EWWWWWWWWW View attachment 40720
She looks like a dead body, maybe she is one and gets puppeted like a string puppet, but more likely it'll be like a Ventriloquist doll LMAO
You mentioned Sniperwolf. Isn't her boyfriend or husband overweight & looks like a rapist or something? I don't care about looks but I'm just going off of social media standards. How did he score that? I mean, with any girl I guess there are creeps that are able to. I have a feeling Roses' partner is similar to that if he's real. He will be using her for sex 100%. Because if it's not her family giving her the money to pay for that apartment then who is? That sounds like a sugar daddy situation. But she's crippling, not sleeping, I doubt she is eating. The only thing she cares about is being online most of the time. What if she dies from her health condition, will the dude just find another girl like her who is helpless?
You know, if this guy is real, he is a real piece of shit. It's hard to feel sorry for Rose, but if I did. The level of not caring about the health of someone you are supposed to love is insane. This guy has to be using her for sexual purposes and nothing else. Once he gets his piece of ass, he just leaves her in her room to her own delusions until he comes back again. Rose isn't smart enough to manage finances, she doesn't even take care of herself. I mean, like you just posted. She doesn't even bathe. Man, if she gets pregnant it makes me wonder what she will do. She most likely will have an abortion or give it up for adoption.
EDIT: sorry for the triplepostshe is going to develop heart disease or some kind of health condition from the lack of sleep. I hear so many terrible things that happens to your body if you're not sleeping at all.
Yep, totally for self-interest & gain.Sociopath behavior right there, only doing that for money FUCK HER
She never cared about the children, if raping a child gave her 1000,000$ she'd do it
It's a crazy god complex she has. Now that she has an audience, she wants to make a story about her life. Let's say that all of a sudden she becomes the best, the most popular showgirl on facebook. Do you think she would be handing out shoutouts to other show girls? ofcourse not. Her story is of value that no others would compete. Her issues are more important than yours and she would want someone to write a story about her & her only. You know, when I was first introduced to her, I thought maybe she just wants to cosplay, for fun, but now, there is a self importance spice to the whole cosplaying.AHAHAHAHAHAHA
As if anyone would watch a movie about her life "OMG a movie about me would be so cute and kawaii uwu!!1!" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB WHORE LMAOOOOOOO boy I sure hope the day she gets a reality check it's filmed so we can see her whole world fall apart over and over and over again, that would be soooo much better then a movie about her LOL
how much do you think she wasted in the past 2 months alone? Or how much did Sugar Daddy give her that he could have used for other stuff? You know, Rose isn't a healthy stock choice. She is always in the negative and trust me, I know bad stocks when I see them, I think in the 1 year range you can notice a landslide to the red, only a few peaks here and there but overall she is -1000%.View attachment 40919
I guess she ran out of that sugar daddy money
tired from being a complete slut, yeah we get it.
She gets mad about seeing people living their lives but she praises wasting hers on virtual world games. Like pepsi said, she needs a serious reality check. I know a lot of girls who didn't achieve their dream jobs because they either failed at college, was out competed by other girls, or just didn't even take the chance & regret their decision. Now they are working two jobs. Rose on the other hand gets things handed to her. I bet those girls wish they could take her spot of not having to pay for rent living in a nice apartment and use that time to get their life back on track when it comes to success. It's a shame.It's copium at a deep level. You have to understand that when a narcissist sees people living their wildest dreams, there is a punch to the heart, jealousy, & ego. This could be observing a couple of her age sitting outside with nice food infront of them working toward that long term relationship that we always hear about. I mean, it makes you wonder when Rose goes on a whole rant, could some of them be triggered by seeing others live happy & healthy lives? Why should she covet when she can simply change over a month to atleast start on an easy landing, she has the resources beyond enough. When customers come in and get a car I can't even come close to affording while having a happy family ready to ride in it, I feel happy for them that they have something even if it's something I can't get. I don't get all pissy and go on the internet saying that people should drive the new family van that came out because I don't have a family I can drive in it. It's hatred, insecurity & rage with a condescending tone.