• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

KF Related - General Knowledge A way to sock on kiwifarms - kiwifarms socking guide

General knowledge on topics that pertain to Kiwifarms/Null
kiwifarms socking guide

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the universe
An Onion Among Onions
ever wonder how one would sock on kiwifarms? wonder no more. here's how one can do it.

step 1, registration.
this is the trickiest part. what makes account registration hard on kiwifarms is the Google captcha kiwifarms uses.
also, if be more private if you want to sock because kiwifarms keeps your IP address for 1 month and they know who you are when socking so use VPNs or tor.

for this, either you use a VPN on kiwifarms clearnet (kiwifarms.st) or you run kiwifarms's onion service on tor (https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion).


tl;dr if you run kiwifarms.st on tor, then kiwifarms won't send you the verification email because of the anti-bot detection. also, use private email services like tutanota and proton mail since most kiwis use these as their emails

step 2, blending in
note: you still need to use VPNs or tor to browse kiwifarms with your account because they still have your IP
okay, now your sock has been registered. what now? your next step is to blend in.



to avoid looking suspicious/like a bot, put some activities into your account. if you just want to use your account to lurk then giving people ratings (liking/disliking posts and etc) should be enough. if you want to get access to full features such as making a profile post and posting on someone else's profile then you have to remove your fresh meat restrictions by being more active on kiwifarms. you can do it by frequently replying to threads and giving people ratings. don't post threads just yet as it will give people suspicions

  1. don't use the same opinions you used to have.
  2. don't frequent stuff/places you use to frequent on the farms (i.e someone's profile, threads, boards/forums, etc) with your banned/other socks.
  3. change your typing style.
a great tip on keeping your account safe from kiwifarms's anti-spam system that deletes account for inactivity:
A quick note, they may delete inactive accounts for inactivity for various false reasons expecting you to appeal. If you're going to try make sure not to use any email that is linked to other accounts or future ones because they know all your account details.

step 3, enjoy!
now you understand how to sock effectively, you can enjoy avoiding bans or troll someone/people.

I have been bothering Josh more than even he realizes, unless my point went over your head.
Using mobile phone, no browser fingerprint, rarely VPN, brave browser and airplane mode go woosh
you can use @Crimson Fucker's way on socking if you're on an mobile phone

or, you can use paid VPNs.

you can use paid VPNs for this but I highly discourage it since it makes it obvious who you are. tor and free VPNs should do just fine.

credit to @Crimson Fucker and this thread I've quoted:
I expect most of you to be more than aware of how to get it done, so this will serve as a guide to the less experienced who wish to have a bit of fun at the Kiwi jannies expense. I'm by no means an expert and there may be inaccuracies in what I say, so take it with a grain of salt and use your best judgement. It's your op-sec, don't leave it up to chance based on some random asshole's post on a drama forum about a drama forum about random assholes.

Important op-sec tips to keep in mind:
•Use a VPN, everytime. I highly suggest paying for a Mullvad account anonymously via crypto and from a device/connection that's not your own. If you can avoid getting jerked off on by a homeless negro, the library can be a great resource for this.

Why? Because every post you make has your IP address right there for the jannies to see. Also, your public user ID will have a hint about your identity, based on the IP you used when you signed up. Go to your profile, look at the URL, note the number at the end and use your noggin.

•Poorfag and can't pay for a fingerprintless VPN? That's ok, crippling poverty creates some of the best a-logs and you deserve a chance to be disruptive, just like everyone else. Proton offers a great free, no-log VPN. You won't want to download massive files with it but it's more than functional for our purposes here.

•Wipe your browser and change your IP when switching between accounts! You have to force yourself to be autistic about this otherwise you'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs that leads to losing multiple accounts at once. Let your socks die in battle against the jannies and they may enter Sperghalla. Don't waste them due to apathy.

•Be aware of your writing style. We all have little idiosyncrasies and we're dealing with turbo autists and their varying degrees of pattern recognition. Depending on your dedication to obfuscating your identity in this regard, you'll want to do your best to eliminate these idiosyncrasies and blend in. Accused of being an e-celeb's sock? You're doing it right. The more naive Kiwi will bullheadedly stick to their first assumption, so lean into it if accused but be careful of coming across try-hard.

•If you don't use a password manager, you should.
Having 50 character fully randomized passwords is pretty damn handy and a pw manager is going to be helpful since you'll be bouncing back and forth between numerous accounts, particularly in the preparation stage

•On that note, remember the likely outcome of having your full identity discovered in the course of running muh gay-ops on Kiwi Farms. Compartmentalize your "online activities" from IRL. Don't keep your real account details in the same vault as your troll op vault. Depending on your dedication, consider getting a device that you'll only use for fucking around. I advocate for using a phone with an unlimited data plan from Cricket. When you go into an IRL Cricket store, they're going to want see ID to set up your plan. But if you're buying a device as well as setting up a plan, you'll be surprised at how flexible the person at the counter is going to be in pursuit of that scrap of commission, especially in a more "economically challenged" neighborhood, gnome saiyan?

•"Mobilefagging? On purpose?" Hell yes. Every time you hit airplane mode, you get a new IP. That's why mobile IPs are range banned on places like 4chan. Yes, this can be done pretty easily on any device but in the long run you'll find that streamlining your process will be ideal. Also, mobile IPs are fairly useless information. At best they'll indicate the region you're in but they're not connected to a router. Create as many dead ends for skiddies and speds to run into and you'll do fine.

•On that note, this should be common sense by now but don't fucking reuse your UNs. Literally no one gives a shit about the little pseudonyms you've constructed and if anything being overly attached to a meme is going to give people another attack vector to dox you with.

Want a quick glance at how dumb it is to namefag? Think back to your first UN. The one you made when you 14 and thought you were so funny for using.

Now go have a gander here:


Notes on email services:
•The majority of Kiwi accounts are signed up with using Proton Mail. An advantage to them is they don't require you to have a recovery method attached to the account. This is optimal because it greatly reduces glowniggers' ability to subpoena the company for access to your account since Proton keeps little data on their users. Downside? They do require you to at least have an activation email sent to another address.
•This is where Skiff.com comes into play! They have all of the above benefits minus the activation requirement. "If they're so handy, why not use them to sign-ups for my socks?"
Jewsh and the jannies absolutely look at user data, especially when you start causing issues. And as I said, most Kiwis are using Proton so Skiff addresses REALLY standout to the jannies.
Better just to use this service to confirm your Proton accounts.
•Jewsh is constantly dicking with the settings on the site and seems on the verge of just shutting down registration. Sometimes, you'll create a sock and you'll just need to confirm through email. Others, you'll get a message saying that your account needs staff approval. When I get the staff approval message, I keep the account info saved in my PW vault but assume that it's a lost cause and make 3 more, just to increase odds one of them getting through. Here's where using normalfag email can be helpful.
•Gmail, Outlook, etc should generally be avoided when doing anything heavy but they're perfectly fine for dicking around on their forum, just remember to compartmentalize. When using a normalfag service, I personally also make sure the UN stinks of newfags. Things like MichaelSchoen2003@gmail seem to always get past the jannies approval process the best.

Getting accounts vetted:
•You've gotten past the jannies and now have a handful of accounts that require janny approval for the first few posts you make, now what?

Well obviously, if you want long term success you're going to want to get off the jannies radar as soon as possible. But be careful in your enthusiasm! Save your hot takes for now and don't rock the boat.

•Your first few posts are going to tell the story of why you joined when people go to look at your profile, so keep this is mind to avoid detection. Where would legitimate newfags post? Probably in a major lolcow's thread. Chris Chan's is my personal favorite but it doesn't ultimately matter, just remember change up your initial focus between socks.

•Very related! You'll do better when you keep in mind which jannies sweep which boards as they'll be the ones approving your posts. Since one of Jewsh's sycophants will 100% be reporting this thread to their staff, I'm unable to give you advice on where the weak points are but triple digit IQ niggas will be able to figure it out. The Ralph section is home to gay-ops, double-ops, reverse-ops, post-ops and regular old op ops. I don't advise getting on the radar there during this initial phase.

•After you've established the cover story for why you joined by making a few inane comments in a certain lolcow's thread, choose a couple fun-posting threads to contribute to until the newfags restrictions are lifted from your account. I forget the specific threshold but I believe it's around 60 days old+100 "actual" posts (profile posts don't contribute to this afaik)

•"Fun-posting threads?"

There's multiple meme/image threads. These are safe places to drive up your post count while not speaking too much. The quality of what you post isn't particularly relevant, just stay on topic.

Congratulations! You now have multiple socks to befuddle and bemuse with! What you do with them is up to you but I really suggest you put at least a couple of them on the back burner for when Jewsh inevitably has a tantrum and locks registration.
I really hope this is helpful to someone.
I've been Sneedy Squad and this has been my SPED Talk.
Thank you all kindly for attending.
Good luck, remain safe and have fun!
View attachment 37081
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kiwifarms ratings/stickers ID:
like = 1
dislike = 14
agree = 2
disagree = 3
winner = 5
informative = 6
thunk-provoking = 31
feels = 7
islamic content = 30
autistic = 13
horrifying = 25
optimistic = 9
you use it like this:
the reaction sticker id where it belongs: react?reaction_id=1 ⬅️ replace this with your desired sticker id​

use these when you're browsing kiwifarms on tor
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A quick note, they may delete inactive accounts for inactivity for various false reasons expecting you to appeal. If you're going to try make sure not to use any email that is linked to other accounts or future ones because they know all your account details.
Reason: This happened a few times because they said they would do this, but it's always been inconsistent. I still have some with 0 posts even though some got banned so it's all a matter of chance and luck.
Also, if you're really going to pester them, you need to be aware that Josh keeps a running log of browser fingerprints.
What is a browser fingerprint?

How defeat?
You can just change browsers for light sock needs, but if you're really trying to obfuscate and be a lazy nigger:

you can use paid VPNs for this but I highly discourage it since it makes it obvious who you are. tor and free VPNs should do just fine
In Mullvad, you can just delete user profile, add new user, use same connections. Also toggle that Quantum Resistant option for an added change of identity.
Free services keep logs. Companies that keep logs can and will comply with warrants. No log VPN services are the only option. Added schizo point if you send cash to Mullvad with a hand written note.
But no, there are no trustworthy supposedly log-free free VPNs.
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Also, if you're really going to pester them, you need to be aware that Josh keeps a running log of browser fingerprints.
What is a browser fingerprint?
How defeat?
You can just change browsers for light sock needs, but if you're really trying to obfuscate and be a lazy nigger:
You don't have to randomize your browser fingerprint just to post on commie farms. I never bothered and I still have multiple socks on the site not banned yet. You don't even need a VPN. As long as you're not obvious about it.
Reason: That's a step beyond just a regular VPN which people here already agree isn't even needed.
You don't have to randomize your browser fingerprint just to post on commie farms. I never bothered and I still have multiple socks on the site not banned yet. You don't even need a VPN. As long as you're not obvious about it.
The log he keeps is a manual thing. Become an actual problem to the function of the site and I promise you bro he's going to watch more than IP traffic
The log he keeps is a manual thing. Become an actual problem to the function of the site and I promise you bro he's going to watch more than IP traffic
This is from personal experience because I'm not extremely obvious with my socks. The fact I still actively post and lurk there is proof enough. No one will ever find all my alts unless I want them to. I have been extremely disruptive and posted gore all over the site before it was swept up on multiple occasions. The fact I'm still there is proof enough you're just over estimating them.
kiwifarms ratings/stickers ID:
like = 1
dislike = 14
agree = 2
disagree = 3
winner = 5
informative = 6
thunk-provoking = 31
feels = 7
islamic content = 30
autistic = 13
horrifying = 25
optimistic = 9
you use it like this:
the reaction sticker id where it belongs: react?reaction_id=1 ⬅️ replace this with your desired sticker id​

use these when you're browsing kiwifarms on tor
he actually fucked up the site once and you had to do this i dont remember if it was every rating or just in profiles
The fact I'm still there is proof enough you're just over estimating them.
I'm not trying to bicker with you because I'm writing for posterity. If you're an occasional nuisance, you'll be overlooked because the basic janny report queue there is a sea of nuisances.
But if you start actually bothering Josh, he will be looking at the metadata your device exchanges with his domains and doing everything possible to track your shit. Protect yourself. It's easy.
There is zero reason to advocate for people not installing a single User Agent randomizer tool into their browser. Josh is a fucking idiot but he's not stupid
I'm not trying to bicker with you because I'm writing for posterity. If you're an occasional nuisance, you'll be overlooked because the basic janny report queue there is a sea of nuisances.
But if you start actually bothering Josh, he will be looking at the metadata your device exchanges with his domains and doing everything possible to track your shit. Protect yourself. It's easy.
There is zero reason to advocate for people not installing a single User Agent randomizer tool into their browser. Josh is a fucking idiot but he's not stupid
View attachment 49074
I have been bothering Josh more than even he realizes, unless my point went over your head.
Reason: Using mobile phone, no browser fingerprint, rarely VPN, brave browser and airplane mode go woosh
It is to Josh unfortunately.

He doesn't start pulling metadata until it's something that'll make ya glow, best to let the past die most people won't get there.
I even made a few posts across multiple accounts earlier on kiwifarms during different times today when I wasn't active on onion farms. The goal is to be just as annoying enough without causing problems that lead credible threats to your doorstep, or safe post, or use an account that can be linked to so else's drama. Funny how glowie though I was someone else an not one of my other alts. People who fed post like SIGSEGV did threatening a sitting president of the US, well let's just say he made his bed to lie in. I don't care how you feel about them. Don't fucking go there if you don't want secret service to kick your door down as a 3am challenge.
I have made enough accounts to know what I'm doing. I lost more real non troll accounts to circumstances (such as forgetting login details due to not caring) than actually being banned for socking an account that was really me. Every time I got banned for socking it was mistaken identity. Just ask @universe adventurer who is the most recent example. Part of the misdirection is if they think I'm another person. Helps with any realdox attempts.
Reason: This only reinforces my point of don't be obvious.