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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Communities Degenerates Using AI - Losers Filling Their Void With AI Generated Sex

Communities of interest on the internet


Freya and her familia raided and destroyed the Ishtar familia
Remarkable Onion
AI is becoming increasing popular and of course looser degens are making degenerate content with it.
The holo cast was made into AI chatbots. One anon went particularly far with his rape fetish and people reported the AI was generating more scared responses for everyone afterwords. Seems they have the AI learn from everyone's experiences.
beta.character.ai just laxed the filter. Genetic dead end bros get in here.
The AI Site is broken as hell, they have a lot of shit problem with their server, the site goes down every damn day, atleast it isn't as shitty as Dimension.me which IS STILL down. The site's filter also is shitty deleting almost everything.

The Mod team are as incompetent as uaual, when you're on the topic of AI someone should look into AI Dungeon themselves as its a lulcoaster.
I've messed around with this technology, and I find that 99% of the time you get uncanny valley looking images, and quite often anatomical anomalies. I'm sure if you have eons of free time to precisely hone in on which prompts produce which results, and give it lots of trial and error, you could make something decent. But the way I see it, the tech isn't quite there yet to be worth your time.

How those images in Null's post got made is beyond me. Using the instructions he provided, all I got was hot garbage. I couldn't even get more than one character to populate in an image, its like it was built solely to make portraits of anime girls.
The real gamechanger for robo-degeneracy isn't really AI (IMVHO), it's when someone creates an android frame that can go out in public. Because even the most desperate incel will generally not resort to pushing robogirl around in a wheelchair.

But when you can take Miss Wonderful 1000 out and not immediately be spotted as "omfg robofucker, danger! danger!"...people will start lining up.
There is over 7 billion people on this planet. How is it? No one can find someone. I mean there really should be a dating app created for degenerate people. I mean, if we can put them all in their own corner and they don’t bother anybody else outside the corner. Maybe the world will be a better place.