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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
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Movie Night

In the process of being set up


Valid = Fair &/Or Understandable
Baby Onion

One must only read into the actions of both to see the receipts from me on here.

Angry Canadian

"Totally a Nazi, and not gay.

11/10 documentation, 0/10 behavior

Omg he only doxes ppl he wanna bang, dox him back and ban him"

- Kiwifarms users


A true visionary and suspected Chad, Angry Canadian got banned from Kiwifarms for being too horny and in fact, the big gay. Doxed on lolcow and kiwi, he is currently on the run and suspected to be in the closet hiding from his wife. He is pictured above with suspected serious man and known serial killer, Lizzy wannabe bf man, a lesser known lolcow and poster of Kiwifarms. Pictured below.


His nickname structure leaves much to be desired as he is complimenting me on how much he loves my fiddlestick if you know what I mean. Angry Canadian has but has yet to directly ass kiss my butthole for it. Bobby on the other hand has managed to become so unhinged and threatened my life so often I blocked someone for once.

Angry Canadian is at least funny.


Apparently he did however end up pissing off one, Joshua Conner Cuckington the Third who even managed to put up with Chris Chan until the mom sex went down. It turned out Null, had been triggered a lot lately ever since banning me and the breaking up occured sometime this past week. Unfortunately for Angry Canadian, his prospects at bussy were growing slim so he turned to his personal lolcow and buttered her up.

I have many things I said he could have used against me so I'm gonna show why you should believe that.


Supposed owner of fuck you money, he doesn't use tinder to hunt for ppl to fuck but instead tries to make them lolcows when he could just ask someone directly instead proving I'm a Sigma and he's a beta.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, take it away for part 2 Squid.


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Walker Burgess

Hey folks. Moralfag Supreme here. Ho-ho-holy shit with that one. I had no idea he was keeping contact all throughout this crazy shit. So what it turns out, from what I've gathered is Canadian was trying to cover up something dark of his own by painting @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin as the worst person possible. I've already explained over on the Farms that despite admitting to having some odd tendencies, this weirdo's completely innocent of harmful deviancies. The CP claims arose from a fear of receiving it from someone whose age was unclear - That has been proven otherwise. The evidence of which Canadian sat upon to keep up the illusion that our fair hermaphrodite was indeed a sick fuck. For reference, here's what I posted over on the Farms after Canadian was banned (Note I said "pedophilic tendencies" in this, that was based on the audio conversation, not on anything he's done in any active capacity that's predatory towards children to my knowledge):

While I served my part in attacking @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin, I'm here to help set the record straight as I did on the Farms. Like I said in that screenshot, all for having a cow. But I prefer it be through what's documented. Not speculative rumors and bullshit. After that voice chat, there were actually chances for Canadian to outright disavow those claims, or try to keep to the truth, but he kept to the "may have" narrative to keep the air of how fucked up he wanted to portray his skitzocow to be, as the common perception. Key example:
Angry Cuck.PNG

After the shared voice chat between the three of us, Canadian doxed me because I got in his way, my best guess. Either that or he legitimately believed I was keeping contact with @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin before the day I told him I had. In truth, I'd never met them before this year. I actually was for the most part just an innocent idiot. I LARPed as the wrong thing to the wrong people, but that's maybe the most of my crimes. I had to keep this info under my belt for a month for my own safety, and during that time I kept tabs on Canadian's posts. In fact, that's how I was able to find this and update the thread on @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin over on the Farms with Canadian's ban:

But as it turns out, he got banned for turning a thread into an attack against a girl named Street Meat, now named Cheesy on the Farms. BP sperg who asked him to dox someone. He found out it was drama bullshit and doxed her for wasting his time. Even got her to take "tits or gtfo" literally. Nice set, but I wasn't gonna screenshot that even for posterity because I don't feel right about the method of their acquisition. It sat in Prospering Grounds but it didn't get properly approved, and was abruptly deleted when Canadian got banned. I'm fairly sure she's pretty happy.
On another note, Canadian had a bad habit of pissing off moderators, including Null:
Null hates Canadian.PNG

There are lots of in-betweens here. I'm pretty sure @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin is lolcow worthy if only because they're good at acting like a schizo, but having someone like Canadian tailing them just meant anything they did was gonna get played up hundredfold into something worse than what was presented. He left Lolcow with some parting words and a picture of his dick. These I will share for posterity, because they're funny. Someone on Lolcow also decided to put some of these through a TTS filter and I'll include those as well:
Canadian's Last Words.PNG
Canadian's Dick.png

And with that, I leave you one final gift. Mine and Canadian's Discord logs. Enjoy:
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`he who laughs last laughs best`
@Nichigetsu-Ohanjin will you trim the screencaps? and add a little context for those of use not 100 percent caught up.

Hey folks. Moralfag Supreme here. Ho-ho-holy shit with that one. I had no idea he was keeping contact all throughout this crazy shit. So what it turns out, from what I've gathered is Canadian was trying to cover up something dark of his own by painting @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin as the worst person possible. I've already explained over on the Farms that despite admitting to having some odd tendencies, this weirdo's completely innocent of harmful deviancies. The CP claims arose from a fear of receiving it from someone whose age was unclear - That has been proven otherwise. The evidence of which Canadian sat upon to keep up the illusion that our fair hermaphrodite was indeed a sick fuck. For reference, here's what I posted over on the Farms after Canadian was banned (Note I said "pedophilic tendencies" in this, that was based on the audio conversation, not on anything he's done in any active capacity that's predatory towards children to my knowledge):
View attachment 10358

While I served my part in attacking @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin, I'm here to help set the record straight as I did on the Farms. Like I said in that screenshot, all for having a cow. But I prefer it be through what's documented. Not speculative rumors and bullshit. After that voice chat, there were actually chances for Canadian to outright disavow those claims, or try to keep to the truth, but he kept to the "may have" narrative to keep the air of how fucked up he wanted to portray his skitzocow to be, as the common perception. Key example:
View attachment 10359

After the shared voice chat between the three of us, Canadian doxed me because I got in his way, my best guess. Either that or he legitimately believed I was keeping contact with @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin before the day I told him I had. In truth, I'd never met them before this year. I actually was for the most part just an innocent idiot. I LARPed as the wrong thing to the wrong people, but that's maybe the most of my crimes. I had to keep this info under my belt for a month for my own safety, and during that time I kept tabs on Canadian's posts. In fact, that's how I was able to find this and update the thread on @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin over on the Farms with Canadian's ban:
View attachment 10360

But as it turns out, he got banned for turning a thread into an attack against a girl named Street Meat, now named Cheesy on the Farms. BP sperg who asked him to dox someone. He found out it was drama bullshit and doxed her for wasting his time. Even got her to take "tits or gtfo" literally. Nice set, but I wasn't gonna screenshot that even for posterity because I don't feel right about the method of their acquisition. It sat in Prospering Grounds but it didn't get properly approved, and was abruptly deleted when Canadian got banned. I'm fairly sure she's pretty happy.
On another note, Canadian had a bad habit of pissing off moderators, including Null:
View attachment 10361

There are lots of in-betweens here. I'm pretty sure @Nichigetsu-Ohanjin is lolcow worthy if only because they're good at acting like a schizo, but having someone like Canadian tailing them just meant anything they did was gonna get played up hundredfold into something worse than what was presented. He left Lolcow with some parting words and a picture of his dick. These I will share for posterity, because they're funny. Someone on Lolcow also decided to put some of these through a TTS filter and I'll include those as well:
View attachment 10362
View attachment 10363
View attachment 10364
View attachment 10365
And with that, I leave you one final gift. Mine and Canadian's Discord logs. Enjoy:
thanks, over on they hinted that AC is an older user with an active account, do you know if theres any truth to this claim?

Walker Burgess

thanks, over on they hinted that AC is an older user with an active account, do you know if theres any truth to this claim?
Null, as well as multiple other users suspected he was a sock for Arm Pit Cream, but there's no evidence confirming anything as such other than the way he acted. There's a lot of side speculation that the guy was doing a lot of shady underhanded shit, including but not limited to manipulating his own wife to get to people.


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Null, as well as multiple other users suspected he was a sock for Arm Pit Cream,
so autistic :story:
but there's no evidence confirming anything as such other than the way he acted. There's a lot of side speculation that the guy was doing a lot of shady underhanded shit, including but not limited to manipulating his own wife to get to people.
the last bit is the funniest part, he made the mistake of fucking with the BP hens many good and bad posters lost this way, sad!


`he who laughs last laughs best`
On Lolcow he was Syrup Sipping Nayze, but otherwise, no clue.

Likely he was accessing it through his wife's account.
lel, that's so surreal to think of, couples who browse the farms together and shitpost.
i wonder if thats why spooky bones fell apart reading all the stuff on that "her" husband told to people on KF.

Walker Burgess

One last attachment. About a day or two after his ban, Illuminati Order Official uploaded this to the Kiwitober 2021 thread for October 19th. It's my pfp, but here's a better view of it:
New fav.PNG

angry canadian

Baby Onion
Alright lets take a look here.

It's actually pretty funny. Knight of the Rope decided to post Nayze's last Lolcow post to his suspected wife's profile page. Dick and all.
If you think that I'm accessing supporters through my wife's account, and you know that Knight posted my cock-shot to her profile then you should know that my wife doesn't have T/H. Lurk more. Post less.

Null, as well as multiple other users suspected he was a sock for Arm Pit Cream,
Josh has all the ability in the world to disprove that notion, yet hasn't. I live in a completely different part of the country than APC, and Josh should know that. He's either a liar or a moron, and I know him to be both.

There's a lot of side speculation that the guy was doing a lot of shady underhanded shit, including but not limited to manipulating his own wife to get to people.
I asked my wife to initiate a PM chain with StrawberryDouche. Anyone who believes that this is akin to manipulation has never touched a breast.

Hey folks. Moralfag Supreme here. Ho-ho-holy shit
I want to believe that you're some alog using his name, but I also know that you're pathetic enough, desperate enough for praise and attention, and autistic enough to do exactly this.

I hard-doxed you, and I'll do it again. Dawn is also not your friend. Who do you think gave me your tox key? People have been fucking with you since before you joined the farms. You are a moron who deleted system32 because you thought I hacked you.

It's also vaguely impressive that you'd post the logs of our conversation. Is this still part of the "Angry Canadian told me to post my retarded theory on KF, he's bad, how could he" line of thinking?
Because if it is.. kill yourself. You're wasting oxygen other people could be putting to better use.
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angry canadian

Baby Onion
Hehehehehe tits
Speaking of tits. Anyone on the farms who has even a mote of sympathy for a 28 year old woman who was the first person in history to answer 'tits or gtfo' with actual tits, and anyone who thinks she is anything more than a victim of her own retardation should be lined up against the wall and fired upon.
I can sort of, (and it's a big sort of) "understand" (but not really) treating 19 and 20 year olds like they're just overgrown retarded children, but not a woman who is neigh on halfway through her lifespan. A woman who, assuming the farms has been her only experience on the internet (which isn't even a true assumption because I know she's used 4chan) has at least a year of experience on this side of the internet and should have known better than to send her tits to the person who was going to dox her for her retarded PA request.
I'd do it again, too.