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Does Onion Farms Support Palestine?

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
First of all, you're posting this question in the wrong subforum, have a look around this forum and learn about all te different subfora before randomly posting something wherever:

@Empresa please move this topic to the above subforum.

To answer your question, I don't care about what's important to the Arab world, I care about what's important to the West. Arab countries are mostly run by authoritarian theocrats who not only hate Dzooz and Israel, but also hate the West and Westerners in general. They don't care if you're progressive or conservative, atheist or Christian, if you're from the West they hate you just because you're not one of them and do not believe in whatever they believe in. Their Holy Book tells them to wage Holy War or "Jihad" against non-believers. There are a few secular Muslims but they are a minority in whatever country they are in and have no power or influence to change anything or to modernize their societies, that's why so many of them want to come escape the hellholes they're in to come to the West. The overwhelming majority of Arabs use Dzooz and Israel as a scapegoat and a distraction from all the shit that's wrong and dysfunctional in their own countries. Instead of looking at themselves and everything that they need to fix in their own countries, they act like the ME would be Paradise on Earth if only Israel didn't exist. It's not like Palestine would be any different from all the other theorcratic hellholes in the rest of that region if it was run by Palestinian Muslims instead of Dzooz. You're delusional if you think it would make any damn difference. If all Dzooz disappeared from Israel tomorrow, Palestina would become just another Islamist theorcratic dictatorship under the control of corrupt religious zealots oppressing their people with moral police surveillance, mafia-like extortion, etc. At least they wouldn't be able to blame all their problems on the Dzooz, but I'm sure they would pivot back to blaming all their fucking problems on us, the West, as their next best scapegoat after the Dzooz.


queen opee the great
Hellovan Onion
To answer your question, I don't care about what's important to the Arab world, I care about what's important to the West. Arab countries are mostly run by authoritarian theocrats who not only hate Dzooz and Israel, but also hate the West and Westerners in general. They don't care if you're progressive or conservative, atheist or Christian, if you're from the West they hate you just because you're not one of them and do not believe in whatever they believe in. Their Holy Book tells them to wage Holy War or "Jihad" against non-believers. There are a few secular Muslims but they are a minority in whatever country they are in and have no power or influence to change anything or to modernize their societies, that's why so many of them want to come escape the hellholes they're in to come to the West. The overwhelming majority of Arabs use Dzooz and Israel as a scapegoat and a distraction from all the shit that's wrong and dysfunctional in their own countries. Instead of looking at themselves and everything that they need to fix in their own countries, they act like the ME would be Paradise on Earth if only Israel didn't exist. It's not like Palestine would be any different from all the other theorcratic hellholes in the rest of that region if it was run by Palestinian Muslims instead of Dzooz. You're delusional if you think it would make any damn difference. If all Dzooz disappeared from Israel tomorrow, Palestina would become just another Islamist theorcratic dictatorship under the control of corrupt religious zealots oppressing their people with moral police surveillance, mafia-like extortion, etc. At least they wouldn't be able to blame all their problems on the Dzooz, but I'm sure they would pivot back to blaming all their fucking problems on us, the West, as their next best scapegoat after the Dzooz.
not reading allat

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Everyone on this forum has their own opinion but i personally wish a fist shaped meteor would wipe out the entire middle east because I'm tired of shills on both sides expecting me to give a fuck about their cause that openly shows it is an enemy to my people. My stance is the same with Russia vs Ukraine.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
not reading allat
Of course you won't, you're too stupid to read anything.
Clearly you don't even know English. WTF is "allat"?
Get off the internet and don't come back until you're learned proper English.

Kenny i know your a Muslim do you support Palestine? Israel are calling muslims animals and killing muslim babies.
Where was this energy while Hamas were killing Israeli babies and abducting them? Oh right, you idiots want Israel to just sit on their hands and do nothing while their citizens are being slaughtered and abducted by terrorists. Not gonna happen.

I disagree with Israel though, let's not insult the simple dignity of animals by comparing them to the likes of Hamas. Animals kill because they have to, Hamas kills because they made a choice to, and made their killing as lethal as possible. This is what makes them worse and more dangerous than any animal out there.

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
Kenny i know your a Muslim do you support Palestine? Israel are calling muslims animals and killing muslim babies.
My personal opinion is a two-pronged approach. The first prong should be a reconstruction effort that will set up temporary shelters and aid for the traumatized Gaza residents. I would advocate safe spaces for these people. The second prong should be for the Israeli military to go in separately and take out Hamas with surgical strikes.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Of course you won't, you're too stupid to read anything.
Clearly you don't even know English. WTF is "allat"?
Get off the internet and don't come back until you're learned proper English.

Where was this energy while Hamas were killing Israeli babies and abducting them? Oh right, you idiots want Israel to just sit on their hands and do nothing while their citizens are being slaughtered and abducted by terrorists. Not gonna happen.

I disagree with Israel though, let's not insult the simple dignity of animals by comparing them to the likes of Hamas. Animals kill because they have to, Hamas kills because they made a choice to, and made their killing as lethal as possible. This is what makes them worse and more dangerous than any animal out there.
Ofc Gays decides to not block the obvz troll, but engage. And you wonder why you got called a tranny by the broom.
My personal opinion is a two-pronged approach. The first prong should be a reconstruction effort that will set up temporary shelters and aid for the traumatized Gaza residents. I would advocate safe spaces for these people. The second prong should be for the Israeli military to go in separately and take out Hamas with surgical strikes.
Yeah. THe Palestinians want the Israelis to live in the sea, Israel (and the swivel eyed fringe around the world) want THE SAMSON OPTION.

I say: Kill 'em all... and let God decide.

Pepsi Man

Savior of PepsiLand
Remarkable Onion
It's a bit hard for me to say yes or no as both sides have committed some fucked up shit, but I guess you could say I support Palestine, as a secular state that (tries to anyway) not have the agenda of purging an ethnic group they don't like
On an individual level a Palestinian and an Israeli are not monstrous child-eating beasts, but the Israeli government and groups like Hamas on a group level have committed horrible acts against innocents and fail to conduct in respectful warfare. (though really, what war is respectable?)
I believe that such a state should be a mandate of a foreign power until stability is restored in the region, I'd suggest the British return to Palestine but given the current state of Britain I feel like they would muck everything up even more. (and I don't think the publicity would be all that great)
Maybe the U.S should take this mantle, although it wouldn't be any better then the British, but if we use some subtle wording and not directly state that this is the U.S conducting the show, people wouldn't be as mad. Though we'd still get a lot of flack since Palestine would AGAIN be under foreign control but it's not like the locals are doing a better job.
Maybe it should be a U.N mandate? Just kidding that would be a dumpster fire as soon as it's planned.
I do think that eventually the local population should take a vote on if to continue the mandate or declare independence, eventually foreign powers would have to withdraw so this vote would extend the mandate until the next vote 10-20 years (if continuing the mandate is a majority opinion) or independence by then.
"What about the terrorist groups! Won't they be impowered by this and now have a just cause to resist the mandate?"
Yes it could allow terror groups to take up the "just" cause of resisting the mandate but through careful wording, benefits for cooperation, a healthy dose of propaganda showing how good the mandate is for the region, not making military personnel a common sight/not making it look like an occupation, and disarming said groups via dismantling the very prevalent illegal arms trade, firearm buyback programs and a crackdown on drug trade to destroy terror group funding, resistance can be reduced to tolerable levels. There will always be outliers and people who disagree with our rule, but we shouldn't push for a goal of 100% acceptance (it'd be neat though) but push for a goal of non-violent disagreement and majority accepted rule (60% minimum) through, again, proving to the people our administration is what the region needs among other methods.
"Won't other Arab countries see this as a prelude to a return of colonial occupation and try to dismantle the mandate?"
Probably yes, but we should be clear that this won't ever extend beyond Palestine, as a gesture of goodwill and proof we're working towards a better middle east we should form a council of representatives from neighboring Arab nations and Muslim leaders that can comment on and help guide disputes with the Arab population and our administration, alongside returning The Golan Heights to Syria and helping nations like Egypt and Syria fight ISIS.
On the Jewish question, insure Israeli Jews that they will be protected as much as any other civilian of the mandate and creating another council of Jewish representatives to handle disputes concerning Jews.
Christians, the often forgotten group of people in Palestine, also deserve their own council, consisting of The Pope, The Patriarch of Jerusalem and other local Christian leaders, an effort must also be made to restore destroyed Christian sites in Palestine.
These councils will allow us to display unity and cooperation amongst the different religious and ethnic groups in the region, they may not solve everything but they will help immensely when dealing with religious disputes.
The administration must be made of outsiders and locals, outsiders will hold all key positions and local leaders will advise them with local issues, the reason outsiders hold key positions is to insure (hopefully) nobody who has power will have a bias towards one group or the other and can assess situations fairly and objectively, eventually once the locals don't want to kill each other all the time then locals will be able to take power.
Reconstruction programs and construction of new settlements, towns, monuments, and factories will create jobs, boost moral, increase cooperation and pride in the new Palestine.

I'd type more but I'm tired and out of ideas
I could be completely wrong and this could be a shit take but this is just how I think this whole thing can be fixed, while yea this isn't a perfect solution and it's easier said then done but at least it's a step in the (hopefully) right direction.
Sorry if I made some typos or said something that made no sense, I'm mostly just talking out my ass here, realistically none of this will happen but it's still something I wanted to say. Feel free to correct me if I got some things wrong :)

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Not to sound like an r/atheism poster but all modern religion is fucked and just a game of telephone that went horribly wrong and the books are like those videos where they put pokemon names in the google translator 100 times. That being said it doesn't mean there isn't a god i just don't trust fellow humans who are prone to lying for self interest to tell me what god is and wants.


queen opee the great
Hellovan Onion
I say: Kill 'em all... and let God decide.
fence sitting faggot
My personal opinion is a two-pronged approach. The first prong should be a reconstruction effort that will set up temporary shelters and aid for the traumatized Gaza residents. I would advocate safe spaces for these people. The second prong should be for the Israeli military to go in separately and take out Hamas with surgical strikes.
Israel very clearly do not want to destroy Hamas, they want to genocide the Palestinan people. How bombing refugee camps constitues anti terrorism is beyond me, Israel are the real terror
Yeah. THe Palestinians want the Israelis to live in the sea, Israel (and the swivel eyed fringe around the world) want THE SAMSON OPTION.
From River to Sea means Jews and Arabs living peacefully in a Palestinan state with equal rights.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
fence sitting faggot

Israel very clearly do not want to destroy Hamas, they want to genocide the Palestinan people. How bombing refugee camps constitues anti terrorism is beyond me, Israel are the real terror

From River to Sea means Jews and Arabs living peacefully in a Palestinan state with equal rights.
You know there is more than 2 side to a fence right? Just think ww2 when the nazis had to fight against the axis and russia. The communists were not friends with the American capitalists. They even had an entire cold war. He isn't sitting on a fence he is in his own yard which isn't the same yard as muslims or jews. Israel and Palestine are both enemies to my country too. I will not side with either enemy i will let them weaken each other to make it easier to take out the winner.


queen opee the great
Hellovan Onion
You know there is more than 2 side to a fence right? Just think ww2 when the nazis had to fight against the axis and russia. The communists were not friends with the American capitalists. They even had an entire cold war. He isn't sitting on a fence he is in his own yard which isn't the same yard as muslims or jews. Israel and Palestine are both enemies to my country too. I will not side with either enemy i will let them weaken each other to make it easier to take oit the winner.
Fuck Multi Sided arguments, it's literally like ww2, you stand against Israel or you stand with genocide.

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
fence sitting faggot

Israel very clearly do not want to destroy Hamas, they want to genocide the Palestinan people. How bombing refugee camps constitues anti terrorism is beyond me, Israel are the real terror

From River to Sea means Jews and Arabs living peacefully in a Palestinan state with equal rights.
The reason there are so many fatalities in Gaza is the infrastructure. Gaza is a small strip of land with everything packed together and a population density of over 13,000 people per square mile. Their base of operations is a network of underground tunnels for hundreds of miles with command centers in places like hospitals and so forth. It is practically impossible to strike something without collateral damage. It sucks but it is what it is.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Jews bombed the uss liberty and Muslims did 911 they are both my enemies so my side is against both. There are always multiple sides to a war like when Poland was invaded by Russia and Germany at the same time. You don't expect them to pick a side of russia or German and call them a fence sitter if they say they want them both out of the country.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
From River to Sea means Jews and Arabs living peacefully in a Palestinan state with equal rights.
Chin-ney Reck-on. Must troll harder.
Just think ww2 when the nazis had to fight against the axis and russia.
Nazi's didn't HAVE to fight the USSR, they signed a NAP with them, only to back stab them (socialists betraying each other shocker), and look how that turned out.
It is practically impossible to strike something without collateral damage
Dinny cunts voted Hamas in, they can't complain when they get used as human shields
Jews bombed the uss liberty
Legitimate military op. Seriously, Israel took out a ship that was leaking intel, they were planning something they didn't want EVERYONE to know, so took out the Liberty. The Yanks actually gave the money the Israelis had to pay in "compo".

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
But if i had to pick i would choose israel. Muslims will not stop until they have one world religion and it's them or us at the end of the day and would be one less thing to worry about. Muslims are like that fat guy drinking water and jews are the skinny guy drinking the drips. Just let them have a tiny piece of land because Muslim have the entire rest of the middle east. They shouldn't have even given them Palestine or gaza then we wouldn't have this specific war just other countries invading. Also this answer will piss op off.