• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Caleb Hammer

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Financial Audit with Caleb Hammer is a homosexual show

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
An Onion Among Onions


Update: Caleb Hammer has been exposed by the Youtuber Scot Shafer as a pornsick gross pedophile who, at the age of 23 and while studying to become a professional classical music composer, had posted "barely legal" gay pornography in a Composers' chatroom that included legal minors amongst the participants, casually talked about watching "barely legal" gay porn featuring the porn actor Joey Mills, openly admitted lusting after 16 year old boys and "joked" about wanting to choke a 14 year old boy on his dick.

Here are some of the relevant chatlogs shown in the above video:


In response to this video, Caleb Hammer threatened to sue Shafer to cover up his gross pornsick pedophilic comments.
Within a week of Shafer's video, Caleb Hammer got on Instagram and admitted his girlfriend had left him.

Original post: Is this man a gay, y/n?

"It’s real. It’s painful. I’m beyond bad at dating lol." - /u/HammerTime1995 responding to "Lol Caleb has no rizz" in r/CalebHammer

The purpose of this thread is to present the receipts showing that the popular Youtuber Caleb Hammer is, in fact, gay by his own public admission.

Caleb Hammer is the host of the Financial Audit show on Youtube. Here's a mainstream media article about him:

Caleb Hammer has a Redditor account /u/HammerTime1995. Two years ago, Caleb posted the following thread asking in /r/Kzoo about the gay scene in his hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan. In this thread, Caleb himself openly admitted being gay, saying he feared going back home to Kalamazoo and ending up as "a small town gay" (Caleb currently lives and works in Austin, TX):


r/kzoo 2 yr. ago

Kalamazoo LGBT Community
How would we define the LGBT community in Kalamazoo? Does it just surround WMU? Does everyone lave after college? Is it thriving? Is it small? Is is toxic/nice? Is Kalamazoo just too small?
[deleted by user]
by in kzoo
Archived: https://archive.is/nzTLC

Cause I’m considering moving back from a big city and hoping there is a dating pool tbh, but that’s fair
by u/HammerTime1995 from discussion
in kzoo

Might be silly, but kind of afraid of becoming a small town gay lol

by u/HammerTime1995 from discussion
in kzoo

Despite Caleb's claims of having a girlfriend at the moment, Caleb's users have picked up on the gay innuendo on his show:


Caleb seems to have no personal boundaries, and will show off his body in the midst of a podcast with his employees who have no choice but to put up with his impromptu exhibitionism:


Caleb's personal friend and fellow Youtuber Graham "FTX" Stephan has reviewed Caleb's dating profile during an interview with Caleb. Caleb admitted that he had gotten into online dating, allowing Graham to review his dating profile as well as his DMs with some of his matches. Graham commented on Caleb's bad dating profile picture:

What Stephan revealed only later in a reaction video, was that Caleb's dating profile pic was actually of Caleb together with another (unidentified) man (perhaps an ex-boyfriend) "eating" a man-sized banana. The gay innuendo of a man purporting to date women but having such an obviously homosexual give-away for a profile pic should obvious:


What was curious about the interview with Graham was that Caleb Hammer claimed to be dating women. On his subreddit I had read unsubstantiated rumours that Caleb Hammer is gay, so I wondered why he had decided to date women all of a sudden, and why he had used the Iced Coffee Podcast interview to make this public. For the record, I am not against gay people trying about something different, because I do think that a number of gay people are actually bisexual and are only gay because they've never experienced dating the opposite sex. Perhaps Caleb Hammer really was gay for most of his life and only recently discovered that he enjoys talking to women on the internet and has since developed genuine feelings for some of his matches, only recently discovering his bisexuality. If Caleb wants to date women from now on, more power to him.

In this video Caleb Hammer says that he wants to have a family, but then he doesn't say that he wants a wife but a "life partner", keeping it gender-neutral:

So the question remains: why did Caleb decide to become bisexual and date women instead of seeking a gay husband? Perhaps because he did the math and realized that the easiest/cheapest way to have a family is with a straight woman wife rather than a gay male husband? Again, I don't know how his present girlfriend feels about dating a previously(?) gay man. Maybe his girlfriend is bisexual herself and understands the predicament. Maybe they have an open relationship where Caleb is allowed to hook up with men as long as comes home to momma. If Caleb has decided to go fully straight for the foreseeable future, just for the sake of his family, that's ultimately his choice.

Moral of the story: ladies, if you're browsing profiles on a dating app and your match has this picture as their main picture - literally a picture of himself squatting down to eat a mansized banana together with another man kissing the banana on the tip - they're letting you know they were gay a year ago.

Caleb has been on Youtube for 2 years but has already been in so much drama that there is now an https://www.reddit.com/r/CreepyCalebHammer subreddit, where his former fans go to bitch about him and the drama he's been involved in:
Thank you for this subreddit - it's validating. Dude needs a wakeup call.

Just wanted to thank the folks behind this subreddit/YouTube/etc for trying to expose this creator. I had such a bad feeling about him when I first saw his videos, but even still, I ended up getting sucked in and watched a ton of them over the last couple of weeks. It got me thinking a lot about my own finances, but I never stopped having that gross feeling and decided for good it wasn't worth supporting this person.

Caleb is deeply hypocritical and disingenuous. Apart from having no financial background to speak of, he invites the most financially and sociopolitically disenfranchised and vulnerable guests, often very young and lacking in financially literacy, only to berate and shame them for their choices and position in life. Way to punch down, dude! Then he thanks them for putting themselves in this position so it can "help other people." Right - help other people feel superior about their own choices. The thumbnails are also disgusting. Caleb insists that he gets the guests agree to these thumbnails, but even still, if he's posturing yourself as someone providing some great public service and "just trying to help," then he'd allow his content to stand on its own two feet without conforming to the rage-inducing, shaming, voyeuristic clickbait. A truly a valuable public service.

He's also extraordinarily fatphobic (I understand he has his own insecurities about his body - he makes that very clear in nearly every episode), but he projects that onto his viewers and has grilled a number of guests about any potential weight gain that might've occurred due to their eating habits, which, I don't know, is that a fair or kind or helpful thing to do in the context of a FINANCIAL AUDIT? He even went as far as testing a guest's blood-sugar mid-episode after accusing him of being pre-diabetic (wait a second, this man is a doctor too?).

If you watch enough episodes, the formula is there, and his advice is more or less exactly the same for every guest regardless of the individual's financial circumstances. It's repetitive trash. Also, drink every time he mentions CourseCareers as an alternative to a college degree, or Sofi. My god dude, give it a rest.

I'm not normally one to ever make this kind of post online, but I think what's rubbed me the wrong way the most is that he's aligned himself perfectly into this place where he can skirt accountability by insisting that yelling at and shaming his guests is the only way to get through to them and that he just "cares about their situations." And then you pile on the fact that he's a landlord and proud gentrifier actively profiting off of the backs of less fortunate people, makes poor and impulsive financial decisions himself, and now the disgusting accusations regarding Zeke, it all really helps paint a fuller picture. Looking forward to seeing how this shakes out.

Thank you for this subreddit - it's validating. Dude needs a wakeup call.
by u/garlicgirl1990 in CreepyCalebHammer

One of Caleb's main antagonists on Youtube is a tiny Drama Youtuber called Dante Welch, who posted the following video of himself interviewing one of Caleb's accusers, a repeat former guest by the name of "Zeke":

Caleb's stans immediately showed up in the comments to denounce this interview:

@dantewelch Alright I can tell by how you present yourself in your videos as well as your comments that you're not used to critical analysis, so I'll break this down in detail. Firstly, that comment you just made was a deflection, probably because you've realised, or already knew, that Zeke is about as unreliable a source as you can get. If you'd taken a single History, English, Social Studies, or basically any other humanities class then you'd have the critical thinking skills to judge the reliability of a source. Someone/something being "primary" can mean close to nothing if you don't question their/its portrayal, context, motivations, and relationship to other sources.

Zeke has clearly revealed himself to be lazy, a liar, a narcissist, and someone who ignores all their responsibilities by repeating a mixture of redpill and socialist tiktok mantras and platitudes instead of doing anything with his life. And this is before any of the behind-the-scenes drama unfolded between Zeke and Caleb. Any claim Zeke makes should be taken with a massive grain of salt, since we know he is clearly not all there mentally and has clear motivations to lie and manipulate for personal gain. He's now either manipulated you yourself in attempt to "get back" at Caleb (the one guy who seems to have actually tried to look out for Zeke the last few years), or you realise Zeke is spreading BS and you've globbed onto it because you're a wannabe youtuber/influencer who thought making an exposé on a big up-and-coming youtube would help kickstart your own rise to internet fame.

This entire video (and your website's awful clickbait write-up) is completely biased, given the most charitable analysis of all of Zeke's genuinely unhinged actions and behaviours, while you instead read into the most retarded of conspiracy theories about Caleb's actions. The worst Caleb looks here is maybe a bit embarrassing for outing his sexuality (and maybe he doesn't even care about that, who knows) and just the optics of acting as messenger between his OF friend and Zeke when trying to set Zeke up with work with that voice message (and you know that's exactly what Caleb was trying to do, but you pretend to ignore that just because you're desperate for anything to paint a successful youtuber as a villain and boost your own career).

You didn't question why, if Zeke felt Caleb wasn't there to help him after the first 5 mins of the first video, he kept coming back and pestering Caleb to be back on the show more times after that? Even after he made zero efforts to actually enact the advice Caleb gave him? Who do you think genuinely looks the more mature and responsible one in this scenario?

Why didn't you ask Zeke to show proof of the payment (or lack there of) from Caleb for his appearances? You happily boost Zeke's claims of being underpaid despite what Caleb promised, so why not ask for documented proof? Maybe because there's a chance Zeke was lying, but you thought his claims were juicy enough to still be worth including, no matter how that affected your credibility or reputation? Possibly?

Out of curiosity, what financial advice that Caleb actually gave to Zeke do you disagree with? What would you recommend Zeke does to achieve his stated goals, in contrast to Caleb's recommendations? Be careful, if you tell Zeke not to just grind-hustle-vibe his way to success, you might get accused of sexual assault!

Why do you also think Zeke needs to be treated with kid gloves and not take his criticisms seriously from Caleb and Caleb's community to heart? Do you genuinely believe Zeke has a good outlook on his life and career? Is it worth being broke with zero career prospects for the sake of not being motivated to sort your life out after hearing a few harsh truths?

If you agree that Zeke wasn't acting the way he was with his SA accusation for "clout" then why did he say on reddit that he was only going to give his full accusations once he reached a certain level of viewers/subscribers?

Literally, what about Zeke could've possibly convinced you to signal boost his wild accusations, aside from just a neanderthal "me make youtuber exposed video, me make money, me make big influencer career" thought process?

Have you encouraged Zeke to go to police with his SA allegations against Caleb? Why not? Are you of the opinion that no SA allegations ever be brought to the justice system for 'lack of evidence'? If so, do you not think that that just gives r*pists a free ride to commit as much SA as they want because they know people are discouraged from reporting at all? How do you expect to get 'justice' for Zeke aside from just making this youtube video?

You didn't think to question why a random youtuber (not even THAT popular, less than 1 mil subs) would supposedly have staff willing to hush up his supposed SA? This is absolute conspiracy shit. He isn't fucking Epstein with the finances, status, and connection to just pay off all the necessary people to get away with that.

How odd is it that we don’t have any evidence of Zeke directly confronting Caleb about the alleged SA aside from posting about in on social media and now talking to you? If what happened between Zeke and Caleb was unconsensual, and if Zeke clearly has no issues saying that publically, then isn’t it very curious we have zero proof of Zeke directly reaching out to Caleb to say “why did you do this? here’s how it made me feel…”, and so we could see how Caleb responded to such a personal direct message? Really makes you think!

You didn't think to question why no other Financial Audit guests or even friends/acquaintances has any allegations of Caleb SA/r*pe/creeping on them? And that doesn't then make you question the legitimacy of those claims from Zeke, the self-admitted no-skills-having liar and narcissist who thinks he's entitled to live an easy life without work and who thinks he can tiktok-quote his way to being a successful businessman and influencer? Cross-referencing sources is a common approach to fact-checking and analysis done in literally every field of study, even the sciences, so that fact you just jumped onto the allegations of one, clearly unhinged and, let's be honest, trash-personality dude, and then spun this whole narrative based on the most uncharitable readings and unfounded conspiracies possible, is really disgusting, outmatched only by how hilariously retarded it has made you look by putting your name, face, and brand to such 'arguments'.

Your professing of the “power dynamics” BS is just trying to excuse not holding to account people less financially successful. If Zeke felt overwhelmed and bullied and unable to ‘stand up’ for himself (which I disagree with because he clearly challenged multiple things Caleb said throughout all their videos) then okay, so what? He got told harsh truths for 30 minutes. Then he could’ve deleted his (already near-non-existent) social media and avoided any hate, maybe while instead trying to get a job and get ahold of his finances in the meantime! Instead, he came back to the show MULTIPLE times more, each time being more and more familiar with how the show/Caleb works, which ruins what already minuscule amount of credibility this and any of his other claims have.

I get that the youtube commentary community is full of smug pricks like yourself who vastly overestimate how 'witty' they are because they have a quirky look, like to chuckle and fart-huff at their own jokes, and pull "omg CRAZY MUCH??" faces anytime they read anything said/describe anything done from the target of their hit piece (no matter how benign), but even those people usually have an ounce of truth in their arguments. You have just… nothing.

But hey, I’m sure your youtube channel is about to BLOW UP. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket though! Have you considered getting a financial audit? I know a guy who runs a youtube show who can help with that sort of thing.

Btw how did you manage to get Andy Serkis to reprise his iconic role in that segment from 16:21-18:50? THAT I will give you credit for!

Caleb himself denies ever abusing his guests. Here he is in r/CalebHammer responded to the sexual allegations from Zeke saying: "[Zeke] doxed me and threatened to kill me"

I saw Zeke spammed this subreddit early this morning- I’m sorry you all have to go through the annoyance of this. I honestly am going against every bone in my body writing this because I know it’s giving him exactly what he wants- clout- but from the beginning I said my channel is all about transparency. After we filmed 3 episodes with him, it was clear he was never going to make any progress, but he kept begging to come back on (because he likes the attention) and I had to repeatedly tell him no for months and months. Eventually after this, he snapped. I guess the only way he could get the attention he wanted, if not coming on the show, was to go full belligerent. It’s been interesting watching the progress of what he’s said about me these last 2 months. It gets more and more extreme every time he posts something because he clearly didn’t get the reaction he desired from whatever post before. I’m willing to bet next month that I’m going to be some sort of serial killing or something wild… who knows. This man has posted my address and has threatened to kill me multiple times. I’ve blocked him everywhere but he always finds a way to get to me. With the doxing of my location he has put myself, my pets, and my friends all at risk of physical harm. This has lead to extremely bad mental health moments for myself recently, but I hope to just move on. I’ve reported this to all platforms, but they won’t seem to do anything. My lawyer and law enforcement are already on this, hoping to resolve this once and for all. I legitimately wish for everyone who comes on my show to improve their life and get to a better place. I wish this man no ill will, and I really hope he lives a great life going forward. Please do not harass him in anyway whatsoever. I would never wish upon him, or anyone else, what he has done to me. We film 4-6 episodes a week, so I’m not surprised one ended up doing something like this. It’s scary, but hopefully he stops soon. That’s it. I’m sorry y’all have had to go through his spam these past couple months.

• Zeke
HammerTime1995 OP replied to g_i_n_a_s_f_s_ 5 mo. ago
Wow I’m so sorry you went through that. If I knew he did this kind of stuff I would have never had him on.

• Zeke
HammerTime1995 OP replied to thatguyiswierd 5 mo. ago
He doxed me and threatened to kill me. I don’t think giving him a platform is the best thing to do.

• Zeke
HammerTime1995 OP replied to itshardbeingthisstup 5 mo. ago
Honestly I love making the show and building these relationships, but I hate the public personality side of this business.

I personally don't consider Zeke a reliable source so I'll give Caleb the benefit of the doubt in this case.
However, the fact that Caleb Hammer expects his employees to put up with his exhibitionism - him pulling up his shirt out of the blue to show off his naked gunt - while working for him and doing podcasts for him, that's all a matter of public record.

Financial Audit... or Financial Freak show? On the topic of "drama guests" vs "normal guests"

Unfortunately Caleb's audience wasn't very persuaded by this explanation:

The ratio of people trying to actually get help and just trainwrecks seemed to have drastically changed the past few months. Hopefully we can get some more or people thay want help soon

Man im gonna stop watching the show for a while. Im tired that all these peoples problems are just dumb bad decisions or delusional shit. Like they all sound the same😒 like some of the previous guests had problems due to the roulette of life, or just a desperate bad decision, but man these last 4 or 5 guests have just been plain ignorant, stupid, and/or delusional.

Love this series, just feels like the quality of people being audited has gone downhill. With the size of the show more crazies come out of the woodwork. The earlier episodes when it was still growing like crazy were great.

Yeah, it's gotten to the point where the conversations are just not productive. I haven't been able to sit through the last three until this one because the conversation was just so annoying.

These train wrecks that have 20 different jobs and can’t answer how much they make should be the occasional guest but it seems like they are every single guest now. We want someone we can root for. I do not want to root for these over the top immature guests.

Can yall tighten up your screening process please? If a guest can’t give a detailed answer to how much money they make at least on a monthly basis they are not ready to be on the show. It’s insane how a functioning adult doesn’t know what they bring in.

Stop bringing all this people that only want their life to be on content or have an only fans or whatever, they are all childish people, bring real people, a lot of us are trying to make it happen in life, not in YouTube.

I really hope you guys get better on bringing better financial advice and content, fu#ck all this nonsense and drama.

Caleb, one thing I can say is, you can’t help everyone… the whole drama audit needs to be put aside and the conversation needs to focus on financials. Some back story, sure. But man cmon. Your producers could be doing a better job vetting these people.

I love Calebs show but these financial audits recently have strayed so far from actually auditing finances. I just want to see a normal person with Caleb going through their finances and see where it can be cleaned up. Im kind of sick and tired of financially illiterate guests.

Everyone thinks Caleb is a good interviewer...

I would like to offer my unsolicited opinion before I get back to the rest of the interview. I'm at 9:25, and the interviewer, in his "clarification" of criminal history, financial status and job search, has the interviewee in a defensive posture, and the interview has turned into a bit of a contentious back and forth. Good interview techniques allow for the fullest disclosure from the one being interviewed, without challenges so early in the process. Because what happens, is we see too much offensive and defensive action, too much challenging right out of the gate, which distorts how the interviewee would have responded if he didn't feel under attack from the get go. One reason I really like watching Dr. Phil in action is because he comes off as non-threatening, even though he's a shark. This allows for the interviewee to build their own "prison" or "situation" and all Dr. Phil needs to do is slam the door behind them with one or two sentences. He doesn't make faces within the first minutes or ever. I'm not so interested in this guest as I am the way the (to me) uncomfortable interview is being conducted. Interviewing takes skill and finesse to fully bring out the details of a person's situation.

The IRS snitch in the comment section

Caleb Hammer's guests will sometimes admit to not paying their taxes as part of their general financial illiteracy and incompetence.

This honesty and transparency on their part has earned Caleb an ISR snitch, who openly brags about reporting his guests to the IRS:

Every time Caleb uploads a new video I automatically report the guest to the IRS. It has become a nice little tradition of mine.

In the following Reddit post, Caleb said he would ban anyone harassing his guests but as you can see, the above comment has still not beer removed in 2 weeks time.

• I accidentally saw Joseph right after watching his most recent episode
HammerTime1995 commented 3 mo. ago

I was going to delete this because it’s very weird to me, but since he and I have a good relationship, I thought I would ask his opinion first. He actually wants it to stay up, but please don’t be creepy towards past guests or harass them. EVER. Insta ban if anyone ever does this.

To the IRS snitch: it's because of people like you that people who are in financial trouble and need help are too scared to reach out to get the help they need. Because of POS like you who will punish them for seeking help to right their wrongs and do better going forward. I know you get off on your powertrip to do this to these guests who put themselves out there, but you're still evil for doing it and even more evil for bragging about it.

To conclude, here's Caleb's "EPIC" orchestral version of the zoomers' gay anthem "Montero" by Lil Nas:

These are some fun words: money gays, personal finance gays, landlord gays, gay money Youtube, caleb hammer, homosexual money, bisexual money, man-sized banana costume
Reason: Caleb Hammer has been exposed as a gross pedophile
Last edited:
Caleb Hammer's nemesis Dante Welch dug up an audio clip of Caleb telling someone: "I'm, like, 90% straiiight? I've definitely fooled around, because I'm open minded. You know, when you get drunk or whatever."

He's only 10% gay everyone. Or, to put it in another way, he's only straight when he's sober.

Anyway, Null and Didl are apparently big fans of Caleb Hammer, so there you go. Another one of Null's favourite Youtubers turns out to be gay, just like Anton/YMS.

Another small Youtuber responds to Caleb Hammer: "You're picking on the weakest people out there"

People in the comment section under this video are speculating about whether Caleb Hammer is part of Creators' Agency and if that association is the real reason his channel took off the way it did:

Hi Chris! I believe Caleb is part of Creators Agency as well and we all know what they are about. They helped catapult is youtube channel to get to where it is today. I've watched enough of his content to enjoy the entertainment aspect and to understand that he is showcasing everything that is wrong with people's finances in order to educate others. However, I think you bring up a totally valid point. Thanks for your viewpoint!

Caleb Hammer is apparently threatening to sue a Youtuber by the name of Scott Shafer for platforming a drama queen clout seeker ex-guest of Financial Audit called Zeke, who has been going around for a while claiming Caleb #MeTooed him. Caleb wants to sue a fellow Youtuber for interviewing that guy... but Caleb won't sue the actual guy making the allegations? If Zeke is knowingly lying, which would constitute defamation, why not sue him instead of some random Youtuber who fell for his story? Sue the actual source of the claims, not some Youtuber covering the scandal.

Scott Shafer is ABOUT to expose Caleb Hammer!

Caleb's dedicated Youtube enemy Dante Welch did yet another video about Caleb where he says that the podcast where Caleb "90% straight small town gay" Hammer proceeded to raise his shirt and show off his fat gunt while talking about the wild sex he was having with his new girlfriend (you know, totally normal workplace behaviour before your female colleague sitting next to you on the counch)... has apparently already been cancelled?

Another up-and-coming financial Youtuber Chris Norlund, who already made a previous video about Caleb Hammer, has discovered the Zeke voicemail audio:

Here Norlund talks about Creators' Agency, the talent scouting firm that is pushing certain Youtubers, one of which is Caleb Hammer, to the top of the Youtube algo by getting them lucrative advertisement/product placement deals:

Creators' Agency was the company that pushed the FTX onto Financial Youtubers, thus making them complicit in the largest financial scandal in US history.

Caleb's stans immediately come out with videos debunking Zeke:

So Caleb Hammer is now threatening to sue another Youtuber for looking into allegations of sexual harassment made against him?

Hey Caleb, since I know you obsessively read everything everyone ever posts about you anywhere online, will you please stop pretending that Zeke is the only person out there who claims you're a creep? There's a whole subreddit now dedicated to various claims made about you by different people. Here's another person, who is not Zeke or associated with him, claiming you abused them:

For the record, I personally do not think that Zeke's allegations are credible.* I do think that Caleb telling a guest that he can get them into porn is gross and unprofessional, but this is just another example of Caleb Hammer's own pornsickness, I also think that Caleb telling Zeke that he's "90% straight-ish" is a pretty hilarious lie, given his previous public admissions about being "a small town gay".

* Here's the context to the OnlyFans discussion that Caleb had with Zeke had: allegedly it was Zeke himself who asked Caleb about his OnlyFans connections... which then leads to the question: why does someone who purports to be a financial Youtuber have OnlyFans "connections" that he apparently lets slip to his guests? How did Zeke know that Caleb had OnlyFans connections... if it wasn't Caleb himself who brought this up first?

@realchris it’s definitely a bad look, even worse out of context. But I found a video containing the rest of the text conversation, from before the first video was filmed until June/July of last year which is about 1 year total. I think this is partially due to naivety on Caleb’s part as he was just really starting to get into the YouTube game during the first interactions, treating the guests more like a friend instead of a business transaction.

Safe to say my opinion is leaning hard towards them being false allegations. The section where the audio is matched exactly, and audio was played from the message directly so things seemed to be on the up and up.
Zeke asked about Caleb’s OF connections multiple times and was also being very pushy about wanting to be a consistent guest, even suggesting to Caleb that he needs an episode recorded weekly to watch the trainwreck he was making his life into. When Caleb wanted more time in between follow-ups, Zeke kinda lost it and threatened Caleb’s life and first brought up an accusation of SA… and then sounds like he attempted to blackmail Caleb? No specific quid pro quo, but brought up Caleb owes him money and needs to pay him after bringing up the accusation against him without any mention of owing money beforehand.

There’s no smoking gun either way in this, but definitely paints Zeke in a terrible light overall as he appears to be clout chasing and money hungry.

Just posting all of this here because both Null and Didl apparently watch this guy, you know, because he's so plainly wholesome and trad to get himself involved in so much drama in the first place.
Here is that new video about the SA allegations against Caleb "90% straight-ish" Hammer:

Caleb Hammer Might Sue Me For This Video...

A Deep Dive Into The Caleb Hammer SA ACCUSATIONS!

Caleb Hammer Might Sue Me For This Video...
by u/gay_ina_garten in CalebHammer
Archived: https://archive.is/Llpdy

I am glad more people are learning about Caleb Hammer's 10/90 bisexuality, it's really nothing to be ashamed of Caleb:


BTW, Caleb Hammer's girlfriend has realized that her boyfriend is a litiguous bastard, so she wisely bugged out:



From his subreddit:

Shoot your shot ladies

Mr. Hammer is officially single again as per his Instagram!
EDIT: Both were really busy and thought it was best to end things. It was on mutual terms.

Shoot your shot ladies
by u/spiritoftheundead in CalebHammer

And... here's another person on Youtube, @bingneedsalife, who was she was supposed to go on Caleb's Financial Audit, but felt so creeped out by him that she blocked him:


@bingneedsalife 4 days ago (edited)
All of this checks out. In the past, we've been in touch about potentially going on the show. Without going into too much detail on a YouTube comment, I felt like I was being tricked into going on a date with him, so I stopped all contact.

Caleb's nemesis Dante comes out with a new video and calls a spade a spade: "Caleb Hammer is a pedophile, IMO"

I agree, Caleb has definitely been exposed as a gay pedophile, that's why he's refusing to respond to the chatlogs from the Composers' chat room. He is making the allegations be all about Zeke again, ignoring how much more damning the Composer chatlogs are.

Turkey Tom made a video about the Caleb Hammer allegations:

Here are the parts everyone wants to see, in case you don't wanna watch the whole thing:

So Caleb Hammer wants to choke 14 year old boys on his dick? Unsubbed and blocked. Anyone justifying this with "he was 23 at the time" is just a fellow pedophile. I don't care about your excuses, Caleb Hammer is a pedophile.

BTW, this is that "Joey Mills" guy whose anal porn Caleb Hammer posted in the Composers' chat room despite everyone telling him not to do so due to legal minors being able to see that image:

You can see how this is the stereotypical "barely legal" look: the wears braces, he barely has any body hair. This look is clearly meant to be suggestive of someone being underage/pedophilic even if it's not legally speaking CP.

I hope all the women and men in Austin, TX learn who this creep is and stay away from him. Good on his girlfriend for dumping him.
When do we dox and send 'za? This commiepedotroon requires BZC (Big 'Za Cock) correction therapy
This is PR repair, he's never made such a video before:

Tellingly, in this video Caleb doesn't mention the fact that he pays his guests $25 to appear on Financial Audit - which he did make sure to mention in his now removed Reddit post in r/austinjobs - on top of paying their gas to get to the studio in Austin:

Let's sit down and talk on my show - $25 an hour!
"Financial Audit," an online series hosted and filmed in Austin. Synopsis: A deep dive into someone's personal finances. The host, Caleb Hammer, gives financial advice and some life advice based on what is uncovered. The pay is $25 an hour and shot right next to downtown Austin. Here is an example of one of our episodes: [link] The episodes are much shorter than the shoot due to editing. Anything you wish to be kept private will always be kept private in your information and in the video- you have final say on what makes it in. If this is something you are interested in, please email me at castingcalebhammer@gmail.com with "Financial Audit Casting" in the subject line. Thank you :)

I want to talk with you on my show! I will pay $25 an hour
Hey there, ATX! I have a show on YouTube and TikTok called "Financial Audit". In this series, I sit with people from all walks of life to discuss personal finances. I break down their accounts (nothing personal makes it to the video) and discuss their financial goals. I would love to hire people from here to shoot with me! I compensate $25 an hour for the shoot, which can range from 1-4 hours depending on the content. You can DM me here or email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com Here is my YouTube for context: https://www.youtube.com/c/CalebHammer/videos

People are still making videos about the alleGAYtions:

LMAOOO, "concerning"? My dude, you literally said in the leaked chatlog from the composers' chat that you want to choke a 14 year old boy on your dick, you should be "concerned" about your own gross pedo self above anything else:

Guest Had A Sugar Daddy At How Old...?

Caleb Hammer says that "legally it should be OK" for legal minors to have online sugar daddies as long as it's "not sexual", which it always is because the non-sexual part is just early grooming. This guest's online sugar daddy was 68 years old, and they did meet IRL eventually, which is just a classic gradual grooming operation.

OK, Caleb is still a fucking creep.