Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.

Celebrity’s you despise.


queen opee the great
Hellovan Onion
Captain Tom Moore - War Glorifier and RNHS supporter, glad he’s dead but saddened he lived so long.

Frankie Boyle - Unfunny Cunt Leftist. Limmy may be a leftist prick but at-least he’s funny.

Brentant Tarrant - Child Killer, Glad he’s got the living hell of complete social isolation for the rest of his hopefully long life.

James Corden - Easy target since everyone thinks he’s a fat talentless suckup but including him anyway

Busty O'Queef

Angry faggot
Hellovan Onion
Graham Norton, overpaid sycophant who humiliates himself weekly by sucking the dicks of more famous celebrities on prime time television.

Ling Xiaoyu

Amy Schumer, Leslie Jones, and Hannah Gasby.

Even fans of other female comedians cannot stand those unfunny, try hard, potato creatures posing as women comedians.


I wouldn’t say I despise him but Harry Styles. Putting on women’s clothing isn’t groundbreaking or interesting, male entertainers have been doing it forever.


Baby Onion
Martin Jensen, he makes horrible music and joined X-Factor.
Kato, makes shitty music the danish youth listen to.
Lady Gaga and James Blunt were overrated in the 2000s.
I can't stand Danish/American Celebritys and their crap music.