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Failed Bloodsport Cow - Ray Lazarus/Covenant Lazarus (Rewrite)

Walker Burgess

Registered Member
You might like this.PNG

Salt Level: 8/10 - No spittle yet.
Cringe Level : 10/10 - Failed Gamer Youtuber
Fighting Estimate: 2/10

Overall Score: Low Tier Lolcow

Youtube Channel -

Second Youtube Channel -

Notable Videos -->

Good Evening Fair Onion Farmers. Tonight I bring you a rewrite of a thread that was written by OF's own lovely @Reborn Rose a few days ago, and was subsequently taken down earlier today by this psychotic nigger and his sycophants. Ray Lazarus/Eric Lazarus is a failed bloodsport YouTuber who's been making the rounds in recent months attempting to call out Sallow Dawn, a.k.a DawnDusk from Kiwi Farms for a 1v1 showdown. He caught Rose's attention through me, because one of said sycophants decided to try to bug me for personal information on Dawn, based on what happened in the Burn Book logs. This guy's unhinged, and the people who claim association to him are no better off. Just look at him. He looks like a gayer version of Cyrus from TPB (who the fuck knew that was possible, you Fonzi wannabe motherfucker):

Weak Faggot.png

Unphased and unaware the "man" stares into the camera and lectures us all about the importance of taking fighting matches seriously on the internet and not just a way to make others look bad. The man gets so angry that at times he comes across as a Karen who's child had been righteously slapped by an old grandma for being too much of a little shit in the store. A petulant child Lazarus preaches that Dawn hides behinds their games and their computer and they are probably right but why the FUCK does Dawn have to fight you? A loser who no doubt will come here to argue with me, Rose and anyone under the sun in this very thread after hearing about it. You are a little faggot bitch and we all know who the fuck you are. You're scared of me. Give me your email and phone number below and I just might fight you but only if Naught is allowed to be the ring girl. They need further validation.

"@Sallow Dawn Cut the fairy tales and the act. Quit making fake accounts with people in Discord to try and pass your selves off as me. If you wanna play this game, show up. Let's see what happens then. Also quit letting your viewers get in your head about the whole thing. If they had actual common sense, they'd know what I'm saying is reality. This is 1 on 1, not some circus act. We doing it or not?"

Oh, we're doing it, Ray. And we're doing it right this time, motherfucker. See, Ray likes to play the "Self contained, self reliant man", but in reality he relies on the skills of mentally ill, psychotically inclined groupie fan fuckboys to do his bidding. He likes to pretend he's actually Fonzi, but he operates more like Cyrus. More on that in a moment.

In the other video of note he comes on with another cringey shirt, this time Hawaiin style and fags up the screen with his stream of consciousness rambling, this delusional man thinks to take fights online seriously but his worst crime is thinking he could somehow win. He claims that there are fake discords acting like him but we all know this man is clearly socking on accounts. He claims that he knows he has one and that's because he infiltrated Dawn's discord group around the same time that these videos went up. He thinks he can hide on anonymity when he has his pale skeletal body flailing around in impotent rage on the camera.

This one is set to moo folks and he is set to moo hard, he's out for blood and he refuses to go silent you idiots. His IQ, huh, what, what friend of that was yours? If you think you can do anything to him or anybody, hes about to show you up. It will be very weird and you will not like it. What do we want him to do? What do we want from him farmers? He obviously would fall to even the weakest of us in the ring, so should we even worry about someone like him?

Is this all a big game to us?

No. This is clearly serious business and this man desires to hunt down the blood of anyone who would talk shit about his idol Low Tier God who is also a failed gaming and bloodsport youtuber. Ya'know what they say Ricky....

Let's see how long Ray Lazarus slides down the shit rope before he will accept and pay for a full, no bars, legally sanctioned bloodmatch between me and him. It will be set on a hockey arena, and the only way to get in will be Chris-Chan Silver Coins. Now that I'm done partially quoting Rose for her fantastic writing in the original, let's get down to what we're really here for, shall we?

Three days ago, Dawn ghosted me. I couldn't figure out why for the life of me until bigP, a former member of Dawn's Discord server, reached out asking me first for money, and second for information. See, I was the Icthultu that got an entire channel dedicated to them in the Burn Book Discord server logs. I got burned pretty badly, by Dawn no less. And bigP knew this. bigP was actually an associate of Ray Lazarus, someone looking to find Dawn's weak spots through most underhanded tactics:
More evidence.PNG
Discord Info:
UID: 527951237224595496

Initially I'd wanted no part in this. Despite what happened in the Burn Book logs, that was months ago, and I don't personally believe in holding a vendetta or a grudge for something now when the damage has already been done. But upon request from Dawn, I began acting as a double agent, and I told bigP I was ready to wreak some havoc on our Simian friend. The next day I was invited to his personal Discord suck-&-fuck, named after a Spider-Man supervillain squad:

Upon joining said suck-&-fuck, I found out two things - A. This man is a retard who has no idea what the fuck he's doing, and B. This man apparently cannot count for shit:
Four doesn't equal Six.PNG

I will not be dropping the Discord information of the other two, as after having been made as a double agent I was effectively capable of talking these two down from their position, and into reconsidering talking to Dawn up front, and telling him what's been going on. If you can be redeemed, I see no point in trying to royally fuck you. For three days bigP worked on trying to find a hacker, believing me to be able to vet them based on my past in a hacker collective. My past, simply put, was archiving. That's it. I'm no hacker. I don't understand code. I barely know how to format (Sorry to the mod who may have to clean this up). And I told him as much, but he still thought I'd be good to vet a hacker. And it took him three days to find one. In that time he expected me to do some menial bullshit such as going through logs with Dawn to find sensitive information. All I did, realistically, was link them the Burn Book logs. They're public but this retard completely lacked the wherewithal to keep track of people close to Dawn, which is why I doubt he had any clue of what he was actually doing.

Anywhore, this morning, he finally succeeded in finding his hacker. Didn't have me vet him, but what he did do is give the guy all three of our Discord information. His hacker proceeded to obtain my hardware ID from the Discord database, and screengrabbed the contents of my PC, so I got made. I made a quick getaway and attempted to update the original thread @Reborn Rose put up a few days ago. Lo-and-behold it ended up actually getting deleted an hour or so later. Turns out "someone" exploited a vulnerability in Rose's email address, logged into her account and deleted the thread. One can only assume my info dump pissed someone off. All the more reason to redo it and re-upload it with a bit more backing information. At the bottom of this thread will be mine and bigP's personal DM logs, as well as the server logs. So hey, Ray, what was that about this all being 1v1? Hypocritical nigger. Enjoy the fruits you've sewn, bitch.

I made a quick getaway and attempted to update the original thread @Reborn Rose put up a few days ago. Lo-and-behold it ended up actually getting deleted an hour or so later. Turns out "someone" exploited a vulnerability in Rose's email address, logged into her account and deleted the thread. One can only assume my info dump pissed someone off.

I've got nothing to add to the thread since I have only heard about this Ray Lazarus person in passing, but regarding the @Reborn Rose email hack thing: We also had an issue with the hosting server that resulted in losing over a week of posts recently. I don't remember the timing of this original post, but that could have affected it as well.
I've got nothing to add to the thread since I have only heard about this Ray Lazarus person in passing, but regarding the @Reborn Rose email hack thing: We also had an issue with the hosting server that resulted in losing over a week of posts recently. I don't remember the timing of this original post, but that could have affected it as well.
Entirely possible, but difficult to pin with the timing as the thread was deleted literally yesterday, just after I updated it with the bigP and Sinister Shit logs. @Reborn Rose Also confirms having received a suspicious email and disregarding it as anything more than basic trollery, as well as an unknown IP logging her account shortly afterwards.
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Entirely possible, but difficult to pin with the timing as the thread was deleted literally yesterday, just after I updated it with the bigP and Sinister Shit logs. @Reborn Rose Also confirms having received a suspicious email and disregarding it as anything more than basic trollery, as well as an unknown IP logging her account shortly afterwards:
View attachment 11259
Werent you supposed to be in this fabled red sec as an archivist?
Yeah, I still suck at dealing with people. And I also explained I wasn't a hacker and I didn't understand half the shit involved in it.

Edit: I've taken down the screenshot as I can see I've touched a nerve where I wasn't intending to and most certainly shouldn't have.
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