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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Double-Standards and Hypocrisy on KF

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Let's list them!

Ones I remember:

-They will bitch about youtubers shilling their patreon (with many even consider this an unsub-worthy offense).
.... and yet Null asks for donations and its praised.

-They will say SJWs are stupid for thinking games make you sexist or turn you into a Nazi.
..... But they will unironically claim that anime turns you into a pedophile or that watching true crime will make you want to stab someone.

(to be fair the pedophile thing is usually aimed at lolicon specifically, where there is some validity to the belief. The problem is that Kiwis seem to think any anime that stars teens or kids must be lolicon by default because nobody ever told them most anime is actually made for kids and teens.)

-Will openly talk about how its dumb to complain about a setting being "historically accurate"...
..... Unless it mentions COVID, then writers are expected to pretend Covid never happened just to protect Kiwi feels.

(and in the example in question the game mentioned that Covid lockdowns hurt the economy, which considering this was something Kiwis themselves were saying made the lockdowns stupid you'd think they'd be happy that mainstream media is acknowledging this, but apparently covid is such a sore spot that they would rather revise history..... again, while at the same time bitching about others want to revise history).

Of course, the big one:

-Complaining about "tranny jannies" who are banhammer happy on literally any other site on the internet.
.... When KF itself will hand out bans for any reason or sometimes no reason at all.

Did I miss anything?
Let's list them!

Ones I remember:

-They will bitch about youtubers shilling their patreon (with many even consider this an unsub-worthy offense).
.... and yet Null asks for donations and its praised.

-They will say SJWs are stupid for thinking games make you sexist or turn you into a Nazi.
..... But they will unironically claim that anime turns you into a pedophile or that watching true crime will make you want to stab someone.

(to be fair the pedophile thing is usually aimed at lolicon specifically, where there is some validity to the belief. The problem is that Kiwis seem to think any anime that stars teens or kids must be lolicon by default because nobody ever told them most anime is actually made for kids and teens.)

-Will openly talk about how its dumb to complain about a setting being "historically accurate"...
..... Unless it mentions COVID, then writers are expected to pretend Covid never happened just to protect Kiwi feels.

(and in the example in question the game mentioned that Covid lockdowns hurt the economy, which considering this was something Kiwis themselves were saying made the lockdowns stupid you'd think they'd be happy that mainstream media is acknowledging this, but apparently covid is such a sore spot that they would rather revise history..... again, while at the same time bitching about others want to revise history).

Of course, the big one:

-Complaining about "tranny jannies" who are banhammer happy on literally any other site on the internet.
.... When KF itself will hand out bans for any reason or sometimes no reason at all.

Did I miss anything?
Null will claim he wants to collect skulls from the Ukraine war yet claims an anime child pissing her pants is child porn during a fucking war no less
Null will claim he wants to collect skulls from the Ukraine war yet claims an anime child pissing her pants is child porn during a fucking war no less
Yeah he always cycles through these extreme emotions especially on MATI. One minute he's like "oh god X group is so bloodthirsty and ruthless a bloo bloo bloo why god?" next he's demanding people be shot and pissed on over whatever small thing he's upset about this week.

One MATI in 2020 he did a segment on Ralph and gunt was cussing out some girl he had on the killstream and Null sit just says "Oh gawd its tho thuper gross how Ralph talks about women." Which fair enough but then the segment continues for a bit and the next segment comes up and no word of a lie it just starts with Null saying "there's an epidemic of whores." probably never find it again but I got whiplash it was so quick lol.
Another I remembered:

--Most/all forms of entertainment are wrong/unhealthy and will lead to you becoming a criminal, a degenerate, a lolcow, or some combination of all three (especially anime).
..... And yet they've got thousand-page long topics on a lot of the exact media they claim is harmful (Sonic, anime, Disney cartoons, shows for kids, etc...)
The site agrees with Josh for splitting with Dick Masterson because of his association with "pedophiles" like Vito Gesualdi, yet turn a blind eye to Josh schmoozing around with Destiny and Turkey Tom (for clout) when both are on VERY friendly terms with Vito Gesualdi and Dick Masterson. Destiny has even made many pedophilic jokes over the years.

Josh is not principled. He is opportunistic. Another example, Josh shills and promotes Rumble with the FULL KNOWLEDGE they are working with Path.net for DDOS protection. The COO of path is Zoom who Josh calls a dangerous pedophile. Josh says he won't touch anything related to Zoom. However, he recently admitted on stream that he's warned Rumble repeatedly to not work with Path anymore. Josh and his users have been perfectly fine shilling Rumble despite it working with an actual person they call a pedophile.
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They will bitch about youtubers shilling their patreon (with many even consider this an unsub-worthy offense).
.... and yet Null asks for donations and its praised
But you see, Josh is oppressed and is fighting against the forces of evil.

Complaining about "tranny jannies" who are banhammer happy on literally any other site on the internet.
.... When KF itself will hand out bans for any reason or sometimes no reason at all.
Free speech means I can say what I want without consequences, any other opinion is evil and must be silenced.

Josh is not principled. He is opportunistic.
Exactly. Josh has shown many many times that his “principles” will flip on a dime the second it benefits him more.

The only thing I don’t understand is how selective he is with this. He will turn over his users’ info if they don’t agree with him, and he complies with DMCA’s and other legal requests whenever he doesn’t see it affecting him.
So funny thing is I've never actually interacted with Null personally, everything I know about him comes from other people's accounts. When I started this topic I was just talking about general patterns I've noticed in the community.

Anyway, I was reminded of a few more:

-Kiwis will call it "autistic" when people chimp out over differences of opinion, esp regarding things like video games or cartoons...

..... But will throw big temper tantrums themselves if you hate shit they like, or like shit they hate.

- Their stance on CONSOOMERISM is very flip-floppy. Sometimes you're wrong for liking anything at all. But then other times they fall into the habit of telling people to solve problems by throwing more money at it.

A good example is this post here. The OP of that topic actually had laid out clear, concise reasons for not accepting "just buy the game again" as a solution... and got told he deserved to be punched for it. Yeah, Ultrapenguin doesn't sound psycho at all.... Funny thing is I've seen this kind of B.S. on Reddit too, making it seem like KF and Reddit aren't all that different.
They sure as hell love to dig through post history but suddenly got upset when I did it.
Reason: All of the lolcow threads were made that way.
nools been running some intense self-pedo cover for himself for a while now thought this was common knowledge?
null probably nuked nightstars account and left the name open till someone took it
he also talked about neko shota
But they will unironically claim that anime turns you into a pedophile or that watching true crime will make you want to stab someone.
glass houses I guess.
http://archive.today/rqfDN for the neko shota thread
The site agrees with Josh for splitting with Dick Masterson because of his association with "pedophiles" like Vito Gesualdi, yet turn a blind eye to Josh schmoozing around with Destiny and Turkey Tom (for clout) when both are on VERY friendly terms with Vito Gesualdi and Dick Masterson.
turkey tom is just a zoomer drama youtuber he's probably more opportunistic than null could ever be. also I don't think that debate was on any good footing.
Some favorite recipes:

Pate of Girl's Liver

1 young girl's liver 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1- 1/2 lbs chopped shoulder meat 3 oz Cognac 1 small onion 4 whole eggs 1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon sage 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

Coarse grind all meats and mix with remaining ingredients. place formed in a loaf in a covered cassorole dish and bake for 2 1/2 hours at 350 deg F. Cool and serve with unsalted crakers and caviar.

Breast with Red Wine

One moderate size girl's breast 2 tablespoons butter 2 cans tomato pieces 2 cups small pearl onions 4 carrots, sliced 2 stalks celery cut in large pieces 2 cups red wine 2 cloves garlic, halved 1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns 1 pinch ea Majoram & thyme 1 bay leaf 2 Tablespoons melted butter salt to taste 1 cup girl meat drippings and broth

Quickly braise the breast in butter in a frying pan, just enough to slightly brown. Place the breast in a covered roaster and pour the broth and wine over it. Add tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots and the seasonings to the roaster and cover. Roast at 350 deg F, basting occasionally until done, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Serve the breast on a platter diagonally sliced with the vegetables. Serve the broth like a gravy to be poured over the meat as eaten.

Sliced Heart in Burgundy Sauce

One girl's heart, sliced 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1/4 cup chopped onions 1 cup burgundy wine 1/2 cup girl meat drippings and broth salt and pepper to taste flour for thickening

Braised the sliced heart and mushrooms in a pan with girl meat drippings, butter, and onions. Add the wine and stir together with the broth. Add the salt and pepper and add small amounts of flour to thicken sauce just slightly. Serve very hot.
Reason: Shit post because the roll back
This is more fit for the psychology thread but whatever it doesn't matter.
Another thing came into mind while I was browsing this site, null pouts a lot about censorship and deplaformation. Especially regarding himself.
But he doesn't account for the doxes, animal porn/gore, countless pictures/videos that could aid in investigations or keep people away for longer time.
I don't know Moonman, maybe the hosting company would rather not be implicated in a harassment or withholding evidence case.
When KF itself will hand out bans for any reason or sometimes no reason at all.
That's exactly what happened to me dude. I made a mild ass joke at Nulls expense, thinking that because he runs a site where people get relentlessly bullied (sometimes to suicide) he could handle a light ribbing. He could not.

He accused me of being a sock account and banned me.

For someone who runs a fucking troll site he is the most thin skinned bitch I've ever seen in my life. He will talk shit all day about anyone but when it's his turn in the barrel he has Vietnam flashbacks to when he got bullied and picked on in high school 😂

But it all worked out in the end because even though I only lasted 6 days on kiwi Farms, I found this place and later found out that he is a pedophile faggot who watches shota animated child porn. Sick fuck.
The site agrees with Josh for splitting with Dick Masterson because of his association with "pedophiles" like Vito Gesualdi, yet turn a blind eye to Josh schmoozing around with Destiny and Turkey Tom (for clout) when both are on VERY friendly terms with Vito Gesualdi and Dick Masterson. Destiny has even made many pedophilic jokes over the years.

Josh is not principled. He is opportunistic. Another example, Josh shills and promotes Rumble with the FULL KNOWLEDGE they are working with Path.net for DDOS protection. The COO of path is Zoom who Josh calls a dangerous pedophile. Josh says he won't touch anything related to Zoom. However, he recently admitted on stream that he's warned Rumble repeatedly to not work with Path anymore. Josh and his users have been perfectly fine shilling Rumble despite it working with an actual person they call a pedophile.
This Josh-Turkey Tom-Destiny connection has become even more scummy as Turkey Tom is now the host for Destiny's Kick of Keep program.

Destiny's last host Qorantos quit the show. Destiny was paying Qorantos 5 figures a year to host his side project.

We can now deduce with evidence that Destiny is paying Turkey Tom to host his side project. Why would he do it for free? People like Josh accurately explained Turkey Tom's association with Destiny, Vito, and Dick Masterson as a means of collecting internet clout, but now there is a direct financial connection between the two.

I don't have much to say on the matter besides what I've previously stated on a separate thread regarding Josh's wavering "principle" about not associating with pedophiles and people who associate with pedophiles. To think the guy who makes video series on "Losers, Creeps, Pedos" (Turkey Tom) finds it fit to associate with Vito and Dick means he doesn't believe either is any of said labels or he is overlooking it for clout/connections which Josh should consider in his calculus of Tom's character.

Side note: Kiwifarms user Just A Worm, who's art I can admit is funny, was commissioned by Turkey Tom (which was possible covered by Destiny) to draw art for Destiny's show he now hosts. The prior connection between Destiny and Vito Gesualdi, who Josh and Kiwifarms decry as a dangerous pedophile who should not be around children, his written in stone as Vito is such a big part of the Kick or Keep program that he was included in the art. Just A Worm even tagged Vito's account in his tweet. Does Just A Worm believe Vito is a pedophile and kept his mouth shut because he was getting paid? Most likely.
just a worm tweet.pngGLOOM_IXEAAB9x2.jpg

Josh will continue to ignore this Destiny-Turkey Tom-Vito-Dick Masterson connection because he too wants clout and an in with Tom's audience. He wants to be seen as "cool" by Tom's audience. Turkey Tom's actions Josh dismissed as "just being young" can now be clearly concluded to be motivated by finances.
For the record, I'm not asking Josh to disavow Turkey Tom or anything like that. He wouldn't have the balls to do it even if Tom threw him under the bus. I'm demonstrating even further that the high horse he likes to ride of "Sorry, but I don't associate with people who like to associate with pedophiles" that he and his users like to parrot against others like Dick Masterson is complete bullshit. "Josh is not principled. He is opportunistic." This is his high horse.
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the high horse he likes to ride of "Sorry, but I don't associate with people who like to associate with pedophiles" that he and his users like to parrot against others like Dick Masterson is complete bullshit.
Let's not forget the time the broom was getting cash from Dick via NP2 and began desperately sweeping Dick's thread, to the point of moving it to the food forum and getting AnOminous to shit it up and start posting about beans. Then NP2 goes away, null gets asked not to scare the normals so much, and suddenly Dick is a furry and hang out with pedos and all that.
This Josh-Turkey Tom-Destiny connection has become even more scummy as Turkey Tom is now the host for Destiny's Kick of Keep program.

Destiny's last host Qorantos quit the show. Destiny was paying Qorantos 5 figures a year to host his side project.

We can now deduce with evidence that Destiny is paying Turkey Tom to host his side project. Why would he do it for free? People like Josh accurately explained Turkey Tom's association with Destiny, Vito, and Dick Masterson as a means of collecting internet clout, but now there is a direct financial connection between the two.

Side note: Kiwifarms user Just A Worm, who's art I can admit is funny, was commissioned by Turkey Tom (which was possible covered by Destiny) to draw art for Destiny's show he now hosts. The prior connection between Destiny and Vito Gesualdi, who Josh and Kiwifarms decry as a dangerous pedophile who should not be around children, his written in stone as Vito is such a big part of the Kick or Keep program that he was included in the art. Just A Worm even tagged Vito's account in his tweet. Does Just A Worm believe Vito is a pedophile and kept his mouth shut because he was getting paid? Most likely.
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Josh will continue to ignore this Destiny-Turkey Tom-Vito-Dick Masterson connection because he too wants clout and an in with Tom's audience. He wants to be seen as "cool" by Tom's audience. Turkey Tom's actions Josh dismissed as "just being young" can now be clearly concluded to be motivated by finances.
the faces of faggotry