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Non-Country Confess Your Sins

Thread that is not connected to a particular country or miscellaneous posts


High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
I once catfished a British nerd. Had him ready to fly out and everything, which would have been hilarious since I worked at the airport I planned to send him to.
The real sin was contracting a case of troll's remorse and stopping the whole thing 😔
You complimented a guy on his dick pics for a prank.


Daniel Lopez is a pedophile
Remarkable Onion
I killed a dozen Canada Geese in one swift motion.

The sin? I didn't clean the mess of dead goose off the road.
I once catfished a British nerd. Had him ready to fly out and everything, which would have been hilarious since I worked at the airport I planned to send him to.
The real sin was contracting a case of troll's remorse and stopping the whole thing 😔
You complimented a guy on his dick pics for a prank.
Man what a missed opportunity. The stupid wetback could have made you his lil' tranny bitch.

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions