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Kiwifarms Linked Christorian X / Kengle X / Pit Viper Salesman / AF Stream Watch / in_vexillum

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
For posterity I'll be posting all of Kengle X's DMs. Feel free to read through them yourself and do a Ctrl+F to find interesting things in them. These had to had the dates and times removed to fit the character limit, but you can download the full DM logs yourself here. I swear to Kengle these logs are authentic and have not been tampered with beyond removing the dates and times.

messages with Chingtastic Chong
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so what if i told you i thought it was odd no one did a really deep dive on the killstream.tv info
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and that once i did i discovered / of everyone used their real info
Pit_Viper_Salesman: either partially or completely
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and linked their screennames they use on social
AltisticRight@poa.st: I have another document outlining the "doxable" and yeah it's about /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its insane
Pit_Viper_Salesman: phone numbers
AltisticRight@poa.st: I was expecting % at best
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im running everyone individually and then using that to confirm the names given
Pit_Viper_Salesman: from there im googling the screen names
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a goddamn treasure trove
AltisticRight@poa.st: One would thought these fucking retards thinking the government is injecting microchips in them and the democrats want their heads on a rod would have slightly better opsec
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im building a database
Pit_Viper_Salesman: social media links
Pit_Viper_Salesman: linked ins
Pit_Viper_Salesman: addresses
Pit_Viper_Salesman: notes
AltisticRight@poa.st: It's gonna seem pretty psychotic to go after his worthless paypigs, I'd just focus on the outspoken guntguards like guitaranthony whose dox is out there lmao
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im not going to drop no names
Pit_Viper_Salesman: only the open and regular ballwashers
AltisticRight@poa.st: The paypig's list damn
AltisticRight@poa.st: They need tattoo stamps like what Asia does to ID the pigs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but you and Haru will get a complete database copy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you both are reasonable people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you know the Halsey guy?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dono'd
AltisticRight@poa.st: That Zionist far right licker?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: used all his real info
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's such a goon
AltisticRight@poa.st: Well, he's an estaished loudmouth
Pit_Viper_Salesman: first name is scott, lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so halsey and maybe more will get dropper tomorrow
AltisticRight@poa.st: Lol so Halsey English is his pretend goy name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Scott English is his real name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Halsey is either a middle or mothers maiden name or something stupid i believe
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's a moron
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator knows ive been looking at it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him it appears like / of them self doxed
AltisticRight@poa.st: He was going around in yelling matches against alt right types a while ago
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he basically said they deserve whatever shit they get from it
AltisticRight@poa.st: Made a name for himself as an obnoxious loud and annoying sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: und k subs on YT
Pit_Viper_Salesman: very try hard
AltisticRight@poa.st: Is he still around? Haven't heard a thing from him after that dumb Warski stream
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still try harding
Pit_Viper_Salesman: https://www.youtube.com/c/HalseyNewsNetwork/videos
AltisticRight@poa.st: What an utter embarrassment
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yep
AltisticRight@poa.st: Jews are supposed to be smart and witty, not fat and slovenly.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so him and like more get dropped tomorrow for halloween
Pit_Viper_Salesman: what really going to wind Ralph up is that someone is picking these guys off as a hobby
Pit_Viper_Salesman: at somepoint its going to scare other people off from donoing
AltisticRight@poa.st: If he keeps running his mouth I'll keep dropping that list.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think my running joke is going to be that i have Bibbles dox and im just waiting for the right moment to drop it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but that if every week or two i drop another name
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he'll start to panic
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and people like RPG, Cog and Metokur can use it to fuck with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you know the other thing im discovering in my research
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the non-white paypigs almost equal the white ones
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I think im def gonna fuck with Bibble
Pit_Viper_Salesman: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/a-eb--fc-baada
AltisticRight@poa.st: Equal as in pathetic behaviour or the paypiggery? Some of Gunt's coloured paypigs are just astoundingly pathetic.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i mean the number of
Pit_Viper_Salesman: almost half his audience is non-white
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh I see, that's interesting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it really is
AltisticRight@poa.st: I'd expect a lot of them to be Latino types with an identity crisis
AltisticRight@poa.st: It's a sad thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i mean, whatever anyones thoughts on race is, why anyone who's hispanic or black is throwing heavy money and time at ralph is weird
AltisticRight@poa.st: Probably esteem issues or delusion, maybe a bit of both
Pit_Viper_Salesman: sounds about right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey are you around?
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i just got hit up by Rick / Stolos
Pit_Viper_Salesman: about the Flamenco thread and Flamenco in general being gayopped
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and after getting an ice pack for my head because of slamming it on the table
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i thought I would reach out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I told Rick that while I fully agree all this is occuring, I am in no way involving myself in discord bullshit. It always ends badly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: The other fact which you and I know that he doesn't
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is that the last fucking person you want attached to an investigation on Flamenco gayopps is Christorian X
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all that said
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah that is absolutely correct and the fact that knows this
AltisticRight@poa.st: Or does she?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: knows which part
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that i am CX?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but cannot do anything to me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i've had her full dox since March
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah this won't end well if you're involved
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and she's known i was CX
Pit_Viper_Salesman: she signed an NDA for me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i can sue her into the ground
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that said
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh my lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i want nothing to do with this
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah, I can understand, my involvement won't go further than reading the thread before it's posted
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have been clear with her since day one that the discord shit is terrible and she should never have gotten involved
Pit_Viper_Salesman: she didn't listen
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i was fine with her giving me a heads up on shit
AltisticRight@poa.st: We all said that, , Haru, and I, etc
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so now we are getting to the heart odf the matter
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is shit i think you really should know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but theres no way of you using it in the open without people knowing CX gave it to you
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hmmm, interesting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: unless you find it on your own
AltisticRight@poa.st: Well there has to be ways to "find it"
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so if i can tell you where to accidentally fall upon and find things
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the cow / spooky gay shit is % real
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i've seen enough to know myself and flam and others were at the center of it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whether it was because the pig asked them too or because they are just major faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i'd call it /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: around that time he really hated both of us a ton
AltisticRight@poa.st: So the entire Flamenco thing blowing up was a gayop by Spooky Bones? Is cow the Cow Poly or the board?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so essentially
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the way i understand it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Spooky is the head of the snake
Pit_Viper_Salesman: best way to put it
AltisticRight@poa.st: The he here is SEXYTHAN I JUST LOST NRN, and us is you and Flamenco?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: call this a way more intelligent and successful council of evil
Pit_Viper_Salesman: with Spooky = DJ aksel
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and cow being his Lt
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all these people are degen fuckers
AltisticRight@poa.st: Kek what's with these female tranny discord rings
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't fucking know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its fucking stupid
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: cow has boasted to people regularly hes talked to and worked with the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but he's also desparate for attention
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and is a junkie
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: /?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Spooky got a taste of the Janke psycho ops and love it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: loved it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there was some split or fracture
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah, and she's also behind that I JUST LOST NRNapedia thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the goal of spooky and crew was to destabilize the farms
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and push their new boards as a replacement
AltisticRight@poa.st: Lol that's retarded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they got all weird and convinced of their greatness
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that essentially they had some right to not just cover but benevolently control lolcows
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i shit you not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it got this fucking gay
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so a group broke off and decided they were sick of them
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Gin, and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: basically got pissed being told they were spookys pawns to their face
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so then the inter group gayops happened
AltisticRight@poa.st: Kek sad they went from worshipping one female to another
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and vetti was pissed that no one gave a shit about him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so he started attacking them all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah that's what I've essentially been told too but the plan to destabilise is new and sounds incredibly retarded.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that is side of all this
AltisticRight@poa.st: Based Vetti
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then simultaneously
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there was the council of evil
Pit_Viper_Salesman: running gay ops for the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its like all these faggot terrorist cells
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so you have the council also running ops
Pit_Viper_Salesman: against me, vickers, flam and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which only leads me to believe more spooky / cow were doing the same
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so when CX died
Pit_Viper_Salesman: PVS returned as a mother fucker
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and dropped doxes on the entire council as well as many of the Cozy streamers all within like days
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and it caused the council to freak out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: bear with me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: we are getting there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is also a rd group
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochet's crew
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hahaha that dumb faggot
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's been trying to recruit me into his trooncord
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not sure if you know this, but Kinochet was a major I JUST LOST NRN ballwasher forever
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and its how he found flamenco
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's such a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet was a flam discord mod and YT mod for a super long time
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when Flam kicked him out for telling people to dox Tux's sister
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he lost his shit
AltisticRight@poa.st: LOL
Pit_Viper_Salesman: for whole months he come into flams yt chat screaming, begging, demanding to be let back in and remodded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he even sent flam money
AltisticRight@poa.st: .
AltisticRight@poa.st: ffs
AltisticRight@poa.st: Bruh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: epic meltdowns almost daily
Pit_Viper_Salesman: flam told him to fuck off
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats what his little grudge is about
Pit_Viper_Salesman: flam took his power
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so now he just acts like a pissed off ex
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and will say literally anything to fuck with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still not all the way there though
Pit_Viper_Salesman: while Kinochet does have a discord
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats not all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and this is the part you can't use
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's too stupid to run gayops right...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there is a twitter group
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah my policy is what's in DM stays there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i was invited to join
AltisticRight@poa.st: Wow, how is that not gay?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i realized
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its all the alogs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet, xanniberries, mistwerwutang, molesterson, cringemomma
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and fucking PodAwful
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and others
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they coordinate
AltisticRight@poa.st: What
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they work together to spread a narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i shit you not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: still not there yet
AltisticRight@poa.st: This is hysterical, all this gay plotting around a fat man
Pit_Viper_Salesman: RIGHT?!?!?!?
AltisticRight@poa.st: It really is true, the people who try to get clout from piggy is worse than him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is why i always work solo
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is supposed to be fun
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not some fucking gang war
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so that whole little crew
Pit_Viper_Salesman: coordinates narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they create NRN
Pit_Viper_Salesman: created*
AltisticRight@poa.st: I'm not too sure who I can trust, Haru, Sam and Rick, I think you're trustworthy and DD... probably no one else.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but also, Kinochet has them all sold or forced to run the Flam is a pedo narrative
AltisticRight@poa.st: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so
Pit_Viper_Salesman: finally
Pit_Viper_Salesman: theres one last piece of the puzzle
AltisticRight@poa.st: They think nrn will destroy the subforum or something?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i'll give you one guess
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whats the name of the one faggot that is connected to every one of these groups?
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hmmmm
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochets Discord, the Council of Evil, Kino Casino, and Cow Poly
AltisticRight@poa.st: Have you mentioned this person yet?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: nope!
AltisticRight@poa.st: ... TeaClips?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Bryan Dunn
AltisticRight@poa.st: Bryan?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's connected or in every server involved in this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so is Kinochet
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and Cow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they are your players
Pit_Viper_Salesman: along with spooky
AltisticRight@poa.st: To me Spooky seems like the smarter out of the bunch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its possible
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then they are some lieutenants
AltisticRight@poa.st: Cow Poly is a troll, Gin basically just gives up his sock if I pretend to not know it or probe him to use the wrong your, Kinochet is just a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: remember when i told you early in the summer when i burned CX that it all fet coordinated?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: felt*
Pit_Viper_Salesman: maybe its multiple groups bouncing off each other
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah, there was a cow poly sock on those splinters and it kind of blew out of proportion
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think because i refused to play along with any group i was annoying
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and flam was getting bigger and bigger in the spring
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was regularly crossing k live
AltisticRight@poa.st: Why do they have a hate boner against that retard
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dunno if i told you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it wasn't his step mom that came in his thread
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was his dad
AltisticRight@poa.st: He does undermine the pig and some other commentary community faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i had to talk his dad down from coming back
AltisticRight@poa.st: Right, his dad was acting like a woman
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its where flam clearly gets it from
Pit_Viper_Salesman: can't help himself from running back for another round
Pit_Viper_Salesman: meanwhile
Pit_Viper_Salesman: throughout ALL of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all the swattings
Pit_Viper_Salesman: of Flam, Jim, Vickers, Rekieta
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and while im not supposed to tell anyone
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Gator got hit a lot too
AltisticRight@poa.st: Zoom's tradmark, or rather Path
Pit_Viper_Salesman: obviously thats not a shock
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh yeah I know
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's told me privately
Pit_Viper_Salesman: good
AltisticRight@poa.st: He did the right thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's good people honestly once he burned fatass
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: either you have the pig and AF at the center of pushing different cells of faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or you have a few cells all bouncing off each other
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but targeting the same people because their fun is getting ruined
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats what has been happening the last -ish months
AltisticRight@poa.st: Someone's gonna blow the lid on this whole thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: well thats why im telling you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hopefully you might be able to nudge people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: right
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator told me i can share this to you all
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah it was funny to see them constantly eat each other in the chat.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's able to prove and replicate that you can alter a persons viewing history on pron-hub
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hahahahaha that's nice
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he's reviewed the steam data leaks and can prove that the steam shit was opped or bullshit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the problem is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that while all the ops were bullshit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco did just what they wanted
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and lost his fucking mind
AltisticRight@poa.st: The Boy Sopreno thing... is that real?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have no fucking clue
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator believes no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he believes he can prove its not
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and the sealed file is exactly what his dad said it was
Pit_Viper_Salesman: heres the real honest truth
AltisticRight@poa.st: Just a DUI or something, kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: after talking is dad down and trying to council him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's come to trust me decently
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not even
AltisticRight@poa.st: It was so inconsequential, I forgot.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the honest truth it
AltisticRight@poa.st: I tried to talk that person down, too bad they don't want to trust me
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's way more autistic than he appears
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and essentially we are dealing with someone who's years emotionally and socially behind people his age
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in hich school and growing up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was always lost
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so he was always alone and a sad kid
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so who are some of the people who never judge?
AltisticRight@poa.st: Pft his dad did some PLing for sure...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the weebs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in high school his parents divorced
AltisticRight@poa.st: Right, that's why he became one, to find a sense of belonging
Pit_Viper_Salesman: even in his weird personal ads
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he just really wanted someone to care about him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so the divorce upset him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he would sperg at his mom
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and the school called the state over it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and because its NY
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they put his ass in a boys home for a year
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and for a kid like that
AltisticRight@poa.st: Americans are retarded
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was probably fucking hell for him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im sure it was a nightmare for an year old in a year old body
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then he went to live with his dad
Pit_Viper_Salesman: tried college, didn't take
Pit_Viper_Salesman: got a job
Pit_Viper_Salesman: got sucked online
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but slowly caught up and started college around when he caught up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's chris chan with a family that pushed him and the awareness he needs to try and integrate
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly hes down very well for himself in that context
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the problem is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when all this blew up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he was so fucking embarrased that when he got grilled it came off horribly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and autistically
Pit_Viper_Salesman: then you have salvo who is a goddamn lunatic that saw a bomb ready to be lit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and everyone ran with it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and kinochet, spooky and everyone saw this as a bonus
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and poured more gas on the fire they started
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Kinochet lives in DeOrios server and more than one person tells me he runs gayops for him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: DeOrio and Augie had been planning this
AltisticRight@poa.st: So it does tie into those faggots
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco was always going to be content for the trolls, alogs, discord faggots and the CC
AltisticRight@poa.st: Knew it
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yead
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah they must have seen the juicy alog bucks and decided to burn him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a huge incestuous faggot ball
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its worse
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so remember when flam was caught on that live stream?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when elijah and destiny went to his college?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Augie came out and spent the weekend hanging out with him and played it like they were best friends
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and told flam how awesome he was
Pit_Viper_Salesman: to a kid who never had friends
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that was huge
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and then they burn him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: of course he melted down
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this was Chris levels of trolling and kick the autistic
AltisticRight@poa.st: They have too much time
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i highly suspect the pig had a hand in all this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flam was starting to get higher daily live
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and Metokur was giving him attention
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: there you go
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats the whole web of stupid shit
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah makes sense, the pornhub thing can be reproduced
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i hope this is somewhat helpful
Pit_Viper_Salesman: your biggest issue is Kinochet and Spooky unless you want to go right for the pig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever management of the thread entails, Kinochet will need to be construed as an unreliable faggot, and spooky a psycho
Pit_Viper_Salesman: based on that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: my personal recommendation is the following
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco should be able to produce either people willing to corroborate or discord screenshots proving Kinochet begged and tried to pay his way back into his server
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which is weird since he says only pedos are there
Pit_Viper_Salesman: also i believe gator and haru will confirm kinochet was a long time Killstream ballwasher
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and paypig
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hahahaha he was a paypig
Pit_Viper_Salesman: as for Spooky, I believe Gin will be able to provide a lot of info to prove they are connected to shady shit, theres proof spooky was gina gilloti
Pit_Viper_Salesman: who was a major pusher of the flam narrative
Pit_Viper_Salesman: in the thread
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah she's Gina Gilloti
AltisticRight@poa.st: Or he
AltisticRight@poa.st: Actually, he
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a he
AltisticRight@poa.st: kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he is a mental health professional in NY
AltisticRight@poa.st: Another tranny on Discord, shocker
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the discord rebel group is very close to a name
AltisticRight@poa.st: So that's why he's good at gaslighting these freaks
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and possible junkie too
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its a whole thing and i take the info given with a grain of salt
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so spooky can be negated
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the augie and deorio thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kinochet is the one that keeps getting them all the flam server leaks
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that was his job for deorio
AltisticRight@poa.st: What is Gin anyway, I kind of like his sperging but I'm just not sure if he's someone trustworthy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i don't have a ton of knowledge on gin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: what i can tell you is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i had 's identity since the spring and an NDA on her
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yet she trusted me enough to say he's trustworthy and bring him into things
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever thats worth
Pit_Viper_Salesman: take it for what you will
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i get the sense he's decent
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the thing with
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is gin and others all have / had substance issues
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and she kinda become the den mom to them
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and they needed that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and a weird family thing happened
AltisticRight@poa.st: ... bruh
AltisticRight@poa.st: Internet mummy issues!
Pit_Viper_Salesman: dude i don't fucking know
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im just reading the leaves at the bottom of the cup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: my gut says you can trust Gin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's a sperg
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but well meaning and well intentioned
Pit_Viper_Salesman: told him and zombo they can trust me completely apparently as they reached out about this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i told them i won't do discord shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and left it there
AltisticRight@poa.st: Hmmm, what if I told you he put a craigslist ad soliciting tooters and druggies to that Ali (person Spectre was trying to help) house for hours?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it wouldn't surprise me
AltisticRight@poa.st: That's nasty and unnecessary
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i wouldn't respect it either
Pit_Viper_Salesman: like i said
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i know very little
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if it was aimed at some IP RV, thats one thing
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its already junkies and hookers
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it would be a party
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but don't fuck with a kid and his parents
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if he's pulling shit like that i don't support it at all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if he showed up at I JUST LOST NRNamania and ran off with the belt, hilarious
AltisticRight@poa.st: I'm really interested in getting the serial swatter evicted from life
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and i agree
AltisticRight@poa.st: If this gets me closer to that, then it's great
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think it will
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or at the very least
Pit_Viper_Salesman: you will eliminate literally everyone
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but zoom and af
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and then you have a target
Pit_Viper_Salesman: this is a massive web of shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and again, its why i like being autonomous
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i like talking shit, and if i troll, i fuck with pig directly in a way no one gets hurt and everyone laughs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or i write an Adolwolf OP
Pit_Viper_Salesman: would i send a palette of corn to his house if i saw it for sale, sure
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but not people
Pit_Viper_Salesman: or hurtful shit
AltisticRight@poa.st: I really look forward to the next paypig on the roast lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh boy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haru and i have been comparing notes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and it seems good things come when we put our heads together
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah he's good at this and completely trustworthy
Pit_Viper_Salesman: get flam to give you proof of kinochets bullshit and begging to be in his discord, gator for gayop proof, gin for spooky shit, i think rick will have a bunch on the discord gayop shit, and see if you can prove the different cells around a timeline
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that would be my suggestion
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and lastly
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if flam was willing to tell the truth about the sealed filed
Pit_Viper_Salesman: file*
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think between all that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it will clear all this shit up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if you agree i will poke him to do so
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah sounds decent, the easiest is to start from the pornhub thing and see their reaction, at least until I find the actual post.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: cool
Pit_Viper_Salesman: oh!
Pit_Viper_Salesman: as a palette cleanser for you after all this shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so thats gonna look great for a judge
Pit_Viper_Salesman: OH
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and this
AltisticRight@poa.st: Oh no
AltisticRight@poa.st: He's gonna miss child support payment before the blue check, I was right!
AltisticRight@poa.st: kiwifarms.net/threads/flamenco-joshua-clayton-connor./post-
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he is also being forced to show up to court on Dec nd
Pit_Viper_Salesman: for a RO violation against vickers that gator sined affidavits against the pig to prove he did it
AltisticRight@poa.st: Unfortunately the chance of the pornhub thing being doctored is slim
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im betting /
Pit_Viper_Salesman: gator explains it very well and in detail
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he's the man to help there
AltisticRight@poa.st: It will be based on this user being malicious though, which I believe he's not
AltisticRight@poa.st: Unless... unless someone else logged into those accounts to create the history, left it there for another user to discover
AltisticRight@poa.st: Do you believe that? I don't.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: no
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but what i think could be
Pit_Viper_Salesman: is he had an account
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and when it was hacked
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they went in and added a bunch of tags by clicking on videos then deleting them but leaving tags
AltisticRight@poa.st: Actually >The last important account I came across was his PornHub. It is fair to note that some anons on /cow/ found it before me. His watch history demonstrates a clear love of fisting, bondage, anal, some weird lip fetish, and even a pegging video.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i def think he is/was a coomer
AltisticRight@poa.st: Nah he definitely is a coomer
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: do i thnk he would hurt a fly or do anything to anyone? no
AltisticRight@poa.st: If people on cow found it first, then the whole thing is up in question.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i think he's a sad, lonely autistic kid who went down rabbit holes
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but he's def a coomer
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and to be fair
Pit_Viper_Salesman: when it dropped he would pretty much daily joke about it afterwards on streams
Pit_Viper_Salesman: his chat would shit on him and he'd laugh with him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he even got pics of his avatar on a little rocking horse as his background
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he owned that fine
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the two real issues were the sealed file and the boy soprano
Pit_Viper_Salesman: the sealed file, kinochet and salvo kept saying it was him raping his sister
Pit_Viper_Salesman: which we know was pulled from thin air
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and he manga Gator believes he can discredit as well
Pit_Viper_Salesman: also his thread grew + pages after this came out
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats fucking insane
Pit_Viper_Salesman: reading that thread
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its just people every day saying they want him dead over and over and over
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it was psycho shit
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah their sperging is getting fucking annoying
Pit_Viper_Salesman: discredit spooky and kinochet
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thats really where you begin
Pit_Viper_Salesman: anyways
Pit_Viper_Salesman: sorry for the info dump
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah thanks, explains quite a lot.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: if you need anything i'd prefer just to deal with you and haru from the sidelines where no one can say CX was connected
Pit_Viper_Salesman: but i'll be happy to help in ways i can
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and with that i need to sleep
Pit_Viper_Salesman: have a good morning/evening sir
AltisticRight@poa.st: Thanks
AltisticRight@poa.st: I just read that document. >Declaration of Christopher Holloman
AltisticRight@poa.st: kek
AltisticRight@poa.st: Karma's a bitch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Lol, yup. December will be a fun month
AltisticRight@poa.st: Heh seemed like questioning some things stirred up a bunch of weirdos.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: not shocking
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i see Kinochet felt the need to ban evade
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i reported him just for fun
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and as soon as you post in the Flamenco thread, Kinochet is having a meltdown screaming about me alting
Pit_Viper_Salesman: that can't be coincidental
Pit_Viper_Salesman: kino is hella mad
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i was just contacted by Gin, apparently he would like to provide a bunch of gayop info on the cow poly side of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him i want no part and that he needs to directly provide hard evidence of anything to you or regend
Pit_Viper_Salesman: whatever value you place on the material is up to you
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have no idea how reliable or not it is
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he believes he can prove the pig directly gave faiths bf's dox to cow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: told him again to give any proof to you guys
Pit_Viper_Salesman: btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: thank you for dealing with kino
Pit_Viper_Salesman: his little twitter group is furious with him for dropping my alts and might try and burn him out for it
AltisticRight@poa.st: It's been fun, I actually like Gin, he's always came off as a STEM sperg to me and I like stem spergs (like rick and also Haru).
Pit_Viper_Salesman: haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yeah
Pit_Viper_Salesman: well then that works
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he will be in touch
Pit_Viper_Salesman: honestly as much as I am in the bullshit spin game with marketing / pr, i always got along so much better with STEM nerds myself
Pit_Viper_Salesman: way easier to work with
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and way easier to talk to
Pit_Viper_Salesman: everything is linear to a point and based on information
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i can work with that
Pit_Viper_Salesman: its not emotional bullshit
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah we're not emotionally sophisticated
AltisticRight@poa.st: Well, most of us aren't. Kek
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i have some interesting stuff when you have a moment
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco and I had a good talk and i've encouraged him to work with you and do a better job at being transparent if only to clear up some of the gay ops, whether he does or not thats on him
Pit_Viper_Salesman: all that said we discussed the fact that he would like to just get back to streaming and move on with life
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i told him offering a show of good faith and that he can have fun would help
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i suggested that Kinochet is one of the main actors, if he could flip all the people around him it should but an end to some of the shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i told him if he didn't want to use his cozy channel anymore he should give the stream keys and info to PodAwful so he could do his own version of Killstream and Kino Casino on cozy and fuck with them all
Pit_Viper_Salesman: lol
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Flamenco gave Jesse the stream keys today
Pit_Viper_Salesman: just wanted to let you know all the hard work will get some kino out of this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: it seems cleaning up the flam thread is stirring up the Discord fags https://chudbuds.lol/objects/ecc-aab-bfd-a-cdbcb
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah that's some gay Discord shit right there
AltisticRight@poa.st: If he wants to get to the bottom of this, I need to see some form of verifiable stuff, like the discord logs
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Yeah, I’ll talk to him tomorrow, I know there are copies of him banning kinochet for actively trying to encourage people to dox tux’s sister who was essentially being raped
Pit_Viper_Salesman: and some other shit
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Clearly anyone even touching this stuff is stirring up a whole bunch of shit which honestly interests me because, well, it’s fucking flamenco
Pit_Viper_Salesman: I don’t get why he’s so pivotal to so many peoples realities that they need to freak out like this
Pit_Viper_Salesman: he’s essentially just an autistic coomer kid
AltisticRight@poa.st: Yeah and got into gross anime shit he should just come clean of and repent
AltisticRight@poa.st: Anime to drawn cp pipeline is real
AltisticRight@poa.st: UNLESS, that was another gayop
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Honestly I think him just owning being into some dirty shit, say he grew up and it was wrong, open the sealed file and tell the rest they can fuck off is the best move
Pit_Viper_Salesman: i'll push him a bit tomorrow
Pit_Viper_Salesman: interesting thing btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: last week a lot of Flamenco's videos started getting flagged
Pit_Viper_Salesman: CECA Loather is known Plate, correct?
AltisticRight@poa.st: No idea, he's a spergy Chinaman.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Ha. Did you get my KF message
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Not sure what I sent has value or not but I think it might be worthwhile background context
AltisticRight@poa.st: Saw it.
Pit_Viper_Salesman: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/aebdb---c-ddde
Pit_Viper_Salesman: If this doesn't scream gayops...
Pit_Viper_Salesman: yup
Pit_Viper_Salesman: they are gonna launch their Flamenco gayop
Pit_Viper_Salesman: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/dd-a-f-bce-ddacb
Pit_Viper_Salesman: looks like they went a very different route, haha
Pit_Viper_Salesman: im happy to be wrong
Pit_Viper_Salesman: here we go
Pit_Viper_Salesman: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/ccd-f-f--cfcdbb
Pit_Viper_Salesman: btw
Pit_Viper_Salesman: heres a link to the audio kino is using to chop up
Pit_Viper_Salesman: did KF just shit the bed for you?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: hey you around?
Pit_Viper_Salesman: Is KF down?
Last edited:
messages with Ariel (that egirl he was simping hardcore for)
Kengle X: whats up kiddo
Ariel@poa.st: Not much, is that you Vex? Lol
Kengle X: see! you're a quick one ;-)
Kengle X: Vex got banned on poa.st because he called a guy posting year old loli pics a pedophile
Kengle X: and the weebs got super upset and cried to graf
Ariel@poa.st: You can call ppl niggers but not pedos? Lmao I’ve already been reported. An admin sent me a DM because retards were reporting me as a minor 🤣
Kengle X: yeah, they banned another kiwi for shitting on NAMBLA and clling them pedos
Ariel@poa.st: Oh well… at least I get to mock blacks, fags and trannies lol
Ariel@poa.st: I was trying to look up your account to make sure I was following you and it kept saying it didn’t exist 😂 I must have typed it in wrong
Kengle X: nope, its totally gone, haha, this is me now
Ariel@poa.st: Hello?
Ariel@poa.st: I meant on here. I can’t click on anything here to go to your profile and using the search is shitty
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: huh
Kengle X: thats weird
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/@Kengle X
Ariel@poa.st: Yeah, I didn’t add all the chud stuff lol that’s probably what fucked it up
Kengle X: you're on poa.st its a different node
Ariel@poa.st: No problem, I’m getting the hang of it 😜
Ariel@poa.st: My DM’s got wiped
Kengle X: haha, what, on poa.st?
Ariel@poa.st: Yeah, looks like there were some server errors that they had to fix lol
Kengle X: he keeps fucking with it
Kengle X: every day theres downtime and updates
Kengle X: the massive amount of pedo defending for year old loli posters sickens me
Ariel@poa.st: Oh well. I was just confused since I’m new and don’t know what’s going on 🤣 I thought I was getting banned for making ppl butthurt last night lol
Kengle X: becareful
Kengle X: the anime pfps are whiny children
Ariel@poa.st: That’s pretty much what the admin Milk said to me lol
Kengle X: i see you're having a fun time
Kengle X: and you gave up fansly? Lol, I thought you were still selling
Ariel@poa.st: Yes! They’re sooo angry lmao the crying they did to the admins was insane lmao
Kengle X: I recommend reporting the one saying they seriously want you to kill yourself. I'm pretty sure they were the ones that got Vex banned.
Ariel@poa.st: I still have it, I just can’t promote on poastverse. Once I figure out how to use other fedi things I can promote :)
Kengle X: so poast is just one node, chudbuds.lol is another, just google fediverse and onlyfans/fansly
Ariel@poa.st: Reporting probably wouldn’t do anything in my case since I’m an evil ethot lol if I thought it could, I would to get back at him for you lol
Kengle X: lol, post a nude and a picture of loli beside it and see if they try and report you
Kengle X: they bend over fucking backwards to defend that shit
Ariel@poa.st: I was surprised that all of these existed. No one talks about them on other sites like Twitter
Kengle X: Because Twitter lovers hate the idea of a platform where anyone can call them out
Ariel@poa.st: True, it’s a threat to their business. I haven’t even heard of this on YouTube though. Mr Metokur getting banned and coming here was how I learned of it
Ariel@poa.st: They make no fucking sense on here lol
Kengle X: yeah, Jim brought a / of the current audience on poast in day
Ariel@poa.st: He’s got that power lol I’m off to bed now, goodnight :)
Kengle X: tell me you're connected to Ella Maulding
Kengle X: pleeeeeeese tell me that you
Ariel@poa.st: Who?
Kengle X: @ellamaulding on Twitter
Kengle X: Ralph has been all about her recently
Ariel@poa.st: When I can use an alt, I’ll check out her account lol never heard of her before now 😂
Kengle X: damn
Kengle X: i had high hopes
Kengle X: he def is chasing after young girls
Kengle X: im sure he'll start buying amazon wish lists lol
Ariel@poa.st: Is she a streamer, an OF girl? I’ve never heard of her before today
Kengle X: no idea
Ariel@poa.st: You haven’t checked out her account? Lol
Kengle X: be very careful with the metokur boards
Kengle X: make sure you are using a VPN and a throwaway email
Ariel@poa.st: 🤷🏼‍♀️ sure but it’s not like any of them are even half of a super assassin. I’m sure getting out of the house once a day is an accomplishment for most of them lol
Kengle X: i urge caution
Kengle X: just be careful
Ariel@poa.st: Yeah, I probably won’t be on here
Kengle X: ?
Ariel@poa.st: much longer. Doesn’t look like they’ll give my account back -.- so I’ll go to an alt
Kengle X: they took your poast account?
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: twitter
Ariel@poa.st: Yeah :) I’ll spend more time shilling my fansly account lol after a month get back to trolling maybe
Ariel@poa.st: How’s your weekend going? I’m going onto my Twitter alt later, try to verify it with a Pingme number and shill my fansly account 😂 probably drink later on too
Kengle X: cool!
Kengle X: DM me on twitter with the new ID when you do :-)
Kengle X: and im setting up a new LLC tonight
Ariel@poa.st: What’s your @?
Ariel@poa.st: what are you setting that up for?
Kengle X: @in_vexillum on twitter
Kengle X: im starting a marketing / limited run products company
Ariel@poa.st: What are you doing that for? Sounds pretty cool :)
Kengle X: well, im working on a couple business setups
Kengle X: im creating a company that will make unique limited edition products that content creators can sell
Ariel@poa.st: Content creators like streamers?
Kengle X: some of them!
Ariel@poa.st: Sounds like a good idea, especially if other companies are a
Ariel@poa.st: pain to work with
Kengle X: MC Jarbo has said i can pitch a limited edition LP of all the Ralph songs
Ariel@poa.st: His channel is amazing!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 lmao where is he?
Kengle X: i don't know
Kengle X: but he and others are going to get a pitch in a few weeks
Ariel@poa.st: How did he tell you that if you don’t know what his account is on here or Twitter? Lol or did he tell you on YouTube? I wanted to find him on here so I could give a follow 😜
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: who
Kengle X: jarbo
Kengle X: i dm'd him
Ariel@poa.st: On YouTube?
Kengle X: on Twitter
Ariel@poa.st: What’s mc jarbos @? Or did you have to ask Boulder Boy?
Kengle X: @jarbothehutt
Ariel@poa.st: Nice :)
Kengle X: mc jarbo and matt jarbo are two different people
Kengle X: MC Jarbo started out making songs shitting on Matt Jarbo
Kengle X: ruthlessly in fact
Ariel@poa.st: Oh I know that 🤣 I just wanted to clarify that you didn’t have to ask boulder boy for permission lol in case there could be any legal issues
Kengle X: hey kiddo
Kengle X: how are you
Ariel@poa.st: Good, bullying people on chudbuds lol I’m a lot more active on there. How about you?
Kengle X: im well
Kengle X: i assume you saw my magic at the end of last week?
Ariel@poa.st: No, what happened? Lol
Kengle X: I dropped the dox on Ralphs biggest jannie and mod in his chat named Adolwulf
Kengle X: and revealed he was a giant furry, brony and femboy
Ariel@poa.st: That’s hilarious 🤣 horrible things lmao
Ariel@poa.st: You should follow me on chudbuds. I respond more there lol same username
Kengle X: i will

messages with Ariel after she left pedo poast
Kengle X: You’re getting some big attention
arielanimefan: You saw that? 🤣 I didn’t think Dick would freak out so much lol
Kengle X: Dick freaks out about everything
Kengle X: you know his “free speech” bullshit line right?
Kengle X: anything people find disgusting or offensive he says people are just expressing their free speech
Kengle X: But anyone who does the same to shit on him he cries
arielanimefan: I have no doubt about that considering the people he hangs around with lol
Kengle X: whats up kiddo
arielanimefan: Mostly “long trolling.” If you look in my replies to the long rambling comments of mine… that’s “long trolling” lol what about you?
Kengle X: i've been watching
Kengle X: i've been working on some things quietly
Kengle X: you saw how the Adolwulf dox blew up nicely
Kengle X: i have a few more coming up
arielanimefan: That name sounds familiar. Wasn’t Jim talking about him?
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: the furry femboy who is Ralph's paypig / janny
Kengle X: i dropped his whole dox
arielanimefan: Do you remember which stream it was in? I’ve had a bad cold since Saturday afternoon and can’t remember the context 🤣 I remember that it was super cringe.
Kengle X: aww
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: https://odysee.com/@RedPillGamingTV:b/ethan-ralph-top-mod-exposed:
Kengle X: metokur did one too
arielanimefan: Good work! Lmao how badly did he freak out?
Kengle X: he DFE and hasn't returned
arielanimefan: DFE?
Kengle X: Delete Fucking Everything
arielanimefan: That’s hilarious Lmao and I say delete fucking everything in my messages and panicked for a second 🤣
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: hows life been for you
arielanimefan: Other than this cold, not too bad. Promoting on Twitter more again lol
Kengle X: cool!
Kengle X: making money?
arielanimefan: Eh, bit of a grind since my first account got banned. I’m happy though. I’ll keep working on deoreo and try getting him to simp
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: that works
arielanimefan: He’s just such an unlikable retard lol
Kengle X: he is
Kengle X: you're gonna want to tune into the special KAP stream tonight
arielanimefan: The what?
Kengle X: the youtube creator KillAllPedos
Kengle X: who does he deepfake metokur
Kengle X: he's dropping a new special at
Kengle X:
arielanimefan: Oh nice! I thought KAP was a girl lol
Kengle X: nope!
Kengle X: the picture of the girl is Metokur's wife IRL
Kengle X: hahah
Kengle X: the original joke was that KAP was actually her on a voice changer taking over after Jim died
arielanimefan: I can’t see the picture. Some message was blocking the screen
arielanimefan: Oh the pfp
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: that's Jade, his wife
Kengle X: its part of the beginning of why Ralph hates metokur
Kengle X: Ralph originally had a thing for her during gamergate
Kengle X: but she rejected him hard
Kengle X: she wound up marrying Jim
Kengle X: then a year or two later while he was on stream with ralph he fingerblasted her to completion while ralph had to sit there and seethe
arielanimefan: There’s been a lot of speculation on Jade over the years :p
arielanimefan: i watched that stream lol
Kengle X: she's a dental hygienist and stopped streaming
Kengle X: i imagine she spends her time helping him with all the medical shit
arielanimefan: He’s going to recover and become stronger than ever :)
Kengle X: lets hope
arielanimefan: We need him lol I’m watching his photon stream now
Kengle X: its starting!
arielanimefan: The show is great so far!
Kengle X: KAP does great work
Kengle X: he's a cool dude too
arielanimefan: I’ve had zero interactions with him but he does good work lol
Kengle X: Indeed. We’ve chatted a bit. Old school chill guy.
arielanimefan: Lucky you! Send him my way as a fren 😁 even though I’m just a bully lol
Kengle X: you're too much trouble for him haha
arielanimefan: Damn right! Lol
Kengle X: heya
Kengle X: i was thinking of you today
Kengle X: hope you are well
arielanimefan: Hey :) I’m good, spending a lot of time reading manga lately lol how about you?
Kengle X: working, starting my company
Kengle X: just grinding hard
Kengle X: dropping doxes
Kengle X: starting trouble
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: Oh right, it was a merchandising company? 😁
Kengle X: thats one of them
Kengle X: you working?
arielanimefan: You’re starting more than one company? lol yes! Monday to Friday 😊
Kengle X: i am!
Kengle X: im in the middle of a few
arielanimefan: Well that’ll definitely keep you busy 😜
Kengle X: it will!
arielanimefan: What’s the other business that you’re setting up?
Kengle X: whats up nerd
arielanimefan: Getting ready for bed :p what about you?
Kengle X: probably the same
Kengle X: whats your current twitter?
arielanimefan: Weskersgirl
arielanimefan: Happy New Year’s Eve!
Kengle X: Hey kiddo!
Kengle X: Happy NYE to you!
arielanimefan: Thanks :D drinking!
Kengle X: nice!
Kengle X: whatcha drinking?
arielanimefan: Mixed drinks mostly so far. Had a few Caesar’s
Kengle X: Caesars?
arielanimefan: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice and some other things
Kengle X: oh! thats a bloody mary
arielanimefan: Caesar sounds much cooler tho 😜 Ave Caesar!
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: Bloody Mary sounds horrifically gross lol
Kengle X: i see you're getting everyones feathers all ruffled
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: 🤣 true! But I was minding my own business when someone made me aware of the target :p
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: how are you
Kengle X: i thought of you yesterday and wanted to check in
arielanimefan: Good, just relaxing. Can’t wait for the weekend! How about you? Get up to any new trouble lately? 😜
Kengle X: always
Kengle X: are you on KF
arielanimefan: No, the layout of that site really annoyed me. I did give it a try though
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: im in the middle of laying out all of Ralphs legal shit
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: and I paid Harry Morris to mail Ethan Ralph's used jizz rag to Nick Fuentes with a note that says "Happy Hunting" from me
arielanimefan: That’s a good one! Lmao what are the charges that Ralph is facing?
Kengle X: its just tons of restraining order violation shit
Kengle X: he's built a nasty trap for himself
arielanimefan: He really is retarded
Kengle X: yup
arielanimefan: Do you post info about all streamers right away, or save some things until they’re necessary to use?
Kengle X: all depeneds
Kengle X: usually i just hit ralph immediatly
Kengle X: other people who aren't complete shit balls i'll sit back a little and see how things go before i do or say something significant
arielanimefan: Warski did send me a dick pic, but I don’t hate him so I don’t really want to out him and he’d know it was me lol
Kengle X: rofly
Kengle X: noooooooooooooo
arielanimefan: Yep 🤣
Kengle X: how sad is it
arielanimefan: I’m a good flirt
Kengle X: proud of you
arielanimefan: Thanks lol and it’s not tiny like I thought it would be 🤣
Kengle X: HA
Kengle X: sit on it for a good day
Kengle X: but i will tell you
Kengle X: if you drop it on KF
Kengle X: you'll be a legend
Kengle X: you'll have to show a chat with him to prove it though
arielanimefan: I’d never drop it for free 🤣 lol
Kengle X: ha
arielanimefan: A lot of people hate him but I haven’t seen any reason to hate him myself yet. Unlike that dumb fag Ralph
Kengle X: thats fair
Kengle X: if you have respect for him and are cool with him, don't do something like that
Kengle X: not worth burning the bridge
arielanimefan: That’s very true :)
Kengle X: but the moment you change your mind, please come find me and i'll walk you through releasing it for maximum effort
arielanimefan: Sounds good to me 😁 I’ll try getting something on deoreo and Ralph too. I just hate them sooo much lol
Kengle X: Ralph will make you a legend
arielanimefan: He’s the worlds fattest lolcow
Kengle X: yeppers
arielanimefan: Any fun plans for the weekend?
Kengle X: not sure
Kengle X: maybe meet up with an old friend
Kengle X: how about you
arielanimefan: Sounds good. I’m going to hangout with friends too, maybe drink and do some shopping
Kengle X: ha
Kengle X: one day im flying you down here for a weekend to do a bourbon tour
Kengle X: haha
arielanimefan: Bleh! :p sounds good lol
Kengle X: no bleh!
Kengle X: whiskey bars, cigars and shit talk
arielanimefan: How are the strip clubs down there? :p
Kengle X: are you stripping?
Kengle X: no judgement
Kengle X: just curious
arielanimefan: No lol not that I have a problem with it, just not for me. Plus it’s actually hard. I did post one video stripping on my fansly 🤣
Kengle X: ha
arielanimefan: I think I did a decent job but it wasn’t easy :p
Kengle X: so i had friends that were strippers
Kengle X: more high end, no backroom club stuff
arielanimefan: Really good money in that, right?
Kengle X: it can be
Kengle X: but it inflicts a large amount of damage
Kengle X: none of them left the job totally ok
arielanimefan: How so? Substance abuse issues?
Kengle X: that and sexual abuse
Kengle X: even when what they do is consensual
Kengle X: it took a big toll on some of them
Kengle X: there were a lot of nights of them showing up drunk and not leaving my couch
Kengle X: i was somewhat a big brother to them, they would take jobs as hosts at my restaurant
Kengle X: so they could keep from having gaps in their resume
Kengle X: and they knew if shit got bad i'd listen
Kengle X: but yeah
Kengle X: have you been to many strip clubs?
arielanimefan: That’s pretty rough, I’m glad you were there to help them out. A lot of people on here talk trash but there’s customers who want that. Someone will deliver
Kengle X: oh for sure
Kengle X: usually they get a pillow, a blanket and breakfast in the morning after i take their vodka away from them lol
Kengle X: and we'd just watch movies and talk if they want
arielanimefan: I’m happy with my fansly and my actual job. I have no interest in going further than that lol
Kengle X: right on
Kengle X: i think people should be free to do what they want
Kengle X: but there are a lot of clubs that while publicly the girls are told not to do things, its made clear to them they are expected to do things with customers they may not want to
Kengle X: and it happens often
Kengle X: it gets bad
Kengle X: thankfully all the girls i know have quit, have good jobs and are much happier
Kengle X: i think fansly suff is way healthier honestly
Kengle X: im sure you make decent money and do a good job haha
arielanimefan: Yeah it seems to be an open secret in that industry 🤢 I make a pretty decent amount on fansly per month. Not like the top earners, but I don’t mind :)
arielanimefan: I’m more anonymous too
Kengle X: and in control of what you want to do
Kengle X: have you made much content?
arielanimefan: I have around pics posted and maybe videos so far
Kengle X: oh wow
Kengle X: ok then
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i guess you are
Kengle X: you must have to get elaborate at some point haha
arielanimefan: The videos were posted a while ago so I don’t remember what each of them are 🤣 if you ever check my fansly out the descriptions are pretty detailed. It’s a pain for me checking to see that. From a different accounts view they can just scroll through and see everything
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: so i would but my concern is that i think you're a cool person and i don't want to start thinking about you naked whenever we talk lol
arielanimefan: Oh I’m sure you’ve been curious before 😜 I don’t think it would change how we talk to each other :
Kengle X: i've thought about it lol
arielanimefan: I’ll send you a few tease pics lol
Kengle X: ha
Kengle X: you're very cute
Kengle X: and cruel
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: Thank you! 😈
Kengle X: you have beautiful curves btw
Kengle X: haha
arielanimefan: Thank you 😏 much better angles when I’m not trying to tease :
Kengle X: uh huh
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: i'll think it over
Kengle X: btw, whats the weather like where you are
arielanimefan: And if you choose not to, that’s fine. I’ve never tried pushing subscriptions on people lol
arielanimefan: Freeezing! - I think
Kengle X: no worries :-)
Kengle X: and wait
Kengle X: - farenheit or celcius
arielanimefan: Celsius. The cold one lol
Kengle X: ha
arielanimefan: - actually! Just checked
Kengle X: holy fuck thats cold
Kengle X: have you ever been far south?
arielanimefan: Yes! It’s been insane like this all week -.- furthest south I’ve been was NYC when I was a kid
Kengle X: oh wow
Kengle X: you need to see Florida / Mexico / Caribbean
arielanimefan: I would definitely go for Florida 😁
Kengle X: Florida is an interesting place
Kengle X: and very warm
Kengle X: Disney can be fun
Kengle X: and the beaches will be in the 's / 's F in a month or two
arielanimefan: I think I’d give Disney a pass. Long lines for rides suck. The beaches sound great and any good historical sites
Kengle X: historical sites are great
Kengle X: do you like history?
arielanimefan: I’d love visiting the Alamo in Texas
arielanimefan: Yeah history is great :)
Kengle X: very cool!
Kengle X: i would love to visit it one time too
Kengle X: I need to get to Texas
arielanimefan: Texas should be full of great historical landmarks :)
Kengle X: it is!
Kengle X: but its huge
Kengle X: Texas takes like weeks to even hit a decent amount
Kengle X: wait, what territory are you in
arielanimefan: I’m in Manitoba, Canada :p
Kengle X: holy crap
Kengle X: you're in the middle of nowhere
arielanimefan: Exactly! 👌🏻 lmao
Kengle X: thats wild
Kengle X: i don't know how you do it
arielanimefan: I don’t like large crowds anyway, so living elsewhere would probably annoy me lol
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: you get used to it
Kengle X: people can be fun
arielanimefan: “Can be.” But most often aren’t lol I like the lack of diversity where I live :p
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: fair enough
Kengle X: i tend to enjoy people
Kengle X: at least in general
arielanimefan: Well whenever I’m with friends we’re usually in a big group :)
Kengle X: well thats a good thing
Kengle X: you've got to be in some type of fishing village
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: i literally cannot fathom being that far north in the cold
Kengle X: im in awe
arielanimefan: I’m in the farmland :p
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: you're a farmgirl?
Kengle X: i grew up on a farm as well
Kengle X: but it was quite lame
arielanimefan: I didn’t grow up on a farm but you can’t toss a stick out here without hitting a field 🤣
Kengle X: nice
Kengle X: btw, i saw you played Fallout New Vegas and
Kengle X: have you tried Fallout or ?
arielanimefan: I love fallout ! I use some gun mods and a zombie apocalypse mod lol I’ll never play
Kengle X: booo
Kengle X: is quite good now
Kengle X: lore is quality, quests are good, map is huge
arielanimefan: “Now.” But for the first few years it was a shitshow lol I can’t support that sort of retardation. It’ll only enable them :p
Kengle X: oof
Kengle X: i think i've rewatched the Porsalin trailer like times already
arielanimefan: For what video?
Kengle X: his upcoming documentary on Patrick Tomlinson
arielanimefan: That name sounds familiar
Kengle X:
arielanimefan: Sounds interesting lol I like dumpster fires
Kengle X: Tomlinson is one of the most popular lolcows on KF
Kengle X: he reacts like a total crazy person
Kengle X: and people troll him hard
Kengle X: to the point Null locked the thread saying his trolls are too crazy for KF
arielanimefan: He fed the trolls too much and they lost control lol
Kengle X: to a point
arielanimefan: It’s like me with Bearbutthole. He sperged out way too hard to the point where we were both ordered to block each other lol
Kengle X: oh I know
Kengle X: Claire and i are quite chatty with one another and are on good terms
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: 🤣🤣🤣 never post anything you can’t handle being mocked over. That’s rule
Kengle X: thats quite true
arielanimefan: He went to Doll one weekend to get around the block and offer me some sort of challenge. I was super drunk lol
Kengle X: oh boy
arielanimefan: I can’t remember his offer but my counter was for him to last an hour and a half without sperging out - I had new secret material. Would have CRUSHED him and won 😈
arielanimefan: I don’t even hate him, he just makes it too easy
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: what are your thoughts on Mackievelli
arielanimefan: He’s a nice person. I’ve never had any problems with him
arielanimefan: Apparently he gets into lots of fights online
Kengle X: so he's go himself on the radar of some nasty people
Kengle X: who are going after him, Carl and Pauley
Kengle X: its probably gonna get bad
arielanimefan: Carl? I’ve heard of Pauley but I’ve never seen his account. Just when he’s donated on Jim’s stream
arielanimefan: Oh right, Mack got doxxed the other week he said
Kengle X:
arielanimefan: Ah, I wouldn’t worry about that 😎 how did they catch their attention though? Just by doing a stream?
Kengle X: partially
Kengle X: there are some ultra discord fags
Kengle X: and Macki sperging got their attention
Kengle X: they are buddies of godwinson
Kengle X: and wanted to start shit with claire
Kengle X: and so they fucked with macki more
Kengle X: and he can't stop himself from freaking out at them both here and on KF
Kengle X: and so now i can see them really going after all them hard
arielanimefan: That’s honestly surprising since Mack sees my confrontations quite often. He should have known his actions would have spurred me on, so they’d spur on other trolls too
Kengle X: It’s late
arielanimefan: Yes, I’m off to bed in a few :p goodnight :)
Kengle X: You too kiddo
Kengle X: Sleep well
arielanimefan: You too :)
Kengle X: uh oh
Kengle X: Macki is gone
Kengle X: you're gonna have to step up your game
arielanimefan: I’m not angry tho… I cause the anger ;) hehe
Kengle X: lol\
arielanimefan: I’m sure he’ll be back. He doesn’t have much else lol
Kengle X: yeah i think like people have said that to me today
Kengle X: oof
Kengle X: lol
arielanimefan: Very obvious I guess 😜 some guy named Vent self deleted last night
Kengle X: hmm
arielanimefan: A lot of people seem to be disappearing lately. They all need to relax
Kengle X: its because the discord psychos targeted the site
Kengle X: and are fucking with anyone who wants to be here
arielanimefan: Maybe some people but the ones I saw left over petty dramas. Bear, Vent and Mack
Kengle X: its possible
Kengle X: that maybe people burned out
Kengle X: but there are some people that spread petty shit like a virus around here
arielanimefan: Luckily I won’t notice unless it’s pointed out to me lol there was one night where I was drunk, someone was being annoying and I was asked to derail their bullshit
arielanimefan: Whatever they’re trying, especially if it’s against me, I’ll probably derail it :p
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: just make sure you keep your dox safe
arielanimefan: Lie all the time 😎
Kengle X: good girl lol
arielanimefan: Has anyone been after Metokur Fembot?
Kengle X: not that i know of
Kengle X: jesus you really pissed some people off lol
arielanimefan: They were attacking my gooood fren Bot lol I can’t allow that
Kengle X: HA
Kengle X: did you get a talking to or ass-pats from Claire
arielanimefan: Nope, I talked to Sui and he said he was watching everything from the start after seeing me in the TL 🤣 I didn’t break any rules or even push those losers far lol
Kengle X: heya
Kengle X: you up
arielanimefan: Yeah, getting ready for bed :) what’s up?
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: some of the Kiwis have spotlighted you
Kengle X: you need to be prepared for that
arielanimefan: The most they can do is spread my nudes
Kengle X: a bunch of your nudes just landed on the site
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i literally was like "goddamnit i was actively trying not to see more of her ass" lol
arielanimefan: They’re not my customer base
Kengle X: i know
arielanimefan: All good ;p
Kengle X: i don't think its an extreme deal
Kengle X: but you need to just be prepared for a new group to fuck with you
Kengle X: and Claire will likely want to motherbear you for a bit
arielanimefan: I can either have fun with them or block them :) no big deal
Kengle X: ok coo
Kengle X: was just worried about you
Kengle X: and wanted to make sure you're alright
arielanimefan: What does motherbearing mean? She said I’m a pain in the ass lol
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: mama bear i mean
Kengle X: get all loud, angry and protective of her child
arielanimefan: I’m good :) at most they’ll just annoy me, then fuck off lol
arielanimefan: I’ll let the mods on here know about it tomorrow, just in case :)
Kengle X: good
Kengle X: oh
arielanimefan: Do you have a link where they’re talking about me?
Kengle X: and is Macki one of your subscribers?
Kengle X: tart here and work your way down https://kiwifarms.net/threads/poa-st-chudbuds-lol-general-discussion-thread./post-
arielanimefan: No, he’s not. Not that I’m aware of
Kengle X: they think he is
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: they are gonna build a narrative about that and shit all over him for it likely
Kengle X: and he'll sperg out again
arielanimefan: Well what they’re saying on the page I read isn’t too bad. They’re mostly seething about Jim
Kengle X: They are. They are super bitter they never got his acclaim and hate it. It’s fucking weird.
arielanimefan: It’s what haters do :p oh and the pictures they posted, I put up on twitter as teases, so it’s no problem
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: fair enough
Kengle X: are you watching the stream?
arielanimefan: Who’s stream?
Kengle X: Ralphs
arielanimefan: I really only ever watched Jim’s streams lol is Ralph raging again?
Kengle X: he put May in the chair for min and every brutal superchat came in
Kengle X: calling her a pedo, asking if she fucked ralph in the ass often, if ralph eats her shit etc
arielanimefan: That’s awesome lmao
arielanimefan: I hope TXT clips that and posts it on twitter
Kengle X: New name eh?
arielanimefan: Yeah, I figured it would cause some confusion at first and I’d get some good fights lol
Kengle X: Well played
Kengle X: How are you doing?
arielanimefan: Good, just hungover and relaxing lol how about you?
Kengle X: Trying to work haha
Kengle X: You need max and cheese or pizza
arielanimefan: I had pizza bites :p how’s work going?
Kengle X: going alright
Kengle X: stopping for the evening
Kengle X: working on the write up for Ali Jamals family
Kengle X: its going to be a doozy
arielanimefan: Oooohh no doubt about that lol
Kengle X: hey nerd
Kengle X: how are you
arielanimefan: Hey :) I’m good, how about you?
Kengle X: hey nerd
Kengle X: are you ok
Kengle X: people are worried about you
Trannymura was one of the people Kengle X talked to the most. He spoke with him so much that it won't fit in a single post (50,000 characters) so here is a pastebin for it.
messages with Gator
Gator: Message me on here. Poast is shitting the bed rn
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: Graf has a mess on his hands
Gator: It's ironic that KFcc is what is fucking it up lol
Kengle X: haha, true
Kengle X: did you get my message about Cow Poly?
Kengle X: now that he and Empresa are fully doxed they are going after the or other members of their little club
Kengle X: i suspect within a month or two a massive amount of gayops will come to an end
Kengle X: btw Cow went around taking credit for your dox multiple times, whether thats actually true or not is up for debate
Gator: I saw the intelius thing
Kengle X: but i thought you might find it interesting
Gator: Cow poly is a fag lol. Ralph doxed me
Kengle X: thats what i figured
Gator: He posted my address in the chillstream discord
Kengle X: sounds about right
Gator: Also, cow poly has ties to the plates and zoom. All those guys crossed over all the time.
Kengle X: i think he is very close to the end with cozy
Gator: Cow poly has been running gayops for a long time
Kengle X: and yeah, i know cow does/did, my guess is he's on the way out, he's relapsed and spiraling out on heroin again apparently
Kengle X: he's been getting on VC high off his ass and talking crazy
Gator: If they get his buddy Richard ape too, a lot of the gayops would be over
Gator: And the cow board would be in shambles
Kengle X: i believe thats in the works
Kengle X: him and spooky / spookybones
Kengle X: are the other two big names
Gator: Man
Gator: I never thought they would fuck up this hard
Kengle X: honestly him giving his info to Elaine Miller being the way he got doxed is fucking hilarous
Gator: LMAO
Gator: Isn't she the brit chick lolcow
Kengle X: shes the one Cow and his people were trying to convince to kill herself, year old british chick
Kengle X: carved "Josh Moon" into the length of both her arms
Kengle X: and replied to every single post in her thread
Kengle X: she conned him for the info and gave it to some kiwis
Kengle X: like, jfc
Kengle X: dude got gayopped by Elaine fucking Miller
Kengle X: apparently he was the center of the Christorian X smear campaign, there are shots where he is losing his shit that Jim would quote CX and Ralph would scream about him often and he was jealous and pissed about it
Kengle X: hahahaha
Kengle X: that gave me a grin for the evening
Kengle X: just petty little drama queen
Gator: Thats amazing
Kengle X: yep
Kengle X: he and one other were the main people constantly blowing up Flam thread and keeping the crazy level of hate flowing at him
Kengle X: so with this i imagine that will die down for awhile
Kengle X: he has tried taking credit for Vickers swatting which would mean at least flam and Jims too because they were identical, but i still maintain it was AF
Kengle X: that said, vickers and flam now have his BG report along with his parents
Kengle X: so they have a lead for the police
Gator: Interesting
Gator: Cow poly is insane enough to have done the swattings
Gator: But he also likes to take credit for things
Kengle X: whats being told to me is that he and his crew had wormed their way into AF servers and essentially were the hand that pointed the gun
Kengle X: how accurate that is is up in the air
Kengle X: but essentially they mind fucked the AF interns through carrot or stick and told them who and when
Gator: Interesting
Gator: Well he'll squeal to the cops if it comes down to it
Kengle X: we will see
Kengle X: honestly
Gator: Would be hilarious if they all get fucked over this
Gator: And if it tied back in with Ralph too
Kengle X: there are lots of VC clips of him saying he talks to Ralph on the phone all the time
Gator: Man
Kengle X: its looking more and more like Ralph is dead center of all this
Gator: Imagine if this is how Ralph gets got lmfao
Kengle X: my guess is he's not really long tem planning, he just found people willing to help him destroy other and he's just wildly taking shots in the dark in every direction
Kengle X: but he got access to AF interns and psychos like poly and zoom
Kengle X: as well as the council of evil
Kengle X: and he kinda linked them all up
Kengle X: and they are all playing each other in say massive gayop game
Gator: It all comes back to Ralph
Kengle X: that part makes sense
Kengle X: hes so massively motivated to be a petty, spiteful, greedy and vindictive piece of shit
Kengle X: he runs out and somehow hires all the rival gangs simulataneously not realizing the nightmare he's creating
Gator: And now that cow poly is doxed it has a fair chance of being exposed
Kengle X: like i told someone else, cow being doxed is like the silent arming of a nuclear bomb with a countdown number no one knows
Kengle X: im betting between that, latinozoomer's arrest, the groyopers nick is cutting loose
Kengle X: theres gonna be a lot more
Kengle X: im more confident now that Ralph is not in Mexico to hide from bills, i think he's afraid of some form of criminal charges
Kengle X: did you see the articles on the MTG swattings?
Kengle X: when all of them covered it, they search altistic rights profile on KF
Kengle X: under his pic it lists Ralphs VA home address and phone number
Kengle X: that info got published in a lot of media outlets
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: and while that happened after whenever he decided to move
Kengle X: i wonder how many people are gunning for him and what he might have gotten a heads up about
Kengle X: baked had a copy of his plea deal since February
Kengle X: which means people like Nick, Ralph, Beardson, etc would have had a heads up before all this went down in theory
Kengle X: they have known for awhile baked was going to have to turn in all his social and communications
Gator: I think Ralph is % trying to avoid a doorknock
Kengle X: agreed
Kengle X: he's impulsive and dumb enough to be mixed up in a lot thinking he could get a W
Gator: And whats funny is he waxed poetic about how he wasn't going to have may come down
Kengle X: what are your thoughts that he could owe a debt to a bookie / loan shark / dealer?
Kengle X: wait, he did?
Kengle X: he said he doesn't want May coming to him?
Kengle X: thats a huge red flag
Gator: Like when he first moved in
Kengle X: oh
Gator: And now i release the j tape
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: yeah
Gator: And he's like oh she's coming down here
Gator: It proved why he was in mexico
Gator: He's trying to avoid getting served
Kengle X: yup
Gator: He's directly implicated in it
Gator: Also, he DID enter DC that day
Gator: He left his phone in Alexandria and used a burner
Kengle X: and he's mixed up in a lot of these peoples lives
Gator: Then came back to his hotel to stream
Gator: Yeah he is
Kengle X: he couldn't help himself
Kengle X: i remember the Alice interview
Kengle X: where she said that Nick called Baked and told him to run to Mexico
Kengle X: to avoid getting arrested
Kengle X: and now here's Ralph in Mexico and people are getting arrested
Gator: Yep
Gator: Ralph flew too close to the sun
Kengle X: so there's a few interesting numbers to be aware of
Gator: I told him it was a terrible fucking idea to be there in person
Gator: Plus he went to every stop the steal
Kengle X: his plates show he has to renew his registration by Feb
Gator: O rly
Kengle X: which means he couldn't drive his truck in Mexico after that and would have to register it in mexico then because you only get a month pass
Gator: Lmao
Gator: So what you're saying is you'll have his new address in months
Kengle X: so after that the only way he could have it in mexico is if he buys the truck outright
Kengle X: because he has to have full title ownership in mexico after the months
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: this is correct
Kengle X: or he loses his truck
Kengle X: either he spends k to get the truck registered in mexico
Kengle X: or he is risking arrest in mexico driving an out of date american plate
Gator: Lol
Kengle X: also
Kengle X: he won't be allowed to drive back into mexico with it
Gator: He does not want to to go to Mexican jail
Gator: Lmao
Kengle X: the next part is
Kengle X: lets say a warrant is made
Kengle X: if he tries to re-enter
Kengle X: the warrant most likely will pop
Gator: He gets arrested on the spot
Kengle X: bingo
Kengle X: he might not make it to Ralphamania
Kengle X: finally\
Kengle X: theres still that suspended sentence
Gator: I think that's why he went to Mexico tbh
Kengle X: which coincidentally ends at the same time his registration does
Gator: He kept getting closer and closer to fucking it up
Kengle X: i somewhat agree
Kengle X: oct rd is when he owes faith her stuff back
Kengle X: including the journal he's never admitted to losing or giving away
Kengle X: which we know exists but those damn missing pages
Kengle X: still out there
Kengle X: which proves he would have given it to Daiymo
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: i think there are a lot of separate lines of dominos all falling
Kengle X: wait wait wait wait
Kengle X: hold on
Kengle X: could the new reckless have actually triggered the suspended and he's hiding from reporting to the parole officer?
Gator: It's all coming to a head
Gator: And I think he thought the best option was to gtfo
Kengle X: can't say he could be wrong here
Kengle X: but its very possible he just ex-patriated himself
Kengle X: thats a bad look for right leaning political show host thats part of a group called "America First"
Kengle X: Apparently an exploit on Rockfin has already been found and anyone can dl all Ralph's content behind the paywall without even logging in
Kengle X: so theres gonna be a hollarin
Gator: Amazin
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: any idea where I can find crazy shit adolwulf has said or done?
Gator: Not sure.
Gator: Maybe search on KF
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: found
Gator: I think they covered him in the gunt guard thread
Kengle X: he and GuitarAnthony are getting full threads this week
Kengle X: the Kiwis are not happy about their dancing about Josh's grandmother dying
Kengle X: full doxes, full internet history, everything
Kengle X: he was at one time an open brony, furry, etc
Gator: Man, I hate that for anthony
Gator: I like the guy despite the fact that he went super hard for ralph
Kengle X: its looking worse for Adolwulf
Gator: Adol has some fucked stuff in his history as I recall
Kengle X: theres a whole group working on this but it was offered to me to do the write up since i've gone hard at AF and Ralph
Kengle X: i will do my best to blunt anything that hits Anthony if you're saying he's not a sicko or anything
Kengle X: but theres no stopping it
Kengle X: too many people are digging
Kengle X: Ralph spent too much time drawing his line against KF and stomping with the keffals shit
Kengle X: anything attached to him seems to be scorched earth now
Kengle X: Nick telling Alberto he has permission to dig seems to be him saying he won't stop anything implicitly or fight it
Kengle X: and the Kiwis have been sitting on their hands for weeks and are eager to explode on something
Kengle X: Ralph going after Grandma Moon lit a way larger fuse than he realizes
Kengle X: Destiny blunted their immediate attack on Keffals
Kengle X: because he essentially compiled the who argument they would have made
Kengle X: actually
Kengle X: breaking
Kengle X: it seems Anthony is being sat on
Kengle X: Adolwulf only
Kengle X: so theres that
Gator: Nah Anthony is a good family man
Kengle X: cool
Gator: He's just a really really long time friend of Ralph's
Kengle X: well he's off radar atm
Gator: Like I've known him forever
Kengle X: i would say that once adolwuf drops, and its not going to be good at all, you might wanna nudge him on the josh's grandmom shit talk if you can
Kengle X: its like the hornets nest has been kicked hard
Gator: I warned him
Kengle X: cool
Gator: I said I was informed kiwis were looking into him
Kengle X: honestly
Kengle X: he's pretty clean
Gator: If he repeats it to ralph then he's made his own Bex
Kengle X: likes guitars and comic book pinup girls
Kengle X: no criminal record
Gator: Bed*
Kengle X: indeed
Kengle X: he has literally all of speeding ticket
Kengle X: theres no questionable material
Kengle X: nothing weird
Gator: Yeah he's just a dude.
Kengle X: either his opsec is sptrong with alt ID's or he's just a decent guy thats drank too much Ralph Kool-Aid
Kengle X: which is kinda weird because based on his mortgages, home, etc
Kengle X: he seems like a successful, self-made guy with a god life
Gator: Hope he's smart enough not to Screencap what I sent him and run to ralph with it
Kengle X: i don't get the simping for Ralph haha
Kengle X: Adolwulf though
Gator: Because ralph will blast it out everywhere and make him a bigger target
Kengle X: holy shit
Gator: Adolwulf is a fucking weirdo
Kengle X: Ralph has bigger things to deal with now
Kengle X: its just been released Ralph was the cause of the AFPAC doxing
Kengle X: its blowing up nicely
Gator: What afpac doxing
Kengle X: the AFPAC location
Gator: LMAO
Gator: how did he fuck up
Gator: I have to hear this
Kengle X: he shared selfies of him and baked
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/@Kengle X/posts/AOCjmLFfyLYHAVnNY
Kengle X: and yeah adolwulf has enough to make Flam look like a choirboy
Gator: LOL
Gator: I remember joking that selfie was going to get the location doxed
Gator: He's done this so many times
Kengle X: yup
Gator: That's why I never release pictures
Kengle X: yeah, a month later, maybe
Gator: And when I do, I photoshop out the tables or countertops
Kengle X: but at the event
Kengle X: no way
Gator: Like those food pictures
Kengle X: i just recently reconnected with - trusted contacts on KF
Gator: I edited out the counter tops. Because people could cross reference them with all of the apartments in my area
Kengle X: i've been a solo operator since I burned CX
Kengle X: so i've been learning interesting things
Kengle X: thats a wise idea
Kengle X: theres a streamer in MD i've become friendly with
Kengle X: and once they said on stream they were in MD
Kengle X: i looked all the molding on their floor and a small piece of background you could see
Kengle X: and was like, "You rent from henderson and webb in one of these locations in this county"
Kengle X: and they were like "JFC!!!!!"
Kengle X: hahahaha
Gator: Yeah man
Kengle X: weaponized autism
Gator: I know better lol
Gator: They will match marbling patterns or wood grains on the floor
Kengle X: they really will
Gator: And for me since they know the city, it'd take them no time at all
Kengle X: %
Gator: So I don't post anything that could give my location away
Kengle X: thats just smart
Gator: Unless I'm out and about in town
Gator: And then it doesn't matter
Kengle X: but yeah, ralph really fucked himself there haha
Gator: Good luck swatting a football game
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: rockfin is totally fucked btw
Kengle X: people are pumping it of everything on it
Kengle X: and apparently it asks for your real phone number which Ralph might get
Gator: oh my god lmao
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: so this video of cogs brother
Kengle X: was it actually his brother
Kengle X: i know ralph did the interview ages ago
Kengle X: but i wasn't sure if it wasn't some long con
Gator: it was actually his brother
Kengle X: wow
Gator: iqar I think was his screenname
Kengle X: thats fucking crazy
Gator: he hates cog
Gator: they haven't been on speaking terms in a while
Kengle X: jfc
Gator: also jfc I hope alice doesn't have monkeypox
Gator: her life continues to deteriorate
Kengle X: nah
Kengle X: it didn't look like it
Kengle X: it looked like ringworm to be honest
Gator: that many ringworms?
Gator: it was in multiple places
Kengle X: yeah its possible
Kengle X: you can get it easily from sweat on a wrestling mat or bed
Kengle X: monkey pox needs blood transmission
Kengle X: most likely this is something fungul
Kengle X: your boy might have fucked up
Kengle X: maybe not
Kengle X: i think i now know what story he's talking about
Kengle X: i can solve it
Kengle X: haha
Gator: Which
Gator: Cause I didn't tell Anthony who told me. Or that you were CX
Kengle X: All good, it’s not home, Ralph is just taking shots in the dark lol
Gator: Figures
Gator: He thought that melty guy was the tachikoma guy ivyclover
Kengle X: Any feelings on HomoTrollius?
Gator: I'm not sure if he's an elaborate troll or a complete psychopath
Gator: but only one of those things he is
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: hey, let me know as soon as you get this
Kengle X: i've been in touch with Andrew Wilson who asked if I have any way to get a message to Rekieta and if I do, wanted to tell him he's a fan and that he would have an instant channel on comfy.stream, mobile, integrated chat and integrated payment is all good to go nowand they are very much pro-keffals can go fuck themselvesi told him i might know someone who can pass along that message
Gator: send it on chudbuds
Gator: I wanna see lol
Kengle X: who the fuck am I, chopper?
Gator: LMAO
Kengle X: "I am the one who dox."
Kengle X: what happened to fuentes?
Kengle X: i know Vickers dropping the doc def is going to start a massive hollarin
Gator: Julian Chandra of odysee came out and revealed that Kanye got kicked out of JP Morgan a month ago
Gator: and Candace Owens omitted the date deliberately
Gator: dude
Kengle X: so this wasn't about politics, they just fucking hate Kanye
Kengle X: lol
Gator: And now we have a full five alarm gunt trashfire
Kengle X: oh jesus
Kengle X: another set of "proof" he's threatening
Kengle X: and everyone says "do it Ralph"
Kengle X: and he never will
Kengle X: he's done on Odysee
Kengle X: and its another thing that Nick doesn't want attached to him
Gator: https://twitter.com/kinocopter/status/
Gator: kinochet starting his war against josh

Kengle X's DMs with his pedo poast account needed to be uploaded elsewhere because it was so long and extensive.
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messages to RedPillGangTV
Kengle X: Haha, whats up
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Woah, lightning quick response time!
Kengle X: purely random
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: haha
Kengle X: i was checking in the middle of a project
Kengle X: so whats up
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Don't know if you want to post this but I figured I'd ask...last night I did a segment on Adolwulf using your info from KF and got mass flagged in the process
Kengle X: yeah, i saw, i was sorry to hear that happend
Kengle X: i'll repost it all today if you like
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I made a clip of that segment and uploaded it to Odysee. I wanted to share it on here also but I can't because Poast has a no doxing rule
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: i'll def add it to the kf thread and pop it up here
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I was wondering if you could post it on Chudbuds since you're on there
Kengle X: i can
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: odysee.com/@RedPillGamingTV:b/ethan-ralph-top-mod-exposed:
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Awesome man, thanks
Kengle X: to be honest though I tend to shy away from big publicity, im not in it for attention
Kengle X: i just figured when i superchatted you it was set off Ralph nicely
Kengle X: haha
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: LOL
Kengle X: i'll let you in on something interesting though
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I gotcha, I would normally just post it myself but this is one of the few things I can't
Kengle X: are you familiar with when Ralph's entire Killstream.tv site got hacked and his entire paypig list got revealed
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I am
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: it was so much data it seems no one thoroughly reviewed it
Kengle X: did you know about /s of all the accounts used their real name, email and phone number or some mix of at least ?
Kengle X: and that its enough to pull and verify a background report
Kengle X: lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Hilarious but unsurprising
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Has that been posted to KF?
Kengle X: the unresearched leak has
Kengle X: some asshole might have built a database and is going literally line by line pulling reports and building a full file on all names
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: LOL
Kengle X: but then that asshole tends to not announce until research is complete
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Gee, I sure hope that doesn't happen, that would be terrible!
Kengle X: i will say if all of a sudden major ralph donors all get dropped at the same time
Kengle X: right before the internet cancels him for a month
Kengle X: he's gonna lose his mind
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Looking forward to whoever that asshole is then completing their research!
Kengle X: indeed!
Kengle X: anyways, best of luck with your show
Kengle X: and i posted
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Awesome, thank you sir
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: See you around
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: 😱😱😱
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: LFG
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: btw
Kengle X: i have zero idea who Bibble is, but I'm going to start a running joke about how you never know when I might decide to drop his dox
Kengle X: and then every time i drop - more
Kengle X: it'll look more and more like i could
Kengle X: and we can all watch him freak out as his chain gets yanked
Kengle X: lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: based
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: fuck bibble
Kengle X: Rozy and Meigh getting their own NRN
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: LOOOOL
Kengle X: im suggesting this to all the major NRN players but every week, choose someone to dump all the attention on that Ralph considers himself better than, either Beardson, Ali Jamal, hell, even Jarbo
Kengle X: but he'll lose his mind if the internet decides not just to ignore him but dedicate themselves to someone he thinks doesn't deserve it
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: My main focus is Fuentes but I'll keep the suggestion in mind
Kengle X: Fuentes is great
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I think that will happen naturally if we're dedicating less air time to Ralph
Kengle X: of course
Kengle X: Fuentes has more than enough daily material anyways
Kengle X: he's escalating to his meltdown quickly
Kengle X: his audience is slowly aging out and he's not getting new faces because the internet is laughing louder and louder at him now
Kengle X: years ago he seemed serious
Kengle X: new people finding him now have a very different point of entry
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: nobody new is finding him at this point, he's struggling to grow his audience
Kengle X: yeah
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: it's basically all the cultists he's had since
Kengle X: thats one of his largest problem, he's peaked, plateaued and is starting to head down
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: And he's hemorrhaging support at the same time
Kengle X: he had a chance to put out of the nosedive before the metokur debate
Kengle X: that really sealed his fate
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Yep, most of which is self-inflicted. He can't even attract his target demo anymore
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: %
Kengle X: it was like a child being scolded by his daddy
Kengle X: him tying himself to ralph brought KF and the alogs which turned him into a joke, it was a foolish choice, had he kept his head down, stayed quiet and then ramped up for the midterms he would have had a shot
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Totally agree. He's surrounded himself with the waste of the internet and has taken a huge hit because of it
Kengle X: whomp whomp
Kengle X: anyways, clients await, have a good day sir
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Good luck convincing people you're a devout catholic when you're rubbing elbows with Ethan Ralph lol
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: he's not a catholic
Kengle X: haha
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Sounds good, ttyl
Kengle X: i was raised irish catholic and studied with the Jesuits
Kengle X: man knows nothing about catholocism
Kengle X: honestly
Kengle X: THAT would be an amazing debate for him
Kengle X: put him in a room with a Jesuit priest and have him discuss the bible
Kengle X: it would be brutal
Kengle X: haha, now im gone
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: he debated Jay Dyer before and got totally crushed
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: He also debated Kai Clips on Incelism in relation to the Bible and was blown out on that topic as well
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: That video is here if you ever want to watch it: youtube.com/watch?v=DeEKJvsTMIM
Kengle X: yoooooooo
Kengle X: oops, sorry, wrong chat, hope all is well
Kengle X: just a heads up, thought you'd want to know, Baked's supposed sister just obtained a Kiwi Farms registration code and is making an account right now. She's spent the last days reading his thread.
Kengle X: i'd keep an eye on his thread as she might drop some crazy
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Woah, thanks for the heads up
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I think she's trying to shop her dirt first (she thinks she can get paid for whatever she has on Baked lol) but I think once she realizes that's not happening, she'll start spilling more beans
Kengle X: Hey
Kengle X: if you're around
Kengle X: i have something interesting for you
Kengle X: it concerns the Gionet family
Kengle X: and its pretty juicy
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Yo, I'm here
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: so i dug through the rest of bakeds family
Kengle X: he has either a younger brother or cousin named Levi
Kengle X: that was a staffer to Bob Young, Alaskan US Congressman
Kengle X: and he was a staffer to him before, during and after Jan th
Kengle X: that means Baked would have had a direct point of contact on Jan th as well as a congressional connection after
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Oh shit...
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: oh, btw, you know Baked's mom is suing Pelosi right now, right?
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: You going to post that to the Farms or how do you want to get it out there?
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I didn't know that, no lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Suing her for what
Kengle X: She's saying any evidence collected on Baked's cellphone should be inadmissable because he was on her phone plan and that its not his data to give then
Kengle X: i wish i were kidding
Kengle X: im giving Jaala till tonight to post something on KF
Kengle X: if she doesn't im dropping the Levi stuff
Kengle X: i'd recommend independently researching all this and being ready for when it drops, lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Will do, thanks for the heads up
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: BTW, what do you think about Jaala?
Kengle X: Jaala is most likely real. She has some felony history for burglary and theft. She got put on probation until she got arrested for stalking and threatening someone at which point she got tossed in jail it seems
Kengle X: There’s some entanglement with it all that she is massively resentful with her parents about it all
Kengle X: Essentially she thinks her family has covered bakeds ass at every turn and encouraged all his shithead behavior while casting her out.
Kengle X: she’s motivated heavily by vengeance and rage
Kengle X: Which in general makes her very motivated
Kengle X: She strikes me as much smarter than Baked so it’s possible she got him shitfaced and downloaded everything he’s had on his phone
Kengle X: I am more confident than not she is very real
Kengle X: while I suspect she’s way more street smart than Baked, her education is limited, she has a strong “lesbian thug” affect and her vocab doesn’t have the greatest depth
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I'm % convinced she's legit. I'm not sure if you saw my post but she's been following this since at least March: poa.st/@RedPillGangTV/posts/APnyjgffgndTLJk
Kengle X: If she actually had a Milo x Baked sex tape to drop just as Kanye announces Milo is his campaign manager for president it’s going to be hilarious. The media optics of Kanye hiring an MTG assistant who’s fucking a Jan th main face is a bad look for kanye
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: What about your thoughts on the sex tape? I'm thinking that's real too. And I'm thinking she likely has more evidence beyond that
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
Kengle X: I believe she does
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: that would be so kino
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I don't care how she gets it out, I just want her to get it out
Kengle X: To be honest, when her and I spoke, I asked her why she didn’t try TMZ first
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I sent her the contact link for TMZ last night lol
Kengle X: Hahahaha
Kengle X: ok so then it seems like she’s taking our advice
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I told her they'd be way more interested in Milo's involvement than Baked's. She seemed to be under the impression Baked was more relevant than he actually is (probably because that's how Baked projects himself)
Kengle X: i also to her not to tell anyone anything unless she vets them and they prove they won’t fuck her over because the moment all this drops she becomes part of the narrative
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Yeah, I think she will try to shop it first. Then, once she realizes she probably can't, she might send it to the KC guys or whoever
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Maybe even post it on the Farms
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Good advice
Kengle X: That’s my exact plan
Kengle X: either a sex take connected to Kanye involving Milo and Baked is TMZ worthy
Kengle X: or then I told her the next stop is to go to KC, Metokur and you
Kengle X: if she does KC then she needs to have a convo with Warski of what she will and won’t talk about because PPP will just destroy her for his own fun if Andy doesn’t step in
Kengle X: I think Metokur and his reach would do maximum damage to baked and I said you’d likely give her the most fair interview and stay on the facts
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I'd like to see Metokur be involved, whether he join the KC or does it himself
Kengle X: I also told her before all that she needs to read his KF thread and feel out the water she’s wading into
Kengle X: My exact words were “KC will punch Baked square in the balls, Metokur will obliterate them”
Kengle X: That and he may die from laughing so long he can’t breathe
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Nothing like a good Metokur interview
Kengle X: Baked's parents under just their names have donated about k to different republican candidates in the last years
Kengle X: of which over k was after jan
Kengle X: so they Gionet shit is bigger than i thought
Kengle X: his parents run a pharmaceutical company
Kengle X: but it seems like its out of an office building
Kengle X: which to me screams medical billing scam
Kengle X: Paul Gionet has paid almost million in cash for properties in the last ish years
Kengle X: including one near an airplane hanger he was using to stockpile medical supplies for mission trips
Kengle X: they've also donated over k in donos to trump backed causes post Jan th including k to sarah palin this july
Kengle X: thats just whats being reported
Kengle X: the reads like an old school crime family in bed with politicians and Baked is their Fredo
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Holy shit lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Not even going to ask how you uncovered all that
Kengle X: i just started pulling filings
Kengle X: theres waaaaaaaaaaay more to look through
Kengle X: but
Kengle X: i have an outline of puzzle pieces
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: When you're ready, if you throw that all up on Kiwi Farms, I will % go over it on stream, as will Jaden and others. I think that'd be the easiest way to sort through it all
Kengle X: its going to take more than me to fill in the details
Kengle X: Jaala could easily explain a lot more
Kengle X: it may be worth just interviewing her for this shit
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I don't know how much of that kind of info she'd get into though. That all seems outside the scope of her conflict with Baked, no?
Kengle X: she made it clear to me she hates her parents too
Kengle X: she wants them all fucked
Kengle X: gionet family research has dropped https://kiwifarms.net/threads/baked-alaska-tim-treadstone-tim-gionet-anthime-joseph-gionet./post-
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Well done lad
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Gonna cover this on stream today
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: You'll get full credit
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Best way to plug you?
Kengle X: Just Pit Viper Salesman lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: 😉👍🏻
Kengle X: Not sure what your personal ambitions are but if you were to reach out to Fox and a political analyst you could probably pull it off as someone they have on to discuss Nick and America First
Kengle X: As a political analyst*
Kengle X: % fabricated but you’re welcome to report that I’m saying it
Kengle X: I thought it would be funny for him to come back and say that all his haters are wrong and he didn’t marry her
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
Kengle X: all mu haters lie! i never married the mother of my child!
Kengle X: likely all the new and potentially developing charges coming out on him has rattled his cage and he's scrambling for a lawyer
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I'll let the alog network push that one, don't want the credibility hit I'd take for sharing that
Kengle X: no worries, i figured as much but i wanted to let you know it was bullshit just in case you featured it
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: thanks for the heads up then
Kengle X: no problem
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I figured it was related to a legal matter, I didn't believe the coma thing for even one second
Kengle X: nagh
Kengle X: oops
Kengle X: nah
Kengle X: on top of the RO violations he's facing with Vicker
Kengle X: faith filed contempt of the custody agreement on him yesterday
Kengle X: which could kill all his visitation and set him back to square one
Kengle X: she's got a lot of proof and likely he saw the filing and lost his shit
Kengle X: theres also the matter of the journal
Kengle X: i suspect that things are heating up there and likely Ralph is learning the Vickers are going to go guns blazing on criminal charges
Kengle X: if they play their cards right ralph and may could both face felonies
Kengle X: so my guess is he's at home squealing
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Hey man, question for you
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I'm hearing the new Assistant Groyper aka IAmHiding played a large role in the doxing of me and my family. Also tried to get me swatted a bunch. Do you know if there's any posts on KF about him?
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I did a bunch of searches but came up empty
Kengle X: Hey
Kengle X: Not to my knowledge, but if there is, the person to ask is @CatboyCumDump
Kengle X: He’s super active in the AF side of things
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Alright. O
Kengle X: I would be EXTREMELY careful with this supposed leaker
Kengle X: There are a massive number of gayops going on right now
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: *Alright, I'll ask him instead then, thanks for the tip
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Oh yeah, I'm well aware this could be bullshit
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: But so far from what I've seen, it looks somewhat convincing
Kengle X: So all the discord groups that have had a hand in the swatting are being kicked over and stirred up right now
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: But he'll need to start posting receipts soon or my faith is going to run out fast
Kengle X: They are all starting to turn on one another and doing erratic things
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: lmao
Kengle X: Who’d have guess these little incel / neet gangs would ever melt down and rage on one another lol
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Glad it's finally happening, if it's real
Kengle X: Any names you get, run them past a few people you trust that have strong knowledge of these people
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: I think Nick got more and more reckless as his derangement grew
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: And finally, someone is decided to come forward and blow the whole thing up
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: But we'll see
Kengle X: Honestly i always viewed Nick as an angry dumb kid who is making it up as he goes along
Kengle X: Anyone over the age of sees Nick as just another wannabe eceleb. The difference is he intentionally worked to build an audience with people no one else wanted IRL or online
Kengle X: Nick himself has little to know education or working knowledge of real life. He is emotionally volatile, internally very conflicted and very immature
Kengle X: We also know Milo taught him his way of handling people which is threats, manipulation and pressure
RedPillGangTV@poa.st: Yep. He's an amoral, deranged sociopath and narcissist
Kengle X: He is but written like that he sounds like a supervillain. He’s also just a very stupid kid.
Kengle X: if everything being said is true
Kengle X: then between this and another massive event that could have happened to Ralph in the last few days
Kengle X: leads me to believe he's not just hiding
Kengle X: he's running
Kengle X: Hey
Kengle X: ask him who swatted MTG, Rekieta, Metokur, Vickers, Flamenco, Clairebere, PPP, etc
Kengle X: that will put a lot more eyes on this
Kengle X: this is why ralph is missing
Kengle X: the FBI took over the investigation
Kengle X: either Nick told him to go silent
Kengle X: or he's running
messages with Xaniberries
Kengle X: are there actually people who think I'm CX or are you just fucking with me?
Kengle X: haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: No, i just saw that schizo on kiwifarms say it
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: ha
Kengle X: yeah, no clue
Kengle X: made me laugh a bit though
Kengle X: if I were him im I'd be running around like an asshole playing games and running ops about it
Kengle X: i just like laughing at cows and pulling files for data
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, i don’t hate christorian. I think the flam stuff was dumb as fuck but he didn’t think the guy was a pedo
Xaniberries@poa.st: i didn’t really get the hate for him on KF.
Kengle X: oh that was discovered
Kengle X: did you read the cow poly dox?
Xaniberries@poa.st: I thought altisticright locked it and said it was a gayop
Kengle X: it cam out he was a jealous faggot and literally gayopped all the CX hate on multiple sites
Kengle X: % of shit you heard about CX was just cow having a bitch fit
Xaniberries@poa.st: Wait, so christorian posted that shit on /pol/
Kengle X: no
Kengle X: Cow Poly posted everything
Xaniberries@poa.st: Who was it
Kengle X: one sec
Kengle X: i'll show you
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...cow-poly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-kike-poly./
Kengle X: read this
Kengle X: he created a CX account on the metokur board, /pol/ and other places and wrote crazy shit
Kengle X: i assume CX was worried about being doxed or didn't want the hassle and fucked off
Kengle X: i've heard rumors of who he might be now but nothing confirmed
Kengle X: haven't put much effort into it either
Xaniberries@poa.st: I thought he got a raw deal
Kengle X: honestly, i would agree, my initial response to the name is because its so toxic in this area
Kengle X: yeah he wrote fucking books for posts
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lolol
Xaniberries@poa.st: that he did
Kengle X: but at least it wasn't just calling people faggots and derailing
Xaniberries@poa.st: he had inside info from someone. Told me about the confy shit months ago
Kengle X: it seemed like he had multiple connections
Xaniberries@poa.st: comfy. So it made his speculation posts even if they were long interesting
Kengle X: he put pieces together
Kengle X: he was full of himself though a bit
Kengle X: and i think that bit him in the ass
Xaniberries@poa.st: Probably true
Kengle X: also, when he started hammering Ralph hard
Kengle X: he went from no one to having everyone in the sector quote tweeting or commenting on him
Kengle X: which is the fastest way to pour gas on oneself
Xaniberries@poa.st: This is why i try not to get the attention of autistic people, lol. I never post anything about council of retards
Kengle X: oh i fucking hate the council of evil
Kengle X: actual pedophiles and abusers
Kengle X: i feel zero guilt dropping the massive doxes i did on them
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, they’re swatters
Kengle X: nah
Kengle X: they aren't
Kengle X: if AF
Kengle X: its % AF
Kengle X: i have relatively verifiable sources
Kengle X: i just don't run my mouth like CX
Xaniberries@poa.st: I just like to shitpost. And if ralph is reading my poasts, fuck with him
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: its why i started the alberto thread
Kengle X: ) its useful in having place where all his major shitty moments are
Kengle X: ) Nick either wants this to embarrass him and bully him into submission by making him co-sign a report of everything people shit on him for, or he wants to use it as his reason to cut him loose
Kengle X: either way, Ralph getting kicked in the nuts with a KF thread is funny
Kengle X: Fuentes saying "all this evidence on KF is just too disgusting to ignore Ralph"
Kengle X: would set his ass off in hilarious ways
Xaniberries@poa.st: I think in fits of paranoia he will believe just about anything. That’s why i post ridiculous shit sometimes to see if he will react
Kengle X: ih for sure
Kengle X: oh*
Kengle X: who is this chick ralph is after
Xaniberries@poa.st: He mentioned her several times on stream talking about ali jamal’s slumber party…like in a creepy way
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: can you keep something to yourself
Xaniberries@poa.st: That’s all i do
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: so i am not a fan of gayops
Kengle X: but i have have or friends that do only fans
Kengle X: and read KF
Kengle X: they mentioned it would be funny to troll Ralph and i told them one of them should try and DM him and see what he would buy them or reveal to them in DM's
Kengle X: i don't know if this is them, but i think theres at least a % chance
Kengle X: i just sent them a DM to find out
Kengle X: if this is their alt
Kengle X: cause if it is im going to laugh my ass off
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lmfao
Kengle X: goddamn if we get an amazon wishlist out of this it will be amazing
Xaniberries@poa.st: Supposedly she canceled
Xaniberries@poa.st: Working on confirmation
Kengle X: nice
Kengle X: perfect
Kengle X: je
Kengle X: he lost his shot on that im sure
Kengle X: so i will tell you one alt i do have if you're curious
Xaniberries@poa.st: Sure
Kengle X: i'm the Pantsu Parody account
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol
Kengle X: its been a fun outlet
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, you should post shit that just shows what a terrible “trad” wife she is. Fucked up meals,
Xaniberries@poa.st: laundry
Xaniberries@poa.st: reusing the same diaper
Kengle X: i like it
Kengle X: i'll make some posts for tomorow
Kengle X: do a series
Xaniberries@poa.st: That to me is what is so funny about her. Square peg, round hole
Kengle X: so i have sources enough to believe he's likely in Tijuana
Kengle X: it would be a hour drive to dicks house
Kengle X: hours to vegas
Xaniberries@poa.st: He would do rosarito before tijuana
Kengle X: and within a day drive to the supervised visit of xander
Kengle X: thats possible too
Xaniberries@poa.st: Or mexicali
Xaniberries@poa.st: I hope he doesngo in the ocean in rosarito, lot of pointers in those waters
Kengle X: pointers? Are those the micro-organisms that swim up your dick?
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, great whites
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i know shit about sharks
Xaniberries@poa.st: The shark from jaws
Kengle X: oh shit
Kengle X: well ok them
Kengle X: then
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lots of them
Kengle X: Have you seen this? Big Tech is waaaaaaaaaaaay more psycho than we ever thought.
Kengle X: Funny story for you
Kengle X: its possible that Ralph’s lawyer put in a specific agreement that neither Ralph or Faith could discuss anything at all relating to custody / child support on air
Kengle X: When he started hollarin about having paid
Kengle X: he may have already violated the literal stipulation his own lawyer put in
Xaniberries@poa.st: Date night. Will read later
Xaniberries@poa.st: I saw ralph mentioned you while he was melting down reading jim’s chat
Xaniberries@poa.st: I doubt it. I don’t think he is allowed to announce when he is going.
Kengle X: He mentioned me? Wtf
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yeah something abou doxing politically provoked
Kengle X: Oh, haha, yeah. “Oops”
Kengle X: I dropped a full bag report on her and all her known relationships/connections. I did the same on all known American Groypers I could find back when they were all saying doxing is fair game.
Kengle X: Background report*
Kengle X: I dropped PP’s after she went on rants numerous times saying doxing and flagging is bad but then astroturfed for everyone on cozy when she was directly confronted multiple times
Kengle X: Now with all the top cozy streamers fully doxed it’s apparently not cool to dox or flag anymore
Kengle X: whomp whomp
Kengle X: The irony of Ralph hollarin about someone’s family being doxed is hilarious
Kengle X: It’s also what fucked up his whole gang of dipshits “the council of evil”. I dropped full doxes on Gahoole, Shaggy, Deadman and Daiymo and all known associates and a week later they started going at each other
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lmfao.
Kengle X: Hold on a sec, lemme find a funny
Kengle X: That’s before Ralph was hollarin
Xaniberries@poa.st: She had it coming with that perspective
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: how are you getting this information?
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: how familiar with Adolwulf are you
Xaniberries@poa.st: Not at all
Kengle X: what about GuitarAnthony
Xaniberries@poa.st: Mod and pay pig
Kengle X: i have doxes and thread being prepped to dropped in the next few days
Kengle X: fulllllllllllllllllllllllll blowout background reports on them
Kengle X: any screenshots and info to color in the OP's that you'd like to provide would be welcome
Xaniberries@poa.st: I have literally nothing on them. I don’t want to participate in doxing. Not judging, but just a personal decision
Kengle X: oh for sure! no judgement!
Kengle X: while some find it flimsy, i have a line where I will not dox anyone not already engaged in the support or execution of dox in the first place
Kengle X: but i believe that when someone wants to wade into those waters, they take on the benefits as well as the risks
Kengle X: anyways
Kengle X: all that said
Kengle X: be ready for some major Ralph hollarin soon
Xaniberries@poa.st: These people engage in activity and they certainly have it coming, but i just don’t want to cross a personal line i have for myself
Xaniberries@poa.st: lololol
Kengle X: % respect your position
Kengle X: if I were married / had kids / didn't own my own business I wouldn't be willing to do it myself haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: even tho guitaranthony is a particular kind of retard. He has small kids which probably means he shouldn't be openly modding the chat of a complete degenerate retard.
Kengle X: well
Kengle X: um
Kengle X: "whomp whomp"
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol
Kengle X: deadman pulled that same shit and it lead to the destruction of the council of evil and the discord leaks
Kengle X: so i feel pretty good about that one
Kengle X: lol
Xaniberries@poa.st: ralph waged war on KF, i would have dissociated immediately just to protect my family
Kengle X: yup
Xaniberries@poa.st: These people are so retarded to associate with someone like him
Kengle X: apparently some people were pissed adolwulf was laughing about pissing on Josh's grandmothers grave and celebrating her death
Kengle X: and magically his name popped into an alt dm of mine
Xaniberries@poa.st: yeah, shit like that. I just modified the clip and replaced grandma with Sandra
Kengle X: yeah
Xaniberries@poa.st: poa.st/objects/aff--d--cbdcfe
Kengle X: nice
Xaniberries@poa.st: Ralph is really the one waging the war, not KF. they were content just laughing at his retarded ass. He is literally brain damaged at this point
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: burning two of his biggest capos / paypigs will def shake him up a bit
Xaniberries@poa.st: I won't participate, that's a personal line, but for all intents and purposes they support and assist him in doxing, and all other kinds of shit. Godspeed
Kengle X: o
Xaniberries@poa.st: Same
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: i won't show you what i found out of respect
Kengle X: but when i googled an old screen name of theres
Kengle X: there is a post on r/feminineboys discussing going out in public the first time
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: big hollarin coming
Xaniberries@poa.st: LMFAO
Xaniberries@poa.st: Fuck yes, thank you jeebus
Kengle X: he has @ tweeted ralph literally every day for the last six months
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, ok. I want to see the post. That’s funny as fuck
Kengle X: this guy is desperate
Xaniberries@poa.st: Hahahahahahahahahaha
Kengle X: i'll be moving onto GuitarAnthony in an hour or so
Xaniberries@poa.st: Man their opsec is that bad?
Kengle X: yeah...he made an instagram account with his adolwulf name and his real name is directly attached to it
Kengle X: same with Steam
Kengle X: lots of anime pfps
Xaniberries@poa.st: Jesus, so stupid.
Kengle X: yep
Kengle X: hey if you really want to talk to Nora, the best way is to contact @craigbob
Xaniberries@poa.st: I’m fucking with Ralph. But i wonder if she could get in control of that account with the backup email
Kengle X: at the very least a cease and desist to Ralph could happen
Xaniberries@poa.st: How goes the femboy hunt
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: fantastically
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lmfao
Xaniberries@poa.st: He was a furfag? Lmfao
Kengle X: yep
Xaniberries@poa.st: ralph is going to be pissed at you
Kengle X: whomp whomp
Kengle X: so how far can I trust you with a secret sir
Kengle X: haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: Very far. I don’t share DMs and this one has been hard to keep secret
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: so, yeah, I'm really Christorian X
Xaniberries@poa.st: yeah i knew
Kengle X: there are like people who know including you
Kengle X: i have a distinct writing patter
Kengle X: but
Xaniberries@poa.st: lol, not a secret to me
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i have to at least deny up front
Kengle X: there were so many gayops
Kengle X: trying to turn CX into everything
Kengle X: he had to die
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yeah that was total bullshit
Kengle X: now im working on the outside primarily
Kengle X: instead of going directly at Ralph
Kengle X: i've been firing cannonballs into all his walls
Xaniberries@poa.st: I told you those autists were setting you up
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: i could feel it getting close so i torched everything
Kengle X: i have a life, family, friends, etc that I love
Xaniberries@poa.st: I told warski in DMs it was bullshit and he never dm’d again
Kengle X: none of it worth being harassed over stupid internet shit
Kengle X: warski has proven to me that he runs with whatever suits him in the moment
Xaniberries@poa.st: you have a very identifiable way of writing btw
Kengle X: and is not someone that plans
Kengle X: yeah, i know
Kengle X: i have a PR degree
Kengle X: and was educated in schools that influenced the style
Kengle X: there are two or three famous authors from my high school
Kengle X: and when i read their work i can tell which english teachers they had
Kengle X: its fucked up haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: it was gay because everyone was giving flam the benefit of the doubt, they acted like you messaged him recently
Kengle X: so the answer to all that was
Kengle X: when it all broke
Kengle X: its clear that Flam had zero fucking opsec
Kengle X: he's essentially a dumb kid in some senses
Kengle X: and my advice wasn't based on him being guilty or innocent
Xaniberries@poa.st: I agree but the pauly video was convincing
Kengle X: it was what any lawyer or PR person would tell him
Kengle X: that he needs to stop everything and go through every inch of his online presence in order to make sure these assholes can't spin any new narratives
Kengle X: i personally spent a few hours in a sit down with him having an honest convo
Xaniberries@poa.st: It was obvious, but the farms doesn’t like it when one of their own ventures outside
Kengle X: he's not a pedophile, he's just a sad lonely kid thats about years behind socially and emotionally
Xaniberries@poa.st: thread should have been deleted
Kengle X: indeed
Kengle X: but its all good
Xaniberries@poa.st: mmmmm, i lean towards he might be into kids now
Kengle X: its fair of you to think so
Kengle X: the best I can tell you is we have a few real mask of convos
Xaniberries@poa.st: The stuff that came out around the time you deleted your account was pretty bad
Kengle X: a lot of it was very glass hammer shit
Kengle X: big if true but the moment it was tested a lot shattered
Xaniberries@poa.st: I thout vex was u, but then i saw this account on KF and that schizo poster nailed you
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: I am Vex oo
Kengle X: too
Kengle X: i split my personality up
Kengle X: haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: bullshit, dm me now
Kengle X: dmanit
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: sent on twitter
Kengle X: lol
Xaniberries@poa.st: Can i make some hint about the furfag shit?
Kengle X: not yet
Xaniberries@poa.st: I am dying to see what you found
Kengle X: but i'll give you the green light before i post everything
Kengle X: so you have a few hours to fuck with ralph a bit lol
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lmfao
Xaniberries@poa.st: damn, it’s so juicy
Kengle X: i have partners on the project or i'd totally greenlight
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, next time just tell me who you are. I have been on air tight opsec since i started doing the alberto bit
Kengle X: HA
Xaniberries@poa.st: Precisely because I didn’t want to get christorian’d. Irony
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: no worries
Xaniberries@poa.st: meaning some sperg on kf would find out
Xaniberries@poa.st: get
Xaniberries@poa.st: pissed and go after me
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: nah
Kengle X: i'll give you the info and its going to go under PVS
Kengle X: so you can hit it first after it posts then if you want
Xaniberries@poa.st: Lol, i’ll rp the fuck out of it. I just think the furfag stuff is hilarious
Kengle X: so it appears PPP got the Big Tech Doc as well as the cult shit BT is in
Xaniberries@poa.st: I posted the doc a while back. It was being passed around
Kengle X: excellent
Kengle X: the Urantia Book is psycho
Xaniberries@poa.st: Someone just brought up in a group dm
Kengle X: which group?
Xaniberries@poa.st: chat that ralph thinks you’re christorian
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: what evidence does he have
Xaniberries@poa.st: Where did he say this
Kengle X: im confused
Kengle X: what dm group
Xaniberries@poa.st: There’s a dm group on twitter. About people
Kengle X: interesting
Kengle X: thanks for letting me know
Xaniberries@poa.st: Someone asked what they thought about ralph’s theory
Kengle X: i don't think i leaked anything today
Kengle X: all i did was clip and talk shit
Kengle X: yeah, i just went through, def didn't leak anything today
Xaniberries@poa.st: Ralph is a retard, he is throwing shit at the wall, but then again, i knew it was you.
Kengle X: he is
Kengle X: its his paranoia
Kengle X: we both know if Ralph ever had anything useable
Kengle X: he'd post it immediatley
Kengle X: theres one person who has a suspiscion and thats spooky who works with Ralph
Kengle X: but they have no proof
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yeah i say keep going but i would go for brevity. I like reading your lengthy speculation but something about your writing is immediately identifiable
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: short and sweet from here on out
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yup
Xaniberries@poa.st: Did anyone else suspect vex?
Kengle X: No, he stayed low key usually
Kengle X: it might be time to break out another alt
Xaniberries@poa.st: I would keep pit viper sales
Xaniberries@poa.st: just keep it brief
Kengle X: oh he will stay too
Kengle X: wait
Kengle X: i told you I’m the Pantsu parody too, right?
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yup
Kengle X: Thought so
Kengle X: But I might add one more backup in the mix
Xaniberries@poa.st: honestly i would consider outing one alt to throw suspicion off this one
Kengle X: im considering exactly that
Xaniberries@poa.st: vex
Kengle X: Nah, Vex has other uses
Kengle X: I might kill Pantsu
Xaniberries@poa.st: can i tell people in chat pit viper isn’t u but pantsu is
Kengle X: Not yet
Xaniberries@poa.st: Let me know
Kengle X: let me put together a plan in my head
Kengle X: Who is in the chat
Xaniberries@poa.st: Can’t say
Xaniberries@poa.st: no one adversarial
Kengle X: that determines my way foreword
Kengle X: I assume cringemomma
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yes
Kengle X: Ok, then I know more haha
Kengle X: She’s one of the that knows all
Xaniberries@poa.st: You should just come into the gc. We keep things under wraps
Kengle X: on Twitter?
Xaniberries@poa.st: yup
Xaniberries@poa.st: i would have to ask but i doubt any objections
Kengle X: may as well ask
Kengle X: vex is on Twitter
Xaniberries@poa.st: just ask if i can bring christorian?
Xaniberries@poa.st: ok
Kengle X: ask vex
Kengle X: i'll assess
Xaniberries@poa.st: might be an easier sell if i tell them the deal
Xaniberries@poa.st: If i say vex they’ll ask why
Kengle X: fine, say its CX and tell them its Vex
Xaniberries@poa.st: ok
Xaniberries@poa.st: Let me wait for them to see it
Xaniberries@poa.st: we all move between poast and twitter dm
Kengle X: CM is good people
Kengle X: im guessing i know one or two more
Xaniberries@poa.st: Yeah cm i trust completely
Kengle X: hmm
Xaniberries@poa.st: who are the who know, might make it quicker instead of waitinf
Kengle X: catboycumdump
Kengle X: seveneightnine
Kengle X: Altistic
Kengle X: Haru
Kengle X: You
Kengle X: gator
Kengle X: oh and CM
Kengle X: so
Xaniberries@poa.st: Cm only one
Kengle X: interesting
Kengle X: i think i know the story ralph believes links me and CX
Kengle X: and its easily shirkable
Kengle X: its the knife story
Kengle X: that he was stabbed by his father
Kengle X: Only the vickers and maybe gator would know that story
Kengle X: but i have ways of navigating that
Xaniberries@poa.st: That’s why i want to fet you in, to coordinate the shirking
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: appreciated
Kengle X: well that and I seem to have a proven ability to get under his skin like you and CM do
Kengle X: haha
Xaniberries@poa.st: Added
Xaniberries@poa.st: Deadman is perfect
Kengle X: he is
Kengle X: Vickers hates him too, which is why i chose vickers to go after me
Kengle X: i believe ralph thinks vickers and PVS talk
Kengle X: so it solves all the problems in a nice package
Xaniberries@poa.st: It is perfect
Xaniberries@poa.st: Ralph will see it as him getting snake bit again and make fun of him
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: and vickers likes watching Ralph get all worked up because it offers him possible chances to go after him in court
Xaniberries@poa.st: I fucking knew you were vex, lmfao
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: Vex was CX without the dedication and passion
Xaniberries@poa.st: if u just confirmed earlier i would have told you your wrotinf is a dead giveaway
Kengle X: how is the group responding to me dropping all that
Kengle X: yeah, i've been essentially a loner since day one of CX, i stayed on the outside and traded information
Xaniberries@poa.st: They think it is funny as shit. I think wukang just had
Xaniberries@poa.st: christmas
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: well cool
Kengle X: oh right
Kengle X: so theres one more thing i have working
Kengle X: i know an onlyfans girl who was fascinated by KF and wanted to troll
Kengle X: i told her to try and get Ralph to buy her shit on Amazon
Kengle X: and send pics to her
Xaniberries@poa.st: Flad you mentioned avon, i think he should be off limits. It’s his hobby too
Xaniberries@poa.st: harmless
Xaniberries@poa.st: lol, no way he did
Kengle X: my only issue is when he ran cover for bibble and said it was him that burned down the sub-cultured channel
Kengle X: and he has not yet
Kengle X: but she knows she gets a bounty and a bonus if he gives her anything that proves a crime
Kengle X: till then i just sit back and wait
Kengle X: i thought it might have actually been her as ella maulding
Kengle X: using a friends photos
Kengle X: but it wasn't
Kengle X: but it proved to her and it will work
Kengle X: like i said, this is just a big lab for experiments lol
Xaniberries@poa.st: That’s just fucking around tho
Kengle X: oh for sure
Kengle X: its unlikely we'll get anything solid
Xaniberries@poa.st: He knew about ralphamania and never told ralph
Kengle X: but if for some reason something good comes out
Xaniberries@poa.st: he doesn’t flag, dox, do anything
Xaniberries@poa.st: U think u spooked bibble
Xaniberries@poa.st: Dm me with any poasts or tweets with vickers/deadman op.
Xaniberries@poa.st: We’ll shake them off you
Kengle X: thanks!
Kengle X: Hey, I’m going to talk to Vickers tonight
Kengle X: I may have a lead on HomoTrollius as well
Xaniberries@poa.st: Dm me, lololol
Xaniberries@poa.st: the revenge of cx

messages with Xaniberries after he left pedo poast
Kengle X: Did Graf actually defederate Chudbuds? I can only see chudbud images an no other images in the timeline
Kengle X: Weird guess it’s just my browser
Kengle X: nevermind
xaniberries: What happened
Kengle X: Halsey News Network?
Kengle X: hey do you have easy access to a pic of ralph with shit smeared on his face
Kengle X: i need one for for a punchline
xaniberries: I have posted several
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: i'll flip through
Kengle X: awesome, thanks
Kengle X: usually i go to your twitter but RIP
xaniberries: Wrongone
Kengle X: perfect
xaniberries: Lol. Almost done i see
Kengle X: nah
Kengle X: but there are a few specials i would drop
xaniberries: Are you doxing capis or just randos
Kengle X: im not gonna drop no names
Kengle X: it would at least be someone whos openly ball washing him on the regular
Kengle X: they've gotta at least be noteworthy
Kengle X: some nobody without any internet presence other than having handed Ralph bucks im not going to drop a bomb on
xaniberries: Ok
Kengle X: Before the drop tonight, I’m running with the narrative that he not only broke the DVRO but also the custody agreement. He didn’t but I’m hoping he gets pissed off and brings up the agreement to prove he didn’t which itself is breaking it, lol
Kengle X: Ralph unblocked me on twitter just to yell at me, lol
Kengle X: https://twitter.com/TheRalphRetort/status/?s=&t=WRjUaGZObnuMeYReCHBpQ
xaniberries: Lololol
Kengle X: i did my best to make goo use of it
xaniberries: U dropping anything today. We need a NRN send off
Kengle X: as long as I have enough time with KF being up. I have some client meetings from : to :, if I come home and its ready i'll try to have some by :.
Kengle X: He's engaging!
Kengle X: he's trying to fucking argue with me on twitter
Kengle X: hahahahahahaha
xaniberries: Ask him why he doesn’t shower
Kengle X: i asked im if going to cuba was him giving his children a #noralphnovember
xaniberries: What is name of wrestling belt company. I want to call and see if i can get his address
Kengle X: I’m unsure but there’s a way better way to go about this
Kengle X: Hes having the belt shipped to the hall I believe
xaniberries: Hmmm. Do we know anything he has ordered to his house
xaniberries: regardless I don’t believe him about having it sent to hall
Kengle X: The picture makes it looks like he has but hear me out
xaniberries: Ok
Kengle X: Make a soundboard of him and call the hall and ask if it’s arrived, if it has say you are sending someone to pick it up to do some detailing then literally send someone to pick it up
xaniberries: No not trying to steal the belt
xaniberries: i have big plans for that
xaniberries: i am spitballing his address
Kengle X: Oh!
Kengle X: I’m in the middle of like ways on that
Kengle X: that and I have a bombshell baked info
Kengle X: which drops tonight if Jaala doesn’t
Kengle X: she made a Kf account last night so I’m giving her hours
xaniberries: Ok tell me
xaniberries: i will keep it here
Kengle X: Haha, it involves Baked on Jan th and possibly having a proveable inside man
xaniberries: Interesting
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/baked-alaska-tim-treadstone-tim-gionet-anthime-joseph-gionet./post-
xaniberries: Sorry soent all yesterday going back and forth with a couple people
xaniberries: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/fcdeacf-d-bf-bad-ebaeea
xaniberries: We actually dod real scumbag journalism. All of it is true. Actually there’s bigger stuff we can’t say
Kengle X: i suspect you've been talking to Loomer and Jaden has an inside man he's hooked you guys up with
xaniberries: Nope and nope. Cold call dm. This guy knows more about kanye than jaden. The stuff we’re holding back has more to do with him
Kengle X: interestig
Kengle X: interesting*
xaniberries: kinochet confirmed it with his own cold call dm guy.
Kengle X: should be fun then
xaniberries: Both hit gold. You would be shocked who will tell u stuff and how much. Maybe we both just got lucky
Kengle X: honestly, when you treat celebs like you assume they are on your level, they open up fast
xaniberries: It’s funny because so much of the stuff we jokingly put out as inside info and everyone knows it is not, this is real
xaniberries: I JUST LOST NRN was fucking seething so i guess maybe he knows it is true or nick told him it is
xaniberries: Kinochet’s source is above e celeb i would say mine is most definitely
xaniberries: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/dcadf-f--afc-eabeff
Kengle X: what am i looking at
Kengle X: is that india?
xaniberries: Cuba
Kengle X: you're fucking kidding me
xaniberries: Nope
Kengle X: was this from him of someone there in cuba finding him
Kengle X: so its a rental?
Kengle X: or is piggy trying to move there
xaniberries: I don’t know but it needs to go on KF
xaniberries: it is a $ a night roach motel
Kengle X: ive put it in chat but i need more concrete proof before it gets added to a thread
xaniberries: I JUST LOST NRN will verify it by soerging out. I will send you some stuff
xaniberries: Dm me on twitter
xaniberries: Easier
Kengle X: ok
Kengle X: you gonna superchat a link to the pic to Jim when he does Acerthorn at ?
xaniberries: I can’t watch. I think KAP is posting it to the havana thread now
Kengle X: gotcha
messages with TeaClips
Kengle X: Cow Poly has been doxed
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...cow-poly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-kike-poly./
Kengle X: Elaine Miller conned him into giving her his name and phone number and she promptly handed it off to people going after him
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/nicholas-j-fuentes-vs-the-tsa./
teaclips: Oh sorry I am just seeing these dms weird
teaclips: Ah I see so he lost his ability to fly because they thought he was risk to
teaclips: assault someone
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: then he got off the no fly but kept getting blocked, they gave him a chance to appeal and he fucked up the appeal process so bad he got laughed out of court
teaclips: He pretended it was something political to scam his audience
Kengle X: yep
teaclips: what a scammer
Kengle X: Have you seen this? Big Tech is waaaaaaaaaaaay more psycho than we ever thought.
teaclips: Very interesting listening now ty
Kengle X: yw
Kengle X: it gets slow in the middle when he talks about fuentes for a bit but other than that its pure lunacy
teaclips: I appreciate his attention to detail, am curious if he knew Big tech was a woman abuser? But he’s just been dealing with him as Big tech presents himself.
Kengle X: i think he's letting BT dig his own whole for himself
teaclips: Which is the best way tbh
teaclips: I can’t seem to play the mp
Kengle X: weird
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/@Kengle X/posts/AOpnBVJPYIMJuTtA
teaclips: That worked my connection is probably the issue
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: so she's fired
Kengle X: haha
teaclips: lol
Kengle X: no groyper will dono to her now
Kengle X: you'll love this
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./
Kengle X: one of ralph's biggest jannies and paypigs is a literal furfag and femboy
Kengle X: and Ralph was the one who caused his dox with the killstream.tv hack
teaclips: Ooh this guy used to tag along with Warski until the bald guy? (Sorry forgot his name) it escapes..
teaclips: then he became like Ralph’s # fan
Kengle X: Adolwulf
Kengle X: furry, femboy
teaclips: Yeah but he stopped hanging out with Warski once the bald streamer guy? Came into the picture
Kengle X: possibly thirsty for ralph
teaclips: lmao
Kengle X: Kyler?
teaclips: yeah I heard Adolph had a trans roommate at one time
teaclips: yes! Kyler when he came around Adolwulf disappeared
Kengle X: he has public pictures of him standing with thunderbird pilots with a tshirt of little kid ethan ralphs school photo printed on it
teaclips: But he was a Warski hang out but turned to Ralph once Kyler was around
Kengle X: i believe so
teaclips: yikes
teaclips: I am on my phone and it’s hard for me to scroll but a couple of days ago Milk said he liked an anime girl’s panties, it was an under age one. I unfollowed him then thought he was ok before
Kengle X: its all so stupid
teaclips: Yeah ... and they are sneaky about being into loli weirded me tf out
Kengle X: they're fucking weird
teaclips: Yep
Kengle X: yeah im going hard on these idiots
teaclips: Prob best to ignore unless you like fighting
Kengle X: yeah, i know
Kengle X: the fact i got a head mod calling metokur a "fucking faggot" and wishing he would leave poast was golden though
teaclips: What
teaclips: can you link me
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/fde-c-cb-b-abacf
Kengle X: read that and Milks response to it
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/objects/f-cd-bc-ac-e
teaclips: 🔥
Kengle X: so that worked out well
Kengle X: fuck graf
Kengle X: this is all going to blow up, i recommend at least watching minutes thought
Kengle X:
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: giving you a heads up
Kengle X: Baked's sister just registered for a KF account and is currently reading his thread
teaclips: lol
teaclips: crazy
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: this could be fun

messages with CringeMomma
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: are you around
Kengle X: i have wild things
Kengle X: huge things are happening
CringeMomma: heyyy
CringeMomma: yepyep Im here
Kengle X: holy shirt
Kengle X: shit*
Kengle X: i have so much to tell
Kengle X: and i need to tell someone i trust
Kengle X: shit is about to get fucking wild
CringeMomma: lol I imagine s- ralph seems to be going all in with shaggy
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: thats nothing
Kengle X: lol
CringeMomma: lol
Kengle X: Harry got the subpoena
CringeMomma: well spill!!
Kengle X: he DM'd faith
CringeMomma: ruh roh
Kengle X: he's all in
CringeMomma: fuck yea
Kengle X: he told Faith May told him about the journal
Kengle X: and he'll sign the statement saying so
CringeMomma: o my my my my my
Kengle X: oh we are only getting started
Kengle X: he told Faith to write out everything she wants to know and he'll sign it and spill
Kengle X: its clear he wants to try and protect May and Rozy
Kengle X: but he's happy to destroy Ralph
CringeMomma: right right
Kengle X: he's not a super big Vickers fan, but he is % aligned in going to full war to squash Ralph
CringeMomma: he is probably hoping she will come home
Kengle X: so May, Faith and the grandkids are free from him forever
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: thats only one piece
Kengle X: so we have Harry dropping everything on Ralph
CringeMomma: so he wants no charges on meigh
Kengle X: i assume he's going to try
Kengle X: from the way Vickers and I talked
Kengle X: he's open to protecting May and Rozy if Harry is open to helping him and Faith
Kengle X: Harry himself hasn't actually spoken to Ralph in person or on phone since Rozy was born
Kengle X: and the family has hated him since the beginning
CringeMomma: the beginning lol
CringeMomma: did he say why or is it just what ralph is
Kengle X: but Harry's stance was that May was and going to make her choices
Kengle X: he wasn't going to try and ruin her life and just be prepared for when she needed help
Kengle X: but essentially they always knew what Ralph was from the very beginning
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: right
Kengle X: Harry and I have talked as well
CringeMomma: lol
Kengle X: he's not a fan of KF either
Kengle X: But!
CringeMomma: I would imagine not
Kengle X: he is a fan of a few specific postes
Kengle X: posters*
CringeMomma: nice nice
Kengle X: so
Kengle X: next piece
Kengle X: vickers has a bunch of other separate summons to serve ralph for the RO
Kengle X: this stays between us
Kengle X: the Woodbury Sheriffs are going to personally serve piggy at Ralphamania
Kengle X: they are aware he is violent, has taken a swing at a female cop, will be intoxicated and carrying drugs
Kengle X: as well as the fact he could run to MX
CringeMomma: lmao very cool
CringeMomma: and this is service for what again?
Kengle X: the RO violations on Vickers
Kengle X: we are still not done
CringeMomma: lol
Kengle X: Harry never gave permission for Ralph to use his address for legal filings
Kengle X: he committed perjury
CringeMomma: lmao
Kengle X: we still haven't even gotten to Daiymo
Kengle X: he should have received his subpoena today or tomorrow
CringeMomma: lol he is going to cry
CringeMomma: lol when
CringeMomma: tonight?
Kengle X: this is gold
Kengle X: i've been pushing her to have him on
CringeMomma: watching now
Kengle X: shes been asking my advice on having ralph and others on
CringeMomma: really
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: we are buddies
CringeMomma: that's cool- she cuts ralph too much slack
Kengle X: oh god
Kengle X: this is working
CringeMomma: lol I feel really bad for ali..
CringeMomma: why in the world is he giving ralph money smh
CringeMomma: jc the protage part is rough...
CringeMomma: stardust seemed shook by it a little
Kengle X: he's reading answers off a screen
Kengle X: she is a bit
Kengle X: we are going back and forth
CringeMomma: I heard
Kengle X: this is wild
CringeMomma: im minutes behind
CringeMomma: got it on x though
Kengle X: its gonna blow your mind
CringeMomma: lol I'll catch up
Kengle X: your jaw on the floor yet?
CringeMomma: lmao well rn I'm laughing about her saying she never ever wants to watch the tape
Kengle X: nice
Kengle X: Ralph is going to be fucking furious
CringeMomma: I must have missed it (kids being loud)
CringeMomma: the ella stuff?
Kengle X: all of it
Kengle X: this whole interview
CringeMomma: lololol
Kengle X: its a perfect portrait of a groyper
CringeMomma: ralph goes on tomorrow right?
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: anyone could point to this video and say: this is what a groyper is
CringeMomma: surprised he wasn't sniping?
Kengle X: this is what AF is
Kengle X: im sure he'll be playing it back
CringeMomma: "I wouldn't know who ethan ralph was without AF"
Kengle X: this is wild
CringeMomma: + he was showing some serious fear when asked about ella the second time
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: also he caught himself about how much money he gives
CringeMomma: kinochets headline is bs
Kengle X: what is it
CringeMomma: insinuating ralph demands superchats from ali, I didn't hear taht
CringeMomma: did I even spell that right lol
Kengle X: Ali said he helps ralph by giving him money
CringeMomma: he meant superchats though right?
Kengle X: it seemed like more than that
CringeMomma: there's some free will involved ther
Kengle X: and ali said he gives ralph HIS superchats
Kengle X: also, Kino stole my clip
Kengle X: that was mine, lol
CringeMomma: jc..
CringeMomma: "I help him out, he helps me out"
CringeMomma: that is a ralph line
Kengle X: yup
CringeMomma: jc that is deranged
CringeMomma: that's what I'm saying people cut him too much slack
CringeMomma: lmao he would steal a clip
Kengle X: its been a few weeks of getting all this lined up
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: hell of a payoff
CringeMomma: hehehe tomorrow should be good
CringeMomma: reckon we'll get another chrissie mayer?
Kengle X: fuck i hope
Kengle X: i told her to call her local PD now
Kengle X: and to back everything up
CringeMomma: to warn them
Kengle X: yes
CringeMomma: bless it...
CringeMomma: you know I still think it's meigh and ralph doing the swatting
CringeMomma: did harry mention anything about that at all?
Kengle X: haven't asked
CringeMomma: are you who he talked to when he sent the text warning meigh to ask for a lawyer?
CringeMomma: maybe vickers?
CringeMomma: ralph is reacting to ali and stardust now
CringeMomma: he's already mad
CringeMomma: and walked away
CringeMomma: he's drunk?
Kengle X: https://chudbuds.lol/@stardust
Kengle X: guess who just signed up
CringeMomma: lmao cool cool
Kengle X: Harry signed, doc is going to court in an hour
CringeMomma: lol man things are heating up
CringeMomma: harry has been quiet on twitter
Kengle X: He’s been busy signing papers and sending them to faith
Kengle X: They officially have them
CringeMomma: they meaning faith and vickers? lol
Kengle X: Yep
Kengle X: His lawyer will find out today or tomorrow
CringeMomma: woowee
Kengle X: so i sent the Ali Jamal interview over to the journalist
Kengle X: said its a great interview to understand what a groyper and ralph fan is
CringeMomma: thats awesome
Kengle X: honestly every time i listen to the interview
Kengle X: the worse it gets
Kengle X: gator is right
Kengle X: its a huge fucking disaster
Kengle X: his rant about all things gay being wrong
Kengle X: could be played over any nick clip
CringeMomma: very true
Kengle X: and the more i listen to it again
Kengle X: the more its so very clear how much they fucked with a mentally handicapped kid
Kengle X: and how much they brainwashed him
Kengle X: wtf are kino and xanni doing
Kengle X: they are trying to get jesse on the ralph interview
Kengle X: thats fucking stupid
Kengle X: this is going to be amazing with him just being himself
CringeMomma: idk :( I'm not in the groupchat rn
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: they keep telling her to press him on the dead dog and have jesse on
CringeMomma: ralph is moving today lol
CringeMomma: did he really get banned from airbnb??
Kengle X: yup!
Kengle X: won't do him any good
Kengle X: Harry has fucked him good
CringeMomma: lmao
Kengle X: and im betting AirBnb has
CringeMomma: im guessing he got the papers?
Kengle X: harry signed testimony the court has that says Ralph committed perjury
Kengle X: and that harry never gave him permission to use his address for legal shit
Kengle X: which makes the custody agreement potentially void
Kengle X: which means he loses any entitlement to see Xander
Kengle X: Harry just took his son from him
CringeMomma: lol he is going to throw meigh out
Kengle X: good
Kengle X: the end game is him in jail or a fugitive that can never enter America again
Kengle X: basically him removed from the childrens lives permanently
CringeMomma: prolly for the best
Kengle X: and the mothers being left alone to have their own lives
CringeMomma: + when the court sees he is hiding, there is no way they ever let him have custody of xander unsupervised
Kengle X: correct
Kengle X: i'd say within a year to months
Kengle X: Vickers will succeed in Ralph having all parental rights terminated to Xander
Kengle X: and it will be done
Kengle X: then they can just block him and only file in court if he tries something
CringeMomma: fingers crossed
CringeMomma: looking good for that honestly
CringeMomma: hey o
CringeMomma: locked out of my twitter for hr lol
CringeMomma: ralph is back on twitter and basically confirmed they just got off the ferry, so the wedding isn't going to be official if they haven't even made it to NJ yet
CringeMomma: I'm a successful retired eBay wonderkind now spending hrs on the daily trying to get my stolen GH and DD back and combing CC statements for the inevitable anomalies...man its freeing not hitting that cap, holy fuck
CringeMomma: what does he mean? lol what is GH and DD? cap?
Kengle X: GH is Gabe Hoffman
CringeMomma: stolen gabe hoffman?
Kengle X: Oh
Kengle X: No!
Kengle X: Hahahahah
Kengle X: Grub hub and DoorDash
CringeMomma: oohhhhh
CringeMomma: got it, got it
CringeMomma: :p I stayed up to late last night
Kengle X: Ha
Kengle X: I’m coming to the conclusion that Harry is likely super autistic himself
Kengle X: He and I had a good chat last night regarding the council, the diary and how big a piece of shit Ralph is
Kengle X: He asked I not bring up his ex on KF or online anymore and I agreed
CringeMomma: lol I'm sure that was super interesting
CringeMomma: jolean?
Kengle X: Yeah
Kengle X: She asked him to ask me
Kengle X: And I’m cool with that
CringeMomma: I hate it for him
CringeMomma: life completely turned upside down and restricted because meigh wants to be internet famous
CringeMomma: but she doesnt even make content anymore
CringeMomma: makes sense
Kengle X: I also told him that originally the entire internet assumed Amanda was a fully willing participant in everything Ralph does
Kengle X: But with his recent info dump that is starting to fall into question
CringeMomma: right..
CringeMomma: do we think Ralph is holding blackmail on her?
Kengle X: Or doing the same thing to her as faith
CringeMomma: it's very clear she doesn't have to deal with ralphs shit. and it's not safe for the baby. she fled "richmond" what, - times?
Kengle X: Using things to hold her hostage
CringeMomma: right
CringeMomma: and right now, could harry even take her back?
Kengle X: Whenever she stops being around him for a week or so she starts talking about running
Kengle X: And then he shows up and it stops
CringeMomma: if she played him- and got back into the house, shit could go bad quick
Kengle X: I think they would have her back for Rozy’s sake
CringeMomma: right...
Kengle X: When I told Harry I am almost convinced this weekend doesn’t end without Ralph being arrested his response was that he’s praying I’m right
CringeMomma: well they are in the states now for sure
Kengle X: Yep
CringeMomma: gonna be a hell of a show
Kengle X: Oh
CringeMomma: is the deadman video worth watching?
Kengle X: I filled him in on the truck, how it’s illegally in Mexico and he needs to update his reg in VA
Kengle X: Oh yes, Deadman confirms on video he leaked the Council discord and that it’s all real
Kengle X: He’s going to testify
CringeMomma: what a retard lol
CringeMomma: does the coe still accept deadman?
Kengle X: He explains it all in a minute retarded video
CringeMomma: kk I'll check it out
Kengle X: No, he essentially calls them all faggots and is dropping the dime on them
CringeMomma: ooooo
Kengle X: That’s why EsoShaggy is freaking out
CringeMomma: lol listening now
CringeMomma: deadman works at a coffee shop lmao
Kengle X: Or is a secretary/ assistant
Kengle X: I think he’s just being coy though
CringeMomma: ahh
CringeMomma: lol by the end you can see how flustered he is feeling about all this- major regret!
Kengle X: I just had a genius idea
Kengle X: I’m buying the spank towel
CringeMomma: lmao noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
CringeMomma: I don't want you to get sick man :p
Kengle X: As long as Harry can show proof that it was boxed and shipped to the address I give him
Kengle X: I’m having it sent to Fuentes so he can blacklight and cum hunt it
CringeMomma: okay, yes
CringeMomma: brilliant
Kengle X: can you imagine Nick finding out someone mailed him Ralph's jizz rag
Kengle X: im hoping it starts a fight with him and Ralph
CringeMomma: lmao I bet it will
CringeMomma: the groypers on twitter are already tired of drama content- the john doyle thing, and finding out so many females us cozy.
Kengle X: ha
Kengle X: i need to win this towel lol
CringeMomma: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ethan-oliver-ralph-vs-harry-morris./post-
CringeMomma: uh oh ..
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: i have no idea what it is
Kengle X: but im excited
CringeMomma: meeeeeee too
CringeMomma: I think it was on the farms that I read that maybe he was served right off the ferry lol
CringeMomma: that would be awesome
CringeMomma: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: im quickly getting tired of Xani
Kengle X: im getting DM's from him demanding PVS friend Gabe Hoffman
Kengle X: because Gabe wants to talk to me
CringeMomma: lol he is so pushy
Kengle X: and i respond to Xani that Gabe Hoffman has a shitty rep and isn't someone people want to associate with
Kengle X: to which he replies he doesn't work with hoffman
Kengle X: and im like "buddy, you're asking me to though"
Kengle X: and it answer is to just kinda shrug
CringeMomma: lol he doesn't do that kind of shit to me luckily, I think they all know I just do my own thing
Kengle X: yeah
CringeMomma: having to plan and coordinate tweets and "juice" just ain't my thing
Kengle X: i don't put up with that shit from him
CringeMomma: I do really enjoy hosainthuman and sunshine tadpole
Kengle X: he begged me for a week to tell Harry to give him the belt and ashes
Kengle X: and i told him flat out its never gonna happen
CringeMomma: he wont take no for an answer lol
Kengle X: its weird
CringeMomma: I saw before twitter decided to fucking troll me that he commented under harrys tweet "tell me now"
CringeMomma: bruh... that ain't gonna work on harry
Kengle X: its barely going to work on a th grader
CringeMomma: I was actually surprised xani didn't latch onto the wrestler yesterday, dude was eager to get on our good sides once the xxx profile came out.
CringeMomma: would be great if the breaking news is a freshly taken photo of rozy and her grandpa together again
Kengle X: im betting Dick backs out
Kengle X: this event is way too hot right now
CringeMomma: oh yea, some of the groypers too
CringeMomma: wonder if bigtech will make it
CringeMomma: I talked to kai the other night, when my account gets unlocked, I'll ask him if he is still going to ralphamania
Kengle X: kai clips?
Kengle X: theres no way he's going
Kengle X: the mormon church would freak on him
CringeMomma: lol have you heard this rant on ralphs podcast feed?
CringeMomma: not like a blow up, but he is bitching about not keeping up with it and how libsyn charges $ a month.... what a cheap fuck
CringeMomma: woah really
CringeMomma: a bold crime...
CringeMomma: would that mean both? just ralph? hhhhm
Kengle X: no idea
CringeMomma: god damn it lol
CringeMomma: the scene from ralphs tweet
Kengle X: i have no idea how to take that
Kengle X: has he bailed on May?
CringeMomma: idk just thought it was interesting lol maybe meigh left him
Kengle X: no idea
Kengle X: this is getting wild
CringeMomma: also, very annoying how everyone on the farms is like 'oh it a nothing burger"
Kengle X: that and everyone championing Godwinson for rehashing gator lore from years ago
CringeMomma: lol agreed
Kengle X: i think both Godwinson AND PPP are insufferable faggots
CringeMomma: maybe harry is waiting for booking information until he says what the big news is lol
Kengle X: its possible
CringeMomma: that could take a while lol I need to find something to distract me
Kengle X: i checked the monroe county blotter
Kengle X: nothing of note
CringeMomma: hhm
Kengle X: so Paulyfrog is crazy
CringeMomma: lol what happened?
Kengle X: so he apparerntly lives at his moms house
Kengle X: a young female field agent showed up from the FBI
Kengle X: they have his accounts
Kengle X: asked if he was at Jan th
CringeMomma: oh jesus
Kengle X: his mom said "no, he was here with us"
Kengle X: Pauly is streaming all this btw
CringeMomma: link??
Kengle X: at the point where his mom says this Pauly just keeps yelling "MOM DONT TALK TO FEDS!!!"
CringeMomma: omg
Kengle X:
Kengle X: and his mom is like
Kengle X: "son, you were literally here, theres nothing to hide"
Kengle X: "I DON"T TALK TO FEDS!!!!"
CringeMomma: lmfao some people just can not deal
CringeMomma: hahahahaaaa she tells him to get out
CringeMomma: LMAO what a dumb asshole
CringeMomma: how old is this dude
CringeMomma: "I might go to prison guys"
CringeMomma: fuck
CringeMomma: he just removed it before I could finish
Kengle X: Lol
Kengle X: So either his mom lied to a federal officer and obstructed Justice and he streamed her admitting it
Kengle X: OR he just mad his situation massively worse
CringeMomma: lol
CringeMomma: wild
CringeMomma: I see farms chat, writing off harry now
CringeMomma: "corrupted by vickers" lol
CringeMomma: lol so they got married in vegas and used harry card wtf
CringeMomma: lol that like the weakest possible gotcha
CringeMomma: harry is literally selling your shit- outta your private details
CringeMomma: and all you have is- ha ha I married your daughter with your money ha ha
Kengle X: Jim’s shirts have been delivered
Kengle X: also
Kengle X: Re: Jizz towel

messages to RangerBoo
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: have you seen the cow poly dox?
RangerBoo@poa.st: No?
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...cow-poly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-kike-poly./
Kengle X: just dropped this afternoon
Kengle X: apparently elaine miller has been playing him all along and he gave her his real name and phone
RangerBoo@poa.st: LMAO!
Kengle X: to which she passed it all to a group that dug it all up
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: he's a year old repeat relapsing heroin junkie in a halfway house
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./
messages to Procrastinhater
Procrastinhater: Hey
Kengle X: Yo!
Kengle X: and I'm back
Procrastinhater: That you are. I got defenestrated because I bullied the lolifaggots too hard and made them cry to their pedo mods.
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: you mean defederated?
Kengle X: graf is a bich
Kengle X: bitch*
Kengle X: zero fucking spine
Procrastinhater: So I'll be sitting back on my other accounts and just observing. Lol yeah what did I say?
Kengle X: defenstrated haha
Procrastinhater: Defenestrated. lol no one through me out of a window. Yet
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: i really had high hopes for graf
Procrastinhater: Yeah I dont think hes a bad guy. His fault is he is too loyal to the wrong people.
Kengle X: he was all proud and talking shit that poast had gotten over k and that he's growing his audience
Procrastinhater: He had gemuine sickos like undu help him set up and they brought a load of pedos in.
Kengle X: but the moment he got what he had fought so hard for
Procrastinhater: And hes afraid to offend them.
Kengle X: he let the loli pedos piss all over it
Procrastinhater: Yup. And unless he gets rid of it poast will always just be a niche space for anime weirdos. It will % hinder it from becoming what he claims he wants it to be.
Procrastinhater: And at that point he might as well rename it Pozzed
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: not to sound annoying
Kengle X: but it seems like Josh is the only person on the goddamned internet that could successfully manage an internet space with some sanity
Procrastinhater: I get there were a lot of pedos in his original user base but the majority of people find it gross and sick. It fits the definition of pedophila. Its up to him but its clesr that pedophiles have more rights than humans as fsr as the poadt admin goes
Procrastinhater: And yeh coz Josh has been through that shit with and chan. He knows those fucks just ruin anything they get a foothold at.
Kengle X: he stands by the rules and not the user
Kengle X: break the rules and fuck off
Procrastinhater: But its clear now after what happened to me and jack awful Graf will always tske the side of the crying pedos
Kengle X: yup
Procrastinhater: Yeah Josh is a fucking gem
Kengle X: i said it somewhat in jest before
Kengle X: but once he gets KF up and fully solid and safe
Kengle X: everyone needs to chip in and we get him a vacation and down time
Kengle X: dude needs a week or two off somewhere where he can't be fucking bothered
Kengle X: whoa whoa whoa
Kengle X: i think vex got unbanned
Kengle X: nevermind, lol
Procrastinhater: Yeah absolutely. Guy needs a big thanks after this. Ill chip in
Kengle X: i might float it to the usual people on the site
Procrastinhater: They unbanned you?
Kengle X: i think a week or two in a nice resort with sun and a pizza oven would do him good
Kengle X: haha
Procrastinhater: Lol yeah
Kengle X: nope, still banned
Kengle X: but i can see my account under this new name
Procrastinhater: Im serious though, Josh has put his entire life in the firing line so we can shitpost. Not to be gay but as far as Im concerned hes a fucking stand up guy. Id never say to to him because hed rightly call me a faggot for being so sentimental but hes done and been through a lot for us faggots. We owe him
Kengle X: %
Procrastinhater: Yeah the whole system is fucked if you ask me. One guy should not have the power to defederate someone without serious wrongdoing.
Kengle X: when all this is over we def need to do something nice for the guy
Procrastinhater: Or what the fuck is the point of decemtralization?
Kengle X: you won't appear on other nodes
Procrastinhater: Graf has a bad day and his MDMA wears off and he can throw a temper tantrum and theorwrically sing the whole thing
Procrastinhater: Sink
Kengle X: yup
Procrastinhater: So if one guy has that power he shouldnt be a thin skinned daisy
Procrastinhater: Or wheres the decentralization?
Kengle X: right
Kengle X: so basically unless you're friended with people, none friends can't see you
Procrastinhater: Anyway I promised Claire I wouldnt pick anymore fights with the pedos. I dont wanna cause her grief. Ill use my other accounts to keep a look out but Im probably gonna be bravo six from here on out
Kengle X: thats fair
Kengle X: be on the lookout for Meigh to fuck with kinochet soon
Procrastinhater: Oh I will. What got me was the last time I got banned from somewhere it was after I fucked with Lowtax for weeks straight about his tranny problem. I barely spoke to Graf more than a few times. Pedos get special treatment on Poast. That aint my kind of scene. Ill be watching tho
Procrastinhater: Anyway Im done fucking around. Fuck em if they cant take a joke. Peace bro
Kengle X: cya
Kengle X: thoughts on Cow Poly's dox dropping?
Procrastinhater: I didnt hear? What the fuck? How?
Kengle X: meet Cow Poly
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...cow-poly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-kike-poly./
Kengle X: year old heroin junkie living in a halfway house in LA
Kengle X: elaine miller played him and he gave her his name and phone number
Kengle X: and she gave it to people to fully dox him
Procrastinhater: What a fucking retard.
Kengle X: yup
Procrastinhater: Lol good on Elaine.
Procrastinhater: He one of those fucks that was getting her to hurt herself and fucking with her head?
Kengle X: considering his groups plan was to try and get her to kill herself for fun
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: apparently it might have been somewhat of a performance
Kengle X: if so, fucking well done her
Procrastinhater: Then fuck him.
Kengle X: yeah
Procrastinhater: And good on her
Procrastinhater: I dont like people who go cow tipping anyway
Kengle X: you know theres a lot of talk he had a strong hand in influencing all the swattings too, right?
Procrastinhater: But the shit they were doing with jer is Idea Guys level fucked
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: Empresa was in his group and was doxed as well
Procrastinhater: Yeah and you know i wouldmt be surprised
Procrastinhater: Empressa?
Kengle X: yes
Procrastinhater: She always was a fucking twisted little whore
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: they were part of the same group
Procrastinhater: Yeah fuck those people
Procrastinhater: Seems this cow had teeth
Procrastinhater: Good for Elaine
Kengle X: they started a KF competitor that was purely doxing KF users and making thread
Kengle X: its also likely Cow has had a major hand in the DDoS attacks
Procrastinhater: Shes a sperg but she didnt deserve that and those shits were seriously evil
Kengle X: essentially he was furious for Josh kicking him out and believes he should be running the only lolcow game in town as a benevolent leader
Kengle X: he's fucking nuts
Procrastinhater: Yeah I had my suspicions
Kengle X: and anyone who made him jealous he went after
Kengle X: in the dox apparently % of the shit said about Christorian X was made up by him because he was jealous of the attention
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: thats so fucking sad
Procrastinhater: Fuck that cunt. If he was incolves in the SWAT faggotry I hope the FBI hammers him
Kengle X: yeah
Procrastinhater: And he ends up as a fucking Fleshlight for the Aryan Brotherhood
Kengle X: i believe he thinks he's already in the aryan brotherhood apparently
Procrastinhater: Lol yeah right
Procrastinhater: I used to legit know some of those boys
Kengle X: scary motherfuckers
Procrastinhater: They dont fuck with people who pose and fromt as members
Procrastinhater: He has fake ink amd he cant produce his certs they will carve it off him
Procrastinhater: Or boil it with a kettle
Procrastinhater: What they tried to do to Elaine was fucked and theyve been fucking with the farms for a while
Procrastinhater: All because he got kicked out for the same faggotry he took over there
Procrastinhater: Crazy shit huh?
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: they had a ton of leverage over some AF servers
Kengle X: i have people telling me he was part of a group telling the AF interns who to swat
Procrastinhater: Damn
Procrastinhater: How was Empressa tied into that shit? Not that Im surprised
Kengle X: empressa started the same forum with cow, and was in all the same discords
Kengle X: they were a cow capo essentially
Kengle X: oh
Kengle X: and here
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...oly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-kike-poly./post-
Kengle X: i just pulled the entire file on cow and dropped it on onion
Kengle X: addresses, phone numbers, emails, work places, everything
Procrastinhater: Doing Gods Work
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: if he's affiliated with the swatting like he and others claim
Kengle X: they now can have a happy little fucking chat
Procrastinhater: Nice
Procrastinhater: Im gonna have to read this properly I just skimmed.
Procrastinhater: This is some good work bro well done on this one
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: thanks
Kengle X: i think with all his names /addresses and jobs as well as his families info too
Kengle X: he would be fucking stupid to play more games now
Procrastinhater: Yeah. Be nice if he got tied to the SWATing tho. He's a real pece of shit
Procrastinhater: Bit of luck next hit he hits a fucking artery by accident
Kengle X: i fucking hope so
Procrastinhater: That shit would ruin his whole morning lol
Kengle X: honestly i hope this settles some shit down for awhile
Procrastinhater: Yeah hope so. Him and Empressa were out of hand
Kengle X: theres a third
Procrastinhater: From what I saw they legit tried to head job Elaine into killing herself.
Kengle X: cow had a buddy/partner in all this
Procrastinhater: What?
Procrastinhater: I didnt get that far yet
Kengle X: its not mentioned
Procrastinhater: Who? Can you say or is it a wip?
Kengle X: nothing about # has dropped because the people who doxed Cow are working on this guy too
Procrastinhater: Gotcha
Kengle X: i promised not to give names but it someone that was all over KF starting shit
Kengle X: and they are some junky fuck up too
Procrastinhater: Not Blaine
Kengle X: but i suspect a few more weeks and they will be rooted out
Kengle X: no, not blaine
Procrastinhater: Lol
Procrastinhater: Hes fucking nuts
Kengle X: yep
Procrastinhater: Well good theyre a pack of fucking rats.
Procrastinhater: So what was Elaine smarter than she appeared and fucking catfished them?
Kengle X: honestly if the gayops/swatting/DDoSing stops for awhile Josh can focus on finishing the site repairs/upgrades and we can get on with life
Kengle X: and im not sure what Elaines true motives are yet
Procrastinhater: Yeah well if those niggers are out of the picture and they were behind a lot of the shit it should be easier. Too much shit at once
Procrastinhater: Josh has earned a break
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: it cuts down the number of fronts he has to wage war and allocate resources
Procrastinhater: If he can get us out of drydock and back in the wayer we should crowdfund the guy a holiday
Procrastinhater: Or something.
Procrastinhater: Hes earned it. Hopefully this puts them off.
Procrastinhater: Be fun to find out who Cow and Empressas nbr is.
Kengle X: %
Kengle X: on all of it
Procrastinhater: Semper Fi
Kengle X: yeah im beating up on kinochet
Kengle X: flams a faggot
Kengle X: but at least get your facts right
Kengle X: if you're going to be a clout chasing faggot like kinochet at least know wtf you're talking about instead of being a year old girl running from click to click in high school spouting shit
Procrastinhater: Lol yeah he doesn't care about integrity tho, clout is literally all he fucking thinks of. Thats why he name fags over all those sites and why he only chases people he knows will bite like Ralph.
Procrastinhater: I even got him to admit it (albeit in not those exact words) the other day.
Procrastinhater: He literally fucking lives for e cred.
Procrastinhater: Bro you know if you spring that thing on him the right way it'll fucking demoralize him
Procrastinhater: He wants to be taken seriously
Procrastinhater: Those guys hate to be laughed at
Procrastinhater: You definitely seem to have baiting him down
Procrastinhater: Its actually quite funny to watch
Procrastinhater: I mean I really hate Pedmenco. He fucking disgusts me
Procrastinhater: But Kinochet is almost more annoying with his constant clout whoring and self promotion.
Procrastinhater: He's almost as bad as Christorian X
Procrastinhater: Whatever youre doing I'll leave you to it, don't wanna tread on your toes coz it has the potenial to be funny.
Procrastinhater: But give me the word if you need anything
Kengle X: Thanks, I appreciate it. Honestly I have zero opinions on Flamenco either way. I took the time to sit down and literally read all the court docs, chats, etc. he’s a clout chasing faggot and a disingenuous grifter with some creepy tastes. He’s been near suspect shit but for literally everyone’s damndest efforts there’s no direct link to him doung anything with a minor. He’s a shitty grifting streamer like all go them which means he deserves getting shit, but just pulling stuff out of my ass saying he fucked his sister or something like that I won’t defend till there’s proof. I’ll shit all over someone / but to move into something life ruining I want to see hard evidence
Kengle X: Kinochet proves that he is willing to actively lie and pour gas in things not because he thinks they did anything wrong but just for ecred which makes him sub fucking human in my opinion
Kengle X: I’ll leave the flamenco burning to the professionals and just go after the people who literally only try to profit off lies and misery
Kengle X: he shut the fuck up fast when I quoted the court docs though didn’t he
Procrastinhater: Lol yeah. I dont think Flameco is a child molester personally. Hes been doxed to hell amd back, I talked to people from his Highschool personally only thing anyone had to say was he was weird and was suspected of stealing girls underwear (lmao) I dont think hes a chomo. I think hes a pedo that jerked off to shota, by his own admission, and I think hes weird but I think mainly its coz Flamenco is so unlikeable people want to believe the worst
Procrastinhater: Kinochet is the sort of persom that gives zero fucks about life ruining shit if it will get him clout
Procrastinhater: Ill fuck with Pedmenco and say he fuxked his sister as a joke but theres no evidence and if asked Ill confirm that. If there was we would have found something.
Procrastinhater: I tried.
Procrastinhater: Hes a shota pedo that jerks off to weird comics and prolpse porn. He likes women vacuuming their assholes out and pedo comics. Hes not a child molester. We would have found aomething
Procrastinhater: Kinochet doesmt fucking care tho
Procrastinhater: Its all about clout for that faggot. Hes the most disingenuous asshole Ive ever seen.
Kengle X: so i have my own connections on Flamenco
Kengle X: the read i got was he was a super awkward autistic kid and kinda grew up going through the Chris-Chan experience
Kengle X: and got pushed more and more outside of social, etc
Kengle X: and then he sperged the fuck out when his parents split and because he was socially / emotionally way behind by the rest
Kengle X: so he retreated into all the nerd / weeb shit because they didn't judge and were nice to him
Kengle X: i get the impression if he just had some buddies to go have a beer with and talk shit most of the weirdness would go away
Kengle X: that said he needs to learn to shut the fuck up and stop picking fights over the same drama with the same people
Kengle X: like seriously
Kengle X: fucking stop
Kengle X: thats my largest issue with him
Kengle X: % of his problems are self inflicted
Procrastinhater: You could be right. I heard he was weird, the people who were willing to talk to me didn't have a very good impression of of, they weren't too nice, if he was as autistic as you say then it explains a lot, I was looking at him as a creep, and if you go by the standard year old man, him being into the shit he is, its is kinda creepy, but if he's as stunted as you say bro that actually explains a lot
Kengle X: he's Chris-Chan if he grew up in a family that put effort into him and told him he had to push himself
Kengle X: i think honestly he's tried his best but has always been behind and has been desparate to fit in, it explains why he lost his shit when CC turned on him because to him it seemed like he finally fit in
Kengle X: again
Procrastinhater: Yeah that actually makes me look at him in a different light.
Kengle X: he fucked up hard in multiple ways and he deserved to get the shit kicked out of him for keeping on fighting
Kengle X: but
Kengle X: i pity him more than i hate him
Kengle X: Kinochet though
Procrastinhater: Yeah see I was going off the basis this is a year old dude, when I was I was just married and looking to take out my first mortgage, I was judging him by maybe an unfair standard
Procrastinhater: I thought he was just a fuxking creep thatlied about his age to hang with kids
Procrastinhater: And the people I got to talk to me said he was weird
Procrastinhater: Off putting
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: autistic
Procrastinhater: Like he would.Creep the girls out big time
Kengle X: he was super behind everyone
Kengle X: oh im sure he did
Procrastinhater: But if he was like Chris
Procrastinhater: That explains it
Kengle X: right, i think years of pushing himself
Kengle X: he's done well
Kengle X: going to school, streaming, etc
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: but he needs to learn to shut the fuck up
Procrastinhater: I may have been judging him harshly
Kengle X: it explains why people are able to keep fucking with him
Procrastinhater: I think its his personality is so...
Kengle X: autistic
Procrastinhater: Like he's got that BAAD autism you know
Kengle X: like fucking sheldon on big bang theory
Procrastinhater: No worse
Kengle X: it can be obnoxious and self righteous
Kengle X: sheldon wouldn't be funny if there wasn't a laugh track
Procrastinhater: Like the kind that makes people really fucking unlikeable
Kengle X: he'd be creepy
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: just sent kinochet the proof
Kengle X: hes gonna be salty
Procrastinhater: Lol
Procrastinhater: Yeah you know if he was as bad as that I kinda pity him
Kengle X: exactly
Procrastinhater: Dude does himself no favors though
Kengle X: im not excusing him
Kengle X: he deserves his fallout
Procrastinhater: Like that smug shit
Procrastinhater: Thats why people go at him so hard
Kengle X: he's had numerous people pull him aside and tell him to shut the fuck up including gator on the daily
Kengle X: say what you will about gator
Kengle X: but if he is making it a point to actively wrangle you
Kengle X: fucking listen
Procrastinhater: Lol yeah
Kengle X: so he needed this learning experience
Kengle X: but yeah, i don't think he's malicious or capable of hurting anyone
Procrastinhater: Yeah he really isnt cut out for the Internet
Procrastinhater: Hes too easy to poke and he bites hard
Procrastinhater: People are gonna fuxk with him
Procrastinhater: Hed be better just sticking to his game streams and dont fucking engage
Procrastinhater: Because hes not smart
Procrastinhater: But he thinks he is
Procrastinhater: And that smug autism.is what really rubs people the wromg way
Procrastinhater: I kinda do feel.sorry for the guy now
Procrastinhater: Hes so behind, lke , but hes just a kid mentally.
Procrastinhater: He's done well if hes that fucked up
Procrastinhater: Yeah Ill back off him
Procrastinhater: Im satisfied hes not a child molester or a threat
Procrastinhater: Id have found something.
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: btw
Kengle X: heres what i sent kinochet
Procrastinhater: Hes an outcast, he got into wierd shit because hes lonely.
Kengle X: im not giving him the whole doc but its his entire criminal breakdown
Procrastinhater: Naw yeah he dont need it all.
Procrastinhater: Il check it out.
Procrastinhater: I take it this is in confidence
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: i mean its publicly obtainable
Procrastinhater: I'll keep it under the table. I'm backing off him anyway
Kengle X: but im not out to help kinochet
Procrastinhater: No I wouldnt.
Procrastinhater: You gave me a new insight into our Flamenco.
Kengle X: so if you look it over you'll see every record is a traffic violation other than a family court case in in union NC
Kengle X: he was in
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i suppose my point is there is plenty of other shit to rip on him for and not the pedo shit
Procrastinhater: Iol
Kengle X: i really hate the fucking fake pedo allegations
Procrastinhater: Yeah I figured he wasnt a kid toucher pretty quick
Procrastinhater: I think the shota shit classes someone as a pedophile
Kengle X: im sure he'll be back, he just needs to stay the fuck away from commentary
Procrastinhater: But if hes as stunted as all that
Kengle X: i hate the shota shit too
Procrastinhater: This is a guy with the mind of a child
Kengle X: my gut tells me though he's more just playing along with the weeks because he wants friends
Kengle X: i think he's about in his head emotionally
Kengle X: he's not stupid
Procrastinhater: Its not like a average year old dude
Kengle X: he's just socially/emotionally stunted
Procrastinhater: Yeah thats what I mean hes immature
Kengle X: he needs IRL friends
Procrastinhater: Yes
Procrastinhater: He needs to get laid and stop inventing girlfriends
Procrastinhater: And jerking it to hentai
Kengle X: agreed
Procrastinhater: He needs a wingman
Kengle X: funny you say that
Kengle X: i believe gator is planning on starting to do that with him
Procrastinhater: Seriously that would probably sort him out
Kengle X: gator is a weeb too but he's functional and sure of himself
Procrastinhater: But a decent girl not someone that will fuck up his head
Procrastinhater: Yeah gators ok
Kengle X: if he took flamenco to conventions where everyone loves gator he could help him make friends
Procrastinhater: Like.you said gators a weeb but hes competent
Kengle X: he's never going to be a bro, haha
Kengle X: gator has no issue with telling someone to fuck off and walk away
Procrastinhater: He wrangled the Gunt for years he can deal with Flam
Kengle X: he doesn't need to prove himseld
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: they live near each other
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: i actually told gator to take flamenco out for beers once or twice a month and shit talk at a bar
Kengle X: it would help him
Kengle X: and slap him up the head a few times and tell him to stfu
Kengle X: dude needs an older brother
Procrastinhater: Yeah hes probably never had buddies pr a big bro to take him out and teach him how to at least act functional
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: hence pity
Kengle X: btw
Kengle X: you know who is the same shithead in a different package?
Kengle X: Salvo
Kengle X: he's kinochet
Kengle X: but on a different level
Procrastinhater: Yeah Salvo is a fucking asshole
Kengle X: he runs around pouring gas on shit and lighting it on fire for attention
Procrastinhater: Salvo and Kinochet were the sort of nerdy bullies you see inHigh scool
Procrastinhater: You know the type not jocks
Kengle X: nerds had intelligence
Kengle X: these don't
Kengle X: these are the kids that leech on the cool kids trying to look cool
Procrastinhater: Like goofy fucks that were sly
Kengle X: but they are only allowed around because they want someone to shit on
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: they were personal lolcows to the popular kids
Procrastinhater: Thats kinochet
Kengle X: yup
Procrastinhater: Theyd pick on the goofier weaker kids
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: they would act all hot shit because the cool kids would talk to them
Kengle X: but in reality the cool kids were making them eat their own shit
Procrastinhater: I used to fucking hate little shits like that
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: and they HATED anyone who actually got attention
Procrastinhater: Yeah kinochet to a fucking T
Kengle X: ever watch Always Sunny?
Procrastinhater: Naw I dont watch TV much
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: theres a character thats totally him
Kengle X: massively delusional about his greatness
Kengle X: while everyone around him reacts like his is a pile of shit
Kengle X: but yeah
Kengle X: then salvo
Procrastinhater: Yeah. Needs taking down a peg
Kengle X: he's eventually gonna get his head caved in
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: keep shoing up IRL
Kengle X: and fucking with people who have been pressed for awhile
Kengle X: and someone will eventually do something stupid
Procrastinhater: Salvo picked on Flamenco because he saw one of them goofy kids he could fuck with
Kengle X: exactly
Kengle X: he goes after weakness
Procrastinhater: Thing is every now andagain one of those kids will fucking loose it
Procrastinhater: And turn round and smack the living shit out of the snake
Procrastinhater: Its like their still in High School lol
Kengle X: and no one stops them because while they laughed at the kid getting bullied, they also know he deserves the chance to beat the shit out of that guy
Procrastinhater: Yeah exactly
Procrastinhater: Thats Salvo
Kengle X: i was a private school ki
Kengle X: kid
Kengle X: blazers, ties
Procrastinhater: Yeah?
Kengle X: every kid coming from a million dollar home but me
Kengle X: no group of people more ruthless
Procrastinhater: Oh damn that had to fucking suck
Kengle X: kid fucked with me every day for months
Procrastinhater: Those rich kids are fucking shits
Kengle X: middle of class i fucking snapped, turned around., popped him in the face, stood up, grabbed him by the collar, dragged him out into the hall and beat the fuck out of him
Procrastinhater: Lmao
Procrastinhater: Well shit
Procrastinhater: Guess he had it coming
Kengle X: teacher came out, looks at him and me, tells me i have a saturday detention, looks at that kid and says he's impressed I held myself back that long
Procrastinhater: Yeah
Kengle X: and that was the end of it
Procrastinhater: I bet half the kids im that class were wishing it was them that did it
Procrastinhater: Sometimes you have to take your respect
Kengle X: everyone left me alone then haha
Procrastinhater: Aint how it should be. Just how it is
Procrastinhater: Ill bet lol
Procrastinhater: Yeah Salvo fucks with someone irl and that happens I just hope it gets filmed so I can laugh
Procrastinhater: Gotta say you give me a different aspect on ol' Flam
Procrastinhater: I never saw him fair I guess.
Procrastinhater: Im gonna back off. He needs to keep his mouth shut and stop picking fights. hope gator straigtens him Out
Procrastinhater: Lemme know if ya'll looking to raise money for a hooker for the kid
Procrastinhater: Lol
Procrastinhater: Kinochet tho I wanna see you make him eat shit. I wanna watch
Kengle X: haha, sorry
Kengle X: got busy on some stuff
Kengle X: yeah, kinochet is on my radar
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./
Kengle X: you'll get a kick out of this one
Procrastinhater: Ill check it lol
messages to AbdulAlHazred
AbdulAlHazred: Its Proc. This and Torquemada are me. Keep it to yourself bro
Kengle X: Lips sealed. Thanks for the heads up
AbdulAlHazred: No prob. I got defeded on one of my others for making fun of NAMBLA
Kengle X: Fucking pedos
AbdulAlHazred: Arent they.
AbdulAlHazred: Made me laugh the fucking head mod of baest called ME a pedo lol. You should see the filth that nigger has posted
AbdulAlHazred: Why is always projection with those fucks?

messages with AtomicDenny
Kengle X: It’s Cow Poly and his retards
AtomicDenny: Cow poly? Idk who that even is
AtomicDenny: Who is he?
Kengle X: Cow is/was a KF psycho that was banned with a few other users for being too schizo
Kengle X: he's been wrapped up in every gayop on this side of the internet
Kengle X: he's been involved with doxes, the swatting, smear campaigns
Kengle X: essentially believes they should be in charge of all lolcows
Kengle X: and wants to destroy KF
Kengle X: one of his gimmicks is to create accounts that look like other known users and say fucked up shit to mess up their rep
Kengle X: he got doxed last week and is having a meltdown
AtomicDenny: Lol what a weirdo, ive never even talked to the guy i dont think
Kengle X: You wouldn’t. He has some desperate e-fame boner and has to attack anyone who gets attention in this area. He openly admitted to every gayop on people like Christorian X, KC, Flamenco, many KF users. Essentially anyone that people would start looking to for content.
Kengle X: His dox revealed he’s year old heroin junkie in a halfway house
Kengle X: fucking psycho

messages with CatboyCumDump
Kengle X: its in_vexillum, Graf banned me for calling a guy that was posting prepubescent loii a pedophile
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lol rip
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: do you know if Cringe Momma made a new fedi? I'm trying to figure out where ralph went to high school
Kengle X: i don't think so, we are friends on Twitter, want me to try and send her your way
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: yeah tell her to DM my twitter throwaway, @stealthyexcrete
Kengle X: i let her know
Kengle X: did you see the Cow Poly dox?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: nope, not that familiar with cow poly
Kengle X: he was at the center of almost all the gayops and attacks towards KF in the last year
Kengle X: its likely he's been connected to the swatters, to the DDoSing, to all the schizo posting and false information on KF, attacks on Josh
Kengle X: him, Empresa, and a few others Josh banned made their own forum targeting KF members and other streamers
Kengle X: and have been / gayopping this whole year
Kengle X: his ass got blow out yesterday with his full dox
Kengle X: they were the ones trying to get Elaine Miller to kill herself
Kengle X: well, apparently she got him to give her his real name and phone number
Kengle X: and she decided to give to a bunch of people and screw him over
Kengle X: Elaine out trolled the trolls
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: any idea if they are OA connected?
Kengle X: order of nine angels?
Kengle X: not to my knowledge
Kengle X: he's a year old repeatedly relapsing heroin junkie
Kengle X: los angeles
Kengle X: fancies himself a wannabe neo-nazi
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: is she the one who spends her monthly neet bux on ddosing the forums?
Kengle X: no, shes the year old that replies to every single post on her thread, and carved Josh's full name lengthwise arcoss both her arms
Kengle X: anuscabbage literally flew to meet her and bang her
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: yeah
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...ly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-cheapskate-poly./
Kengle X: i highly recommend not making an account there
Kengle X: it glows
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: i have had a running theory for a long while that the people who were swatting wayne lambright moved on to other cows and I have some circumstantial observations that make me think the guys swatting Wayne were OA guys
Kengle X: interesting
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: H isn't really a neo-nazi vibe, dude should do more meth
Kengle X: the read I get on cow poly is that he'd never function in a group like that
Kengle X: he needs to always be the leader and center of attention, has a psycho belief of being above everyone else in an org
Kengle X: he wanted KF dead and to act as some lolcow owner
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: ah ok yeah i recall her now
Kengle X: honestly the saddest / funniest part of the dox was that he had a massive hatred for Christorian X because Ralph and Jim would bring him up
Kengle X: talk about a sad fucking bastard lol
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: looks like josh is force reseting passwords?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: i dont have access to my email i signed up with on KF cause I think ralph reported my email accounts and got a bunch of my shit banned
Kengle X: yup
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: so i am going to have to remake my account lol
Kengle X: i imagine many will
Kengle X: its the only way forward unfortunately
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: imagine being and doing gayops lol
Kengle X: right?
Kengle X: i mean, i know older and younger and some shit talking is fine at any age but / just ebing a gayopping internet terrorist is kinda fucking sad
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: its nbd, this is my second data leak on KF, my ip has been out there forever and my email is a fail dox 🌚
Kengle X: indeed
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: i was wrong, my email i used for kf wasn't one of the ones that I lost access to so I'm all good 😎
Kengle X: nice! same here
Kengle X: game on
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: like the court docs?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: I'm trying to get them to jaden to read on stream since he's live rn lol
Kengle X: nice
Kengle X: if you have a list of names i have access to the federal casse search right now
Kengle X: so i can pull up federal court cases
Kengle X: yep
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: I'll send you a DM on KF given graf wants poast dox-material free and I respect his vision for the site
Kengle X: right on
Kengle X: ooooooooooooh shit
Kengle X: i just found an amazing civil case
Kengle X: Gionet vs Pelosi
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lmaoooo
Kengle X: tonight we feast sir
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: twitter.com/MarcACaputo/status/
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: apparently it was mentioned in a news article
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: but i've never heard about it myself
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: thats the case
Kengle X: and its still open
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: hahaha
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: two retarded boomer women arguing in court because of baked alaska
Kengle X: i just dl the filing
Kengle X: it cost cents a page and if i pulled the entire docket it would be like bucks
Kengle X: but i have all the important filings
Kengle X: most of it is just extensions
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: yeah, fucking court shit is ridiculous. affadavits always have to be double spaced so everyone can scribble notes everywhere
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: it makes sense but it's such a waste
Kengle X: making Baked Alaska's Mom vs Nancy Pelosi thread
Kengle X: thread should be done in - min
Kengle X: yeah this shit will be on KC tomorrow
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i suppose its worth it to keep digging
Kengle X: where was dalton from before Florida
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: he was in Tennessee for a long time, Nashville i think
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: Big Tech has turned out way more insane than we realized
Kengle X: Big Tech is JayDyerGroyper
Kengle X: lol
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: breh
Kengle X: yup
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: hahahahaha DESTINY NOOOO
Kengle X: dude
Kengle X: Nick is gonna be pissed
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: just when I was beginning to respect the guy a tiny smidgen
Kengle X: Brittany banged Destiny and he couldn't
Kengle X: and Jim just retweeted my Brittany video. There goes all her groyper donos
Kengle X: lol
Kengle X: so this is the religion Big Tech is devoted to
Kengle X: do you by any chance have telegram?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: yeah i do
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: also that cult shit is bizarre. who could possibly believe that lol
Kengle X: its essentially a mix between scientology and mormanism
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: KF is up and down right now but I have someone asking for adolwulf details in full, think you can send most of it here?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: its a streamer
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: so they want to do a segment i guess
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: I'll let you know if i can manage to get KF to load and get the details before you reply
Kengle X: hey
Kengle X: one moment
Kengle X: im putting it all together in one pack
Kengle X: minutes and i'll give you an anon dl link to the entire file
Kengle X: sorry i've been gone, i was in the hospital
Kengle X: https://file.io/WatzmuPXmm
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: thanks man, I got most of it to jaden in time for his stream the other day no issues, kf came back up last minute
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: sorry about that, im still recovering atm haha
Kengle X: diverticulitis is nasty business
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: oh shit, glad you're out of the hospital and hope you're feeling better
Kengle X: thanks, def batter
Kengle X: yo!
Kengle X: you around?
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: sup
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: i thought you'd appreciate this
Kengle X: can you keep a secret? lol
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lol sure but do you want to DM it to me on kf if it's that secret? i know people are paranoid about fedi in general
Kengle X: i told Claire
Kengle X: its already in a DM
Kengle X: so its all good
Kengle X: haha
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: kk
Kengle X: just keep it on the DL
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: i gotcha
Kengle X: i have won the bid for Ralph's jizz rag
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lol which one is that?
Kengle X: and it's being shipped to the only person who appreciates a good cum hunt
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lmao to nick?
Kengle X: yes
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lmfao
Kengle X: i will post receipts once delivered
Kengle X: it was too perfect
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: which was the cum rag? I didnt keep up with all the stuff he was posting on ebay. I'm jealous of whoever got the Kid Diddler hat
Kengle X: the R insignia towel
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lmao
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: this event hasnt even happened and its already paying off, the vegas wedding is the pinnacle of trashy
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: im honestly hoping that a used cum rag of ralph's forces Nick to address all this
Kengle X: he's been dead silent on it all
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: he's depressed after kanye pumped and dumped him
Kengle X: that shit flew right off a cliff
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: i kinda expected that but i hoped for more
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: brb
Kengle X: cool
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: ok sorry about that. yeah anyways there could still be hope for the kanye arc in the future but it seems like it got put on a hard pause for a bit
Kengle X: honestly I think Kim forced him into some type of therapy and he's laying low
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: could be
Kengle X: honestly I thought Nick should have tried to sell him cozy for a few mil as fast as he could and run off into the sunset
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: Nick was too star struck
Kengle X: i think so
Kengle X: he's ruined any small chance at a future for himself now
Kengle X: he's unenployable
Kengle X: uneducated
Kengle X: socially inept
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: yeah, did you see that he posted something to telegram basically admitting to blackmailing MTG?
Kengle X: no but thats not shocking
Kengle X: i think he wanted to be the next milo but was too timid to pull it off
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: he'll be back to near daily grifting soon enough i figure
Kengle X: i honestly think he's broken
Kengle X: he's realized he's already peaked
Kengle X: everything else is down hill for him now
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: thats certainly true
Kengle X: towel has been paid for, it will ship with a Ralphamania autograph card with the inscription "Happy hunting!"
Kengle X: https://twitter.com/HMo/status/?s=&t=oUWzamScUnLTkS_obCug
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: lol has anyone pieced that hint together yet?
Kengle X: not that im aware
Kengle X: i'll release all this once the tracking says its delivered
Kengle X: im sure people will get a laugh
CatboyCumDump@poa.st: Yeah for sure lol
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ralpharelics./post-

messages with Five
Kengle X: Hey! It's CX / Vex, Graf banned me from poast because i called a guy that kept posting prepubescent loli a pedophile
Kengle X: so now I'm a chudbud
Five@poa.st: Lol, well good to know you've got a new spot
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: fuck graf
Five@poa.st: The great loli wars
Five@poa.st: We're finally getting close on this cow poly thing.
Five@poa.st: Would be nice if Josh gets the site back up LOL
Kengle X: apparently posting drawings of year old girls playing with themselves is free speech but calling those same people pedophiles is unacceptable
Kengle X: give him time
Kengle X: even if it takes a few more weeks
Kengle X: he's been through hell and is fighting for everyone
Five@poa.st: I know. I'm getting shit on by onion farmers for defending him. Don't care.
Kengle X: wait, what?
Kengle X: because Kengle is a little wannabe bitch?
Five@poa.st: There are more kiwis joining onion farms, I défend Josh on there. There are some ardent haters. We're shutting some of them up.
Five@poa.st: I know two of the admins.
Kengle X: of onion or kf
Five@poa.st: Onion
Five@poa.st: One is angry Canadian and one is zombo.
Five@poa.st: The other admin is naught, he doesn't like me much.
Kengle X: gotcha
Kengle X: i assume poly is still spiraling?
Kengle X: I’ve just been told Polys dox dropped
Kengle X: Spectre is telling people
Kengle X: Obviously I don’t trust anything he says lol
Kengle X: Never mind https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...ly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-cheapskate-poly./
Kengle X: hey, you alive?
Five@poa.st: Yeah, sorry, Spectre got a tip on Twitter
Five@poa.st: I guess he read it LOL
Five@poa.st: Onion hasn't ever had this much traffic
Kengle X: yeah, i just dropped all his bg reports
Kengle X: do you have any screenshots of him openly taking credit for any of the swattings?
Five@poa.st: No, just the one that in there and is kind of a hint.
Five@poa.st: He mostly tried to take credit for being a suspect
Five@poa.st: Which is absolutely as gay as it sounds.
Kengle X: yeah thats pretty fucking gay
Kengle X: i assume you saw the docs i dropped?
Five@poa.st: He's been insufferable the last couple weeks.
Kengle X: it seems we have a mutual friend there who warned me its a huge IP honeypot where Elaine and others act like lunatics
Five@poa.st: He comes into vc drunk/high and interrupts everyone to go over mentions of himself on twitter or poast.
Kengle X: ok
Five@poa.st: Ha, yeah, Gin told me
Five@poa.st: Use a VPN there, for sure
Kengle X: after reading the whole thing
Kengle X: i have to say i laughed m ass off at his hatred of me
Kengle X: that gave me a fucking smile
Five@poa.st: Lol
Five@poa.st: Many knives stabbed Caesar
Five@poa.st: Or something.
Kengle X: yep
Kengle X: so whats elaines play in all this
Kengle X: clearly she fucked him over
Five@poa.st: She's being frozen out by everyone she used to interact with
Kengle X: they all got sick of her, eh?
Five@poa.st: I don't talk to her, zombo doesn't
Five@poa.st: Oh, it was worse than that
Kengle X: its fun to have a pet schizo but afterawhile its training and you don't want to deal with it
Kengle X: i mean, i know all the evil fucked up plots with her
Five@poa.st: She's not just annoying and awful, she creates drama and puts herself into insane situations.
Five@poa.st: She's also wildly unpleasant
Five@poa.st: When she was genuinely depressed after the cutting thing, there was some help that I think she got from us... But cow poly tried to launch me and zombo at angry Canadian.
Kengle X: that doesn't seem shocking
Five@poa.st: And that's what seeded the contempt
Kengle X: i see
Five@poa.st: He called me his fucking chess piece
Kengle X: well with empresa and him doxed
Kengle X: i assume thats going to settle shit down a bit
Five@poa.st: And zombo and I were ready to deal. With angry Canadian one of two VERY significant ways.
Five@poa.st: But none of the evidence against him added up.
Five@poa.st: A couple weeks later cow brought in a new girl another "victim"
Five@poa.st: Fuck that shit. We're not his army.
Five@poa.st: He boasts about us like we are.
Kengle X: all this sounds insane
Five@poa.st: He's a junkie
Five@poa.st: He's not sane.
Kengle X: also
Kengle X: he's gay right?
Kengle X: i know its not directly said
Kengle X: but
Kengle X: from everything i read
Five@poa.st: Most of us just hang out and play video games
Kengle X: he seems clearly gay
Five@poa.st: He might be
Five@poa.st: He's too self centered to be with anyone
Five@poa.st: He's also an actual sex pest.
Kengle X: he has that gay mean girls ring leader vibe
Five@poa.st: Yeah, spooky bones has that too.
Five@poa.st: It's really, really fucking gay.
Kengle X: yep
Five@poa.st: Spooky is next.
Kengle X: what do you believe the fallout from this will be
Kengle X: i assumed spooky would be the next target
Five@poa.st: He's trying to blame anyone he can, including me.
Five@poa.st: Most people don't believe him.
Kengle X: he freaking out?
Five@poa.st: Kind of
Kengle X: good
Five@poa.st: But he was already mad at zombo and me, so he's been segregating servers again.
Kengle X: hopefully when he sees the docs giving all his parents info out too it'll really freak him the fuck out
Five@poa.st: And Emp won't let him kick people out of our main server.
Kengle X: Emp is going to be made to choose soon
Five@poa.st: Remember, this guy doxed a member of the group last year. For no reason, except jealousy
Kengle X: yeah
Five@poa.st: That guy was pretty satisfied by the onion post.
Kengle X: i think Christorian X is gonna drop a superchat on KC tonight and say hi to Cow
Five@poa.st: And cow immediately blamed him.
Five@poa.st: Loooooooooooool
Five@poa.st: He is just like Trump
Kengle X: one night only comeback
Five@poa.st: Only listens for mentions of himself
Kengle X: oh so then that explains a lot
Kengle X: he got big mad when Jim, KC, Ralph, etc were quoting or screaming at CX
Five@poa.st: In. Sufferable.
Five@poa.st: He was so fucking jealous when Jim retweeted you.
Kengle X: hahaha
Kengle X: Jim retweeted me a lot
Kengle X: we're both smug irish assholes
Five@poa.st: It infuriated him.
Five@poa.st: And his drama shit is so fabricated and Gay
Kengle X: fuck, its a shame he'll never know im not some NEET / weeb manlet
Kengle X: but just someone who wanted to see what they could do to fuck around
Five@poa.st: He wouldn't believe it anyway.
Kengle X: i assumed as much
Five@poa.st: He still doesn't really believe im intelligent
Kengle X: no one ever believes it when i say im a normie
Five@poa.st: He still thinks I'm just one step away from being the pet retard
Five@poa.st: And he certainly doesn't believe that I came all the way to discord, knowing pretty well who he was already, to collect the evidence I wanted on who was fucking with me on kiwi
Five@poa.st: And the evidence was AAAAAAAALLLLLL HIM.
Kengle X: yeah
Five@poa.st: And then the stink of spooky was introduced.
Kengle X: so i have some irons in the fire as well
Five@poa.st: Lol
Five@poa.st: If any of them have a legal name for spooky, we are looking.
Kengle X: are you familiar with Craig Beckett and his saga
Kengle X: long story short under a burner account i have a fansly girl working on doxing kinochet and obtaining embarrassing material from Ralph and Nick DeOrio
Kengle X: i gave rates for the information, must be verified
Five@poa.st: Idk if zombo really dug in yet
Kengle X: but she'll get paid based on work produced
Five@poa.st: Interesting
Kengle X: yep
Five@poa.st: What is "fansly"
Kengle X: competitor to onlyfans
Five@poa.st: Ooooh
Kengle X: yep
Five@poa.st: Zombo does it for fun, like me LOL
Kengle X: she's a fucking lunatic
Kengle X: but
Five@poa.st: I mean... You need to be a bit crazy to do this stuff.
Kengle X: but if she can get some dirty texts / pics / amazon purchases from Ralph / DeOrio or a dox on kinochet
Kengle X: im all for it
Five@poa.st: Lol
Five@poa.st: Good luck
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: nothing for me to do!
Five@poa.st: May your thot remain stable
Kengle X: i just sit back and if i get a message, i win, if i get nothing, i do nohing lol
Kengle X: nothing*
Kengle X: chat to KC sent
Kengle X: "Just stopping by to say hi to my friend Cow Poly. I hope your day gets better. I know life could use a real shot in the arm right now."
Five@poa.st: 😂😂😂
Kengle X: think he'll see it?
Five@poa.st: I got someone clipping...
Kengle X: lol
Five@poa.st: He'll see it.
Kengle X: im sure he'll love it
Kengle X: it seems im not the only one
Kengle X: did you see how PPP laughed?
Kengle X: he knew exactly what the fuck I was saying
Kengle X: any interesting fallout?
Kengle X: i have news
Kengle X: some which might delight you
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: checking in to see if you're alive
Kengle X: im half worried Cow is going to lose his shit and come after all of you
Five@poa.st: He's trying
Five@poa.st: He can get fucked.
Five@poa.st: He's blaming me, but has little evidence, besides the fact that I knew this was coming LOL
Kengle X: can he do anything significant to you?
Five@poa.st: Maybe, but I don't think so.
Five@poa.st: He just had another go at me in our server, and everyone else kinda shut him down. He's really making a lot of enemies.
Five@poa.st: Plus he seems to have adopted the idea in the OP...he has declared that he's ascended to the next level of e-celebdom and guarantees we will all be doxed by/at Ralphamania.
Five@poa.st: He's really leaning into the crowd around Spooky Bones/Regina, which includes this woman called "Falsies" (Shannon) who also went by "Horse Girl Supremacy" on kiwi, and "Laywarden" or "Lay" on a lot of other sites.
Five@poa.st: She's about as unhinged as his best friend Elaine Miller.
Five@poa.st: Just the girls you need around you in the middle of a narcotics relapse.
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: this will be interesting
Kengle X: keep me looped in
Kengle X: how was do you think he was actually to doxing me?
Five@poa.st: Not. I asked zombo.
Five@poa.st: Zombo is smart.
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: im tempted to return CX a bit to fuck with him but i think its better i don't
Kengle X: im sure he wasn't happy about the KC clip
Five@poa.st: He's mad. He's mad at everyone.
Five@poa.st: He's a relapsing addict.
Kengle X: yeah
Kengle X: his reality got stomped on
Five@poa.st: I wouldn't go back to that account. Cow poly is an incapable doxer, but some of the AF Boys are better.
Five@poa.st: They won't hesitate to access illegal information.
Five@poa.st: And they work for Anglin.
Five@poa.st: Cow poly bragged a lot about his doxing ability...it was only ever other people.
Five@poa.st: Most recently me and zombo, but cuckson Gin sometimes helped, because he collects phone numbers and he's good at "computer stuff" which he refuses to define LOL
Five@poa.st: GreeneCo...well, you can imagine what he used to do. I thought it was obvious LOL
Five@poa.st: Angry Canadian is pretty good, Zed was good...but there aren't actually that many people floating around with the time and inclination to go after people who don't want to be found.
Five@poa.st: And a bunch of us have our eyes set hard on spooky bones. Together.
Kengle X: good
Kengle X: Greene is a psycho
Kengle X: but it seems he stays more on the good guy side
Kengle X: but i get the sense thats not always the case
Kengle X: honestly the fucking gayops just need to stop for awhile
Kengle X: So Gina Gilotti is claiming I'm CX on KF. Is this a shot in the dark or do they have something?
Five@poa.st: He'd know
Five@poa.st: He'd know that, I doubt they have anything deeper
Five@poa.st: And I doubt they have any proof, besides maybe a screenshot of a discord call.
Five@poa.st: You probably don't need to do anything, but you could kick a gas can over by calling them spooky bones
Five@poa.st: Spooky bones/Gina Gillotti/maize
Five@poa.st: And report the account for ban evasion and being an insufferable faggot about poa.st
Five@poa.st: That's just what I'd do though 😂
Five@poa.st: Gin said he might do that too LOL. spooky freaks the fuck out over people mentioning his socks
Five@poa.st: Add "SKL" in there and tell him to call his sponsor too. If you really want to twist the knife.
Five@poa.st: Gin says that your document dumps are a tell, like the ones in the cow poly thread.
Five@poa.st: Speaking of Gin, he said to invite you to discord, since we are all talking all the time anyway. There are a few of us who want to bring down spooky. Name, location, everything. After looking into him for a few weeks, I actually don't care if he gets swatted into another reality. He's an abuser.
Five@poa.st: I know our discord has a bad Rep, so Gin said to invite you to one with people we actually trust (Aka not Cow poly)
Five@poa.st: But I reckoned you might like to know about our buddy Cab who works as a sommelier in Australia.
Five@poa.st: If the channel ends up in some kind of wine expert showdown, I'd be there for that LOL
Five@poa.st: Lmk if you want to come over, I'll make an invite
Kengle X: I might just be up for it! I had decided last night if I didn’t shut her up from my response then I was going to call her spooky and ask if she shares needles with cow.
Kengle X: How goes it
Five@poa.st: LOL your last message
Five@poa.st: Pretty good, I'm just not coming over to Poast as often
Five@poa.st: Nice to have kiwi back
Kengle X: yes
Kengle X: did you get my KF message?
Five@poa.st: Oh yes, I can't think of much at the moment though
Kengle X: no, i mean the one that shows Adolwulf is a femboy who gives others advice on their first day out
Five@poa.st: LOL, no, I missed that one then
Five@poa.st: He does have really long hair, I noticed...
Five@poa.st: Haru also said he's a complete psycho
Kengle X: this is the same handle he has from an old twitter account
Five@poa.st: LOL
Five@poa.st: This has promise
Kengle X: i have amazing shit
Kengle X: why i am sitting on it for a day or two is because i have someone giving me all their collection as well
Five@poa.st: Feel free to come over to Discord to work on it. A lot of posts get built over there LOL
Five@poa.st: Oh, the best posts are the ones that wait a while.
Kengle X: i also have GuitarAnthony's info
Five@poa.st: No rush to get stuff out
Kengle X: its going to be a Ralph's Capo/Ball Washers? PayPigs thread
Kengle X: i want Avon
Five@poa.st: That's a good idea, they are a motley crue
Kengle X: thats my holy grail
Five@poa.st: I'm in a few servers with Avon
Five@poa.st: He's a weirdo
Kengle X: Avon and Bibble
Five@poa.st: Bibble is more careful
Five@poa.st: Avon is not
Kengle X: Bibble knows Avon in person, one can lead to another
Five@poa.st: discord.gg/eGRKRrx
Five@poa.st: It's Zombo's server. Cow Poly isn't in there but Gin, Cabernet and I are.
Five@poa.st: Come on over if you want to check it out.
Kengle X: you might see me tonight
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: adolwulf furfag confirmed now too
Five@poa.st: You don't have to tell anyone who you are, but Zombo might like to know LOL
Kengle X: ofc
Five@poa.st: His userID is "Suckerpunch"
Kengle X: Thanks :-)
Five@poa.st: Gin is excited, he doesn't usually give out numbers so easily. LOL
Five@poa.st: There's one guy in there you MIGHT not want to engage with until you've been there for a while. He goes by "X.U. Comestible" but he's Angry Canadian.
Five@poa.st: He and I get along pretty well, but he can be a little aggressive.
Kengle X: jesus, for bucks they are gonna read the beejams scritp
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./
Kengle X: well im back

messages with pedophile Flamenco
Kengle X: bro, its Vex
Kengle X: stop
Kengle X: theres way better ways to shut his ass up
Flamenco@poa.st: true
Kengle X: don't give anyone threads

messages with gaystoner
Kengle X: have you seen the Cow Poly dox?
gaystoner@poa.st: who
Kengle X: the KF user turned discord gayopper
Kengle X: Cow Poly
gaystoner@poa.st: honestly no idea who that is lol i think the name seems familiar?
Kengle X: he's been linked to the swattings, the ddos'ing, possibly the hacking, he ran all the spectre gayops, ran CX gayops, has been going after KF and josh hard
Kengle X: als part of the group trying to get elaine miller to kill herself
Kengle X: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/...ly-tapper-cow-tranny-chaser-cheapskate-poly./
gaystoner@poa.st: god damn thats alot of work lmfo
Kengle X: he was one of largest destructive forces on KF in the last year
gaystoner@poa.st: damn lol
gaystoner@poa.st: i havent been on the forum as much so i dont think ive noticed
gaystoner@poa.st: but hopefully if hes linked to the swattings we get arresst kino
gaystoner@poa.st: pretty fucked up
Kengle X: he and a few others like Empressa have been working together
gaystoner@poa.st: i just like to laugh at retards
Kengle X: exactly
gaystoner@poa.st: empressa fell so hard :(
Kengle X: hey joined cow and a few others to full time op anyone well known on KF, KF itself, swat the vickers and other people, etc
Kengle X: massively dangerous fuckers
Kengle X: empressa has been doxed and now cow
gaystoner@poa.st: yea i dont get it lol
Kengle X: neither do i
Kengle X: its fucking hilarious that Elaine Miller got him to give her his name and phone number
Kengle X: and was the one to get his ass doxed
gaystoner@poa.st: bro i literally know nothing about that chick except everyone talks about her
Kengle X: not much o know
Kengle X: super fucking psycho
Kengle X: a drug addict with her drug of choice internet attention
Kengle X: she literally carved josh's full name across the full length of both her arms
Kengle X: cow and a few others were trying to mind fuck her into killing herself
gaystoner@poa.st: god damn XD
Kengle X: yep
gaystoner@poa.st: i do know anuscabbage fucked her for some reason
Kengle X: yeah
gaystoner@poa.st: shits crazy to think shitposting turned into all this
Kengle X: he apparently traveled multiple countries and couldn't even stay hard
gaystoner@poa.st: lolol
Kengle X: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-ball-washing-paypigs-and-jannies-of-ethan-ralph./

messages with iancho
iancho: Anonymous tip
iancho: C. -A , Vista Alegre Nte, Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
iancho: some people to lazy to shop. so they make others bring them food
iancho: please respect anonymous of me
Kengle X: yup
Kengle X: no name will be revealed

messages to Mister Metokur
Kengle X: Wanted to give you tracking on the shirts I ordered for you, lol.
Kengle X: https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?origTrackNum=
Kengle X: https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?origTrackNum=
Kengle X: Should be an XL wrasslin and an L FED
Kengle X: Hope you’re well

messages to Josh

messages with Kinochet
Kengle X: Theres your proof
Kengle X: you don't get all the rest but there is the background report Criminal section
Kengle X: in North Carolina
Kinochet@poa.st: it doesn't even say what it is and we don't even know if that is the sealed record because why would it be on a background check
Kengle X: sigh
Kengle X: jesus
Kengle X: one sec
Kengle X: pull the case number
Kengle X: its assigned to family courts and sealed
Kengle X: you actually have to do the research a bit, i gave you everything you need to verify
Kengle X: May th, ,Union, NCCase Number: IF
Kinochet@poa.st: NC doesn't let you look up case numbers on their website lol, so you've not given me anything useful
Kengle X: yeah, i have, you just don't want to lose your shit talking ability, you have all you need, if you are actually capable of any investigating you should be able to verify
Kinochet@poa.st: no you can't lol nccourts.gov/help-topics/court-records/obtaining-court-records
Kinochet@poa.st: if you have something feel free to send it, his sealed court record is the LEAST thing I trash him about, it's just funny
Kinochet@poa.st: poa.st/@Kinochet/posts/ANzwvJNUcKGoBHd
Kengle X: you have a verifiable case file set in , and you have every other court document relating to him showing driving tickets, there are portals online to review this
Kinochet@poa.st: great, send me a direct link to such a portal I can copy and paste it in, otherwise you haven't given me anything useful, as the website doesn't offer me such a portal
Kinochet@poa.st: if you had something to share that wasn't just a case number which I already had, you could share that, otherwise why did you even bother messaging me

messages to Michael Alberto
Kengle X: Background reports on the Ralph family
Kengle X: Background reports on Amanda Morris / May / Pantsu, Big Tech, and a few others
Kengle X: thought you would enjoy some deep background with actual facts for your investigations
Kengle X: enjoy
Kengle X: I recommend speaking with Gator who can point you in the direction of various dmestic violence occurences, doxes, etc
Kengle X: also you need to look up and learn about a guy named Zoom, he's the key to a lot of gayops
Kengle X: finally check out the council of evil and the journal the mother of his son he gave them to extort her online
Kengle X: happy hunting

messages to NobleAtlas
Kengle X: EsoShaggy is almost certainly Cow Poly
Kengle X: Ralph's primary guy who releases dox for him
Kengle X: he's obsessed with eclout and efame
Kengle X: and believes himself to be some type of supreme alog who should be respected
Kengle X: his real name is Chris Welke and he's a year old junkie living in a sober house
nobleatlas: The name sounds familiar but fuck me if I know his lore.
Kengle X: when Josh banished him from KF he had meltdown and now hates all the lolcow sites and is part of all the major discord gayop crouwds
Kengle X: crowds
Kengle X: he's one of the ones that was trying to get Elaine Miller to kill herself and other shit
Kengle X: he sees himself and some brilliant mastermind
Kengle X: he's just a dipshit
Kengle X: he's openly jealous of metokur and anyone with efame
Kengle X: its why he hates kinochet
Kengle X: he thinks it should be him
nobleatlas: Lmao is that all verified? Fucking hilarous if true. It also helps to make things start to make sense.
Kengle X: everything i told you about Cow Poly / Chris Welke is
Kengle X: its like % likely he is Eso
Kengle X: ever watch Always Sunny?
nobleatlas: lol Yeah.
Kengle X: he's Dennis Reynolds
Kengle X: %
Kengle X: he's Dennis fucking Reynolds
Kengle X: calling himself a Golden God
Kengle X: and demanding everyone see his greatness
Kengle X: but he's just some burn out loser
nobleatlas: LMAO. I can see it. He sounds fucking unhinged dude. Going on about Jim getting a k loan through Nick Rekieta.
Kengle X: its nuts
nobleatlas: When he came after me, it was literally out of nowhere. It wasn't something that built up, he literally straight up went into facedoxxing me and going through my IG. Which is still up btw. Idiot thinks I deleted it, but I guess he doesn't know how URLs work and how you can break a link by changing your username. lmao

messages to Randbot
Kengle X: if you really want to fuck ralph over, get with Harry and Vickers to make a case to Mexico to have his Visa revoked, it should be an easy claim that he is only in Mexico to evade legal consequences and is now breaking the law in their country, he'll get thrown out

messages to StevenDanielsOntarioCanada
Kengle X: ...Richard?
StevenDanielsOntarioCanada: Nay, just a kiwi farmer that got annoyed with poast
Kengle X: ha, Richard_R_Ape promised insane reprisals because of graf fucking with him, i just assumed this was the beginning haha
Kengle X: that said i can't wait to see this play out so rage hard my friend
Kengle X: and you're defedded

messages with swattysquad
Kengle X: lol, fucking Graf banned my ass for calling people who post year old loli pedos
Kengle X: this is why poast will never succeed
swattysquad: Yeah seems to be going around
Kengle X: oh, yeah, I'm Vex
Kengle X: haha
Kengle X: posting sexual drawings of children is free speech, saying they are pedophiles though, thats no good apparently
swattysquad: I'm extremely confused by how its handled there. Its why i left so i guess they can drown in loli
Kengle X: i wasn't following TOS
Kengle X: i even made it repeatedly clear that i wasn't accusing them of a crime
Kengle X: just saying they are a pedo, haha
swattysquad: Its gross and i never started any of my engagements i simply started after provoked

messages with TXT
Kengle X: Your update is coming, I promise. Remember when Killstream.tv was hacked? I have been meticulously going through every single user and pulling every bg report, cataloging every social media account, phone number, address, criminal history and funny shit I could find.
Kengle X: Matching it to telegram names
Kengle X: etc etc
txt: Noyce.


obsessive faggot x apparently unlike a wife who has dinner late needs to be taught a third time. Obvious twitter sock. Kys mayo man.

Here's a LIVE FOXDICK FAGGOT NEWS ALERT: Kiwi Farms user Amber Turd publishes an OP on Pit Viper Oil Salesman's DM leaks with various Faggots on the site.

Naturally, the Foxdick faggots won't listen to it, and instead they'll just shit up the thread, but I found a couple of gems by Foxdick Faggot, and KNOWN KENGLE X ASSOCIATE, Procrastinhater:

Procrastinhater needs to get doxed and his shit fucked up pronto, like so: 🔫👮‍♂️🚔🚓🚨

Procrastinhater needs to get doxed and his shit fucked up pronto, like so: 🔫👮‍♂️🚔🚓🚨
Procrastinhater needs to definitly be pressed on his association, messages, offering of assistance to, and sudden harsh disavowals of Kengle X and so does Trannymura. As does CringeMomma who worked hand in hand with Kengle X and recieved personal updates on his faggotry daily. Just search "cringemomma" in his logs with that damn shit tooth cunt chudbere to see how in-tandem the two were. She fed him information regularly.

This whole sektur is one big snake pit.
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What I like best about Daiymo's superghey videos is the idea that he's secretly filming these videos together with his wife Maggie{link] who is the true brain behind the operation, and she's actually the one who's directing Daiymo, urging him from behind the camera to "make it moar ghey, honey!", LMAO:

Seriously, I think the real reason KF, PVS and AltisticRight hate Daiymo so much is because he has essentially beat them at their own Darwin games: despite everyone thinking that he's ghey and his wife is trans IRL, he's actually superstraight IRL and got married at 22 to a big tittied Christian woman with whom you know he's now gonna have lots of... bunny rabbits, or something.

Ethan & Maggie the progressive Christian zoomer power couple from Georgia were made to troll KF.
progressive Christian
That term glows. js. Also, the Kwiffar hate him because he has embraced his bunterness (much like PPP, who Gaymo is basically copying) and has no shame in getting them oot fer they lads.

btw which one is his wife? The trannie or the one on the left?
That term glows. js.

Dude, you think everything glows, you think Null is backed by the Russians too.
What would you call a female zoomer holding up a sign saying "Jesus Was A Refugee"?
I call that a "progressive Christian".
Which term in and of itself is pure trolling when it comes to all the trad-LARPers on KF.
Ethan, by getting married at 22 to a big tittied Christian woman, is arguably more authentically trad than any of the trad-LARPers on KF assuming him to be ghey and his wife to be trans.

Unlike Null and his fellow trad-LARPers, Ethan is able to present the receipts to prove he's actually trad and superstraight with Maggie:

Reason: Ethan's receipts proving he's trad & superstraight with Maggie
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