• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null has been working on his anti-trans boycott website:

"Pride before Fall"
I am going to be very busy this week but I have managed to get some bare bones ready.


Please don't just plug in random shit and expect me to pull it.

Basically my three criteria are:

- Most dangerous, brands that directly target children with gender ideology. (Scholastic, Target)
- Threatening, brands that seriously and directly push gender ideology but not really troon shit at kids. ("Always" tampons)
- Reckless, brands that push lgbt shit just because it's the new thing (Bud Light)

I am not looking for woke in terms of CRT or companies that tweet about Trump or whatever the fuck. There is a laser focus here. It's about boycotting the corporate sponsors of child predators and the ongoing abuse of women.

Null · Post #108 · Yesterday at 4:23 PM · Forum: Internet & Technology
Archived: https://archive.is/KL3ws#selection-3025.0-3055.225

Here's the gitgud page & commits:

Archived: https://archive.is/ZnjGa


It's about boycotting the corporate sponsors of child predators and the ongoing abuse of women.
looks in awe of his brilliant idea

i guess this is easier than getting back on the clearnet.
LCF has its own issues that could undermine it should they be brought front and center, and also caters to the fairer sex more.

LCF also has stricter rules regarding doxes, revenge porn, violent images, etc. and quality control is always running. KF doesn't use the same discretion.

And yet they are on the clearnet.

lolcow.farm is a shitshow in its own way fs but due to that QC you mentioned they've managed to steer away from major potholes. Null can't do that because he's a fag, you know.
Null working on his new Pride Before Fall project, stating explicitly that he's not doing this to seek donations... for now:

Pride before Fall is a list of companies which have pushed gender ideology. It exists to help boycotters identify products by companies they are boycotting. The focus of this list is very narrowly against gender ideology and young childhood sex indoctrination.

All families are welcome in protecting children everywhere from sexual predators and their corporate sponsors.

This website is not funded by any company. It is not affiliated with any organization. There is no financial investment made against any of these companies, or in the alternatives suggested. I am not currently accepting donations. I just want this to stop.


The thing is having most if not all these corporations have been per the LBGQT…,..
For years .Disney might not have advertised it back then, but there was a gay pride week. This was back in 2001. I know about it because I was there for my eighth grade graduation. My family went to Disney World and we noticed things, so yeah every may. There was gay pride, or something for the week. but things just seem to be different now.
The thing is having most if not all these corporations have been per the LBGQT…,..
For years .Disney might not have advertised it back then, but there was a gay pride week. This was back in 2001. I know about it because I was there for my eighth grade graduation. My family went to Disney World and we noticed things, so yeah every may. There was gay pride, or something for the week. but things just seem to be different now.

Can confirm, I was there in the late 00s and yeah it was basically pride week.

My family didn't care and we had a good time.
Back in the 2000s Orlando FL at least used to have Pride events that were specifically for adults, all of these things happened after hours and were separate ticketed events. Disney wasn't usually the best option on the list of venues to go to, but they wanted to attract the crowds in town and would try to entice them to hit one of their parks while they were in the area.

Not sure what the California scene was like but Orlando at least has always been one of those places. They started all of that to try to draw people away from traveling to Key West which was notoriously the place to be for gays.
I'm just touching base to explain that the site is off clearnet as part of a personal objective to alienate the majority of my active users and not be sanctimonious about using Tor at all.
As long as the guys that do the shownotes for MATI are still posting on the site he doesn't give a fuck. its cheaper for him this way.

My question is if he's going to be making more work for himself with bullshit Dick Masterson style scam websites why not just have a membership forum? the only reason lowtax didn't off himself sooner was because of that bullshit activation fee. Whats stopping null from having a MATI fan forum and charging dummies $14.88 a month to be a part of it, plus he can put old episodes on that vs gumroad. on average roughly 4% of a listenerbase will sign up for a premium content site. Null's biggest obstacle to living that Ethan Ralph/Nick Rekita lifestyle is not putting in the leg work to shill and network. Everyone hates it but much like asking out women, you have to do it to survive. By my estimates Null could have gotten Dick Masterson money if he was shilling that the last 5 years vs just doing MATI. literally all he has to do is shill some site going "hey we can't obviously have ads and my enemies will prevent me from getting a real job but if you like the sow and want to support me sign up for the champagne room its our premium content site where you can rewatch old episodes, hang out with other fans and be superior to all the free riders" do that at the beginning, end, and the dead air parts of the show and boom, after about 5 years he'd have enough money to actually be able to live in the states again.

Of course the counter argument is some shit about payment processors and the match list, but Tryst demands its customers use crypto because the feds won't let them process payments because whoring is still a crime, and they force them to do it monthly as well. So if a bunch of stupid whores can figure it out i'm sure Null's fanbase of gypsies, tramps, and reactionaries could have done it much easier. Again Null should have implemented this about 5 years ago when cashapp and every other place made buying crypto easy as shit, but instead he'd rather just do nothing. Its like the Trovo SEVP said on kiwifarms before null banned him, you have to find these ways to make money and jump right in. if websites that literally has every conservative, the US government, and SWERFs after them can survive. i'm sure he could even with implementing this stuff.

The main reason he doesn't is he doesn't trust anyone to do anything but him, Joe Rogan would be homeless right now if he didn't trust some porn addicted loser to handle recording and uploading a podcast for him. Same with Stern and letting Jackie write every funny thing he said on the show. Null can't do it alone, at best he needs a few people to help him with the stuff he cant do, i'm not saying go full h3h3 but at least 2 more people could help get him on the right track, at most a dozen people. But its honestly insane how bad he's doing even if you look at the "public enemy small staffed internet website" sector especially when technically he has so much fucking experience. between the chans and the farms he should be at the forefront of this stuff instead he's on par with Dick Masterson. its even worse when he has a website full of weirdos with various skills and knowledge that he could go to, to talk about this stuff.
The thing is having most if not all these corporations have been per the LBGQT…,..
For years .Disney might not have advertised it back then, but there was a gay pride week. This was back in 2001. I know about it because I was there for my eighth grade graduation. My family went to Disney World and we noticed things, so yeah every may. There was gay pride, or something for the week. but things just seem to be different now.

Null has only created folders for a handful of companies, and from what I can tell Disney is not one of them, which is strange because I would've expected Disney to be the first company at the very top of the Pride Before Fall shitlist, given how hard they've gone on the LGBT virtue signaling which they admitted affected their bottom line:

Null has only a handful of companies listed here: Inbev, L'Oreal, Procter & Gamble, Scholastic, Target and Twitch.

I suppose he wants Kiwis to sign up and add their own folders about companies that they know about? No one has done so AFAICT.
Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg: "I was grilled for 5 hours in the UK about living in Serbia and whether I work for the FSB."

If you don't know who this is, Kit Klarenberg is the journalist who exposed the fact that BreadTuber PhilosophyTube is an actual confirmed British government shill using his videos to promote propaganda in consultation the UK's Royal Institution through their Valent Projects communications firm:

Even KF has a thread about this:

Serbian journalist was arrested in UK for allegedly daring to critique UK and other foreign governments (US):

https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...rg-interrogate-him-about-the-grayzone.165887/ (account only thread)

I didn't know Kit Klarenberg was living in Serbia... if Null is looking for an actual journalist to interview him, why doesn't he reach out?

Oh right, Kit "So glad to get off that Godforsaken island!" Klarenberg is British so he's subhuman according to Null, nevermind! :rolleyes:
Null has only created folders for a handful of companies, and from what I can tell Disney is not one of them, which is strange because I would've expected Disney to be the first company at the very top of the Pride Before Fall shitlist, given how hard they've gone on the LGBT virtue signaling which they admitted affected their bottom line:

Null has only a handful of companies listed here: Inbev, L'Oreal, Procter & Gamble, Scholastic, Target and Twitch.

I suppose he wants Kiwis to sign up and add their own folders about companies that they know about? No one has done so AFAICT.
Using the Quartering as a source for information, literally eat your own limbs.