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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche Archie Luxury / Paul Pluta

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community

Prophetic Clown

Want to see a rope trick?
I want to present to you Archie Luxury also known as Paul Pluta he was a male escort for old Asian ladies and has been divorced multiple times
He claims he is not a prostitute but a needs fulfillment specialist and a consultant delivering fun times.
He hides in the woods at a weight loss program and eats pizza like an animal
He bought a BMW he can't afford and after getting his luxury watches stolen he cries and begs for money
He's looking for an old Asian lady with lots of money to marry with a luxury apartment and car in the Brisbane or gold coast region

And always remember if you wanna pick up women you need a two toned palatek watch that gets women on their mating cycle wet
And of course the best part of it is he made a movie about himself. For some reason doesn't really talk about how he flew to thailand and cheated on his wife (who he already had a kid with) with lady bois in it or filled for bankruptcy multiple times
My boy has explained how to get involved in the blue velvet market. Which I guess is the term Archie uses for getting paid to eat old asian ladies snatches
But Archie is also out there looking out for his fans by giving them advice on how to negotiate with Thai prostitutes and how much baht you should be offering. 1000 Baht for overnight Archie says is a good rate. Which is like $25 USD so sounds like a good deal.

Random Archie facts
  • 'Shitter' is a common word he uses for watches that he considers bad, or not worth paying for at any price. Can be used for watches at all price ranges. Occasionally applied to things other than watches.
  • Due to his accent, frequent commentators on his channel will replace 'f' with 'ph.' This is important for his next few phrases.
  • 'Phuck me dead' is used as an interjection a lot. Not sure if this is an Aussi thing or an Archi thing.
  • 'I'm going to be totally honest with you' is said so often that it effectively has no meaning, as what follows could be the truth or a lie.
  • 'ROOOOOOO-LEEEEEXXXX' is often said when talking about Rolex watches.
  • 'Man on the Phucking Moon' is referring to the Omega Speedmaster, known officially (by Omega) as the Moonwatch. Long actual history behind the Speedy, basically the first watch on the moon, only watch certified by NASA. Archie used to own one, and still to this day holds it up as a great value watch and great '1st luxury watch.'
  • 'Coffee is for closers' was something he said for a while, when talking about his love for nice coffee. Don't know if he still says it.
  • 'Pateks and Pussy' was also a phrase he said for a while, referring of course to the main things a man should want.
  • 'What a distastah' is a phrase he often says as well to basically refer to anything bad.
  • 'The Horns' - He has two very large moles/growths on the sides of his head. These are often referred to as 'horns' by his audience.
  • 'Quick wristwatch [wist watch] check - He claims to have invented the wrist watch check, basically something watch youtubers do at the start of their videos to show what watch they are wearing. I have no reason to doubt him that he did 'invent' it, for what its worth.
  • He has an advertising wall behind him in all his videos. My understanding is that this was done as an additional way to make money due to bad youtube ad revenue way back, but has since become something he has kept. This wall started as a whiteboard, but later he put a fridge in his shed that he puts all his ads on. You could buy space for whatever you wanted on there for a month at a time, much like a billboard. Important to note, many advertisers here were/are actually legitimate websites and sellers, and some even well respected in their fields, especially the watch related ones.
  • He has many sponsored segments at the end of his videos. These are often watch site to buy used watches. DavidSW was a big one for a while, but there have been others.
Not that I've seen a lot of male escorts in my time or anything, but I kind of expected him to not look like a saggy leather couch. I cannot imagine this man delivering me any needs other than my need to get away from him.