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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Update on this.
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kek, rest in piss, you won't be missed
Still there , mebbe broom was scrubbing

I thought you had to prove damages to make money off a defamation lawsuit? Assuming Null is in the right on the facts, what damages did Null suffer in the few weeks since Epik tweeted that?

That was already explained here. You are referring to a Defamation Per Quod lolsuit. Null is filing Defamation Per Se lolsuits. It's a different type of defamation lolsuit where you don't have to prove damages:

It's a different type of defamation lolsuit where you don't have to prove damages:
The judge will still have to decide on what "damage" has been done. The broom isn't going to file a suit where, if he wins, the judge will go "The squit was deleted, you clearly haven't suffered a loss in income, as you have just received a load of dosh, and refused to provide any financial statements... well done, you've just handed over some money to a lawyer for nothing. You get no pay out, broom."
null updates 1.png
null updates 2.png
Null says the tide is turning against the trans menace and it's time to move forward to more important issues.
In other news, KF poster Dutch Courage has made ChatGPT write a hypothetical positive news article about Kiwi Farms.
A choice part of the "article":
"At the heart of Kiwifarms lies the ingenuity of its creator, Joshua Moon. His vision for a platform that embraces free speech and fosters open dialogue has sparked both admiration and controversy. Despite facing legal challenges and backlash, Moon has remained steadfast in his commitment to upholding the principles of the forum, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity."
Null's response:
Null rage pink triangling Android Raptor for... daring to disagree that all gays are pedos... is funny. Posters like Raptor and Hogan ARE trolling retards who post nothing but insults, something that would get non paypigs and non picture posting ethots banned, but its OK because "It makes the chuds in a&h seethe."

Cause Null is totally not one of those right wingers. He's totally a non sperg moderate who crusades against the jews and gays so much that he cant even live in america anymore. Thats not being a political retard. Being a political retard is posting "lolblacks" in news stories about crime.
Null says the tide is turning against the trans menace and it's time to move forward to more important issues.
Lol no it isn't, Republicans ran hard on hating the LGBT last time and they lost hard. The Desantis campaign centered around rounding up the "groomers" and he did so poorly that he dropped out months before the first debates could even happen. Trump is friends with Caitlyn Jenner and he probably fucked a few transwomen, he refuses to touch any of this toxic psycho shit about transpeople and he still commands like 90% of conservative approval. Most states that were gungho months ago about imposing laws regarding HRT have backed off it due to pressure from medical groups and activists.

I think conservatives are subliterate mongrels but most of them can still smell how weird and loserish this preoccupation with kids sexuality and campy drag shows is. The same way most of them would be offended if you called them racist instead of being proud of it like FAS Moon. That's why only guys like Josh with so many hilariously known sexual and personal problems would ever make it his whole "thing".
Ash Hutsell Jankowski wants you to never let this man...
to forget he is a child abuser... she wants you to contact this man...
That's right, @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski, isn't it? You said that convicted child abusers should never be allowed to move on from their crimes. It's also ok to contact their friends, family and employers to make sure that they never forget. That's what Ashley said, and wants YOU to do.
Ash Hutsell Jankowski wants you to never let this man...
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to forget he is a child abuser... she wants you to contact this man...
View attachment 46342
That's right, @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski, isn't it? You said that convicted child abusers should never be allowed to move on from their crimes. It's also ok to contact their friends, family and employers to make sure that they never forget. That's what Ashley said, and wants YOU to do.
Hey bud just to let you know I post here because Josh reads it and he is a greasy little lump of garbage but he's still a billion times more charismatic and savvy than you'll ever be. And you're 20 years older than he is.
You should throw another autistic tantrum about how boys and can't be girls.
I really think you are directing this at someone else, in your (tiny) mind. However, would you like to know why what you just wrote is arse water?
Can you explain how I've had a tantrum? Have I multi-skitzo-posted? Like you? No. Boy's CANNOT be girls. And contrary wise. That's not bigotry, that's basic biology.

I'll prove it: Ash, post evidence of any "procedure" where the xx chromosome is transformed into xy? Or xy into xx? No, you can't. It doesn't exist. Ash, your biological denialism is on the same mentality of Flat Earthers. That's how much of a mentalist you are.
I really think you are directing this at someone else, in your (tiny) mind. However, would you like to know why what you just wrote is arse water?
Can you explain how I've had a tantrum? Have I multi-skitzo-posted? Like you? No. Boy's CANNOT be girls. And contrary wise. That's not bigotry, that's basic biology.

I'll prove it: Ash, post evidence of any "procedure" where the xx chromosome is transformed into xy? Or xy into xx? No, you can't. It doesn't exist. Ash, your biological denialism is on the same mentality of Flat Earthers. That's how much of a mentalist you are.
Goddamn you people are fucking stupid lmao.

Hey retard why do all the doctors think the opposite? Can you explain that? Is it a Jewish conspiracy? Weird how all the guys who are obsessed with this shit are also really creepy to women just like "joshy".
Goddamn you people are fucking stupid lmao.
Ash, you can't do basic maths.
Hey retard why do all the doctors think the opposite?
ALL? If ALL doctors think the opposite, that there IS a "procedure" that turns xx to xy etc, in actual living human beings. Care to provide evidence of this, I'm sure there must be lots of articles of people having there chromosomes changed. Can you do that? Or are you lying, just like you are lying about having a husband?
ALL? If ALL doctors think the opposite, that there IS a "procedure" that turns xx to xy etc, in actual living human beings. Care to provide evidence of this, I'm sure there must be lots of articles of people having there chromosomes changed. Can you do that? Or are you lying, just like you are lying about having a husband?
This guy is retarded lmao