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Christory CWC's Trial Starts Today

Did I do this incorrectly or what?

November Court Date.jpg
You know it's current year when we get a more believable prediction of what will happen to Chris from a tarot reading than from a bunch of KF CWC subforum spergs or Reddit weens.

Not to get TOO much into navel-gazing in this thread, but Chris and Barb may have gravitated toward each other because aside from living in the same house and being codependent, they are also victims of their own hubris, they both have been shunned from various groups (Barb from most of her family, Chris from THe GAMe PLACe/several cons/several online and offline communities), and they both exhibit obvious traits of narcissism. It remains to be seen how the court will handle the current situation between the two, depending on how today's discussion about the psychological evaluation goes, but certain past events have led up to this moment with Chris, and the fault rests equally with Chris's terrible decision-making and the endless stream of weens, trolls, white knights, enablers, and so forth - especially everyone who showed up from Idea Guys onward.

Perhaps the polarity of the situation is about to be reversed and Barb will be indicted on incest charges for taking advantage of her clearly mentally gone son.

Frankly I'd love if this was the people simply trying to defend a wicked woman from a fool. It would be fitting and reflecting of events prior.

I don't think the state would go as far as to throw Barb under the bus for it, especially given her advanced age and health status, but if she did take advantage of Chris and got in trouble for it, that would send some shock waves through the CWC community for sure.

An extremely optimistic viewing of this is that Christine will admit they are not God and get some actual help and get rehabilitated into at least accepting their own truth and not acting so crazy for the whole world to see.​

The corrections system can't protect Chris from everything, and Chris will glom onto whatever is easiest for Chris to introduce into the head canon as it has existed post-Idea Guys, so unfortunately, I don't see this happening, much as it would be the best for Chris to give up these delusions. Delusions practically define Chris at this point, and enablers will be sought to keep them in place come whatever may.

It was just mentioned on Reddit that someone tried going there but were turned away by security and the clerk of court. They are having a hearing on the psychological evaluation and it is closed to the public.

Good for them turning away weens and other trash. No one wants a serious hearing with equally serious implications being interrupted by someone shouting "JULAY!" or telling Chris to commit suicide in CWCville. Some of those people are not above doing that.

Well then, my next wonder is if the worst 'trolls' will be looked into for influencing a nigh defenseless weirdo. Could end up seeing charges on the idea guys if the demands were harmful.

A lot of times, CWC observers argue that Chris would be the same way and would do the same things even if it weren't for troll/ween intervention. However, it can also be argued that they certainly aren't helping the situation, and let's not forget that Chris had IRL trolls even as far back as high school and early adult life, even before he met Megan, Lucas, Mimms, or anyone else who was around at THe GAMe PLACe when Chris first got discovered by the internet.