• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
So does this mean Jersh will finally stop with his "Elon Musk is trying to censor me" grift now that he got his Twitter account back or will he continue to A-Log Elon Musk?

Then again, Elon Musk still allows Nick Fuentes to be on Twitter where Nick Fuentes also A-Logs Elon Musk; so more hilarity coming from this.
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Null had a total meltdown after someone gave him unsolicited weight loss advice, ranting about how they're no different then people trying to shut Kiwi Farms down and how lonely he is in his new swamp compound.
"I just changed country, I don't know anyone, I'm in a remote location, I don't have access to clubs or anything because I'm in a swamp very far from civilization"

So you willingly isolated yourself from civilization just to yell at Kiwis for trying to help you lose weight?

#DKF was what knocked me off my last meal plan.

Dude, you're blaming the troons for getting you fat?! This is literally like people blaming the Covid lockdowns for getting them fat. No, you got fat because you like to ate trash and live a sedentary lifestyle sitting behind the computer all day yelling at Kiwis.

Weight loss challenge for Null: Why don't you try walking to your nearest town to meet some of the locals, Null?
That's surely gonna help you lose weight faster than calling Kiwis "absolute faggots".

What I want is to be slimmer just so I look more put together if I talk to someone important or if I have to appear in court. That's literally it.

Null, you really think people are gonna like you better based on the size of your waist? As if your shitty, grumpy, gaslighting, backstabbing personality isn't going to evaporate any initial goodwill on their part ,the instant you open your mouth behind their backs to trashtalk them on MATI, like you've done with anyone who's ever associated with you? Also, what's this crap about "I have to appear in court"? What court? You mean the Torswats thing in February with Jeremy/The Quartering? AFAIK you're not in a court case right now, and besides, you never had to appear in court in the past, so what are you on about? You've always hid yourself behind your lawyers, sending them to court to rep you so you never had to go yourself. If you're planning to change this now, where did you get this sudden nerve to start appearing in court yourself? After completely isolating yourself from civilization, no less? :rolleyes:

"If I talk to someone important", like, whom? Literally whom? Those Gen Z Youtubers who naively invite you on their Livestreams only for you to trashtalk them on MATI after the fact?

Damn, I ignored this guy for a while to work on my other thread, but the moment I check in on him he's back to posting crap like this.
ranting about how they're no different then people trying to shut Kiwi Farms down and how lonely he is in his new swamp compound.
Man. That was some teengirl-so-upset-snot-comes-out-their-nose emotional incontinence...
lol. Friendly advice. I guess, as someone with ODD, the best way to get through to joshy, would be... Tell him to eat a Scottish Diet (EVERYTHING deep fat fried) and hope he strokes out during MATI.
You know he's blubbing, like it's Aunt Flo's monthly visit.
This is literally like people blaming the Covid lockdowns for getting them fat.
It's not, Lerd. Blaming the group you are jealous of, isn't the same as gaining weight, because of not being able to go out as much.
:Null "If you don't freebase my pizzafarts,
you are literally genociding the Kiwifarms!"

Null, you really think people are gonna like you better based on the size of your waist? As if your shitty, grumpy, gaslighting, backstabbing personality isn't going to evaporate any initial goodwill on their part ,the instant you open your mouth behind their backs to trashtalk them on MATI, like you've done with anyone who's ever associated with you?
Null should just show himself, even if he's ugly, no1kurr, the internet will roast him for 24 hours then move on to the next thing.
You know he's blubbing, like it's Aunt Flo's monthly visit.
Some trans women have periods. Get over it.
joshy is still the Greek naif...
It's not a cliff, monger coon. It's a hill. Sisyphus is being PUNISHED by Zeus, for some naughtiness, and Sisyphus has to push the stone up the hill, just to have to push it down (and when it was up, it was up...)

Dude, you do realize that OTHER people, one's that aren't as dumb as the kwiffar (vast majority of planet), they are going to see it and go "What on Earth is that guy on about". Hey, I guess if it's all just some scam to launder money, it doesn't matter, does it?
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Null had a total meltdown after someone gave him unsolicited weight loss advice, ranting about how they're no different then people trying to shut Kiwi Farms down and how lonely he is in his new swamp compound.
You didn't mention this part, Kiwifarms user Ghost of Ted Kaczynski was actually banned for his very informative post. Josh blaming his morbid obesity on milk instead of his gluttonous habits is VERY retarded.
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Sadly, Ghost of Ted K is still trying to login to his account hoping Josh will unban him. We can only wonder what his ban message could be... "Banned for giving me good advice. Fuck off."
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Why do people even bother giving him any sort of criticism/advice if he's gonna go full manchild mode?
At this point I think it's a fetish. Like for whatever reason they get off at purposefully having Josh yell at them.

Normal people would just avoid him completely after seeing the patterns, but time and time again these people keep coming back for more.
At this point I think it's a fetish. Like for whatever reason they get off at purposefully having Josh yell at them.

Normal people would just avoid him completely after seeing the patterns, but time and time again these people keep coming back for more. ...more.
He can throw ALL the criticism he wants at people he hates but when it's him, Nope can't criticize the fat shit.
Try to give genuine good advice, nope, get yelled at retard.
And when anybody does give him anything good he throws a tit attack them.
tit attack.
I don't know if this is a typo, but it is my new favorite turn of phrase.

Hey Null, no need to have such a tit attack.

You can just imagine him bashing at his keyboard, moobs akimbo, flapping pizza juice everywhere as he tells some fifteen year old from Boise Idaho to kill himself.
Reason: engrish
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Wanna see some more of that Mighty Morphin' Power Broomin'?
Good ol' gabba remembers to tug their forelock. At least the broom got in there at record speed, like a minute, to let gabba know that. Does suggest joshy doesn't do much, apart from look at Commie Farms all day (prolly looking for people to ban). Also, reminded of this...
Josh blaming his morbid obesity on milk instead of his gluttonous habits is VERY retarded.

Here's (a live reading by Masterson of) Null admitting what actually got him fat. It wasn't the #DropKiwiFarms troons and it wasn't the cream in his coffee. It was yet another relationship that capsized. Null said he was dieting for the sake of his girlfriend at the time, and that his girlfriend herself was supposed on a keto diet together with Null. The moment she dumped him, Null stopped dieting and started eating trash again:

"It[the diet he was on at the time] ended the moment the relationship I was dieting for ended. Literally the day that the relationship ended, I went out and got fried chicken. I never again fit into the jacket I bought for myself at my lowest.":

Null’s Fat & Can’t Do a Single Push-up, A Dramatic Reading by Dick Masterson (Aug 15, 2024)

That was the relationship I mentioned in some of my earliest posts here on OnionFarms. Null said he was going to do keto together with someone he was watching Breaking Bad with at the time. I speculated that this was someone he was likely dating, and now he's finally admitting it.