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Search results

  1. Christine's Pickles

    ADF/ Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici/ Isabel Rosa Araujo - Transgender, Communist, Antifa Soldier

    It's fucking hilarious that KF would stoop to this level to declare some 3edgy5me moron like ADF to be a "lolcow". In the future, the farmers would improve their standards for what defines lolcowdom... :story:
  2. Christine's Pickles

    AIDS Documentary (The Plague) Broadcast in 1993

    Not to mention that a lot of research has gone into managing the spread of HIV, and some of that has also been applied to figuring out what to do about the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, the transmission medium is a lot different with the two virii. It sure would have been nice to get even a...
  3. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Thoughts on CWC

    This is really the only place where I have a comment (not to say that the Barb stuff is unimportant). Weens and other losers have been sending Chris money for years for the dumbest of reasons, and it goes beyond small amounts for sending a letter or grabbing a snack from the commissary. It's not...
  4. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    It sounds like someone's been feeding Chris "information" on Joshua Moon, and it's being mixed up with Chris's head canon. Given Josh's long list of enemies, it could be anyone (Samuel C. Smith probably has a hand in this, and maybe others close to him), but would it really surprise anyone at...
  5. Christine's Pickles

    The End Of ChrisVangelion

    "We knew this wouldn't end well..." lul Hearing Chris say "You used to do that more flirtingly" in that autistic high-pitched voice is creepy asf now.
  6. Christine's Pickles

    Failed Bloodsport Cow - Ray Lazarus/Covenant Lazarus (Rewrite)

    I've got nothing to add to the thread since I have only heard about this Ray Lazarus person in passing, but regarding the @Reborn Rose email hack thing: We also had an issue with the hosting server that resulted in losing over a week of posts recently. I don't remember the timing of this...
  7. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-caroline-farrow-adrian-harrop-and-anthony-george-halliday-stephanie-hayden-megathread.71712/page-122#post-10651511 (archive)
  8. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Latest Letter from CWC Dated November 30th: Barbara Injured in a Automobile Accident

    Even when locked up, Chris will always ask for donations. It's probably how Chris is still buying useless crap at the commissary, though after this case wraps up, depending on what level of contact they allow Chris to have with anyone on the outside, begging people for money via jail letters may...
  9. Christine's Pickles

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Is it possible to schedule backups? Maybe one that runs every 6 hours? HostGator is fairly low-tier hosting so they probably don't offer backups (didn't look), but perhaps another cloud server that grabs the files and database periodically, then does a snapshot, could work. The backup volume...
  10. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    I am guessing that she doesn't have friends in real life, and based on what we know of how she treated people back in the SC days, she probably doesn't have many online, either. She did say on her old Blogspot page (I don't think it's archived here, and I'd have to find it again on archive.org...
  11. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    So... remember how I pointed out that this person likes to sperg out on Reddit? Apparently, that hasn't changed, but now the focus has drifted away from white-knighting Chris-chan and onto a-logging Dr. Anthony Fauci. I know that there is an entire (rather heated) debate about the COVID-19...
  12. Christine's Pickles

    Christory CWC 4th Letter to Kengle (Onionfarms) Full Contents

    I have mixed feelings on everything the more I think about it, but "security by obscurity" might be the best course of action for the state to take so they don't have to deal with this person and all of their trolls/weens/a-logs again. Of course, if an identity change and psychiatric facility...
  13. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Null finally banned her. About fucking time. Most of that thread was unreadable. She'll probably sock a few more times to get back on there, but the fact that Josh was allowing someone who was actively suing him over and over to be on that forum was stupid as fuck any way you look at it. Oh...
  14. Christine's Pickles

    Public Figure - Niche Melinda Leigh Scott & Marshall Castersen: The Flat-Earther Jewish Hillbillies of The Blue Ridge Mountains. The Kiwifarms Lumberjack

    It's been said in the other thread about the Scott v. Moon cases, and the more this goes on, the more it's absolutely correct: Null is milking this so he can scream at the T&H crowd to pay up more and more. It's really one of those cases where no matter who wins, we all get to laugh, because...
  15. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Update on the CWC Trial - Continuance Until February 3rd. Trial Closed to the Public

    I'm honestly relieved that they decided to keep the public out. That means no weens, no a-logs, no attention whores, and no bullshit. Are they even going to allow the press to cover this at all, or is everyone pretty much going to have to wait until it's over (if it's even a matter of public...
  16. Christine's Pickles

    Christory CWC's Trial Starts Today

    You know it's current year when we get a more believable prediction of what will happen to Chris from a tarot reading than from a bunch of KF CWC subforum spergs or Reddit weens. Not to get TOO much into navel-gazing in this thread, but Chris and Barb may have gravitated toward each other...
  17. Christine's Pickles

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Twitter/Facebook/Instagram feed from the same account? How's that going to work? That's a lot of integration work for something that isn't going to get looked at very often unless it's a social media account with a lot of followers who actively engage with its posts. Additionally, some of the...
  18. Christine's Pickles

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    I didn't realize that we had a no-doxing policy, but my personal rule of thumb is that if I can't find it on a web search as being a name/address/phone number with an easily provable link to the person of interest, I don't post it. For example, I did some digging with a piece of information in...
  19. Christine's Pickles


    Some rando on KF supposedly bought Kat's sister Jenna's sex services and posted about it on KF. Josh got triggered, some literal who got offended enough to leave KF forever, and the whole thing is... well, it is. The fun starts on page 260 of the Kat Speculation thread (not archiving pages of...
  20. Christine's Pickles

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwis that could be halal worthy

    AnOminous is a-logging pretty hard now. I noticed it in the Lowtax thread after Lowtax an heroed, but he's also been turning up the MATI on Melinda Scott, DSP, Tommy Tooter, and probably a few others as well. I liked his legal posts because he had at least some idea of what he was talking about...
  21. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Between this and the wall of text that he and his lawyer spammed at the federal court in the Melinda Scott suit this week, Null sure is showing himself to be quite the legal mastermind. Emailing the police about someone "harassing" them is almost as epic as that Roy Philipose dude who forwarded...
  22. Christine's Pickles

    LowTax of SA infamy dead?

    There are plenty of people who shat on Lowtax while he was still alive that are crying crocodile tears right now, so yes, hard agree. With that said, there are plenty of people who are also saying that he was a huge piece of shit, too. From what I can tell, the ex isn't super great, either, so...
  23. Christine's Pickles

    Lolcow.org Under a DDOS Attack

    Aww, it's their first DDoS attack. These lolcow forums grow up so fast! Did someone over there say that Byuu didn't kill himself or something?
  24. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Josh wanted to chimp out about something and spun the wheel, and the Thunderdome was where it landed... https://kiwifarms.is/threads/kyle-rittenhouse-legal-proceedings.103034/page-398#post-10420075 (archive)
  25. Christine's Pickles

    Facebook Ad Running for Onionfarms

    Josh is complaining about @Sailfish emailing him "several times every month" "for years" https://kiwifarms.is/threads/kenneth-erwin-engelhardt-kengel-saturnella-thundersteam-onionnull-sailfish8964.1869/post-10403519 (archive)...
  26. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Latest MATI article about these constant lawsuits (archive) It also got put on ZeroHedge (archive), which for some reason pissed off gunt, but who cares about that guy
  27. Christine's Pickles

    Kiwifarms Linked CommieBentDuckGirl

    I am just now really looking more into this cow, and trying to figure out why KF is (or was ever) slobbering all over their girldick, but if someone has to dunk on Tommy Fucking Tooter of all people to try to make themselves look better (archive), that's a huge tell right there.
  28. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    As long as Jawsh can keep reposting old MATI articles on ZeroHedge to get a dozen pages of asspats, he'll keep KF going. As long as he can act like a total pants-on-head retard with his random chimpouts at longtime members and get attention, he'll keep KF going. As long as he can use the Melinda...
  29. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Josh acts like getting an autonomous system number (ASN) is the key to him getting to "sit at the table" as he said in his KF post "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (archive), which itself is a reference to a blog post on his MATI page (archive). However, that doesn't mean that his hosting is really...
  30. Christine's Pickles

    The Contents of CWC's letter Exactly as Scanned

    Get used to these letters from jail/prison, because that plea deal is probably not going to be too kind to Chris, especially after pulling shit like this.
  31. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    Probably for the best tbh. It's one of the few things in Christory where if it gets destroyed/deleted, most people aren't going to care that much. It's not funny, it's not content that has particular value, etc. I had a passing curiosity about it, and that's been satisfied now.
  32. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    Turns out, that sports journalist is (or at least was as of a year ago) a regular guest on Killstream: https://kiwifarms.is/threads/ethan-oliver-ralph-theralphretort-jcaesar187-the-killstream.16672/post-7210021 So some galaxy brain from the guntsphere wrote that article, lul
  33. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    Among many other things that trigger CWC subforum people on KF is the existence of The Black Tape. You know the one: Bob had just died, and someone supposedly recorded a call with Chris crying about it. I honestly never gave a shit about it once I learned of its supposed existence, but there are...
  34. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    He will probably never go for this. Anything that compromises the "free speech" ideal of KF (well, "free speech" as long as you don't @ him in chat on the wrong day, laugh at his chimpouts, be British, give him a "mad on the internet" rating, ...) is likely off the table. This I actually could...
  35. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    Astin just ate a threadban earlier this morning for shitting up the "Bella returns to Texas Tech" thread on the ILJ subforum on KF. https://kiwifarms.is/threads/bella-returns-to-texas-tech-social-fallout-and-misc-speculation.98250/post-10090507 (archive) I guess she'll just have to go back to...
  36. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    The letter was sent to someone else and Chris asked the recipient to relay the contents to Null. Whoever received this was in the US, but they (or someone they know) would have digitized it and sent it to Null after the fact. Also, the sender info on the letter... "Chris Chan Sonichu, c/o...
  37. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    He claimed somewhere that he spends $5,000 every time he has to file anything in response to this bullshit, but there are a lot of T&H users on that site, so maybe it doesn't hurt as much. Good point.
  38. Christine's Pickles

    Isabella Loretta Janke

    There really hasn't been much since the pinned thread in the KF ILJ subforum has been made. I think the first page of that thread will contain just about anything that you would need. Everything else in there is a huge pile of autism, inter-jannie drama (see also: autism), and other emerging...
  39. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I have a question for any legal onions: Is Joshua handling this Melinda Scott issue the best he can? It sure does seem like Scott could have been labeled a vexatious litigant on some level before she started filing in forma pauperis gibberish in federal courts, especially since she racked up so...
  40. Christine's Pickles

    Hayden Jagst / Carnifex879 / HunterxHunter78

    Hayden Jagst Previous address: 368 Woodlake Dr. Brighton, MI 48116 https://www.michiganresidentdatabase.com/person/4003815875/edward-jagst (archive) Current address: LOL JAIL Hayden Jagst (born 2003) is a zoomer from Brighton, Michigan, or as he liked to call it, "Gretchen Whitler's People's...
  41. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    Every time I think I should check Reddit to see what kind of spergery she's getting up to over there, I get sidetracked with the spergery she's getting up to on KF. It makes this way easier to keep track! Also, the fact that she's trying to play psychiatrist with a perpetually assblasted troll...
  42. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Been a while since we had a good chimpout from Mr. Moon, but apparently, he really hates it when people make suggestions about, well, anything. Enjoy this two-for-one deal!
  43. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    https://kvia.com/news/us-world/2021/09/26/infamous-transgender-internet-personality-chris-chan-compares-self-to-jesus-while-jailed-for-allegedly-raping-elderly-mother/ > quoted GiBi > quoted GiBi again > linked GiBi's YouTube video about this at the very end :thinking:
  44. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    PRAISE JEBUS(chan)!!! That letter is hilarious. Even in jail, no one trolls Chris better than Chris.
  45. Christine's Pickles

    Subtitles on Lolcow Threads?

    That's another discussion entirely, but what I was talking about was simply having a subtitle under each thread title. In order to illustrate my point, let's take a look at how KF does it (yeah, I know, but like it or not, it's more or less the standard for this type of forum): Not every...
  46. Christine's Pickles

    Subtitles on Lolcow Threads?

    Hey, can we get subtitles enabled for threads in the Lolcow subforums? It would make it easier to list the talking points of why there's a thread on the subject. Thanks!
  47. Christine's Pickles

    Why this color Scheme

    I set my default theme to Nightshade, so when I am logged in, it switches over. It seemed to be the least offensive on the eyes, plus it makes things easier to read.
  48. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    Double post to add this because I was getting a "message too long" error when trying to edit the previous one. Of course, this fucking rabbit hole had to get even deeper, didn't it?
  49. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    As if the Bella subforum on KF isn't autistic enough, here comes Ass-stain to shit up a random thread in there because she clearly wasn't getting enough attention told off on Reddit enough lately. >"I am normal" :story:
  50. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    Of course, the September 16th court date ended up being a continuance to November with no new charges filed yet. Two more months of baseless speculation from the entire Chrisiverse while waiting for the other shoe to drop, assuming that the November date doesn't result in another continuance...
  51. Christine's Pickles

    Public Figure - Niche Venus Isabelle Palermo

    Her mother Margaret is a total nutcase, but I think many people overlooked that Venus isn't exactly playing with a full deck herself when this whole thing first hit the BP sphere. Now it's apparent that the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. Tinfoil hat time: I wonder if Venus and Margo...
  52. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    I did notice that when I went through her KF posting history to see if there was anything else worthwhile, but it does underline the point of her doing whatever she can to act like a nuisance and get attention. There are definitely more potential gems in her Reddit post history since that's...
  53. Christine's Pickles

    Isabella Loretta Janke

    Only a matter of time before Portabella got a thread over here. I don't think that there's going to be a lot of milk coming from this cow now that a lot of her edgier stuff got exposed, but what does come is going to be worthwhile since she's still in that early stage of damage control, much...
  54. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I don't have an account over there. I'd imagine someone on KF used it at some point during Christory, lol.
  55. Christine's Pickles

    Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

    Names: Astin Soul, Vixen Soul, Luna Prey (Lunaprey), Alise Birth Date: ??/??/1997 (23-24 years old as of this post) Known Locations: Daytona Beach, FL (2016), Madison, WI (more recently), China? Known For: Administrating/"coding" (?) the Sociopath Community forum/chat (2013-2016, and likely for...
  56. Christine's Pickles

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    This post aged well. Also, the KF CWC subforum is exploding with unbridled autism (not that it wasn't doing that before "the merge"). You'd think with Chris locked up and facing the next court date in mid-September that there wouldn't be much to talk about, buuuut... If you go into each...
  57. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I don't recall him ever saying anything about talking to Bullitt County, KY. He said he contacted the FBI and Greene County, VA, and both times it went nowhere. Of course - the FBI isn't going to bother with a relatively small case where the damages are only $6,000, and as you said, a county in...
  58. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I'm curious to hear your thoughts about what role you saw Null playing in it. I was a KF/CWC lurker back then, and looking back on it now, it does seem that a lot of the effort to reveal the Idea Guys and get the law involved was Null putting up a front to look like a concerned citizen more than...
  59. Christine's Pickles

    The irony of kiwifarms

    If you use the .is domain, it lets you through usually. The .ru one has DDoS protection on it, but it's through DDoS Guard and not CloudFlare, so it's a little more permissive. And that DDoS is ridiculous. I can't think of any other site out there that has had a DDoS attack go on for almost 3...
  60. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I'd even take it a bit further and say that the court will order him not to interact with the Internet at all unsupervised/unmonitored - possibly indefinitely. This is probably in their best interest so that whatever treatment that Chris gets can work effectively without getting derailed by a...
  61. Christine's Pickles

    The irony of kiwifarms

    Splinter forums like this are good places for people who have no interest in joining KF (especially now that it's invite-only, and who knows how long that will last), or for those who have been banned from KF, or for people who want somewhere to hang out when KF is down from yet another DDoS or...
  62. Christine's Pickles

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Is it just me, or is Null acting really weird over the whole ILJ thing? He talks about how he doesn't want to talk about it on his MATI podcast and won't post about it on the forums beyond the generic "nothing is going to happen to her" posts (which I do think is the most likely outcome)...