Remarkable Onion
I was originally going to post this a few months ago but that was put off to the side for a while until she posted her self dox thread. I apologize for the long delay since it took a while for me to put this together. As for the thread itself, I have to admit, it's a bit rushed since I was trying to find all the info I can on her but since this is a lolcow thread, we'll be able to add on to this. This right here hits right at home for many of you since Queen of Spade has been on the OnionFarms for quite a while. It was just recently that she was put into the tard cage. But it gets far worse as the title of this thread suggests. From lying to her audience to doxxing, racism, swatting, and death threats, she's proven to be one of the most infamous lolcows on this site. Now let’s take a deep dive down the rabbit hole into the real story behind one of the most notorious users on this site.
Elizabeth Gibbons created the channel Queen of Spade on February 3rd of 2016. But she remained dormant until she posted her first video 3 years later in 2019 titled “Queen of Spade Channel Intro” in which she says that she posts anti-MLM content as well as revealing that she’s married and that she’s also a mother. She also claimed to be an abuse victim when the people who she called out have said the opposite and that she has been doing some really fucked up shit in the past. Though that possibly won’t help in the slightest considering the shady activities she has done under her name we are about to expose.
For those who don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, let me explain this section. In 2019, Onision was accused of abusing his girlfriend at the time, Shiloh Hoganson (a Canadian pop and trap musician) and a video surfaced online of him saying that Shiloh was pregnant, had a miscarriage, and also was heard saying “You know this video is never going to be online, right? No one will ever know how much I abuse you” before throwing candy corn at her and laughing at her as she cried. But that wasn’t the only drama that Onision was involved in. He was also involved in several grooming allegations including some from Billie Dawn Webb, who he posted her phone number of on Patreon before being banned, as well as many more. He then uploaded a video of him contorting himself, screaming, and pouring kombucha over his head and shouting “What am I going to do now? I’m covered in kombucha and I have no more patrons!” It was so big that Chris Hansen of “To Catch a Predator” fame got involved. One infamous incident was when he and Detroit based lawyer Mike Morse went to his house which resulted in Onision calling 911 on them in 2020. Yet ironically enough, Queen of Spade got in on the drama and threatened to contact CPS and later CAS (the Canadian children’s aid society service). She was criticized by many members in the anti-Onision community for her extreme methods which also included threatening to take away his children. She then got an interview with CJ Silva aka. RealStream News or RSN for short and would later defend him on multiple occasions. One of them was when Marie Munsterful, who was slated to do an interview with RSN, cancelled her interview due to some of his more toxic fans getting into some drama with her and as well as paranoia. Queen of Spade made a lot of false accusations on her including accusing Marie of being biased, which she has stated was false. Then Beth decides to go full on victim mode and do the same thing to Repzion (all the evidence on that is in the two videos below). She then got into a Discord DM argument with RSN himself and turned on him after RSN accused Gibbons of sending CP of her daughter to him.
As you can point out from the title of this segment, she’s been known to deceive her audience and lie to thousands of viewers and subscribers. One time she faked her own death and reported on her “disappearance” and “suicide” using an alt account. Then there’s the time where she straight up betrays the community she claimed she was a part of (the antiMLM community) in a call out post against Jessica Jackson. Not only that, you remember all the times she claimed to have made her own art? Well, those were actually plagiarized but that’s not the only case. She’s also been accused of stealing content from YouTubers as well including Wes Moast. Though the biggest example of plagiarism has to be when she straight up stole 3 paragraphs from a Wikipedia article about a “Cult of Personality” for almost 3 minutes (00:00 to 02:58) in her video “The Cults of Personality” as well as a VeryWell article titled “What Is a Cult of Personality?” for the next 6 minutes in the video (02:58 to 08:53). She also got into some drama with a user named Jace Armaro who accused her of scamming her audience, which of course, she tried to dodge all those accusations.
Articles she plagiarized: a cult of personality,can achieve the stated mission.
Queen of Spade's video:
It’s no secret that Queen of Spade was a serial doxxer and swatter due to her threats against YouTubers like Onision but she’s often made threats of swatting as well as threatening to kill people in the past. She’s done this on multiple occasions including in streams where she said she would “go on a fucking murder spree” if her critics weren’t thrown in jail and has also said “We should even start swatting people’s houses and see what happens”. I don’t know about that but that sure does seem like she was about ready to do some dangerous shit. Then again, she's done this constantly on YouTube so it's not a big surprise. She’s also pushed YouTubers like Repizon to commit suicide in a deleted tweet. Then there’s the big one where KiwiFarms user Dark Ninja accused Beth of swatting back in January of this year and later on making racist remarks about Dark Ninja in a YouTube community post. There were also times where harassed other YouTubers like WesMoast, Suit Yourself, and Muse. Though most of the time, she's employed the use of alt accounts on social media to do her dirty work, all of which have been banned by Twitter. There's more that I would love to talk about but since there's so much to uncover here, I'll save that for those who are more familiar with her.
On February 11th of 2020, the Beware of QoS subreddit was created to document all of Queen of Spade’s online antics which include everything from threatening other people, mass reporting, blatant racism, and sending posts telling people to commit suicide. She’s also been caught using alts to mass report people on a constant basis which got her permanently IP banned from Twitter and then there’s the alt she made on OnionFarms that was exposed by Void himself. I seriously suggest checking out r/bewareofqos because they have possibly the most reliable info on Queen of Spade on the internet.
Queen of Spade has been active on lolcow forums for a while including KiwiFarms and most notably OnionFarms. On the KiwiFarms, she was known for sending racist posts to another lolcow known as Dark Ninja who, as I said in the past segment, accused Gibbons of swatting him. But that’s not the most fucked up part. According to several screenshots on the r/bewareofqos subreddit, she admitted to doxxing him and straight up exposed him to be a guy named Isaac. She’s also been telling people on the KiwiFarms to commit suicide as well as using several sexual and racial slurs to refer to many different members. She joined the OnionFarms on December 23rd of 2022 and has at first been quite normal with her forcing a thot obsessed stalking incel off the site as well. But then the ultimate surprise to all of us came on March 29th of 2023 when she made a thread on herself and DOXXED herself by revealing that she’s 34 years old and that she resides in an apartment complex in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Elizabeth Gibbons could pretty much be on her way to being possibly the most notorious individuals on the site. She has gone down a dangerous path of complete delusion which could at least lead to her getting the authorities involved in her antics. You can send any further screenshots and videos my way if you have something that adds to the thread and for those retards who want to start a personal army, go fuck yourself. As for Kengle, don't try to delete this thread. I want my thread and Beth's thread to be two separate threads with Beth having her own clown thread and mine getting all the info we need. Anyways, take it easy.
Beware of QoS subreddit:
Elizabeth Gibbons created the channel Queen of Spade on February 3rd of 2016. But she remained dormant until she posted her first video 3 years later in 2019 titled “Queen of Spade Channel Intro” in which she says that she posts anti-MLM content as well as revealing that she’s married and that she’s also a mother. She also claimed to be an abuse victim when the people who she called out have said the opposite and that she has been doing some really fucked up shit in the past. Though that possibly won’t help in the slightest considering the shady activities she has done under her name we are about to expose.
Onision Drama and RSN Bandwagoning
For those who don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, let me explain this section. In 2019, Onision was accused of abusing his girlfriend at the time, Shiloh Hoganson (a Canadian pop and trap musician) and a video surfaced online of him saying that Shiloh was pregnant, had a miscarriage, and also was heard saying “You know this video is never going to be online, right? No one will ever know how much I abuse you” before throwing candy corn at her and laughing at her as she cried. But that wasn’t the only drama that Onision was involved in. He was also involved in several grooming allegations including some from Billie Dawn Webb, who he posted her phone number of on Patreon before being banned, as well as many more. He then uploaded a video of him contorting himself, screaming, and pouring kombucha over his head and shouting “What am I going to do now? I’m covered in kombucha and I have no more patrons!” It was so big that Chris Hansen of “To Catch a Predator” fame got involved. One infamous incident was when he and Detroit based lawyer Mike Morse went to his house which resulted in Onision calling 911 on them in 2020. Yet ironically enough, Queen of Spade got in on the drama and threatened to contact CPS and later CAS (the Canadian children’s aid society service). She was criticized by many members in the anti-Onision community for her extreme methods which also included threatening to take away his children. She then got an interview with CJ Silva aka. RealStream News or RSN for short and would later defend him on multiple occasions. One of them was when Marie Munsterful, who was slated to do an interview with RSN, cancelled her interview due to some of his more toxic fans getting into some drama with her and as well as paranoia. Queen of Spade made a lot of false accusations on her including accusing Marie of being biased, which she has stated was false. Then Beth decides to go full on victim mode and do the same thing to Repzion (all the evidence on that is in the two videos below). She then got into a Discord DM argument with RSN himself and turned on him after RSN accused Gibbons of sending CP of her daughter to him.
Queen of Deception
As you can point out from the title of this segment, she’s been known to deceive her audience and lie to thousands of viewers and subscribers. One time she faked her own death and reported on her “disappearance” and “suicide” using an alt account. Then there’s the time where she straight up betrays the community she claimed she was a part of (the antiMLM community) in a call out post against Jessica Jackson. Not only that, you remember all the times she claimed to have made her own art? Well, those were actually plagiarized but that’s not the only case. She’s also been accused of stealing content from YouTubers as well including Wes Moast. Though the biggest example of plagiarism has to be when she straight up stole 3 paragraphs from a Wikipedia article about a “Cult of Personality” for almost 3 minutes (00:00 to 02:58) in her video “The Cults of Personality” as well as a VeryWell article titled “What Is a Cult of Personality?” for the next 6 minutes in the video (02:58 to 08:53). She also got into some drama with a user named Jace Armaro who accused her of scamming her audience, which of course, she tried to dodge all those accusations.
Articles she plagiarized: a cult of personality,can achieve the stated mission.
Queen of Spade's video:
Swatting, Doxxing, Suicide Advocating, and Death Threats
It’s no secret that Queen of Spade was a serial doxxer and swatter due to her threats against YouTubers like Onision but she’s often made threats of swatting as well as threatening to kill people in the past. She’s done this on multiple occasions including in streams where she said she would “go on a fucking murder spree” if her critics weren’t thrown in jail and has also said “We should even start swatting people’s houses and see what happens”. I don’t know about that but that sure does seem like she was about ready to do some dangerous shit. Then again, she's done this constantly on YouTube so it's not a big surprise. She’s also pushed YouTubers like Repizon to commit suicide in a deleted tweet. Then there’s the big one where KiwiFarms user Dark Ninja accused Beth of swatting back in January of this year and later on making racist remarks about Dark Ninja in a YouTube community post. There were also times where harassed other YouTubers like WesMoast, Suit Yourself, and Muse. Though most of the time, she's employed the use of alt accounts on social media to do her dirty work, all of which have been banned by Twitter. There's more that I would love to talk about but since there's so much to uncover here, I'll save that for those who are more familiar with her.
The Creation of r/bewareofqos
On February 11th of 2020, the Beware of QoS subreddit was created to document all of Queen of Spade’s online antics which include everything from threatening other people, mass reporting, blatant racism, and sending posts telling people to commit suicide. She’s also been caught using alts to mass report people on a constant basis which got her permanently IP banned from Twitter and then there’s the alt she made on OnionFarms that was exposed by Void himself. I seriously suggest checking out r/bewareofqos because they have possibly the most reliable info on Queen of Spade on the internet.
Stints on Lolcow Forums
Queen of Spade has been active on lolcow forums for a while including KiwiFarms and most notably OnionFarms. On the KiwiFarms, she was known for sending racist posts to another lolcow known as Dark Ninja who, as I said in the past segment, accused Gibbons of swatting him. But that’s not the most fucked up part. According to several screenshots on the r/bewareofqos subreddit, she admitted to doxxing him and straight up exposed him to be a guy named Isaac. She’s also been telling people on the KiwiFarms to commit suicide as well as using several sexual and racial slurs to refer to many different members. She joined the OnionFarms on December 23rd of 2022 and has at first been quite normal with her forcing a thot obsessed stalking incel off the site as well. But then the ultimate surprise to all of us came on March 29th of 2023 when she made a thread on herself and DOXXED herself by revealing that she’s 34 years old and that she resides in an apartment complex in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Final Thoughts
Elizabeth Gibbons could pretty much be on her way to being possibly the most notorious individuals on the site. She has gone down a dangerous path of complete delusion which could at least lead to her getting the authorities involved in her antics. You can send any further screenshots and videos my way if you have something that adds to the thread and for those retards who want to start a personal army, go fuck yourself. As for Kengle, don't try to delete this thread. I want my thread and Beth's thread to be two separate threads with Beth having her own clown thread and mine getting all the info we need. Anyways, take it easy.
Beware of QoS subreddit:
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