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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

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  1. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    LOL one thing I have learned is that people with power can lie and people will believe it. I guess I could take a screenshot and paste it into GIMP showing you sliding into my DMs after being admonished for threadbanning. But I ain't that inclined, and you don't matter enough.
  2. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    You are a fucking liar and mad I told you to fuck off after you slid into my DMs.
  3. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    Josh is fueled by spite. I would have given up, but I sort of understand his resolve against power thirsty faggots.
  4. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    But Void will still be an impotent faggot.
  5. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    Worst fucking janny ever. Hanging onto what little power he has on the internet. Full of resentment towards the Farms. Absolute faggot.
  6. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Take your threats and shove them up your ass, faggot. You are no different than the KF janies you hate.
  7. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I think he would like to, but his personality disorders will not allow it.
  8. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Hi Josh, which tranny mod are you protecting today?
  9. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    So basically don't make people who want power over others feel awkward. LOL this is truly KF 2.0
  10. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    He could have responded very, very differently and we both agree on that. Never once did I suggest he should have handed over user data. This need to defend Josh is not going to help him live a normal life in the long run.
  11. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Hobbies What are you Currently Playing?

    This game is not fun. Its super frustrating. But you should play it. https://projectzomboid.com/blog/
  12. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Ignored due to spam. Sorry bud. You're wasting the limited time I got left. Best of luck.
  13. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation KiwiFarms alternatives???

    Old Internet was a thing that will never come back. Fuck off, son. You're in that golden age of the 30s when you can laugh at such things. But your time is coming. Remember this post.
  14. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Public Figure - Niche Ice Poseidon / Paul Michael Joseph Denino

    Ice's return has been filled with scripts, nontent and boredom. Such is the state of IP2.
  15. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation KiwiFarms alternatives???

    I suggest giving up on any notions of the Old Internet unless you want to wade through the absolute shit that is the Fediverse. Best of luck.
  16. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Josh honestly brings this shit on himself. The Christchurch shooting footage for example. Did he calmly explain why it would be important to see the horrors of extremism? Did he calmly explain why information should be free? No, he told an entire government to fuck off and eat shit. The dude has...
  17. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Did I call you out by name? If not, perhaps the issue is internal. After all, never trust a janny. People who desire power on internet forums are probably seriously fucked up.
  18. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    The troon army will eat itself and Josh will somehow snatch defeat from the jaws of victory due to oppositional defiance disorder. It is what it is toobz.
  19. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I'm pretty convinced that some people on this forum absolutely hate Null because of some esoteric background drama and there are some people on this forum who view him as some noble crusader fighting for free speech against cultural degeneracy. You're both retarded.
  20. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    God you people are nuts.
  21. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Only severely mentally ill people seek out gore.
  22. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Again, this doesn't come across as loli. I have no idea what age this character is supposed to be. She doesn't even have a mouth. Was just stating the difference between intent and animator laziness.
  23. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I do not view the original example as an example of pedo shit, that is a stretch from someone with an axe to grind. There are far worse, explicitly sexual things out there. But yeah, someone deliberately drew lingerie on her legs while the Simpsons gif was the result of animator laziness. It...
  24. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Well, the first image was a drawing of a very young girl wearing lingerie. The Simpsons example was due to sheer animator laziness. There is a distinct contextual difference here. With that said I have no dog in this particular autistic slapfight. But as a fan of the Simpsons I could not let...
  25. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    IP2 Related IP2 / PCMemes.net

    @Empresa not sure if you have this link so give me the late sticker if necessary. https://archive.org/details/@ip2cxhistorian?&sort=-publicdate&page=8
  26. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Wasn't replying to you bud, Sorry for not using quotes to specify.
  27. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    @Clint's Burden Lucas is a boring weirdo. Release all the dirt on Cobes.
  28. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    The Ireland "dox" and "threat" was originally posted on 4chan. There are so many things to honestly criticize Josh for. Why make stuff up?
  29. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    IP2 Related IP2 / PCMemes.net

    I have AIDS and I need your financial support
  30. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I wish I knew how to use the stickers here because I would give you a late one.
  31. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    If you are the real DudeWeed this is exactly what I would expect you to post. If you are not the real DudeWeed this is a 10/10 troll.
  32. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Banal better word choice Mr Fancy Pants.
  33. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    We live in a post-truth world. People tailor their information to reinforce what they already believed. It is what it is toobz.
  34. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    IP2 Related IP2 / PCMemes.net

    Cheeto hits someone. Cops are called. https://pomf2.lain.la/f9i9jrx2.mp4 edit : fixed the URL try to just upload them here locally , file size limit is 100 mb bonus clip Cheeto & Kiki an IRL love story
  35. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I don't buy this is about trans rights and protecting people anymore than I believe KF was about free speech. Keffal's crusade is about power and control.
  36. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Addressing the Newbie KF refugees

    King Cobra, IP2 related ones, watching America First burn, sometimes seeing if Boogie was dead yet. Edit: Farms were literally my only source of updates for SJC. Just can't find it within myself to follow him.
  37. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I looked into it, was completely turned off and felt absolutely no need to figure it out.
  38. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Addressing the Newbie KF refugees

    I've learned a decent amount or sordid lore regarding KF, Josh, mods, etc. I'm grateful for that. But nothing I've read would make me not want to go back to reading the threads I enjoyed if Josh is stupid enough to try and get KF going again. Nothing personal against yall. Edit: Josh is probably...
  39. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    There are a lot of things that could have prevented this from happening. I'm pretty sure Josh has Oppositional Defiance Disorder. So many of his choices seem based on simply being contrarian. If he is smart he will just walk away. He dared people with literally nothing to do all day to fuck up...
  40. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

  41. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    The Twitter account claiming responsibility for the hack is pretty gay.
  42. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    KingCobraJFS / Joshua Fay Saunders - Delusional alcoholic, demonic wizard, amateur musician and professional wandmaker.

    @Clint's Burden I asked you if you would ever truly dump all the dirt you had. You said yes. KF is gone. No one reads this shit. It is time. It is time to dump it all. Do it Games.
  43. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

  44. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Animes that don't suck

    The only acceptable cartoon for adults to watch is King of the Hill and perhaps early seasons of The Simpsons. All this weeb shit is retarded.
  45. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    This is not political. I know DE and the concept of the cathedral is mocked as weird doomer shit, and in some cases it is. But the cathedral is not political. Whether Newsmax or Vice promotes a false story, the false story perpetuates the same. Also please stop believing Josh was the first to...
  46. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    If you honestly don't understand that the average KF user just went there to read a few funny threads, not to invest themselves emotionally into all this faggot backstory shit then I don't know what to tell you. But what I can tell you is that you are weird. I don't like you. Please stop...
  47. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Imagine being someone who just laughs at a few threads on KF instead of knowing all this deep lore about internet perverts. You are genuinely as fucked up and weird as Josh.
  48. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I guess you can ask @Empresa Also you can shove your gatekeeping nonsense up your ass pal.
  49. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Prosecution for what? This is getting a little weird.
  50. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    IP2 Related IP2 / PCMemes.net

    Appreciate one of my clips making it into @Empresa updates. No will not say which one.
  51. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    This isn't political....
  52. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I read this entire thread today at work. My takeways from it: Josh is a deeply flawed, lonely man with a terrible judge of character. Apparently there are/were a lot of deeply weird jannies. Like legit mentally ill trannies and furries with a 1488 flavor. What the fuck Josh? Some of these...
  53. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    I don't think its exactly fair to say that because someone chose to do something and then post about it on KF that this is somehow Null's fault.
  54. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Sure, but for all the freak shows allowed access to the clearnet I honestly don't understand why KF was so bad in comparison.
  55. Vodka and Pickle Brine

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Hi pals. Kiwi lurker here. Since I would just read particular threads that I found interesting, and really have no opinion about Null one way or another, can someone please explain all this backstory about mods, resentment and what makes Null worthy of all this? I don't buy that KF is some noble...