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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Hobbies Hentai

Let’s talk about the perversion in anime


Hellovan Onion
So on this lovely day Valentine’s Day I have decided to start a thread on hentai. Why am I starting to do this? Well, it seems there’s a lot of cows that are into hentai so I thought maybe we can discuss the genre here .
This thread is basically going to be a general discussion of the types ofHentai .
popular shows and tropes that people have seen more or less. backstory and production of certain titles.

Before anyone asks when it comes to my viewing of hentai, I don’t watch that much and it when I do, I usually laugh the my ass off . hentai is a sex comedy. You can’t change my mind. That is why La Blue Girl is my favorite ,please note that it is one of the few anime I have seen.
Anyway, let’s start the discussion
So on this lovely day Valentine’s Day I have decided to start a thread on hentai. Why am I starting to do this? Well, it seems there’s a lot of cows that are into hentai so I thought maybe we can discuss the genre here .
This thread is basically going to be a general discussion of the types of Hentai .
popular shows and tropes that people have seen more or less. backstory and production of certain titles.

Before anyone asks when it comes to my viewing of hentai, I don’t watch that much and it when I do, I usually laugh the my ass off . hentai is a sex comedy. You can’t change my mind. That is why La Blue Girl is my favorite ,please note that it is one of the few anime I have seen.
Anyway, let’s start the discussion
Very interesting. I never really watched La Blue Girl, although I certainly heard about it back in the day. Most of what I've seen hasn't been along the lines of actual proper anime with plots, but just hentai online. In my opinion its the sort of thing a teenager can indulge and get fascinated with, but then loses a great amount of its appeal over time. Especially once one actually has real sex and suddenly realizes how disconnected a lot of the tropes in hentai are from reality.

It seems that either a lot of hentai artists are virgins with little knowledge of the female anatomy, or they are marketing to the same. Stuff like the x-ray views when the guy cums in her look so unrealistic. Not to say porn has to reflect total realism, but when you have real experience, your suspension of disbelief for that sort of thing is pretty low. I could give a bunch more examples, but I think you get the point.

Another complaint of mine is the constant appearance of lollis. I've never been interested in that, and yet I've found myself subjected to it far more than I would expect. It seems almost ubiquitous, like how can it be so common that its almost synonymous with 'normal' hentai? Just look up some vanilla stuff and I guarantee among the top results will be some lolli stuff. In my opinion, if she doesn't look like she's gone through puberty yet, its lolli. I don't care if her character is supposed to be 18, or 100 years old, I'm going based on appearance.

On a positive note, I will say that hentai can be oddly wholesome and endearing at times in ways that is totally unknown with real life porn. Some of the settings, characters, and plots relate to feelings of comfort and acceptance. Lonely boys finding a girl who appreciates them, possibly an older 'onee-san' who shows them tender affection. Or perhaps a budding youthful teen romance, with awkwardness and inexperience in all. Again, I think this relates to the average inexperience of the hentai artist and/or reader. Honestly, I think hentai manga can be some of the best adult rated storytelling that I've seen.
Dines, Gail & Sanchez, Mandy. (2023). Hentai and the pornification of childhood: How the porn industry just made the case for regulation. Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence. Vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 2.

The pornification of childhood is concerning on four fronts. First, it effectively grooms men into seeing children as legitimate sexual targets. And so, Pornhub and hentai groom men into preying on minors for non-consensual sex, rape, and child sexual abuse. Some might suggest that hentai, cartoons, and animation are colored by sophomoric humor. After all, they are not real children, and so are the moral equivalent of a get-out-of-jail-free card. But the evidence suggests otherwise. Adults who collect real child sexual exploitation material view more hentai—and bestiality and teen porn—than non-offenders (Steel et al., 2021). More, “clinical experience and now research evidence are accumulating to suggest that the Internet is not simply drawing attention to those with existing pedophilic interests but is contributing to the crystalization of those interests in people [really, men] with no explicit prior sexual interest in children” (Wood, 2013). Additionally, viewers of virtual-child porn and “barely legal” videos experience a change in their cognition (Paul and Linz, 2008). They are “more likely to associate sex and sexuality” with any depiction of minors, even nonsexual images. For girls, moreover, early exposure to porn is a risk factor for later sexual abuse (Harsey et al., 2021). And over 40% of men who view videos of child sexual exploitation on the dark web self-reported that they actively tried to contact real children (Insoll et al., 2022). Hentai not only frames youth and preadolescents as the legitimate objects of adult sexual desire. It sets men on that very path.

Second, hentai and all pornography put young people at risk for a slate of harms to their mental, sexual, and physical health (e.g., Horner, 2019). Teens and pre-teens who view porn are more likely to sexually harass, assault, coerce, strike, and insult intimate partners; engage in unsafe sex; self-report struggles with relationship skills; harbor hostile sexism; and tolerate violence against girls and women (e.g., Rodenhizer & Edwards, 2019; Rodríguez-Castro et al., 2021; Wright et al., 2021; Huntington, Willoughby, and Rhoades, 2022; Waterman et al., 2022). Girls who consume porn may also develop impaired self-esteem (Behun & Owens, 2020) and believe that the role of women in sex is to play a “supportive role” for male pleasure (Tholander, 2022).

Third, hentai seemingly grooms children into becoming adult consumers of porn. While much of Pornhub is free, its business model depends on “premium” subscriptions. Hentai ensures that today’s kids are tomorrow’s paying customers. Moreover, Pornhub and most other tube sites gain revenues by selling banner ads, pop-up ads, and other advertisements. The more eyeballs on the site, regardless of age, the more pornographers profit.

Fourth, much of the content on Pornhub and other major pornography websites depicts legally defined criminal acts of sexual violence (Fritz et al., 2020; Vera-Gray et al., 2021). Most of that violence is aimed at women, who are slapped, spit upon, choked (what is medically defined as non-fatal strangulation), kicked, punched, verbally abused, and smeared on some sites with feces and urine. Pornhub itself has unwittingly offered a cogent rationale for decisive action against its own industry. A variant of anime that sexualizes girls is called “lolicon,” or “loli” for short. The name is derived from Vladimir Nabokov’s novel Lolita. (The boys’ version is dubbed shotacon.) If you search for videos tagged #lolicon or #loli on Pornhub, you are greeted with a large warning: “Your search could be for illegal and abusive sexual material, where children have suffered harm. Do not cross the line from legal, adult images to illegal images.” The warning also adds, “If you are worried about your sexual thoughts about minors, you are not alone,” and directs ‘worried’ users to an organization with a helpline. By issuing this warning, Pornhub testifies to the existence of a credible connection between viewing hentai and perpetrating child sexual abuse.

Dines, Gail & Sanchez, Mandy. (2023). Hentai and the pornification of childhood: How the porn industry just made the case for regulation. Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence. Vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 2.

While I don't necessarily disagree with the description that study gives of the state of hentai, I do feel it loses me entirely when it calls for state regulation. Getting the government to throw people in prison for looking at cartoon porn is not ever something I can get behind.
Getting the government to throw people in prison for looking at cartoon porn is not ever something I can get behind.

The article makes abundantly clear that children online are being exposed to cartoon porn like hentai because the adult porn industry views lewd cartoons as a gateway towards actual porn later on. I do think someone showing porn cartoons to kids is committing a sex crime against them and should be punished legally for exposing kids to such material.
Additionally, viewers of virtual-child porn and “barely legal” videos experience a change in their cognition (Paul and Linz, 2008). They are “more likely to associate sex and sexuality” with any depiction of minors, even nonsexual images.
To preface my post, I want to clarify I'm actually for banning porn, so this isn't a defense of any of it. Still, it's a bullshit assertion that men attracted to 18 year old adult women suddenly experience some magical "change in their cognition" and then think sexually of minors. That would make 99% of straight men pedophiles, it's absurd.

This is coming from someone not opposed to upping the age of consent. 18 year olds are young and dumb but definitively not children.
The article makes abundantly clear that children online are being exposed to cartoon porn like hentai because the adult porn industry views lewd cartoons as a gateway towards actual porn later on. I do think someone showing porn cartoons to kids is committing a sex crime against them and should be punished legally for exposing kids to such material.
I'm going to make this immediately clear in bold text: I do not think anyone below 21 should be on the internet; let alone any minor to see anything pornographic. I don't think anyone on this site will say otherwise either.

That said everything I found from academic papers, from fields such as social sciences (criminology, psychology and even philosophy), have consistently made a correlated point that whenever porn is made legal: Sexual crimes such as rape drop and whenever it's made illegal sexual crimes such as rape rise. Now of course correlation does not mean causation. It's almost impossible to prove something causes another thing when it's about social behaviors because at the very least you could argue that in all those cases it's just because that culture is different from ours.
Still it is note worthy to say that crime drops whenever porn was made legal, and rose when it was made illegal.

Further the risk might not directly lead to harm of others but in Japan's case people obsessed with anime in general are usually shut-ins that literally do not leave their room for years, this is the opposite problem and this has been such a problem that it has led to birth-rates actually drastically lowering: It should be noted anime isn't the sole blame but it is commonly attributed and shut-ins usually do enjoy anime as a replacement to living.
Further despite what media might present Japan still is incredibly safe compared to places like America and Britain. While you can find individuals that say "this led me to a crime," I can also find people that said "this music led me to a crime." or. "this game made me violent."
Criminals are known to blame everything around them, except themselves.

That said the risk of porn is the risk of porn-addiction, who would've guessed it's the classic: "It's only bad when you become addicted."
When you're younger you're easily imprinted, and this isn't just to point out any applicable the malicious intent but the mere fact your mind is easily imprinted. Note all the people on twitter, bolding announcing their age is below the age of 24, proudly marking themselves with political phrases and acronyms they don't understand. There's a reason the stereotype of modern communists is now kids.

My solution is that I believe parents shouldn't let their kids on the internet at all without supervision, it robs them of experiences in the actual world and poisons their heads with fringe ideas that they don't understand at all. I remember when I was younger the expression: "Ask your parent's permission to go onto the internet." Was common. And every PSA reminded kids that the internet is fun and useful but also dangerous.
Further there was a clear divide between sites:
  • "This site is for kids" - Cartoon Network, and Roblox
    • Roblox actually made it so you couldn't communicate with anyone if you're not at least 13.
  • "This site is for teenagers." - Gaia Online, and Newgrounds.
  • "This site is for adults." - General internet forums.
Course nothing stopped a kid from going onto any forums, and it happened a lot, but the division helped separate them. Further your parents could block sites.
Now the problem is that every site is for everyone, and almost everyone has a mobile phone. You can't just block twitter anymore, and twitter literally has everything: Here's a twitter based on LEGO, here's a cute animal feed, and here's the political extremist and the rape fetish porn collection that you can view easily.
So I think the glaring issue isn't loli, isn't weird fetishes, isn't easily accessible porn it's the consequence of everything being so centralized: You take one step to the left and here's the furry pipe-line and you take one step to the right and here's the incel pipe-line.
I'm going to make this immediately clear in bold text: I do not think anyone below 21 should be on the internet; let alone any minor to see anything pornographic. I don't think anyone on this site will say otherwise either.

That said everything I found from academic papers, from fields such as social sciences (criminology, psychology and even philosophy), have consistently made a correlated point that whenever porn is made legal: Sexual crimes such as rape drop and whenever it's made illegal sexual crimes such as rape rise. Now of course correlation does not mean causation. It's almost impossible to prove something causes another thing when it's about social behaviors because at the very least you could argue that in all those cases it's just because that culture is different from ours.
Still it is note worthy to say that crime drops whenever porn was made legal, and rose when it was made illegal.

Further the risk might not directly lead to harm of others but in Japan's case people obsessed with anime in general are usually shut-ins that literally do not leave their room for years, this is the opposite problem and this has been such a problem that it has led to birth-rates actually drastically lowering: It should be noted anime isn't the sole blame but it is commonly attributed and shut-ins usually do enjoy anime as a replacement to living.
Further despite what media might present Japan still is incredibly safe compared to places like America and Britain. While you can find individuals that say "this led me to a crime," I can also find people that said "this music led me to a crime." or. "this game made me violent."
Criminals are known to blame everything around them, except themselves.

That said the risk of porn is the risk of porn-addiction, who would've guessed it's the classic: "It's only bad when you become addicted."
When you're younger you're easily imprinted, and this isn't just to point out any applicable the malicious intent but the mere fact your mind is easily imprinted. Note all the people on twitter, bolding announcing their age is below the age of 24, proudly marking themselves with political phrases and acronyms they don't understand. There's a reason the stereotype of modern communists is now kids.

My solution is that I believe parents shouldn't let their kids on the internet at all without supervision, it robs them of experiences in the actual world and poisons their heads with fringe ideas that they don't understand at all. I remember when I was younger the expression: "Ask your parent's permission to go onto the internet." Was common. And every PSA reminded kids that the internet is fun and useful but also dangerous.
Further there was a clear divide between sites:
  • "This site is for kids" - Cartoon Network, and Roblox
    • Roblox actually made it so you couldn't communicate with anyone if you're not at least 13.
  • "This site is for teenagers." - Gaia Online, and Newgrounds.
  • "This site is for adults." - General internet forums.
Course nothing stopped a kid from going onto any forums, and it happened a lot, but the division helped separate them. Further your parents could block sites.
Now the problem is that every site is for everyone, and almost everyone has a mobile phone. You can't just block twitter anymore, and twitter literally has everything: Here's a twitter based on LEGO, here's a cute animal feed, and here's the political extremist and the rape fetish porn collection that you can view easily.
So I think the glaring issue isn't loli, isn't weird fetishes, isn't easily accessible porn it's the consequence of everything being so centralized: You take one step to the left and here's the furry pipe-line and you take one step to the right and here's the incel pipe-line.
wow that's a lotta words etc etc
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  • Dumb
Reactions: Kan
That said everything I found from academic papers, from fields such as social sciences (criminology, psychology and even philosophy), have consistently made a correlated point that whenever porn is made legal: Sexual crimes such as rape drop and whenever it's made illegal sexual crimes such as rape rise.

First of all, who the fuck would ever admit on a survey that they've raped someone? That is ridiculous on the face of it. Of course they're gonna say: "Yeah, I watch the most hardcore XXX BDSM of women being demolished every day, but no, truly, honestly, I never ever wanted to actually treat a woman the same way as I see women being treated in those movies, I swear.". Don't be fucking naive, whoever replied to that survey is lying, they're not stupid.

Furthermore, I don't know where you're getting your sex crime stats from but 1) not all sex crimes are rape - there's public exhibitionism, there's revenge porn, there's involuntary/covert photography of women and children in semi-public spaces, these are all different types of sex crimes which are completely normalized in contemporary porn, leading to more of these crimes IRL and 2) 80% of arrested child rapists were found to have CP on their computers, so there's absolutely a direct connection between watching CP of children being raped, and then going out and raping a child. The claim that people who watch porn are less likely to sexually abuse others is a total myth. Pedos watch CP and then they want to copy what they see in the CP.
First of all, who the fuck would ever admit on a survey that they've raped someone?
No one I assume, nor did I say they were surveys. I said on academic papers that study crime there been a consistently correlated point that whenever porn is made legal sexual crimes SUCH AS rape go down. And I admitted correlation does not mean causation.
My only point was that porn itself from everything I read has no direct correlation.

Will crime happen? Yes, and it should go without saying the production of illegal porn is illegal. No one is arguing that. You don't somehow make something not illegal when the act of creating it is illegal.

Here's the study I read so you can double-check everything I quote so you can double-check yourself.
This is a meta-analysis of multiple research papers.

Research regarding the effects of pornography consumption on sexually aggressive or violent behavior has been extensive and controversial over the past 40 years since the U.S. Meese Commission reviewed the issue in the 1980s. Although many arguments have been made that consuming pornography increases sexually aggressive behavior of males toward females, the results from extant studies are not conclusive regarding these negative effects. Most industrial countries have experienced large declines in rape and sexual assault while the availability and ease of access to pornography has increased over the same time period (Ferguson & Hartley, 2009). The current study conducts a meta-analysis of 59 existing correlational, experimental, and population studies examining the influence of pornography on sexual aggression.
One issue of concern regarding the current corpus of research is how cross-study heterogeneity might be due to methodological issues influencing effect sizes. In other words, it is possible that methodological shortcomings can create “noise” resulting in false positive results in some studies or perhaps false negatives in others. False positive results can cause inflated effect sizes in meta-analyses, falsely boosting confidence in the existence of an effect in the population (for discussion in the similar realm of video game violence effects, see Drummond & Sauer, 2019). For instance, significant effect sizes might disappear after controlling for important theoretically relevant third variables, but meta-analyses that rely on bivariate effects may not properly control for these. Also, effect sizes may be artificially inflated by hypothesis guessing on the part of study participants, or researchers reanalyzing data to find results that best fit their hypotheses. Finally, some research has studied the effects in samples of sex offenders which also raises the issues of time-order specification in claims of causal relationships (Beauregard et al., 2004; Kingston et al., 2008).

There have been a few prior meta-analytic studies of the relationship between pornography consumption and aggressive behavior though it is unclear the degree to which they fully provide evidence for, or against, effects. The existing meta-analytic studies find that pornography consumption increases nonsexual aggression (Allen, D’Alessio, & Brezgel, 1995) in older laboratory studies (through 1985), though effects for aggressive sexual attitudes were mixed and controversial, particularly for nonexperimental studies (Allen et al., 1995; Hald et al., 2010). A more recent meta-analysis suggested there are small effects for the relationship between pornography use and actual sexual aggression (Wright et al., 2016) in correlational and longitudinal studies. However, this meta-analysis was limited by including an atypical “correction” for measurement error which may have inflated effect sizes estimates, overreliance on bivariate correlations (as opposed to effect sizes that control for relevant third variables), and lack of consideration of how methodological issues might influence effect sizes. Thus, there are reasons to suspect that prior meta-analyses may have overestimated confidence in the existence of effects.
A third group of studies considers relationships between pornography consumption and sexual violence at the population level (e.g., Diamond et al., 2011; Gentry, 1991). In such studies, changes in the population rate of sexual crimes are associated with changes in the availability of pornography, often due to changes in the law. Cross-nationally, most (though not all) such studies suggest that pornography consumption is correlated with reductions in sexual violence. However, such data are correlational in nature, and third variables at the societal level may also be responsible for these patterns.

Research on pornography has, in the past, been generally inconsistent and often critiqued on methodological grounds (e.g., Mould, 1988). For example, experimental studies of pornography often employed control media conditions that were a poor match for pornographic media, typically being dull, not featuring humans at all, or otherwise being poorly matched. Indeed, even in older studies, some scholars suggested that excitement, rather than sexual content per se, may have driven aggression (Zillman et al., 1974). Among survey studies, demand characteristics, single-responder bias, and common method variance all may contribute to small “noise”-level correlations that, particularly in large sample studies, may detect as “statistically significant” despite bearing no relevance to true effects in the population. Indeed, a recent review of survey studies of adolescents (Peter & Valkenburg, 2016) suggested that widespread methodological shortcomings and apparent researcher biases limited the degree to which the extant research could support the existence of causal effects.
Investigations of the effects of pornography on aggressive behavior or sexual assault have produced inconsistent results. Some studies finding small statistically significant effects of pornography on aggressive behavior (Alexy et al., 2009; Burton et al., 2010; Dawson et al., 2019), and others reporting no effects (Endrass et al., 2009; Hagan et al., 2018), or even results suggesting that pornography may reduce aggressive and assaultive behavior (Diamond et al., 2011). The few previous existing meta-analytic studies are also mixed related to conclusions about a relationship between pornography consumption and aggressive behavior (Allen, D’Alessio, & Brezgel, 1995; Allen et al., 1995; Hald et al., 2010; Wright et al., 2016). Additionally, much of this research is dated, is merely correlational, and/or suffers from methodological flaws, suggesting that prior studies may have overestimated effect sizes.
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Actually further thoughts.
Why do I say there is no direct correlation?
Because it can't be DIRECTLY correlated to my perspective because when countries made porn legal it didn't lead to a surge of sexual crimes, instead seemingly sexual crimes decreased. Now can porn lead to harm? Yes. I think porn-addiction is dangerous, I think there is a legitimate point to be made that if someone is making their entire personality based around porn you should probably keep them on a list.

I am not saying extreme porn can't influence people, nor do I suggest non-violent porn should be everywhere.
My original post said this: I think the internet should be separated like it was, and I think Twitter should ban porn because it's way too easy to just stumble upon porn. I think you're right to say: "Hey, young people shouldn't see porn." Because I also think when you're young are easily impressionable, but I extend that to everything: I think they should be kept away from politics, because it has only seemingly caused depression and anxiety to rise for them.

I reject the notion that porn itself is somehow inherently this thing that has inherent risk when every study I've read has given at best minimal statistical increases of aggression. And I reject the idea that "X person said it made him like this." Because I don't buy that shit when some psychopath kills a bunch of people and says: "The music made me do it, bro"

Still if you have any recent meta-analysis to contradict this claim, please tell me. I like learning, and I don't mind being wrong.
Our meta-analytic results reveal no relationship between exposure to nonviolent pornography and sexual aggression. Population studies were the only research area that reached our effect size cutoff, and the results demonstrate at the macrolevel that increased consumption of pornography is associated with lower levels of sexually aggressive behavior. Our analytic results of the relationship between violent pornography exposure and aggressive behavior were confined to experimental and correlational studies. The meta-analytic findings from the correlational studies suggested a small mean effect size, as did the results from the experimental studies; the confidence interval for the correlational studies did not overlap zero but the one for the experimental studies did. Taken together, these results suggest that the only area to demonstrate evidence for an association regarded correlational studies of violent pornography. However, even for these, identified publication bias reduced the effect size below the level we considered as sufficient for interpretation as hypothesis supportive. Thus, current evidence for an effect for nonviolent pornography suggests an absence of identifiable effects whereas for violent pornography, the current evidence may best be considered inconclusive.

TMI: The irony of all this? I can barely watch porn because fluids gross me out, there's too much cum.
Probably not gonna be a very intelligent take as I don't have an in-depth POV on this...

.... But I hate hentai, and honestly most porn.

And not for any namby-pamby moral reason. Mostly just because its either A) too stupid or B) too gross.

Like, if hentai were just people drawing images if their favorite anime girls naked, that would be fine. Maybe naked in different scenarios--naked while climbing a cliff, naked while bathing, naked while performing workouts... I could see that working for someone.

But they always have to go too far.

"Here is a picture of Peach being raped by Bowser!" one artist says. Immediate problem--I never EVER wanted to imagine Bowser having sex. Right there, you've ruined it. And this is a shockingly recurring problem in Rule 34 areas. If you MUST show sex, draw the guy as a silllouhette or a vague, amorphous anon, that way I'm not imagining a specific character and getting squicked, or else thinking its stupid because its a situation that would never actually occur.

On that note, I honestly don't like when they exaggerate proportions. Not everyone has--or needs--monster boobs or thick legs. In general, I prefer these characters to be drawn close to how they look in the source. Which means if the source uses some stylized art, I want the artist to match it to the best of their ability... not re-interpret it in a way that makes the characters unrecognizable.

I also hate stupid poses, but that's hard to explain without a visual and I really don't feel like looking one up.

But the biggest Rule34 sin is just being gross. Just, there's usually too much detail that I DID NOT need to see visually depicted. Particularly any time bodily fluids are involved... or if the artist has certain fetishes.

Typically what happens for me is I'll sometimes be like, "I wonder why I stopped looking up Rule 34." Then I'll look some up and immediately be like "Oh, that's why." You'd think it would not be hard but... autists find a way to screw it up.
I said on academic papers that study crime there been a consistently correlated point that whenever porn is made legal sexual crimes SUCH AS rape go down. And I admitted correlation does not mean causation.
My only point was that porn itself from everything I read has no direct correlation.

"non-violent pornography does not lead to rape"? Dude, when was the last time you've encountered "non-violent pornography"? You're posting about "non-violent pornography" in a HENTAI THREAD of all places?! 99,99% of online porn nowadays is hyperviolent XXX BDSM porn where men/women are destroyed. Even so-called "lesbian feminist porn" is 99% XXX BDSM porn. There is no such thing as non-violent pornography because coomers nowadays have been watching XXX BDSM porn since they were 10-11 and they are so desensitized that they can't even come to a depiction of normal sex for the life of them.

Again, I don't know where you're getting your data from. There is literally no scientific evidence that pornography has any positive or redeeming effects on the coomer. Porn is "sexual junkfood" that destroys your mental health and that of those around you. And if you watch the XXX hyperviolent BDSM porn which is 99% of online porn nowadays, you will become a sexual sadist yourself, no matter how much you keep telling yourself that "it's just a fantasy, it's not real", it will infect your brain and turn you into a sadist:

Just from browsing the first few letters of the alphabet on that page:

Whether pornography consumption is a reliable correlate of sexually aggressive behavior continues to be debated. Meta-analyses of experimental studies have found effects on aggressive behavior and attitudes. That pornography consumption correlates with aggressive attitudes in naturalistic studies has also been found. Yet, no meta-analysis has addressed the question motivating this body of work: Is pornography consumption correlated with committing actual acts of sexual aggression? 22 studies from 7 different countries were analyzed. Consumption was associated with sexual aggression in the United States and internationally, among males and females, and in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Associations were stronger for verbal than physical sexual aggression, although both were significant. The general pattern of results suggested that violent content may be an exacerbating factor.

Wright, P. J., Tokunaga, R. S., & Kraus, A. (2016). A meta-analysis of pornography consumption and actual acts of sexual aggression in general population studies. Journal of Communication, 66(1), 183–205. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcom.12201

A meta-analysis of 46 published studies was undertaken to determine the effects of pornography on sexual deviancy, sexual perpetration, attitudes regarding intimate relationships, and attitudes regarding the rape myth. Most of the studies were done in the United States (39; 85%) and ranged in date from 1962 to 1995, with 35% (n=16) published between 1990 and 1995, and 33% (n=15) between 1978 and 1983. A total sample size of 12,323 people comprised the present meta-analysis. Effect sizes (ḏ) were computed on each of the dependent variables for studies which were published in an academic journal, had a total sample size of 12 or greater, and included a contrast or comparison group. Average unweighted and weighted ḏ’s for sexual deviancy (.68 and .65), sexual perpetration (.67 and .46), intimate relationships (.83 and .40), and the rape myth (.74 and .64) provide clear evidence confirming the link between increased risk for negative development when exposed to pornography. These results suggest that the research in this area can move beyond the question of whether pornography has an influence on violence and family functioning. Various potentially moderating variables such as gender, socioeconomic status (SES), number of incidents of exposure, relationship of person who introduced pornography to the participant, degree of explicitness, subject of pornography, pornographic medium, and definition of pornography were assessed for each of the studies. The results are discussed in terms of the quality of the pornography research available and the subsequent limitations inherent in the present meta-analysis.

Oddone-Paolucci, E., Genuis, M., & Violato, C. (2000). A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of pornography. In C. Violato, E. Oddone-Paolucci, & M. Genuis (Eds.), The changing family and child development (pp. 48–59). Ashgate Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315201702

This longitudinal research shows that exposure to porn makes coomers more promiscuous (read: willing to engage in risky sexual behaviour) and less likely to commit:
Much of the research on pornography and sexually permissive attitudes has been cross-sectional, has assessed only straightforward exposure–attitude correlations, has focused on adolescents, or has been conducted outside of the United States. This study employed nationally representative, longitudinal data gathered from adults in the United States to redress these gaps in the literature. After controlling for earlier sexual permissiveness and a number of other potential confounds, a positive prospective association between pornography exposure and subsequent sexual permissiveness was found. Furthermore, in alignment with the 3AM model of media sexual socialization, this association was moderated by participants’ preexisting liberal–conservative ideology.

Wright, P. J. (2013). A three-wave longitudinal analysis of preexisting beliefs, exposure to pornography, and attitude change. Communication Reports, 26(1), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/08934215.2013.773053

A recurring racist theme on KF is that blacks and other POC are predatory rapists and are therfore inherently a danger to white women. This research shows that early exposure to porn is part of that, combined with peer pressure and drug abuse:

This cross-sectional study was designed to characterize the pornography viewing preferences of a sample of U.S.-based, urban-residing, economically disadvantaged, primarily Black and Hispanic youth (n = 72), and to assess whether pornography use was associated with experiences of adolescent dating abuse (ADA) victimization. The sample was recruited from a large, urban, safety net hospital, and participants were 53% female, 59% Black, 19% Hispanic, 14% Other race, 6% White, and 1% Native American. All were 16–17 years old. More than half (51%) had been asked to watch pornography together by a dating or sexual partner, and 44% had been asked to do something sexual that a partner saw in pornography. Adolescent dating abuse (ADA) victimization was associated with more frequent pornography use, viewing pornography in the company of others, being asked to perform a sexual act that a partner first saw in pornography, and watching pornography during or after marijuana use. Approximately 50% of ADA victims and 32% of non-victims reported that they had been asked to do a sexual act that their partner saw in pornography (p = 0.15), and 58% did not feel happy to have been asked. Results suggest that weekly pornography use among underage, urban-residing youth may be common, and may be associated with ADA victimization.

Emily, F. R., & Avanti, A. (2015). Adolescent pornography use and dating violence among a sample of primarily Black and Hispanic, urban-residing, underage youth. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/bs6010001

This research suggests that the supposedly Christian and morally conservative Heartland of the US is actually up to it's nose in porn, so white women in the US are also likely to get raped by white rural men:

Many rural parts of the United States are now “pornified.” There is growing quantitative evidence revealing that rural women are at higher risk of being victimized by intimate violence than their urban and suburban counterparts. In-depth interviews with 55 rural southeast Ohio women who wanted to leave, were trying to leave, or were in the process of leaving, or who have left their male marital/cohabiting partners reveal that pornography is a major component of the problem of rural woman abuse. The main objective of this article is twofold: (a) to present the results of our qualitative study, and (b) to suggest future directions in theoretical and empirical work.

DeKeseredy, W. S., & Hall-Sanchez, A. (2017). Adult pornography and violence against women in the heartland: Results from a rural Southeast Ohio study. Violence against women, 23(7), 830–849. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801216648795

Moral of the story: it doesn't matter where you look, amongst black urban youth or amongst white hicks in the Heartland, everywhere where there's porn there's an increase of sex crimes.
Thank you for providing data points, I hope it doesn't come across like I'm trying to attack you.
I simply have a disagreement based on the knowledge I perceive, still I like learning. If I'm wrong I don't mind admitting that.
I'm reading each journal you list now in case I missed anything. It'll take me a week because I'm busy.

I will note some of the papers you listed were in my source as well, so I'll skip those because I read them.
Please note my source does list other sources that support both your claim, and mine. It is a meta-analysis of 59 studies.

Still if we're getting into crime statistics.
South Korea is seemingly experiencing more rape. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/profiles/South-Korea/Crime

While Japan and America is seemingly seeing a decline in rape.

Though I have to concede that Germany's crime rate is rising.
(I'm sure you can argue it's because of their immigration policies, but I don't know that.)
Again, this isn't just about "reducing rape". There are more sex crimes than just rape-rape. If a husband secretly films his wife/daughter under the shower without them knowing and then posts those videos on the internet, that too is a sex crime. He might not have laid a finger on his wife and daughter but he has violated their privacy, just because he wanted to LARP as a porn producer on the internet. You shouldn't ignore these other kinds of "contactless" sex crimes just because they aren't rape-rape.
Again, this isn't just about "reducing rape". There are more sex crimes than just rape-rape. If a husband secretly films his wife/daughter under the shower without them knowing and then posts those videos on the internet, that too is a sex crime. He might not have laid a finger on his wife and daughter but he has violated their privacy, just because he wanted to LARP as a porn producer on the internet. You shouldn't ignore these other kinds of "contactless" sex crimes just because they aren't rape-rape.
I don't ignore those crimes, and filming anyone against their privacy is something I disagree with and hope doesn't happen.
It's one of the few things I actually get heated about: I think privacy is a human right, and invading someone's privacy is fucked up.
Of course broadly there are limits to privacy but I believe at the very least everyone should have the feeling of safety to be unguarded in their own home. So in your hypothetical that father is undoubtedly fucked in the head, and I hope he spend the rest of his life in jail.

Still I fully admit I don't know how, or where, I'd even begin to analysis specific crimes like that.

Anyways your post made me realize something.
I think I misread what your initial point was, and for that I apologize. I don't think we're really disagreeing actually; it's just where we place the start-line and how ideally you combat it. For clarity: I think that type of behavior occurs after someone becomes porn-addicted, not just because they watch porn. And that's what I was arguing.

It's like I don't really place judgement on people who read punisher, or have fantasies of being some murder-happy vigilante, thinking they'll become a shooter solely because of those facts because I feel like it make me a hypocrite because I don't judge my childhood friend whom used to pull the wings off insects: And to my knowledge he is not a serial killer now, I hope.