted it herself. She made it available on the internet and it's not illegal to copy/paste someone being a fucking retard.
I thought the story was that she uploaded it to anon files with an ip logger to then black mail anyone who clicks on the link. PS Elaine I am currently posting from Lativa please use that information to blackmail me. Admins can confirm my IP is from there.
Or was the story that undefault a demonic fortnite gamer who is also Null used mind control powers to make Lainey pee herself and upload it on lolcow.org?
iirc she did the anonfiles thing maybe 5-6 days after they were posted to .org. I remember because I posted a few threads with the leaked info that SIG deleted instantly.
I feel that this person is trying to get sectioned.
That would actually be a good life choice, so I'm going to assume that's not it
I don't think you understand how people like EM use the NHS. It's a way to avoid criminal charges, get free bed and board, and of course the drugs. Rest assured if her case worker saw that post, they'd want to have a word with her. Chicks like Elaine know they shouldn't be online.
I don't think you understand how people like EM use the NHS. It's a way to avoid criminal charges, get free bed and board, and of course the drugs. Rest assured if her case worker saw that post, they'd want to have a word with her. Chicks like Elaine know they shouldn't be online.
How would a person go about finding a caseworker? Hypothetically?

Wanted poster? Anonymous complaint to emergency services? "Lost tard wrangler"?
How would a person go about finding a caseworker? Hypothetically?

Wanted poster? Anonymous complaint to emergency services? "Lost tard wrangler"?
If you have a rough idea where she's living, the local health authority (or whatever they call it now) will have a mental health team. Contact them, say who you are, and why you are contacting them. I'm pretty sure EM is known to them. Of course, if she is that well off, she could have gone private. But I'm guessing she's a NEET, and therefore on benefits and using the NHS.

She's set off my Nutter Alarm. And anything she does online, she's subject to UK law, and responsible for anything she posts. You might want to look into the English law (as the Scottish law is different), a call to the Head Shrinker may save her from serious time (see Alex Belfield).
I guess this confirms that's her boomer dad idk why she was always coping going on that was her uncle and francine was her aunt ,when the girls on lolcow.farm proved without a doubt they were her parents last year.
Elaine Miller there, avowing and calling for innocent people to be harassed.
Call the cops! You talk so hip, man, you're twisting my melon, man... Nobody said anything about cops. The looney bin is the best place for you. No phone privileges.
@789 just so's you know, I guess.
I see she's going with the old larp cope that her father is world famous diamond dealer Dan gertler , it's in the OP I haven't forgotten

Go ahead report me
Just like how you have a pool I'm not buying this bs either

your lcf thread is a goldmine tbh here we have a cap although your not visible it states his daughter is 11 in 2013 and you were born in 2002 so I think this checks out lol

VOID just unban her dumbass this is ridiculous, feel like I'm getting my responses thru Morse code, having to transcribe everything from Mayas site sucks
I see she's going with the old larp cope that her father is world famous diamond dealer Dan gertler , it's in the OP I haven't forgotten
View attachment 22435
Go ahead report me
View attachment 22438
Just like how you have a pool I'm not buying this bs either
View attachment 22436
your lcf thread is a goldmine tbh here we have a cap although your not visible it states his daughter is 11 in 2013 and you were born in 2002 so I think this checks out lol
View attachment 22437
VOID just unban her dumbass this is ridiculous, feel like I'm getting my responses thru Morse code, having to transcribe everything from Mayas site sucks
I didn't unban her
I can read
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Elaine's been replying via her profile comment section so her thread on metocuck doesn't get bumped.


Joseph Goebbels had people like her pegged in the 30s.

The Jews call this chutzpah. Chutzpah is a typically Jewish expression that really cannot be translated into any other language, since chutzpah is a concept found only among the Jews. Other languages have not needed to invent such a word since they do not know the phenomenon. Basically, it means unlimited, impertinent, and unbelievable impudence and shamelessness.

As long as we had the doubtful pleasure of having to put up with Jews, we had more then enough examples of the typical Jewish characteristic they call chutzpah. Cowards became heroes and decent, industrious, and brave men became contemptible idiots or fools. Fat and sweaty stockbrokers presented themselves as communists saving the world, and decent soldiers were characterized as beasts. Normal families were mocked as breeding pens, while group marriages were praised as the highest form of human development. The most disgusting junk the human mind could create was presented as great art while real art was ridiculed as Kitsch. The murderer was not guilty, but rather his victim.
What description of Elaine Miller could be more accurate than this? Elaine Gertler April Miller (based SEO engineering) threatens to swat people to get her way; she cries out in pain as she strikes you.
Elaine Miller must have drug induced psychosis.
I remember when it really started falling apart

I don't own servers anymore for this very reason


that server still exists its just dead btw

maybe one day we can be friends again , just dont send your goon squad after me lol

I'll sweeten the pot throw another birthday party for you again :optimistic: