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Kiwifarms Linked AnOminous / the old fat lawyer who spends his time posting on kiwifarms all day.

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
I’m not kidding either, here’s his YouTube channel:

52 years old, left wing, fat, looks unemployed. Sounds like him alright. Also has a wikifur article that says it was removed by request of the subject.
Blumrich continued making his presence known in the fandom by hanging around both Pro and Con online Furry sites until the date of September 11, 2001. 16 hours later after the tragic incident of 9-11, he would fatefully write in the Yerf newsgroup Yerf.yap the post that would push his fourth in command in the Burned Fur movement, Peter "Hangdog" Schorn, to threaten in writing to kill Blumrich "with his bare hands," this was to be the signal of the beginning of the end of the Burned Furs, and with it, Eric's involvement in it and the furry fandom.
I’m not kidding either, here’s his YouTube channel:

52 years old, left wing, fat, looks unemployed. Sounds like him alright. Also has a wikifur article that says it was removed by request of the subject.
I don't think he's Blumrich but it's such an esoteric reference to a person that there's no way he didn't orbit the anti-LGBT furry online groups in the early 2000s. I vaguely remember reading about their dramas on the old Portal of Evil site, it couldn't have been more than a few dozen people involved in things like the Burned Furs. AnOminous is a shrieking autistic who gets off to gay romances in kids cartoons, he must have made an impression on some people before he migrated to what Joshua created.
If Blumrich has experience in law he's alluded to yeah it's him lol
He did web design for a law reform think tank (Drug Policy Alliance). If you’re working from an esoteric standpoint you can easily spin that as law experience.

Also look at him lol. He constantly uses John Goodman pics because they look similar, except Blumrich is less fat and more spergy.
Aktually... Catch 22, you have to be mad to do the missions. Therefore, insanity won't get you out of the missions.
I would love to see a comp of all the times he suck nulls dick. Why did he stop being a mod on that site.
Jewsh wants to fuck with the jcaesar187male on a very public level, outside of the Faggot Forums, and when he gets called out for "making trolling plans", FaggotFatty says "He's the owner of the site, he can do what he wants, cope and seethe" like the retarded liberal that he is.

Remember, No Trolling Plans.png (

Since anything goes for former jannies that quit because of conservatives flocking to the site, users are now obligated to fuck with AnOmngus, and his response was very lax, to say the least:

Be Careful What You Wish For, AnOminous.png (

Also, try to report on some "True & Honest" faggot, and this is what you get:

hohoho fuck youselves.png

Holy shit, these are screencaps from today, and they show that the fat furry faggot has been on the farms all day, only taking a five-hour break to sleep:




AnOminous, the fat furry faggot pretending to be John Goodman, disbarred lolyer, +55 year-old divorcee and "former" janny, doesn't have a life outside of Kiwi Farms, Kiwi Farms is his life, and he won't just die without it, he'll ceased to be without it as his whole existence is that site! Lord, have mercy on us all!
He has over 3 pages worth of posts in the relatively new sanctioned suicide thread simping for a website that gives minors and the mentally ill step by step instructions on how to die. He also alogs the parents for DARING to try to get site taken down. By the way according to him and his ilk Ethan Ralph must be in jail for being mean to Jim Metokur, but running a site to encourage suicide is based and free speech.
He has over 3 pages worth of posts in the relatively new sanctioned suicide thread simping for a website that gives minors and the mentally ill step by step instructions on how to die. He also alogs the parents for DARING to try to get site taken down. By the way according to him and his ilk Ethan Ralph must be in jail for being mean to Jim Metokur, but running a site to encourage suicide is based and free speech.
View attachment 31996
50 effort posts a day averaged my g.
By the way the site with the rule of no trolling plans is defending a site called sanctioned suicide making the thread a giant hugbox. AnOminous a 50 year old failed lawyer is saying anyone who opposes sites that groom people into killing themselves is a pedophile. Ironic that he ignores a certain someone who hosted an 8chan board for pedophiles and was proud of it.
AnOminous_Wants_Kengle_Killed.png (

@Sailfish AnOminous wants to see you dead and violated, especially after you were swatted (supposedly) by Elaine; if anyone on Foxdick ever said that about anyone, he would've received a warning, but since HamOrbitous is one of those legacy users on the site, he just gets neg-rated without suffering any serious repercussions. Seriously, why does he hate you so much; what ever happened between the two of you to make him say this?