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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

animegrafmays / Daniel Stevens & General


An Onion Among Onions


An Onion Among Onions is a show ran by Sam Hyde where he makes several Sam Hyde fans live together in a house for other Sam Hyde fans to gawk at and think, "thank goodness I'm not like that!" Hyde has had issues keeping the streak up. In order to grow Poast graf has reached out to offer his assistance. It appears as though he is being ghosted. Graf who claims he "just wants to help" and "isn't in it for money" also wants to be compensated for his time and effort.
graf2.pngScreenshot from 2023-04-21 17-09-16.png1682384043862.pngScreenshot (371).png


Baby Onion is a show ran by Sam Hyde where he makes several Sam Hyde fans live together in a house for other Sam Hyde fans to gawk at and think, "thank goodness I'm not like that!" Hyde has had issues keeping the streak up. In order to grow Poast graf has reached out to offer his assistance. It appears as though he is being ghosted. Graf who claims he "just wants to help" and "isn't in it for money" also wants to be compensated for his time and effort.
View attachment 33155View attachment 33157View attachment 33158View attachment 33159
I can't be bothered to dig up the caps but Graf mentioned the deal with 8 grand in total. He was paid $4000 upfront and will be paid another $4000 at the end of


I can't be bothered to dig up the caps but Graf mentioned the deal with 8 grand in total. He was paid $4000 upfront and will be paid another $4000 at the end of
the pedophile graf lying again theres no way sam hyde has even heard of graf hes a lying faggot pedophile who should commit sudoku


Baby Onion
View attachment 34188
I wonder what little Danny Stevens is responding to
View attachment 34189
I wonder what it was. Maybe it was somebody calling out his addiction to defending people who post animated CP.
View attachment 34190
Yep Daniel Stevens doesn't like it when you mention his doxing people he doesn't like and his defense of child rapists
He hates bot with a burning passion and even went so far as to code a bot to spam her for calling out him out

Catoru Gojo

The Untouchable Cat
Baby Onion
<2022-09-01T19:29:08.000Z> josh: hey can you getr on signal for a sec
<2022-09-06T19:08:03.000Z> josh: You around?
<2022-09-06T19:12:24.000Z> graf: yeah for a bit, my gf will be here this evening so i will be less
<2022-09-06T19:39:20.000Z> josh: how the fuck do you get nginx+lua working
<2022-09-06T19:39:22.000Z> josh: I am too retarded
<2022-09-06T19:39:57.000Z> graf: ??? you just compile the module and add it dont you?
<2022-09-06T19:40:17.000Z> josh: the instructions say to just install openresty but getting that daemon working is killing me
<2022-09-06T19:40:22.000Z> josh: they don't recommend compiling
<2022-09-06T19:41:00.000Z> graf: alright im going to spin up a vm and try it hold on
<2022-09-06T19:41:29.000Z> josh: sorry im really just not good at this shit, i don't like compiling from source because it fucking breaks
<2022-09-06T19:41:34.000Z> josh: but the package managers for getting nginx with lua are garbage
<2022-09-06T19:47:26.000Z> josh: nauseatingly frustrating
<2022-09-06T19:47:37.000Z> josh: I can get it working but if i do `systemctl start openresty` (their nginx fork)
<2022-09-06T19:47:46.000Z> josh: it hangs like it does if you just run a ./nginx directly
<2022-09-06T19:47:50.000Z> josh: and then eventually gives up
<2022-09-06T19:47:55.000Z> josh: as if it couldn't start, even though it starts just fine
<2022-09-06T19:48:24.000Z> josh: root@www:/usr/local/openresty/nginx# systemctl start openrestyJob for openresty.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.See "systemctl status openresty.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
<2022-09-06T19:53:06.000Z> graf attached file
<2022-09-06T19:53:10.000Z> graf: following this guide
<2022-09-06T19:53:12.000Z> graf: it worked first shot
<2022-09-06T19:53:24.000Z> graf: what does openresty -t say>
<2022-09-06T19:54:24.000Z> josh: i got it
<2022-09-06T19:54:30.000Z> josh: i had to change the fucking pid var in the nginx.conf
<2022-09-06T19:54:34.000Z> josh: otherwise if it doesn't match
<2022-09-06T19:54:36.000Z> josh: it just shits itself
<2022-09-06T19:54:38.000Z> josh: good fucking LORD

Woah, josh is quite the retard.


An Onion Among Onions
Hooooly shit.

<2023-04-16T04:19:14.000Z> graf: im sad and drinking
<2023-04-16T04:19:17.000Z> graf: its midnight im lonely
<2023-04-16T04:19:19.000Z> graf: come over
<2023-04-16T04:19:22.000Z> graf: you can fix me and ill fix you
<2023-04-16T04:19:28.000Z> em: What you drinking
<2023-04-16T04:19:33.000Z> graf: beer like always
<2023-04-16T04:19:49.000Z> em: Don't be lonely , you haz friends and stuff like here for you all the time
<2023-04-16T04:19:56.000Z> graf: but i want to talk to you
<2023-04-16T04:20:30.000Z> em: I'm in the car headed back from an njp type thingy
<2023-04-16T04:20:38.000Z> graf: hope you had a good time

I'm sad 😢
I'm lonely 😢
I'm drinking alone 😢
Come fix me 😢

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