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An Onion Among Onions
Early Life | Rise to Stardom
Aaron Charles Carter born on December 7, 1987 , had much success as a child star, released hit albums starred in a shitty movie no one has seen. and was even in a reality show focused around him , his brother, and the family
Anybody got a Xanax!? [3:55]
look at those fresh moves
Carter filed a bankruptcy petition to shed more than $3.5 million in debt, mostly taxes owed from the money made at the height of his popularity. "This is not a negative thing," Carter's publicist told CNN. "It's actually very positive. It's him doing what he needs to do to move forward." "he owes the Internal Revenue Service $1.3 million in back taxes from his income in 2003, when Carter was just 16." Carter settled all of his tax debt in 2014. This is worth noting as Aaron constantly likes to exaggerate how much money he actually has all the time.
New Declines
Aaron has a minor criminal record after being arrested in both 2008 & 2017. Charges against Carter included DUI, speeding, and various “marijuana charges”
Hospitalized After Getting BulliedThe singer told Entertainment Tonight that a motorcyclist reported seeing him "swerving all over the road," which he blamed on his car being out of alignment. TMZ audio from a 911 call says Carter drove past a parked cop while drifting from the median to a guardrail.
Carter insists police never witnessed him driving "erratically," and says he can't be charged with DUI because they approached him while he was inside an AutoZone in Georgia.
"[They] forcefully grabbed me out," he claims. " stepped outside. I say, 'I invoke the right to speak to my attorney,' and they disregarded that, they revoked that immediately. They said, 'Is there anything illegal in the car?' I said, 'I have marijuana in the car.'"
Carter, the younger brother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, said he last smoked medical marijuana nine hours earlier to treat anxiety, chronic pain and help with his appetite. Carter added that he was driving because he hasn't been comfortable flying since witnessing the terrorist attacks in New York on 9/11.
"I opened for Michael Jackson Sept. 9 and 10 in 2001 -- we all left the morning of Sept. 11 and watched the Trade Centers get hit across the Hudson River, and I saw it with my own eyes and I saw people jumping out of the buildings and burned," Carter told ET.
Carter also said he doesn't drink alcohol due to medication he's on, including "Xanax, Propranolol for high blood pressure medication, and... oxycodones for my (jaw injury)." He's cited health issues including an eating disorder and a hiatal hernia, which caused him to lose weight uncontrollably in recent months.
Carter admitted trying ecstasy "a couple of times" when he was 16, but denies ever taking crack cocaine, meth or taken heroin.
Domestic Dispute
The couple has also faked pregnancies for sympathy and donationsAaron Carter's girlfriend, Melanie Martin, is under arrest after police investigated an alleged fight between the couple at the singer's home ... TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the L.A. County Sheriff's Department was called to Aaron's Lancaster home around 11 PM Sunday night for a domestic violence call. We're told there was a verbal spat between Aaron and Melanie and at some point it got physical. Aaron claims during the alleged physical altercation, Melanie scratched him -- and he claims these photos show the damage she did. Cops confirmed Aaron had visible marks when they arrived at the house.
In September 2019, Carter made allegations of sexual abuse against his deceased sister Leslie, who died of a drug overdose in 2012, saying that the abuse lasted three years, beginning when he was 10 and ending when he was 13, and occurred when Leslie would fail to take her prescribed medication to treat her bipolar disorder. He also accused his brother Nick of lifelong abuse, though he did not go into details, and implied that Nick had abused a female family member. Nick's legal team denied the allegations, which came after Nick and their sister, Angel, sought restraining orders against Carter, who reportedly confessed that he had thoughts of killing Nick's then-pregnant wife, Lauren Carter
Art Theft
Stole art for his label/brand/album, Aaron claimed nothing was wrong, he states once its in the public , it becomes public domain , and the artist should've tagged it, but the artist did insert a watermark for situations just like this.In January 2020, German artist Jonas Jödicke pointed out to Carter on Twitter that Carter was making unauthorized use of Jödicke's copyrighted artwork to promote Carter's clothing merchandise. Carter responded to Jödicke, tweeting: "you should've taken it as a compliment dick a fan of MINE sent this to me. oh here they go again, the answer is No this image has been made public and im using it to promote my clothing line guess I'll see you in small claims court FUCKERY"
01.18.20 Aaron Carter Original Track “Art Thief”
After some time in the courts a settlement was made [Aaron obviously lost]
Carterverse | IP2 | Dx | Onlyfans
He started streaming his life on Instagram(or some other gay streaming platform) and attracted a lot of trolls because he's a sensitive little bitch and a massive liar and bragger but also attracted a following of women and other gays called the "Carterverse".
Eventually IP2 discovered him and then started fucking around with him even more. I think he officially "became" a part of the IP2 community when callers contacted some venue where he was supposed to play and told them that Carter is a pedophile and stuff like that.
Carter got mad and livestreamed about how he's gonna sue everyone that messes with him, trolls in chat managed to convince him that it was Ice that orchestrated the whole thing, he bought into it and DMed Ice about it. Ice told him to ignore the haters so he became even more convinced that Ice was behind it.
One thing to know about Aaron Carter is that despite how much he brags about making millions of dollars from w/e business venture he keeps making up is that in reality he's broke af and in debt so he started taking livestreaming a lot more serious. He hired Salmon Andy to help him with streaming but that didn't last long when even Salmon started talking about his living condition.
He allowed some Carterverse members to appear on his IG livestreams ,where he would just brag non stop about how cool he is,Dx and Galvin also played a big role in trolling him and ruining his life.
Ganval ruins his valentine's date [he replays the message multiple times]
Due to his behavior on various sites it led to him being banned from Cameo,and Youtube livestreaming, along with having had his gofundme taken down
He's a bit of a druggie as he enjoys huffing cans and meth, he's a bi-sexual fag he has an only fans where he puts a dildo in his ass. [a]
Carter began charging $50 to $100 per nude photo, or $26 a month he made $30,000 within the first hour.
Only thing I didn't see in the tour was the pot plants he is very proud of
The People's Champ | The Boxer Saga
The ImPaulsive ChainOn June 11, 2021, Aaron Carter participated in an exhibition boxing match with former NBA player Lamar Odom.
Odom knocked Carter out in the second round
after his fight with Odom he filmed an open invite to anyone that wanted to fight him..
Lenny Dykstra retired baseball player answers his challenge
Aaron Carter Shoots Down Dykstra Fight, says the 57 year old ex-baseball star is too old and fragile to step in the ring with him Wants Soulja Boy, 'I'd Rip Him Apart'
Is adamant he will take him on in the ring, sometime in October.
Soulja boy's rebuttal ,he wasn't amused with Aaron's comments.
Aaron trades chains with another cow on the forum, Logan Paul. Later on, Logan finds out his chain was worth a lot more than the one he received. Aaron says he stole it from Logan, claims its his now and wears its all the time . as he could not convince Johnny Dang to alter it for him.
Getting naked for a paycheck
Carter was announced as a performer in the Las Vegas production of Naked Boys Singing. However, he was let go before the show's debut because he refused to be vaccinated against COVID-19EXCLUSIVE: Aaron Carter is no stranger to taking his clothes off. So much so that the 33-year-old former child star even has an NSFW OnlyFans account. Now Carter is going full Monty in person. He’s joining the Las Vegas production of “Naked Boys Singing!,” a campy 60-minute gay musical revue in which the all-male cast perform in their birthday suits. “I think the naked body is a beautiful thing,” says Carter, who identifies as bisexual. “We were all born naked. I love doing OnlyFans. I’ve been an OnlyFans model for over a year now, and people are very uplifting. They make you feel attractive and good about yourself. I love that social media platform more than any other platform. It’s not about the money. It’s about the fans.” Carter’s run in “Naked Boys,” which is produced by Tom D’Angora and Nick Padgett, begins Sept. 8 at the Jewel Box Theatre. IP2 | article
Dog Abuse
Aaron denied animal abuse allegations relating to his pug, Nala, according to reports.
Fans even made #SaveNala trend on social media and called Lancaster Animal Control alleging the dog is kept in severe harsh conditions after watching his live stream.
Once animal control showed up on his live, it was fucking glorious, video was deleted of course.
Marcy on savenala [VOD]The “I Want Candy” singer revealed animal control came to his home, but he only separated Nala in a crate for 15 minutes because of his new guard dogs.
The abuse allegations caught the attention of Izabella St. James, who is the founder of a pug rescue organization called The Pug Queen.
“Many pug lovers noticed Nala in Aaron’s IG live stories & other social media feeds. They say Nala has been locked up most of her life & has little human contact. I am told she is either kept in a cage OUTSIDE like this with another puppy in LANCASTER, CA where temperatures easily go above 100F. Or they say she is kept in a bathroom for a long time,” she wrote on Instagram.
She also posted a video of Carter's ex-girlfriend Viktoria Alexeeva confirming the alleged animal abuse.
The Pug Queen founder told TMZ she offered Carter $10,000 to rescue and rehome Nala. However, she claims the singer threatened her with a defamation lawsuit.
[none of this was archived she deleted all the posts in fear of getting sued]
Dog flipper
Another Go Fund MeDenies flipping rescue dogs for profit: 'Don’t try to slander my name'
Aaron Carter is denying allegations that he adopted rescue dogs to resale for profit.
The dog flipping allegations stemmed from the singer's Instagram Live video over the weekend, where Carter proudly showed off his new 10-month-old English bulldog, Mighty. He adopted the canine from Los Angeles' Lancaster Animal Care Center Thursday.
"This is my new buddy. So by the way, if I can't keep him, I am going to be listing him," Carter, 31, said in a now-deleted video. "If anyone wants to have my English bulldog, he's being sold for $3,500."
Carter, however, took to Twitter Sunday to defend himself, insisting that his comments about reselling his rescue dog were merely a joke.
"I think it’s apalling that I actually even have to explain myself I’ve rescued many dogs & found many dogs homes. what I said in my Instagram live video was a joke," he tweeted. "Find one dog that I adopted and sold for money, be my guest. WONT HAPPEN. I’m a good person and i deserve respect."
He's already gone back to grifting for another $100,000 to help him produce another album. He's even offering tiers, producer credits, trip to disney, etc...
Youtube [inactive]
Only Fans
He definitely has developed a little ecosystem around him , but he's pretty much faded into obscurity since he only streams on IG now to whatever is left of the Carterverse.
Sources, Clips, & Highlight Channels
42236 Blueflax Ave, Lancaster, CA 93536
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