• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh has confirmed on MATI that this will be the final attempt to bring back KF on clear net and that he will not run it on Tor only. If it's not possible for it to remain up on clear net, he will release the torrent.
Huh, so he really is caving in? I'm not totally shocked after the onslaught after onslaught of fuckery the farms has been subject to. Ahh well, thems the breaks.
It will be interesting to see how many people pick up the torrent and set up clones. Even Josh himself could do that.
True, though I dunno how successful they'd be. The rise of KF is lightning in a bottle imo. It's gonna be real hard to emulate anything like it that will be as huge.
The best case scenario I see for KF is just going decentralized like Mastodon or Pleroma and the worst case scenario...well, it's gonna look like the poem "Ozymandias".
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True, though I dunno how successful they'd be. The rise of KF is lightning in a bottle imo. It's gonna be real hard to emulate anything like it that will be as huge.
Oh, for sure. But multiple, smaller sites won't necessarily be a negative thing in terms of keeping the KF data online. Not everyone is going to need it to be an income generator.
Oh, for sure. But multiple, smaller sites won't necessarily be a negative thing in terms of keeping the KF data online. Not everyone is going to need it to be an income generator.
Well, it'll probably affect Null the most in the end, since this site is really the only reason people know about the dude and support him for anything. Unless MATI is like...a separate thing from KF.
It will be interesting to see how many people pick up the torrent and set up clones. Even Josh himself could do that.
True, though I dunno how successful they'd be. The rise of KF is lightning in a bottle imo. It's gonna be real hard to emulate anything like it that will be as huge.
The best case scenario I see for KF is just going decentralized like Mastodon or Pleroma and the worst case scenario...well, it's gonna look like the poem "Ozymandias".
You KF rapefugees keep saying shit like this. Dude. We're right here.
We shall control the lolcows!
Knowing Josh this is probably a narc move to attract attention to his cause and really squeeze out the donos from whales. Essentially hot a "closing down" sale. He is an absolute idiot time over fucking time people keep saying "stop showing your hand". There is a future where places like deathdats and internet famous can exist in their own space.

The site is too bulky anyway and the option to host sections is the best case.
Literally, true.

KF user when they post an altered image that puts the subject in a bad light:
"Based lmao"
KF user when onions post an altered image that puts the subject in a bad light:
"Yikes, sweetie. You're really affecting your site's credibility with schizoposting like that. Like, I can't even!"
That's cute, NPC thinks he's not an NPC because he's not autistic.
Pathetic worm.

Josh has confirmed on MATI that this will be the final attempt to bring back KF on clear net and that he will not run it on Tor only. If it's not possible for it to remain up on clear net, he will release the torrent.
Where? His youtube sockpuppet and odysee account have no new episodes since last week.
This is amazing.
The rare times that I listen to MATI as background noise I keep a small sheet of paper close to me to take notes and timestamps of the few actually funny moments, most of the time, I don't bother to post anything of it, since I'm aware that most of you don't share my sense of humor.
This is the exception, the sheet is full, this shit is even more packed with hilarity than his Metokur Cope & Seethe Stream.

I'm only 15 minutes in and it's only getting better.
Thus far:

  • He was working hard at betatesting Vicky III, to please his National Socialist fans he talks about Germans in a game in which Germany isn't a thing for most of it, his absolutely knowledge of history :story:
  • Lies about DDOS protection providers never dropping anyone without a warning
  • Seethes about Berkely SJWs.
  • Depth-throats his Ukranian host, I expect him to flip flop on this in 2-3 weeks time.
  • At 8:00. Complaining about tranny dick pozzing his neghole blacking his whitehole
  • At 9:45. Schizoposting about the cabal.
  • "They didn't point to an specific page" :story:
  • Talks about the leaked email
  • "I cannot legally force them to do their job" Yes? Random.txt department?
  • "It's like with banking *proceeds to talk about cashing and mailing checks*" Is this a Classic Josh Moments 100% Speedrun? :thinking:
  • Talks about collaborating with Starlink "If Elon Musk wants to host the Kiwifarms and that's an option" lol
  • At 14:40. "all of this because they think you're not adut enough, simple as it gets" What an accurate representation of the situation :story: