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hologalaktik and princewelcomematt groomer allegations


Registered Member
cosplayer hologalaktik (now privated) is a fucking groomer and tiktok famous cosplayer princewelcomematt helped him. I'm new here so I don't know how to prefi / flare properly but I'm sick of being silent so here. Take this. I don't really expect a bastion of support or anything. I, in fact, expect a lot of standard internet bullshit about how I was cringy and trans so I deserved what happened to me. But I don't really care. I want them to face consequences for how they ruined my life.

Hologalatik (who has now gone private and possibly changed his username to holo.galatic) is a groomer and princewelcomematt supports his ass!!!

My name isn’t important. I have gone by many names and I will likely go by another at another date. I am 23 years old as of 2023 and I am a trans man who uses he/him pronouns exclusively. You will see me referred to as Desdemona in some screenshots- it is my dead name. I leave that uncovered only because I feel like it is important to improve the legitimacy of these claims and because I have absolutely no ties to that name anymore. If you must call me by a name just call me Doe.

Diedrik Schnoes (AKA @hologalaktik, Driks, Nymbus, and Dirk) groomed me, stole me from my family, and Castiel Worthington (AKA @princewelcomematt, Matt) was not only complicit but remained friends with him for years after. Scroll to the bottom for screenshots and evidence.

I must preface this by saying much of this will be hearsay. Driks, Dirk, whatever- did a fantastic job at damage control. Not only did he convince me to delete most of my social media upon ‘running away’ from home, but he had me return the phone he bought me once I broke up with him. I was told it was for financial reasons, but I realize now it was likely to rob me of what little concrete evidence I had against him at the time. As such my evidence is very limited, but I think what I do have is compelling enough to support my side.

I met Cas in the Minnesota cosplay community sometime in 2014. We were friends. Not best friends, but friends. We ran in the same circles and often hung out in groups at meetups and cons. It's through a mutual friend of ours within those circles that we became aware of Dirk in 2015.

Dirk was a grad student moving into my area for school. He was 22 going on 23. I was 14 and in 8th grade when we met. He was aware of our age difference, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. We talked like peers. We talked every day. I was vulnerable, attention-starved, living in an unsupportive, unstable home environment with an alcoholic mother, and dealing with untreated PTSD from multiple sexual assaults throughout my life, with the most recent and traumatic of which only occurring the year before. I spilled my guts very early on and Dirk was quick to pose himself as a safe space to talk not only about my trauma, but also about trans things. I knew other trans people in my circle, but he was the only trans man I'd met who even slightly passed, and I was desperate for his approval and support. My interest in him quickly turned to infatuation the longer we talked, and I was completely obsessed by the time we met in person only a few weeks later.

Our first meeting was toward the end of the 2014-2015 school year when an odd event with my father (divorced from my mom) left me terrified of walking back to my mom's house. Dirk, the fully-grown knight in shining armor, drove to where my school bus dropped me off and walked me home. We held hands all the way back to my mom's house. I spent the summer after completely neglecting my then-boyfriend in favor of Dirk, and by the time my 15th birthday neared in August, I was absolutely head over heels for him. He had spent the summer lavishing me in gifts, comforting and validating me when my mother would get in arguments with me over my gender identity, Dirk's present to me on the night before my birthday was telling me that he wanted to marry me. Overjoyed, I was quick to ditch my boyfriend and I started dating Dirk. He initially told me that we would wait until I was 16 to do anything sexual, but we were having sex within a week. He would later go on to claim the only reason why our relationship turned sexual was because I forced him to, but those claims are nothing but a blatant attempt to skirt blame. Diedrik was an adult, a 23 year old, a graduate student, and I was a freshly 15 year old who had yet to start my first year of highschool. He is not the victim here.

We became very co-dependant. We hardly went anywhere without one another. And whenever anyone did express discomfort or concern over our relationship, they would be vilified and often cut out of our lives if they wouldn’t concede. Friends turned to enemies. Cosplay events became battlefields. I was often the loudest when it came to defending our relationship because Dirk would fall into a pit of despair whenever it was questioned, sometimes even talking about self harm. I would have to comfort him and reassure him that our relationship was healthy, that he wasn’t a bad person for dating a 15 year old, and at the time I genuinely believed it. To me, he was my hero, my knight, my romeo. He was supporting me in ways nobody else did. I couldn’t fathom why or how that would be wrong. Seeing how Dirk would be affected by reaffirmed in my mind that anyone who questioned our relationship were evil, cruel people who just wanted to hurt us, and I instantly would become venomous any time someone spoke against it.

My mother found out about the relationship early on when my stepfather found me straddling Dirk in the bottom bunk of my bunk bed, and she approved of it. He would drive me to school when she was hungover, buy me food, pack me lunches, buy my clothes, but she would lash out at me over my relationship anytime she did suddenly feel responsible. Like in the middle of the night while I was trying to sleep. This drove me deeper into his arms, and by the anniversary of our first meeting, my mom and I had a very bad fight that ended with her boyfriend slamming me against the wall by a grip over my face. He apologized after, but it completely broke my trust.

That happened on a Friday in 2016. It had been only a year since we’d met in person , and a mere 9 months since we had started dating. I was still 15. Dirk convinced me to run away to go live with him in secret by the next Monday. He said it was to keep me safe, but my life got worse when I left. He waited for my mom to drop me off for school. Then, instead of going to the school building, I waited for my mom to drive off and I got into his car. He then proceeded to drive me across state lines, help me post a massive ‘i hate all of you and im never coming back’ message on facebook, delete said facebook, and destroy my phone. I hid out in an apartment while we waited to see what my parents would do. We planned to move in together after most of the heat died down.

That happened. A lot of other stuff happened, too. My parents reported me missing and took out an order of protection against Dirk on my behalf. We were caught together numerous times by police. Dirk went to jail for a weekend for it. He went to court for it. He was found guilty of - something. What exactly, I’m not sure. Domestic abuse and violation of a OOP or something. Even after he was convicted, he didn’t have to actually serve time, and I wasn’t returned home.

This point in my life is incredibly fuzzy and blurred together. I was homeless and couch hopping, being shuffled from strange city to strange city where mutual friends and acquaintances could hole me away for a while. One of those friends was Castiel/Matt. He took me to stay with his then-boyfriend, who had nothing but a bare mattress on his floor and a few pots and pans to his name. No wifi, no tv, nothing. I didn’t have a phone, so I sat in a blank room all day on a bed that wasn’t mine, all alone, waiting for the boyfriend to come home so I could eat and have some social interaction. He did have a laptop I could use to play games offline while he was gone, so at least I had some distraction, but it was only a small respite from the nauseating fear I lived in at that time. Matt visited twice. The first time, to get me settled in. The second time, to sit with me, tell me about how he was on this christian retreat to meditate with God, and how God told him that Dirk and I were bad news. I had to go. I had no phone, no wifi, no car, and no money, but he didn’t care. I had to leave in three days. It was by sheer luck alone that I was able to contact someone willing to come pick me up and take me in. Otherwise, I, a trafficked 15 year old boy who Matt had known for two years, would have been thrown out on the street. What a good Christian thing to do. Three months later, on my 16th birthday, when I was, again, terrified and alone in a strange place with someone I barely knew, being kept like a secret in somebody elses bedroom, he messaged me on a secondary facebook Dirk had made for me. I wouldn’t see it until this year when I finally managed to get back into it.


Happy birthday! Sorry you’re homeless!

I lived in constant anxiety and fear. Fear of being found and brought home. Fear of losing the few people that remained in my life. Fear of Dirk. My relationship with Dirk was incredibly unhealthy. He had BPD, and I was his favorite person, so that also meant I was his favorite punching bag. My life was a constant balancing act of being responsible for the emotions of an adult man 8 years my senior and breaking down myself. I didn’t go outside. I didn’t go to school. I didn’t have anyone but Dirk, pets, and whatever friend was aiding and abetting him at the time. Dirk isolated me further by lashing out in insecurity any time I spoke to someone else or expressed wanting to. He asked why he couldn’t be enough for me. He also routinely suicide baited me without prompt. He would turn to me randomly and say “I love you so much, I think I would kill myself without you”. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I don’t even have the energy to get into all of the fucked up sexual aspects of our relationship. TLDR; he was a pathetic kitty who wanted me to be his sadistic daddy/master dom.

I regretted my decision to leave my home almost instantly, but going home wasn’t a choice anymore. I was damned either way. Whenever I did get found and brought back to my parents, the punishment was terrible. I was confined to a single room with a tracking anklet and nailed-shut windows. My mom brought me to an alternative school for troubled children and I had to sit in near-tears while I listened to her tell the enrollment team how I was a pathological liar who told people I was abused because I wanted attention. My father forced me to sleep in his room and would sit and interrogate me for hours about how I was being groomed. He was right, but I would never see that so long as I had to choose between being terrified and trapped with people who didn’t accept my gender and saw me as a liar, and being terrified and trapped with someone who respected my identity and who I felt like truly loved me.

By 2017, I was at my wits end. I was cutting myself often and crying even more so. I hadn’t seen anyone outside of the house I was isolated in for almost a year. I wanted to die. I wanted to break up with Dirk. I wanted out. This is when Dirk decided to tell me our relationship issues and his emotional turmoil was because back in 2015, I sexually assaulted him. I became hysterical. I told him if that was the case, we couldn’t be together. We had to break up. I didn’t want to be villainized as the underage rapist. He backtracked and told me that he could only heal from this if I WAS in a relationship with him. I did the damage, so I was the only one who could fix him. I wasn’t convinced. I was being pushed closer and closer to the brink. To keep me happy, he bought me tickets to see Gorillaz. Matt got tickets, too. We went together. We had fun.

On the car ride back, I broke down in tears and told him how I didn’t think I wanted to be with Dirk anymore, and all of the abuse I had been experiencing from him. I told him about the sexual abuse allegations and how badly they hurt me. Matt consoled me. He told me that he was afraid of this and that he was pretty sure that was the case even before I told him anything. He relayed to me how he went through something similar at some point, so he saw the warning signs. He encouraged me to break up with him. I did. It was a shit show I would rather not get into .The TLDR of it is guilt tripping, suicide baiting, scream-crying over the phone, getting back together, then breaking up for good a few months later once I truly couldn’t take it anymore.

Matt and what little remaining friend group I had left from my life before took his side. They cut me off without a word. Total isolation. Dirk took my phone ‘ for financial reasons’, taking all evidence I had of our private interactions with him. I spoke to Matt maybe once after that. Nothing more than a few empty words to placate me in my total loneliness and likely to ease his guilt before he began to ignore me entire me entirely. Matt knew what I had gone through, he had encouraged me to break up with him, and yet still he took Dirk’s side and chose to invite Dirk to his wedding later on. The grown man who had groomed me, abused me, trafficked me across state lines, who robbed me of my family, my education, a drivers license, and a normal teen life- he chose him. He considered him a friend. I’m sure he consoled him after we broke up, too. I wonder, does Driks know Matt told me to break up with him?

Matt told me to break up with him, Matt told me God said Dirk and I were bad news, Matt was willing to put me onto the street if it meant being rid of me, a walking crime scene. This all is proof to me that Matt knew this was wrong. He knew what was happening was wrong and that what Dirk was doing was not only immoral, but illegal, and he did everything he could to shed blame while simultaneously enabling my abuse and continuing his friendship with a known child abuser. But sure, Matt. You're an uwu soft good boi who needs protection and softness. You claim to love children and do everything you do with character acting and cosplay out of your sheer passion for children's entertainment. But that's where your care for children's well-being ends. Entertainment. I know firsthand how you treat kids who aren't in your audience.

They are still following each other on tiktok. Matt is Driks’ very first follow, actually. They still follow each other as recently as September 15th, 2023, the day I am writing this.

I haven’t recovered from what happened to me. Not just emotionally, but economically. Nobody taught me to drive. I never graduated highschool. Dirk left me stranded, broke, uneducated, and without means to fix this. Now, I am chronically ill and ill-equipped to support myself, let alone enough to get the medical help I need. I am lucky enough to have a spouse who can work enough to just barely get us by, and a lovely friend who is slowly teaching me how to drive when they can- but I feel the effects of Dirk’s ruination on a daily basis, and often find myself wondering if my life would be even slightly easier if I hadn’t crossed paths with that snake— or, what would have happened if someone helped me? Truly, helped me? What if they helped me disconnect from him and get back to living a normal life? What if I didn't have to spend my formative teen years in fearful captivity? Sometimes, I feel like a murder victim. I feel like I died in 2016 when I vanished off the face of the earth and what's left of me is the shambling ghost of a teenager that will never truly grow up.

I met Matt in 2014. I met Dirk in 2015. Dirk took me from my home in may, 2016, and I still have yet to return. I broke up with Dirk just a few months shy of my 18th birthday. Dirk planned to marry me when I did. Then, the order of protection was supposed to expire, and we could openly be together, legally. I’m so glad I didn’t let that happen. I would sooner die than be that monster’s frilly little house spouse.

I wish he’d give my cat back, though.


My missing persons page​


Hologalatik’s conviction​


Matt, driks, and me​


Damning instagram dump​


A photo of Driks/Dirk and I 11 days after we started dating- on my 15th birthday.



Sollux and Eridan cosplay (cringe). I was 15 here whats his excuse​






Matt and I see gorillaz 2017​




Proof of Driks and Matt’s friendship 2017 and onward​



If only </3​

Hologalatik still follows princewelcomematt on tiktok as of 09/15/2023​




I'm sympathetic that you are hurt if all of this is true, as you admit everything you said is alleged and hear-say, but all the empathy in the world cannot fix anything: If you want justice you need to contact the proper authorities, not some internet gossip forum. Good luck, there's not much to say beyond that.


I'm sympathetic that you are hurt if all of this is true, as you admit everything you said is alleged and hear-say, but all the empathy in the world cannot fix anything: If you want justice you need to contact the proper authorities, not some internet gossip forum. Good luck, there's not much to say beyond that.
As I stated in the thread, the police were involved. Court was involved. Dirk was convicted. It did nothing. He served no time.