• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Adam White / Chibi / Chibinekodemyx / Aquana / ShinyAquana

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Chibi is one of the biggest lolcows that the speedrunning community has ever managed to produce. Even if you’ve never heard his name before, there is still a chance you have witnessed his crowning moment of infamy, in which he invited himself onto the GDQ couch of a speedrun of Tomba 2, a game he knew nothing about. In true autistic fashion, Chibi spent the next 20 mins telling shitty joke after shitty joke, never letting the others on the couch have a chance to speak, and failing to pick up on the numerous social cues that even the most socially inept retard would know meant to shut the fuck up. Not our man Chibi though, he doubles down every time, despite each joke failing to land, until fellow autist and speedrunner, CavemanDCJ, decided he's had enough of Chibi’s shit. Caveman tells Chibi, very politely, to please shut the fuck up. A moment that would define Chibi for his entire life.

While the GDQ couch incident was his most famous lolcow moment, Chibi had a rich documented history of being a huge fuckup and autistic sperg since well before the couch. But before we get to that, let’s give some background on Chibi.

Chibi is a 31 year old "bisexual" man who has only just moved out of his mom's house into a rundown condo (ownership questionable) surrounded by loud Mexican neighbors. He has autism because ofc he fucking does, and has self diagnosed himself with every other mental disorder imaginable. He spends his time latching onto one online community after another, waiting until one community has had enough of his shit, then moving onto a new one. He has pushed away every friend he has ever had and burnt every bridge imaginable, until the only people he could find to surround himself with are a group of mentally ill 16 yr old trannys.

If you somehow feel sorry for him, DON'T. He is a giant attention whore that loves to make himself miserable as a tactic to garner sympathy, to the point where he will even read his own kiwi thread to keep him in a horrible mental state. It is this mentality that keeps him grinding out fuck up after fuck up.

Born July 2 1990
Lives at: 39477 Van Dyke Ave, Unit 701
Sterling Heights MI 48313

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aquanatwitch/
Alt twitch:
Twitter:https://twitter.com/itsstillaquana Archive from old one(https://archive.md/bhoAp)
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ShinyAquana (https://archive.md/M4Ze0)
Discord: https://discord.gg/Aquana DEAD
Discord tranny mods: Here
Devianart: https://www.deviantart.com/chibinekodemyx(inactive since 2013) (https://archive.md/Yy1Re )Here are the most interesting bits
Youtube:NEW ONE , https://www.youtube.com/c/AquanaTwitch DEAD

Before Tomba The Mighty:
In keeping with tradition, let's start from the beginning.
His first big exposure online was a video where he cosplayed as L and tried to promote an anime convention he and his friends were organizing at their college. This video was made immediately after Chibi's friends told him not to say anything about the convention, since it wasn't set in stone yet and they didn't want to jeopardize it falling apart. So I’m sure you can guess what happened next. The convention got cancelled because everyone started getting doxxed and trolled, and no one wanted to be associated with it.(This was all leaked by his former friend BigAl and confirmed by some friend he did a video with)

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(Video is now lost so only a couple of pics remain)
His other early claim to fame is his Darkmoon Energy collar video

A U T I S M.mp4
He was 19 years old when he made this.

Another trait of chibi’s that will become a common theme is his unquenchable thirst for any morsel of pussy that would even glance his way. He starts by making a girl pity him, then unleashes a cataclysmic storm of autism on her. Be careful being a girl and making eye contact with him, because once you do, he will latch on like a face hugger from Alien. He will spam messages, guilt you, overshare personal details, and stalk you until even Mother Teresa would tell him to fuck off and never contact her again. Someone came out about how he was trying to make her pity him. Look here for his cringe messages.

He was also sending nudes to an underaged girl who leaked them online; more on that later.

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