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Search results

  1. C

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Electrics!=Electronics. In Jewsh's defense, a car like a VW Golf mk2 diesel really does have minimal electronics, i.e. doesn't use an ECU and is completely mechanical where it matters. And if he's in Serbia, it's super easy to find one on the used market and he'll get the street cred, as the...
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    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I think he was in Ukraine for some business reasons or some shit. And he's supposedly in Serbia because he's afraid of US glowies and their allied colleagues. The degree of schizoness is so high that he was apparently asking for a car that the glowies can't track remotely and one without...
  3. C

    Hobbies What is your favorite retro console/game?

    Yes, exactly that. It has real good hardware. In some regards it overshadows both the SNES and Megadrive. The SuperGrafx has an additional VDC that overlays its output on the first VDC. This gives it another background layer and twice the amount of sprites per scanline and at all. The stock PC...
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    Tards on Twitter

    Don't worry there's just as many western anime fans that hate niggers and faggots. I mean, that's pretty much 4chan /pol/. I recall one being covered on Kiwifarms, where he threw an autistic tantrum on Twitter about said niggers and faggots, especially trannies. Really, if you don't touch...
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    Computer & Internet Related Linus Tech Tips

    Says the one with AnusSquirt69 as their username. You might be young enough to attract EDP!
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    Computer & Internet Related Linus Tech Tips

    Wdym? Fuck whoever you want, so long as it's consensual. Only a commie would tell you which race should you bang (Commie Romania really did engage in that). If I want to bang an Asian or black woman, and she says yes, I'll bang her. Likewise, if I want to bang an Aryan Viking woman, and she says...
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    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Why were you banned from kiwi farms?

    I wasn't banned from the other farms. It's just that they're completely broken. But now I have to learn to navigate between different sections here.
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    Words that have been ruined by the internet?

    Tranny as well. Back in the day it was short for "transmission" as in a car's transmission. Back then if you said "I've fucked a tranny." one would assume you fucked a car's transmission after doing god knows what. Nowadays...you'd end up with Jordan Peterson throwing an autistic tantrum at...
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    Turkey News and Drama Turkey and Armenia Sign Landmark Legislation to Normalize Relations

    It was only a matter of time. Turkroaches never denied the Armenian genocide, they just denied that it was THEM who did it.
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    Public Figure - Prominent Individual Matthew Vickers Files a lawsuit against Ethan Oliver Ralph and 50 Does on Twitter

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    Random videos

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    Cryptocurrency: Scam or Simply Dumb?

    Crypto shekels are nothing more but a tool. Or investment. There's bad investments and good investments. Use your own brain. And they can be used for good purposes, such as funding in some authoritarian regimes swept by sanctions and or a shit economy, without the guv'ment doing some shit to...
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    Dmitry Medvedev: Deputy Chair of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The third President of Russia, 2008-2012. Twitter Shitposter

    He's not much better even in more official media statements. Around 2022 he upped his game on becoming more of a Solovjov/Kiseljov copycat with his occasional nuclear annihilation threats to the west. He doesn't really have much of a choice, though, as he has always been Putin's puppet. He...
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    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Cuck duck really speaking facts on this one, though. Burgerstan education might as well be EAducation, as it's very pay to win. Even shitholistans in Eastern Europe have better public education in some regards. But American ignorance is a whole rabbit hole of its own, too complex for this...
  15. C

    Hobbies What is your favorite retro console/game?

    Your local game shop was probably ripping people off. According to Segaretro's sauce it was £40. Still, back in Japan it was quite a bit cheaper, 6000 yen, which was about 47$ in 1988. Something I noticed on there is that for some reason Phantasy Star games in the west were price gouged compared...
  16. C

    Hobbies What is your favorite retro console/game?

    Master System had Phantasy Star games, tho. Even in Europe! Final Fantasy only reached Europe in the PS1 era. Interestingly enough, the Master System performed much better in Europe, except Scandinavia, than the NES did. I believe a major selling point compared to home computers like the C64 and...
  17. C

    Hobbies What is your favorite retro console/game?

    The PC Engine. Whoever did this poll is an ignorant bugman doing a retro gamer equivalent of "How do you do fellow kids?". The PC Engine or TG16 in Hamburgerland was really successful in Japan and really deserves more appreciation. Its successor, SupeGrafx, also deserves appreciation. Remember...
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    Western Europe Silvio "Bunga Bunga" Berlusconi Dead

    He was also the owner of the Merdaset TV network, known for butchering various anime (fortunately, not nearly as much as 4kids) they adapt in Italian with kid friendly censorship and sometimes changing character's names in Italian for...reasons. And also known for endless airings of One Piece...
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    Random videos

    Holy fucking shit, the autistic a logging is insane here! This shit makes antifa look reasonable! I got acute autism radiation sickness from this! Imagine some antifa tards buying server equipment from the same company as kiwifarms did and then drive over it with a steamroller. It's just a waste...
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    As one other poster, I kind of started following Vinesauce after seeing Joel's Windows destruction videos. Hell, I even installed Bonzi Buddy for that exact reason! In retrospect, I should've installed it on school PCs back in the day...
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    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Have fun being impersonated by both Keffals and Fuentes fans that hate it when their idols are being made fun of!
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    🇷🇺 IP2 Russia

    The grenade was a fake one. The part where the grenade blows up like a real grenade is fake af.
  23. C

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Sweet fucking Jesus, the text looks hideous! Was that screenshot on Windows XP or downscaled and upscaled with MS Paint's resize tool?