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Public Figure - Niche animegrafmays / Daniel Stevens & Poa.st General

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Danny updated his rules and they continue to make less and less sense and more and more contradictory.
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LISTEN HERE, BUCKO. DOXXXXING ISN'T ALLOWED NO MATTER HOW "PUBLICLY AVAILABLE" THE INFORMATION IS (except if you attack us then, we can dox you all we want 🙂)
Doxing is against the rules unless I'm releasing people's IP addresses, logging less than ethical information, stalking my ex gf, doxing my ex gf or if you guys want to dox people in dms all day and coordinate how to ruin some guys life for being a streamer you don't like.
<2022-09-09T19:06:10.000Z> graf: I trust that you will keep this to yourself but we have some.. less than ethical traps and logging going on right now
<2022-09-09T19:19:25.000Z> borzoi: 🤐
<2022-09-09T19:31:51.000Z> borzoi: I can be as patient as long as it needs to take since I know the walls are closing in on this person
He also sets traps to log all traffic to try to dox specific users
<2022-06-27T02:58:23.000Z> graf: im going to set up a trap in that poast's webserver will log all traffic by that IP and track him around, then we can paint a picture of where he went and what he was trying to do
<2022-06-27T02:58:47.000Z> graf: but we are going to watch it for a few weeks. he will slip up with referral sites or other cookies that can be tracked and i will find them

He will just hand over your IP to people
<2022-12-14T00:31:54.000Z> darkeidolon: Do you still have the IP address that was connected to Burlington
<2022-12-14T00:34:43.000Z> darkeidolon: Sorry bout that
<2022-12-14T00:35:07.000Z> darkeidolon: It's on now
<2022-12-14T00:42:34.000Z> graf:
<2022-12-14T00:47:10.000Z> darkeidolon: Thank you!

<2021-05-08T03:35:32.000Z> graf: no i got drunk the day after but i cant drink much anymore i think im gonna die
<2021-05-08T03:35:49.000Z> graf: my GGT levels (a chemical the liver releases) are more than double the "high" reading
<2021-05-08T03:36:08.000Z> graf: so I cut back a lot and im gonna get another blood test in a week and a bit
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Apparently this was how the Poast gay op was done. Graf was phished into clicking a link that executed a JavaScript script and collected his admin user token. Interestingly this is similar to how Discord accounts tend to get hacked. I'm not a social media app designer, but I imagine that there must be a better setup to do user logins than this shitty system of token files which can get grabbed by visiting phishing sites/being tricked into running a JavaScript.
I don't know who wrote this timeline but it conflicts with Graf's initial statements. It wasn't an arbitrary js file it was a malicious attacker posing as a poa.st user requesting assistance, and they uploaded a SVG file which was the method used to escalate to cross site scripting. Graf didn't admit to getting socially engineered until hours after the database breach.
This is so interesitng to find out/confirm. Some people coming across this thread may remember, he used to host (or still hosts?) a minecraft server for people on trad twitter back in the day like 2017? or 2018? I don't remember exactly the year because it's been awhile. I always found him really creepy and offputting especially because of the way he talked to me specifically and also like has been mentioned the way he talked about loli stuff, but I was having fun playing with some friends I made so I put up with it for awhile. I wish I was still in the discord server that was used in that era before stopped using after they switched over to some other platform so I could pull up examples of weird stuff he said or did. I remember one time he dm'd me a picture of himself in the dark while he drunk. It was very weird. I think I still have that picture somewhere...
This is so interesitng to find out/confirm. Some people coming across this thread may remember, he used to host (or still hosts?) a minecraft server for people on trad twitter back in the day like 2017? or 2018? I don't remember exactly the year because it's been awhile. I always found him really creepy and offputting especially because of the way he talked to me specifically and also like has been mentioned the way he talked about loli stuff, but I was having fun playing with some friends I made so I put up with it for awhile. I wish I was still in the discord server that was used in that era before stopped using after they switched over to some other platform so I could pull up examples of weird stuff he said or did. I remember one time he dm'd me a picture of himself in the dark while he drunk. It was very weird. I think I still have that picture somewhere...
He still hosts a minecraft server. Here is the Poast minecraft server. It is filled with many "inside (pedophile) jokes" like "UOHHHH" and "cunny. "

He's still very creepy and the Poast hack shows it like him constantly asking a user for a Chinese girlfriend. He also runs a matrix server these days.
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He still hosts a minecraft server. Here is the Poast minecraft server. It is filled with many "inside (pedophile) jokes" like "UOHHHH" and "cunny. "
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He's still very creepy and the Poast hack shows it like him constantly asking a user for a Chinese girlfriend. He also runs a matrix server these days.
oops, missed this while I was reading. I wonder if its the same world as back then just "rebranded". Used to be like a tradnation server iirc and a bunch of people from the "trad" group used to partake. Not surprised to see this type of messages though about asking for gf LOL...
Last week there was another article about Poast.
After the this article Danny became incredibly indignant at one of his users who wasn't even looking to cause a fight. Graf was just flat out wrong.

Kiwifarms user Alex Yiik describes Graf's inflammatory exchange better than I ever could:
That conversation with the user federatedagent is so telling about how graf responds to anything that isn't complete agreement and praise.

Federatedagent points out that messages between users are never deleted. Graf denies this, argues semantics, and then indicates that there is some kind of hidden account deletion feature that no user has ever been made aware of.

Federatedagent responds that if no one has ever requested for their account to be deleted, what is that red "Delete Account" button in user settings? Nearly every sentence he writes from here on has some kind of meek assurance that this is not an attack on graf, but an actual legitimate issue.

Graf completely ignores the topic of the button and goes off about how it's not his responsibility to keep people safe from the consequences of what they post. While true, this is a complete non sequitur that he's using to deflect attention from a mistake in his website. After a few messages, graf does a final woe-is-me and then tacks on an acknowledgement that the button actually is misleading and he will fix it.

The tone of the conversation is like an abusive couple, where one party is projecting imagined attacks onto the other party, who is regretting asking about the laundry and just wants the shouting to stop.
Graf appears to have registered an LLC in America for the purposes of bidding for the Odysee video platform. He asks for users to donate then cries that he got zero dollars.
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Graf appears to have registered an LLC in America for the purposes of bidding for the Odysee video platform. He asks for users to donate then cries that he got zero dollars.
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Why does he want to do this again? I don’t really keep up with this guy. I understand he’s closing poa.st . dan’s not making money. The user base is out of control but why go to a video platform Odysee.
Is there something unique about that platform?