Retired Staff
Dustin Johnson is the sort of person I would have initially passed on writing a thread on because I personally don't enjoy picking on low hanging fruit and I think everyone is entitled to a little bit of autism (except furfags and trannies who get the bullet for free). I wasn't going to make fun of Dustin's speech impediment, or his dysgenic face, or his autistic tiktok sing-along videos. I wasn't, until I saw these posts on his facebook.
If you look closely, one of those pill bottles says "stool softener" and there's something almost magical about the idea of trying to BTFO your parents by giving yourself hemorrhoids

Only a few days later, Dustin uploaded this video to facebook featuring his aunt, who he lives with instead of his parents, rummaging through his garbage looking for his pills. Keep in mind, this woman is in her mid-70s (Dustin's Great Aunt Helen) and he has her bent over a trash can; pawing through it with her bare hands, looking for his medication
"This is disgusting" - poor old lady
"Buy me NEW ONES" - Dustin the dumbass.
This all appears to be the culmination of an ongoing feud he's having with his parents to whom he has been sending UPS boxes to regularly while living with his Aunt Helen.
While Dustin isn't fighting with his big gross jewish mum who looks like a real life Sheila Broflovski --

-- Dustin likes to spend his time streaming on twitch where he has amassed a somewhat impressive number of followers considering the content he produces which consists mostly of gaming footage and his mushy-mouth'd commentary.

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