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Default Prefix - Flag for Staff I'm Soyteen Liker and This is My Introduction

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Namefag from soyjak.blog

Soyteen Liker

Well Rounded 'Liker
Registered Member
I'm a namefag from soyjak.blog with over 3,500 posts there! Nice to meet you guys, I'm posting here because I wasn't sure where else to post.

>this user is best known for:
  • Being very interested in 'toons
  • Voicing over various soyblog posts and threads with THE most ESL and incoherent speech impediment voice despite being raised and born in the US of A
  • Being a wannabe pooner with autoandrophilia
  • Drawing once in a blue moon
  • Mostly failing to try coding a "Soyjak.blog Friendship Simulator"
  • Coming back from around -600 soyblog karma to almost 1,500
  • Successfully LARPing as the permanently banned user terrycrews on the encyclopedia dramatica forums for over 300 posts and even getting the janny Steve to make a thread on it.
  • Trying and mostly failing to popularize userboxes in people's about me pages.
  • Not having a computer for years due to being emotionally unstable supposedly (I got it back though!)
  • Being an ex-gooner who asked soyblog users if they would change their genitals to a blue tentacle only to have the thread deleted and banned by Froot himself for the reason "retarded nigger" for 5 days
  • Being 20 years old and still using the name "Soyteen Liker"
I'm new here, so let me know if you have any tips, advice or questions! I can even voice over some of the posts here if you guys think it would be funny.
Has anyone else ever come into contact with the 'jаk dealer? I don't know if he's still around, but one year ago he offered me his "exceedingly rare" 'jаks for free. He said to me that if you soyquote anyone with one, that person will immediately lose all hair on their heads, grow an unkempt layer of stubble, and become cripplingly addicted to Nintendo Switches and trаnny porn, and finally dіе within a week due to malnutrition from only drinking Soylеnt. He claimed to have ended the soyduelling careers of hundreds and fears his own 'jаks may one day end his life, so he blinded himself and keeps all of them locked inside a briefcase. No one knows what his 'jаks look like or how many of them he owns.