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Kiwifarms Speculation Why are Kiwis obsessed with porn and lolicon?

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
On Kiwi Farms, there is a board under Articles and Happenings called "Deep Thoughts."

The name is a misnomer most of the time, but let's not dwell on that... they certainly don't. They instead dwell on porn.

And in particular, lolicon.

It seems every other week, there's a topic there about lolicon. And they always become these huge clusterfucks that last for like twenty pages.

Recently, even some Kiwis started to be like "hey, does it bother anyone else that we're seemingly obsessed with this topic?" with a couple even noting that it's not a good look.

I was gone from KF for a few days. When I come back, I look and.... yup, there's yet another Lolicon topic in Deep Thoughts.

Like, wow.

That's one reason KF is so boring these days actually: literally every single topic ever, no matter what the stated subject is, ends up being

A - a "Wokeness bad" circlejerk.

B - a "Trannies bad" circlejerk.

C - a "Lolicon bad" circlejerk.

Seriously you could probably make a topic called "what was the most adorable pet you ever owned?" and they would still find a way to make it all about wokeness, trannies, or lolicon.
A. This isn't just Kiwi, everyone wants to blame someone or something for the way the world is. Everyone wants the past and hates the present. I miss the past, I'm pretty open about that, and I'll admit even now I blame groups for why the world is shit.
B. The newest group, and a group that became a problem because of a few pushes. You might find this funny but do you know who first argued with Keffals? It was a lolicon, calling them out for Catboy Ranch. Do you know why they called them out? Because Keffals bothered them. And that idea is almost every story with a tranny. "Why do you hate them so much?" "Because they came into my hobby/community and bothered me."
C. People talk about loli because it's the one fetish you can stand on a high-ground about, people used to do the same thing about other fetishes. Like sure we might fun of furries, we might think: Hey why is it okay that furries like porn of characters that have animal heads and animal penises?
But like it or not furries are pretty much normal, least on the internet, nowadays.
I personally still find it odd the lack of wider consistency on this. It's like people say: "Shortstacks and goblins, even though they're the same thing? Oh that's fine." Again that's why Vaush used the excuse he thought it was a goblin.
D. Here's my topic I want some deep thoughts and answers about. Is it gay, or masturbation, to fuck a clone of yourself?
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D. Here's my topic I want some deep thoughts and answers about. Is it gay, or masturbation, to fuck a clone of yourself?
If you're enjoying a penis in your thunderhole or sucking on a penis then you are gay even if it's a clone of your penis. Your clone however could potentially get away with the prison gay or "clones don't have free will" loopholes to plead down to maybe bisexual or rape victim, or even play the "any hole is a goal" defence.

I think the best course of action is to either just go gay and get your vitamin D on the reg from your clone in a weird quasi-incestuous sci-fi rape fantasy or do it once and then immediately kill yourself so that the clone can take your place and be slightly less embarassing

By the people and threads Null allows into the site. I'm guessing that Null/LCF wants to bring in a bunch of ex-redditor simp guys that jerk it to loli vtubers. They'll be the ones to spend cash on the site and simp for the BP girls.

You can find it here:


by Sam

Choosong the best girls for your larder is a rather complicated matter. First you must decise what recipe the girl will be used for, then the choices can be narrowed. Then you must prepare the body based on the use to be made of the meat. Different recipes and different cooking methods determine the age, size, and preparation method.

I know most of you were told not to play with your food, but girlmeat is an exception to that rule. Before butchering, you should put her to good use. Sucking your cock is always great, but fucking her and then stuffing her cunt with your cum still inside her provides an interesting flavor addition to the stuffing mix. Also a well used cunt will be more muscular and therefore more meaty.

The best girls are between 14 and 20 years of age, with proportionately developed bodies. They should be neither fat nor skinny, except in special cases.

Breast sizes should be moderate. Breasts that are too large or that have been lactating will have large milk duct glands and a fair amount of fatty tissue and will not be the best tasting. Ideally breasts should be firm, with moderate sized nipples, and well rounded. Some people like puffy nipples if the girls is to be barbequed as these larger nipples can be sliced off early in the cooking process so that the girl can watch you eat her while she's still alive. Although somewhat tough and fatty these nipples are tasty when eaten rare, dripping with barbeque sauce.

The following recipes require the girls as indicated, although all girls can used for almost any recipe:

Posting this on people's wall is what made them worry. It has multiple parts for exceeding the character limit.
I think Kiwis are obsessed with porn because they see that as an integral part of exposing the "GloboHomo Agenda". Kiwis believe that the only reason normies still tolerate the LGBT is because they don't know what the LGBT actually do behind closed doors, or actually increasingly out in the open. Kiwis think that LGBT porn is representative of what the LGBT either already do or would like to do IRL. Therefore, Kiwis believe that if normies were exposed to just how depraved and extreme LGBT porn is, they would be so shocked and disgusted to their core at discovering the true intentions of the LGBT, that they would stop tolerating the LGBT and begin to crack down on them. That's what all of the porn on KF is, it's basically rage-bait for normies who need to see how extremely disgusting and degenerate the LGBT lifestyle really is.

Null's "Globohomo Agenda" agitprop is a far right conspiracy theory about homosexuals being extremely promiscuous and incapable of monogamy or serious bonding. The conspiracy theory is about how (((The Gays))) are recruiting poor, hapless, helpless straight people into their degenerate lifestyle as a form of "sexual cleansing" akin to ethnic cleansing. A lot of the LGBT lolcows on Null's forum are now used to illustrate this point. The grist of the conspiracy theory is that if you are straight and aren't strong enough, or sheltered enough, to resist the pull of the gay menace, you will meet your untimely end at the hands of (((The Gays))) using you as their disposable sex prop. This destructive, degenerate gay lifestyle is actively being promoted and cheered on by the mainstream media, supposedly because it's part of a globalist "Population Control" program meant to spread deadly STDs amongst the population in order to wipe out the White Race (we'll just forget that those with the most deadly STDs are still POC). Because WW3 and nuclear holocaust amongst overwhelmingly white nations isn't gonna wipe out the White Race, nope, (((The Gays))) are gonna do it before white people ever get to dropping the bombs on themselves.

It goes without saying that in this far right fantasy version of reality, porn addiction, sex addiction, hooking up, gray rape and binge culture wouldn't exist amongst straight people, who are otherwise such Zen masters of self-control, if it weren't for (((The Gays))). Yet the whole world is swarming with the often baffling results of straight people's fucking, funny how that works. The fact that straight promiscuity potentially has far worse consequences (namely, "out of wedlock" ie. unwanted children) than gay promiscuity ("there's no such thing as butt babies") never figures into such agitprop. In fact, the very core of the agitprop is very much envy over the fact that (((The Gays))) can't suffer the same consequences of sex as straight people sowing their wild oats, and how unfair that is to the poor straights who have apparently decided there just aren't enough of them around, so they can do without abortions for now to force even more of them into being, just in time for WW3 too. (If you think there's too many "empty egg carton" catlady spinsters right now, prepare for what's to come when you take away birthcontrol in the name of Jesus.)

Thus you get a trad-LARPer gay-bashing his favourite music artist for being in a long-term 5 year relationship with another female (has Null himself ever been with someone long-term for 5 years? He said he's only had flings, perhaps that's changed), but then turning around and trad-LARPing about supposedly having a daughter (?! when you're not even married yet?). It's so plainly ridiculous. He wants to conform and be a normie sooo bad. If his desperate trad-LARP must be achieved over the back of a half-deaf bisexual woman, so be it.
Null is just ass blasted even the gays can get laid, and subpar men are mad no one wants to carry them (or their defective offspring.)

.(If you think there's too many "empty egg carton" catlady spinsters right now, prepare for what's to come when you take away birthcontrol in the name of Jesus.)
And here I was "being overreactive" for predicting that there would be rise in newborns found abandoned in dumpsters or the woods like unwanted puppies and kittens.

Honk honk, I guess.🤡
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A. This isn't just Kiwi, everyone wants to blame someone or something for the way the world is
Or rather, the way the world appears to be if you're terminally online.

Seriously, one reason I don't relate to the Kiwi POV is because I don't get online all that often. Thus I don't even regularly see half the shit they complain about... its almost like living outside an echo chamber gives you a far more practical POV. Funny, that.

. Everyone wants the past and hates the present. I miss the past, I'm pretty open about that, and I'll admit even now I blame groups for why the world is shit.
I miss the past and I've only kinda fallen into this "blaming groups" thing.

Thing is I tend to blame the current group of complainers, like those on KF. Because there's two possibilities:

Possibility One, there's actually nothing wrong (or its not as big as they say) and they're just harshing everyone's buzz for no good reason.

Possibility Two, there is something wrong, and rather than do it in the way that would actually get results (and its a way they often fantasize about), they prefer to waste time on the internets. I actually presented this in a KF topic and immediately got bullshit excuse making.

C. People talk about loli because it's the one fetish you can stand on a high-ground about, people used to do the same thing about other fetishes. Like sure we might fun of furries, we might think: Hey why is it okay that furries like porn of characters that have animal heads and animal penises?
But like it or not furries are pretty much normal, least on the internet, nowadays.
I personally still find it odd the lack of wider consistency on this. It's like people say: "Shortstacks and goblins, even though they're the same thing? Oh that's fine." Again that's why Vaush used the excuse he thought it was a goblin.
Another take, one I saw in one of those interminable KF threads, is they're obsessed with lolicon because they themselves are actually into it. Basically a variation of the "the biggest homophobe in the room is actually a closet case" argument.

Fact is, whenever you have people who seemingly obsess over a certain topic, its hard to not read it as "you're secretly into it," especially when they repeatedly demonstrate that they know more than the average person does.
Another take, one I saw in one of those interminable KF threads, is they're obsessed with lolicon because they themselves are actually into it. Basically a variation of the "the biggest homophobe in the room is actually a closet case" argument.

Fact is, whenever you have people who seemingly obsess over a certain topic, its hard to not read it as "you're secretly into it," especially when they repeatedly demonstrate that they know more than the average person does.
I can't argue with that take, because it keeps being proven right.
I however wanted to simply answer the question in my perspective while also trying to assume the best of them.

But just to clarify.
Thing is I tend to blame the current group of complainers, like those on KF. Because there's two possibilities:

Possibility One, there's actually nothing wrong (or its not as big as they say) and they're just harshing everyone's buzz for no good reason.

Possibility Two, there is something wrong, and rather than do it in the way that would actually get results (and its a way they often fantasize about), they prefer to waste time on the internets. I actually presented this in a KF topic and immediately got bullshit excuse making.
That's my point. Everyone complains about some group, true or not, sometimes.
Everyone wants to blame someone, or something, for the way the world is.
I however wanted to simply answer the question in my perspective while also trying to assume the best of them.
That's what I try to do, especially when it comes to Null and his own conspiratorial belief in the "GloboHomo Agenda" being some kind of an elite mass-extermination program of the white race. He apparently really believes that the LGBT is being promoted as part of an elite population control program that involves confusing people into thinking they are gay so they will not procreate and thus reduce the Western birthrate, while people in third world countries continue to procreate like bunnies. It's like, bitch please, we're on the verge of nuclear holocaust between overwhelmingly white nations dropping nuclear bombs on one another. That's how much fucking white people value white lives.

Once you start believing in these "Globohomo Agenda" conspiracies, everything you've ever done in your life that was bad and negative can be traced back to that conspiracy theory. The reason you encountered neko shota anime and hurtcore online at 14 that turned you into an angry depressed anti-social teenage porn addict was because of (((The Gays))). The reason the first girl you fell in love with had these weird cannibalistic lesbian fantasies she shared with you, about eating and being eaten by other teenaged girls, is because (((The Gays))) got to her. The reason you got sucked into online shitposting and the underground image boards with all the smug anime girl memes was because of (((The Gays))). The reason your favourite female hiphop artist moved to LA and came out as bisexual is because of (((The Gays))). And so on.

You know, not because you were an Italian-American mutt with a heavy East Coast accent who felt completely alienated in Florida, who had suffered the trauma of his house burning down and his cat dying, which led to him being Very Extremely Online talking to pedophiles... nope, it was all the evil plan of (((The Gays))).