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Recent content by Cavalier Cipolla

  1. C

    Canada News and Drama GTA Skinny Dippers: Skinny Dipping Club All Ages

    Are we truly reposting (((LibsOfTiktok))) stories now? Is the supreme janny of the Onionfarms having a gay affair with Null?
  2. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    You'd have better luck in Europe. Europe outside UK doesn't have a de-facto two party system where you only get two choices of a socially liberal and socially conservative party. You have all kinds of flavours of left and right leaning parties with all kinds of different social, economic and...
  3. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    No, because we will happily do that to right wing lolcows as well. Nobody is safe.
  4. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    https://theracket.news/p/did-joe-biden-really-threaten-to-throw-my-phone This is from that same journalist. I found it very sus that (((Libs of TikTok))) was among the bigger promoters of this story.
  5. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    You would be surprised how compatible the two can be. Of all people, Ayn Rand seems to have been the only high profile person to acknowledge that atheism works best with free market capitalism. Here's a funny thing: without Reagan, we wouldn't see all the corporate diversity promotion. That's...
  6. C

    United States News and Drama Abortion Might Be a Winning Issue — Even in Florida: An architect of the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution speaks out.

    Not even that! As Poland showed, they barely even made an impact! People will just stop fucking and probably have even less babies as a result. If it was allowed you'd have someone "Oh well, worst case scenario abortion exists" and then potentially go, with their own choice, "Maybe kids ain't...
  7. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Blanket banning porn is communism. And Quora is not the most credible site, it is infiltrated by commuchingchongs.
  8. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Well, FrP seems to be getting more popular in Norway. Another Sandniggeristan being recongized by Norway makes me want to marry some Norwegian waman just to get citizenship so that I can vote for FrP. Is that too autistic, though?
  9. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Holy shit. Dem potato in mouth speakers really do be an odd bunch, if this is true. What the sauce tho? Gibe sauce. No sauce, no happen and fake news you are.
  10. C

    United States News and Drama Abortion Might Be a Winning Issue — Even in Florida: An architect of the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution speaks out.

    Banning abortion is useless anyways. It didn't do shit to fix Poland's fertility rates. It barely increased them by 0.1-0.2 kiddos per waman. From 1.3 to 1.5.
  11. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    I wonder if this will make the Progress Party (FrP) more popular. I imagine that if they got into power, they'd immediately pull back their recognition of Palestine. Funny how Taiwan didn't get recognized by the same countries. I guess the islamo-sino-communist lobby is the real thing, not the...