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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025

  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

Limited Public Individual Alice / Holland C. Proudfoot

Documented person of interest who is not a public figure or who only has a small public presence on the internet
Alice is saying she got hives from a stripper who sat on her and not all the guys she fucked raw...


lol sonic didnt even fuck her , smh

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alice takes down her confederate flag , #progress

also shes an emote in ralphs chat btw
looking more like a dood everyday , is this your queen?
apologies to all the men who frequent her thread.
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Ikr , I coulda saved her dumbass if her discord simps didn't make her cut ties with me by framing me as some random ass nigga named Frankie from her discord that was sending pizzas to her house

You can really see the natural decline thru her IG, the slower frames are the recent additions.
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so Alice you became a whore when Carl didn't come to your birthday. so you became a bigger whore when chicken broke out with you