Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Shining glistening gemerald
her boyfriend sure isn't intervening with these plans. then again something like this must turn him on. encouraging a grown women to look like a doll just completely fake like the makeup wasn't enough, then the cuts on her arms, this guy must be really that sick to just let her become basically plastic and nothing more for this fetish of his. then to glorify self harm like that puts such a knot in my stomacha threat to everyone? she's a threat to herself
Yea she's trying to appeal to the "zazed und sigmapilled" men who think they're the shit because they watch Patrick Bateman edits on tiktok and/or chuds who think they need a "mentally ill tradwife"View attachment 49266
A genuine person trying to give advice gets ignored. Rose, what is the point of complaining about life or impulsively making statements when the advice that comes your way gets ignored by you?
View attachment 49268
Also, I guess she thinks she's Patrick Bateman now or is trying to appeal to the more edgy men. She tries so hard to be something she is not for brownie points, so sad but funny.
>UWU look at me I'm a living doll now everyone will be jealous of my beauty!!11! I'm a threat to them!1!!
GEEEEEEEEEEEEGa threat to everyone? she's a threat to herself
I say let him do as he pleases, she's a worthless human so as some sorta fucked up sexdoll at least she's useful for something, as long as he cleans his property after use lmaoher boyfriend sure isn't intervening with these plans. then again something like this must turn him on. encouraging a grown women to look like a doll just completely fake like the makeup wasn't enough, then the cuts on her arms, this guy must be really that sick to just let her become basically plastic and nothing more for this fetish of his. then to glorify self harm like that puts such a knot in my stomach
Yea she's trying to appeal to the "zazed und sigmapilled" men who think they're the shit because they watch Patrick Bateman edits on tiktok and/or chuds who think they need a "mentally ill tradwife"
>UWU look at me I'm a living doll now everyone will be jealous of my beauty!!11! I'm a threat to them!1!!
>*goes out in public*
>*mostly ignored*
>*cope.exe has finished loading*
>Hehe it's because they can't handle my beauty or however the seeth is coped
>*goes to store to buy something*
>*acts like an autistic sperg in front of the cashier and talks like a retard*
>*gets a weird look*
>*Trips and falls over because xer legs are pool noodles due to underuse*
>Writes shitty blogpost about der heckin' stalkers or something to that accord
>ODs on discount prescription meds she lied through her teeth to get
<Here lies Katelyn Rose, retarded NEET and autistic sperg. Rest in piss, won't be missed.
I say let him do as he pleases, she's a worthless human so as some sorta fucked up sexdoll at least she's useful for something, as long as he cleans his property after use lmao
View attachment 49466
this is the string she's dangling on with whoever this guy is, once he gets bored of her and loses interest, she won't bounce back from it
Kill and rape or however the hatred is directed at someone
LMFAOOOO that'd be really funny, imagine the look on her face when her actions online bring real world consequencesshe also doxed the chucke cheese she was at. I was on maps looking for the red carts and targets but I did not see any orange apartments or any bus stops that look like they are in a parking lot
funny thing is about the location she is at, before I ever even met Rose I was a huge nerd when it came to geography and locations, I think that's why if you told me to get on an interstate and go somewhere with my expenses being paid or getting paid for it, I would not care, I love to travel when I do get the chance to. With Seattle specifically being on one of my places to visit, it would be very interesting to go on a hunt for this bitch like an adventure. yeah go to the bars, have some drinks, enjoy the restaurants, do the other things to do but while I'm doing that I'd be scouting the area in a rental because I was dumb enough to tell her what car I had since we were talking about driving and her being scared of it
maybe take notes whatever helps
I'm also good when it comes to roads, if you asked me to remember avenues, main roads, one way streets, intersections, it would be like picking with my eyes closed. with the information I'm hearing through the grape vine, I have a good idea of the radius she likes to be in, it's not even that far, I think 20 miles and that's hilariously it. But I think before I get that opportunity to even get close to being able to go up there (because flying is gay anymore, everytime I fly I have terrible experiences) she will slip up and boom! they would know the apartment she is at and everything but I would be the one that would have the balls to actually go there. I'm not scared of her, her boyfriend, I dare for him to put his hands on me and Rose. Maybe I should get a complete makeover and be a karen dressed in an obnoxious outfit with a long blonde whig so it really pisses her off, she would recongnize my voice though but fuck it, maybe I'll get some camera action too since her simps want to fuck her so bad even though she is taken. I could go on about a lists of things I could do to troll this shit out of her without getting arrested.
Looks like a fucking ET.
a drugged up one tooLooks like a fucking ET.