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Debate twatter on which person in the picture she most likely looks like


Deleted member 184

>still no timestamp in the metadata like last time
>still the wrong username
Okay fuck it, we're not likely to get anything clearer out of you. I rate you pudgy, but that might just be the clothes holding in all the FAT
It was the same picture from before lol. And you're not wrong about that tho. I hide it better than obese people, but skinny fat people hide their fat the best of all. I'll post a picture of me with YOUR username tomorrow, I promise that.

Deleted member 184

skinny people hide their fat best of all because they dont have fat
Nah not just skinny people, but skinny-fat people. They have really low body weights and muscle, but for their weight, they've got a really high amount of body fat.


Segmentation fault (core dumped)
An Onion Among Onions
Tfw you're too late to see the fatbgirl selfies.
Edit: credit goes to @A Weddell Seal and @Justin Buttz for saving these, I'm simply reposting them here for anyone who missed them.
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