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There are issues with missing attachments. I am looking into this.

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What this means is that onionfarms.com will change to a family-friendly general public forum. Rather than Simple Machines, I want to take a look at using Elk Arte. Elk Arte is a fork of Simple Machines. Basically they overhauled Simple Machines to be compatible with today's technology.

As for the present forum, I am going to migrate that to the subdomain (lolcow.onionfarms.com). I know you people like the freewheeling atmosphere in here. That we will not change. However, because the subforum by default will be less in the spotlight than the main domain, I will feel less anxious concerning the more "salty talk" that goes on in here.

As for the new Onionfarms.com, by necessity this will have to be more heavily moderated. But it's a win-win situation. We get to keep the salty lolcow forum that you people live while moving forward with a more public friendly face that won't get us blacklisted like KiwiFarms.
Null got buttfucked thinking the same thing. It worked for 4chan, but 4chan is a US government honeypot.