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Liquid Chris returns?

Jon Ossoff

Registered Member
Some guy claiming to be the TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler, creator of Sonichu and Rosechu, has appeared on YouTube.

Notably, he uses the same CChanSonichuCWC channel name as Liquid Chris from the classic era. The videos themselves also heavily reference “classic Liquid”, such as by referring to Solid Chris as “Ian Brandon Anderson”, using a very similar voice impression, and constantly using the “Claw of Fail”.

This, of course, begs the question as to whether this is a genuine return of Dr Christopher Duckworth, the classic Liquid Chris, or whether it’s some new guy impersonating an impersonator.

DawnDusk/Sallow Dawn has made a video on him in which he states some reasons for his belief that it is the original: comparing to a recent picture of him, he identified similar noses, a similar hairline, a similar rounded face shape, similar shaped stubble to his goatee, looking the right age, and the similar voice. He dismisses appearance changes (such as thinner hair or a fatter face) as aging. Others also identify similar facial movements or similar moles.

On the contrary, others have expressed reasons for believing this is an impersonator. These seem to include differences in appearance (weight gain, hair thinning, etc.), but also in more subtle aspects such as apparently lacking moles that the original Liquid had, or having different ears. Others have also stated the voice and mannerisms do not seem exactly the same. Some doubt that one of the most respected trolls would want to return given the current circumstances (CWC in jail for incest) and risk sullying his own name by association, especially since he is a doctor.

Some have suggested this is Christopher’s twin, Jon Duckworth, aka SimplySpoons, who also played Liquid during the Singstar Challenge (probably due to his greater skill at music). However, relatively recent YouTube videos suggest Jon has remained thinner and younger-looking than his twin, which is even further removed from the fatter and older-looking Liquid Chris we have been presented with.

One final consideration is that many people have noted that this new Liquid does not seem to have much new material on Chris. He only made passing mentions (if mentioned at all) of Solid Chris being in jail for incest or being transgender, while reiterating much of the classic Liquid’s material, such as Kacey and writing new Sonichu comics. This could potentially be used to support either argument - a new troll is trying to seem more like the classic one, or the same troll has returned on a whim without coming up with much new stuff.
From my guess, I'm not really sure about this since it looks like Duckworth has fully committed to his work in the medical field in Winston-Salem (his info is publicly available online). Though, if this is really him returning, I have no clue if this will hinder his medical work.
From my guess, I'm not really sure about this since it looks like Duckworth has fully committed to his work in the medical field in Winston-Salem (his info is publicly available online). Though, if this is really him returning, I have no clue if this will hinder his medical work.
This is not Duckworth, but I will admit this guy is one hell of an actor.
It’s well known that he eventually married the troll who portrayed Kacey. I don’t know if they’re still married because the last time I heard he was fed up with her McFlurry addiction. She doesn’t have a drivers license, so she would make Liquid take her to McDonald’s at random times of the day to satiate her cravings. This included the early morning hours which was starting to erode his performance at work due to a poor sleep schedule.
It’s well known that he eventually married the troll who portrayed Kacey. I don’t know if they’re still married because the last time I heard he was fed up with her McFlurry addiction. She doesn’t have a drivers license, so she would make Liquid take her to McDonald’s at random times of the day to satiate her cravings. This included the early morning hours which was starting to erode his performance at work due to a poor sleep schedule.
Bruh. It's actually hilarious that these trolls actually got married. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Kacey (Siana) is still at it with the trolling.
I have seen a liquid Chris in Music Biz Marty streams trolling Cyraxx. I don’t think it’s the same guy but his liquid Chris voice is spot on.