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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

Trump Derangement Syndrome Donald Trump General Discussion

The idiocy of Donald Trump's power schemes
This kinda thing irritates me, mostly because age -related cognitive decline comes for everyone in some form. Then there's this nigga acting like he's not within a few years' time of that, or that he's not already standing/waddling around like he's wearing adult diapers himself.

Also inb4 the ballgarglers attempt to defend him when he starts making the same oldman flubs as Biden.
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This kinda thing irritates me, mostly because age -related cognitive decline comes for everyone in some form
Not everyone is running for president and claiming to be as sharp as they ever were, though.

I can't wait for Trump to go fully senile and start posting to social media off his meds. You know his dementia tweets are going to be wild.
Trump Shooter.jpg

This has been updated and is incorrect.
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