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  • Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
OTOH Josh also has said he never learned any language besides english so his options for women are extremely limited, the fact that our last photos of null are from almost a decade ago is pretty sus as well. a 250 pound 5'9 white guy who only speaks english isn't exactly a catch besides for his US citizenship and we all know how little he likes the US.
Not necessarily, Eastern Yoyopeans under the age of 30 tend to speak English good, especially those who are plugged in to social media. They still wouldn't see a bumbling monologuist as their equal, you'd be more of a helpless, furry animal with the ability to shit money.
After cringeposting a year or two ago about not wanting to "fight" for free speech and not finding it worthwhile anymore he's now retaken that mantle, but only because he's run out of options to get people to give a shit about his dead nigger website. More people don't defend brokedick farms publicly, actual people who matter and not cartoon jpeg youtube channels, because it's not worth defending, is indefensible, and has become a toxic brand under Josh's leadership. "Internet free speech is dead if the public dox repository of my enemies is off the clearnet."

Weird how there's so many "terroristic threats" being purported to all these ISPs Josh works with, but none of them he can actually show you.
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This dood think he can make a difference smh.

King of the retards has declared an all out war

I click on link

More or less the same he's super serious guys bother your isps so you to can become blacklisted and on a watchlist
>unspecified AUP violations

"Users will not use the Services to transmit, distribute or store material that Lumen reasonably determines is inappropriate, obscene, indecent, defamatory, libelous, tortious, threatening, abusive, hateful, or excessively violent. Users will also not use the Services to host terrorist-related web sites, including sites that advocate human violence and hate crimes based upon religion, ethnicity, or country of origin."
It is truly a mystery 🥴

He knows exactly which AUP violations he could have been breaking and chooses to not tell his ignorant audience because he knows they will mindlessly screenshot and share his message.
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>Null openly and spitefully does the opposite of whatever kiwifarm users demand he do

>Null tells kiwifarm users to start telling the CEO of ISPs to start making demands

>site suddenly starts getting fucked with and blocked/dropped from ISPs on an unbelievable scale

really makes you think. I think collectively we'd all have more sympathy for null if he wasn't such an asshole. the two biggest things that happened to null this month is this and dealing with the Reikta fallout, and honesty i call it karma he openly treats his users with scorn for focusing on literally the biggest story out of this sector since the Kanye shit died down and he's angry as shit about it.

Which i find fucking odd, its not like he has a family or loved ones to be with this christmas he should be all over that story because it can keep his mind off of his own lonelyness
After cringeposting a year or two ago about not wanting to "fight" for free speech and not finding it worthwhile anymore he's now retaken that mantle, but only because he's run out of options to get people to give a shit about his dead nigger website.
Here's Josh's thoughts on internet free speech in 2020 where he stated he doesn't care anymore.
I do not consider fighting for “free speech” in and of itself noble or worthwhile. Fuck it.

If there’s anything I’ve seen in my time here, it is how universally despised my ideology has become. What people truly want is not freedom, they want consistency and convenience. The average person wants today to be like yesterday, and tomorrow to be like today. They do not want a radical website plastering their names and photos all over the place and making fun of them for being shiteaters. Why does my relatively small forum attract an inordinate amount of hate? It inconveniences people.

The Kiwi Farms is not the thing I host that gets the most negative attention. After starting my hosting company and selling services, I’ve received only about a dozen customers. This is to be expected because my VPSs aren’t really the best, or most affordable. They are simply complaint resistant, so the sites I do get have high complaint volumes.

The site I get the most complaints about is an archive site. There is a Russian Craigslist that this website archives. I receive emails every day about this site. I get complaints via email, via Cloudflare, via tickets on my hosting service, directly through the RIR I lease my IPs from, I have people who have put my phone number on Craigslist pretending to sell things I don’t own as “revenge” for hosting this site.

Though this site has no ideas. It is not a publication. It is not some Nazi front – and indeed the sites I host with extremist ideology get far less attention – it is just a fucking archive. It just happens to have a lot of information and phone numbers people want gone and which it does not take down.

Minor convenience is far more important to people than freedom of speech.

That was the big epiphany I got to enjoy after Trump threatened Section 230. The sheer number of people I saw who have ardently enjoyed this site as a platform to be pro-Trump on, when few others afford that liberty, suddenly turn against it was shocking. It became abundantly clear that almost every single user who joined in 2019 and 2020 would gladly throw this site and everything I have ever done under the bus if it meant ‘getting back’ at Silicon Valley. If they got to call Obama a nigger on Twitter, it would be worth it to them.

This complements realizations I have made over the years regarding personal investment. The forum has fifty-thousand users, with over seven thousand logging in every day, but it is I alone who deals with the consequence. When things do get hard, people simply leave. I have seen so many people come over the years, I don’t get to know them anymore. After the hack in September, I barely recognize anyone.

Simply put, no one would ever stick their neck out for me as much as I have stuck my neck out for everyone.

While donations are on an upward trend, and Dick Masterson in particular has taken on an unbelievable burden of trying to enable me to make money through my podcast, what I do earn – even with this help – is incredibly inconsistent and not the kind of financial arrangement I can move forward in life with.

I’ve decided that generosity at personal expense is a mental disorder. I must start being selfish.
What's changed between now and then? He needs to trick people into caring about his dead nigger website and rallying around "free speech" is the only means of accomplishing this because his website is indefensible.
Josh: Omg guys we just lost another ISP to host the site with! NOOOOOOO!!! THE TRANNIES CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!! PRACTICE OPSEC FARMERS!!!

Also Josh: Here let me tell you exactly where the site is being hosted and who to talk to about it. Btw here’s their contact info and the name of the company they work for too to prove im legit. *pins said info to the top of the homepage*

The unending retardation and duality of this lolcow.
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>lolcow Ethan Ralph starts fights with Julian
>> "lol what a retard"
>pedophile-enabler Daniel Stevens starts fights with Julian
>> "lol what a retard"
>Josh starts fights with various ISPs and sends his minions to harass them
>> "ah, yes. the last protector of free speech"
Josh why not start a forum about Banana Peppers? Who knows what kind of drama could emerge out of this?
Can't wait to see this pop up with Null bitching and moaning about the advice he fails to take. I got more noticed by users of Kiwi when i joined the splinters and used the same username. Despite being a semi active user for about a year on Kiwi before i joined any of the splinters. It just goes to show how much they pay attention to us and they also have alt accounts on here and aren't active just to keep a eye on alternative takes.

I don't like the state Kiwi Farms is in Josh if he had any clue how to run a site would be doing a better job at dealing with ddos attacks and many other cyber attacks. If 4chan and ED and this site along with the other alt sites i never heard of can stay up then so can Kiwi.

But then again if Josh was competent he wouldn't have the sympy of Cancerman.
You should host it for Josh since he can't be trusted to not fuck it up.
I'm thinking of inviting him to my Discord server so he can have a alternate way of talking to people of both Kiwi and all of the alts. Since i know you read everything about you Josh. Here is a open invitation to him and all of Kiwi and the alts all are welcome and the only rule is no CP.